Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2297 Investigation

Chapter 2297 Investigation
Yi Haoran was taken to the county police station—the original Cangwu county government office and temporarily detained.He is under "preventive arrest" and has no clear charges, so he will not be interrogated.The police sent him directly to the class room and went to sell the job.

He was not the only one in the class. In order to ensure the arrival of the grain fleet, Zheng Ergen carried out a preventive arrest in Wuzhou according to Xie Erren's instructions, and arrested many "possibly threatening" people of all kinds.Naturally, the gourd monk broke the gourd case indiscriminately.

Yi Haoran saw that the classroom was full of various people who had been arrested for unknown reasons, and he felt a little settled in his mind: it is true that the gangster has become suspicious of him.But looking at this situation, he doesn't take himself too seriously, which means that he is still safe at the moment, but his activities are restricted.

Yi Haoran doesn't care about his personal safety.He has long put life and death aside.Even the big event in Wuzhou tonight will not affect it, and all the arrangements that should be done have been made.Originally, he was just sitting in the store, waiting for dawn to verify the results of the battle.

When his thoughts turned here, he stopped thinking about it, found a corner and sat down against the wall, closed his eyes and meditated.

Sending Zheng Ergen away to arrest people, Zhao Fengtian still felt uneasy. There must be an explanation for the mysterious disappearance of the foreign transfer letter.What if there is an inner ghost lurking beside the chief?
Thinking of this, he immediately thought of Cai Lan.Chief Xie has been spending the night with her recently, reviewing official documents, and she is one of the people most likely to have access to official documents.And her suspicious parentage...

Thinking of this, Zhao Fengtian couldn't sit still anymore.He decided to go to Xie Erren first, report the situation, and then make a decision - after all, this matter involves the people around the chief.

However, he immediately backed down again. This matter, whether it was related to Cai Lan or not, was a great embarrassment for Chief Xie.It's hard to say what the Chief Executive's reaction will be.In case Cai Lan had nothing to do with this matter, Chief Xie vented his anger, and he was afraid that there would be no good fruit for him.

Thinking of this, he decided to investigate quietly for the time being.He called all the Guihuamin staff in Xie Erren's office and who were in charge of sending and receiving documents, and asked them carefully one by one to make sure that there was nothing wrong in every link.

Now, I can only go to his office to look for it, maybe it is lost somewhere.

Zhao Fengtian sent someone to quietly find Xie Erren's security secretary and inquire about Xie Erren's current movements.

"Chief Xie is currently in his office over there. He has already informed that he will not return to the Third President's Mansion tonight." The security secretary said, "He will be at the headquarters."

"What about Cai Lan now?"

"Nothing different."

"Come on, you accompany me to be a witness. Let's go to the Third President's Mansion together and inspect the office of Chief Xie."

The security secretary was a little surprised and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I won't hide it from you." Zhao Fengfeng explained the disappearance of the transfer letter and his own suspicions in detail. "This matter is of great importance. There is no definite evidence. It is inconvenient to draw conclusions, and it is not appropriate to report to the chief."

"I see." The security secretary also realized that the matter was a little serious this time, "I'll accompany you there!" He added, "It's best if nothing happens!"

"I hope so too." Zhao Fengtian said so, but he didn't hold much hope in his heart.Xie Erren's office is cleaned every day, and there is also a system for sending and receiving documents. It is impossible for documents to be left behind in the office.

If there is no document, he can only report to Chief Xie.

Zhao Fengfeng and the security secretary went to the Sanzong Mansion, and searched the office for a long time after unlocking it. All the documents left in the entire office were reviewed according to the register.Only this transfer letter was nowhere to be found.

If the transfer letter was not lost, the only possibility is that it was received in the confidential box of Ji Erren.This secret box is kept by his confidential staff, and it contains high-level secret documents-but this possibility is extremely slim.

Losing documents is a big deal anyway, let alone a very important transfer letter.This matter must be reported to Chief Xie immediately - he cannot afford this responsibility.

After hearing Zhao Fengfeng's report, Xie Youren's face suddenly became very ugly.It took a long time before he asked, "Do you have any strong evidence?"

"At present we have no evidence, but according to the level of sending and receiving of official documents, it was indeed lost in the office of the three presidents." Zhao Fengfeng said.

Xie Erren's head was buzzing.Kumon has no feet and cannot walk.The only possibility is that someone took it away.In the office of the Third President, Cai Lan was the only one who could quietly remove the documents.

Of course, if we insist on expanding the scope of suspects, the servants who served Cai Lan, the confidential personnel who can enter and leave the office... there are four or five people who are also suspected, but at this moment, Xie Erren's intuition told him: Take it away. The file is Cai Lan!

A strong bitter taste instantly reverberated in his mouth, making Xie Erren recall the feeling when he found out that the female classmate he had been chasing for a long time actually had a boyfriend in middle school.The brain went blank for an instant.

Zhao Fengtian saw that Erren's face turned pale instantly, and he knew something was wrong, so he hurriedly said: "Chief! Chief!"

He called repeatedly, only then did Xie Erren regain his senses.I just felt my heart beating wildly, and my whole body was weak.To be honest, he doesn't have much love for Cai Lan, but he thinks he has put his heart and kindness into Cai Lan.I should be able to get all the body and mind of this humble little girl, but I didn't expect her to be playing tricks behind her back!

A burst of rage welled up in his heart. If he was just an ordinary middle school student in the past and could only "forget it", then now, he is a party member who holds the power of countless lives and lives!Whoever wants to live can live, and whoever wants to die must die.If Cai Lan is betrayed, she will be better off than dead!
Zhao Fengtian saw that his complexion turned pale and turned red again, thinking that this Australian would not be guilty of phlegm, right?It would be terrible if something went wrong!He couldn't help being terrified, and persuaded: "Chief, Chief, please be at ease first, this matter has not been investigated yet..."

Seeing Zhao Fengfeng's worried face, Xie Yourenyi realized that he had lost his composure.Regardless of whether it was Cai Lan who took away the files, if he was furious at this moment, it would only make people laugh.Just now, his face had already lost his composure.He quickly concealed: "It doesn't matter to me. The most important thing right now is the food problem. You should investigate secretly first, and control the situation and the relevant personnel - don't rush to arrest people, just prevent them from escaping. Wait until the food is unloaded tomorrow." It's over, let's make calculations."

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away." Zhao Fengfeng already understood Xie Erren's meaning: don't make a big fuss for now, first control the situation.

He was about to leave when Xie Erren stopped him again:
"Who is the person to be transferred out of the transfer letter?"

"It's an accountant. It is said that he is from Fuji County..."

"Catch him first."

"We've already caught him."

"Okay, go get busy."

Zhao Fengfeng immediately notified the security secretary and Zheng Ergen.Together, the three of them decided to seal off the courtyard where Cai Lan lived, and the people inside were not allowed to enter or leave.Xie Erren's office in the yard has already been locked, and there is no need to touch it for the time being.The documents left in the main room were collected by the confidential staff.Questions from irrelevant personnel will not be answered, and the news is temporarily blocked.

"Where is that Mr. Hao?" Zheng Ergen asked, "He has been arrested, should he be detained in another place?"

"No need." Zhao Fengtian shook his head, "Now that he's changed the place, I'm afraid he will notice, and the clue to suicide will be cut off in case. You send two competent people to pretend to be prisoners and put them in the cell for secret supervision."

"Then, what about Cai Lan? If she finds out the clues, wouldn't it be troublesome to commit suicide." Zheng Ergen was worried.

Zhao Fengtian pondered and said: "The chief means not to arrest people. Check it out when you have time. I looked at the chief's meaning, and it seems that I am not sure that Cai Lan is related to this matter-we have no evidence at the moment..."

"Don't you know if you take it to the first trial?"

Zhao Fengfeng patted Zheng Erhe on the shoulder and said with a smile: "brother, this matter is actually not complicated, but you have to consider the chief's feelings. Don't worry. If Cai Lan deserves what she deserves, the chief can't protect her. But if she is innocent, How can we tell the chief when we hit too hard? Since the chief said not to arrest people for the time being, we still have to be more cautious..."

"What if you commit suicide?"

"That's committing suicide in fear of crime." Zhao Fengfeng said, "It's easier."

"Okay, I'll follow your orders." Zheng Ergen was a little confused, but Zhao Fengtian's rank was much higher than him, and he was the chief's confidant, so he was sure to listen to his arrangements.

Because Xie Youren couldn't make up his mind that night, Cai Lan left Jiang Qiuchan as a company, preparing to do some needlework under the lamp at night and chat a few gossips for leisure.

As soon as it got dark, there were sounds of people walking in the yard.Cai Lan wondered: If Xie Erren didn't come, the courtyard would be completely silent on weekdays, why did someone come suddenly?
Leaning against the window and peeking out quietly.But Zhao Fengfeng and a familiar thief were talking in a low voice in front of the study of the elder Xie Yuan. The lamp in the study was on, and there were vaguely people moving inside.

Is this the case?Cai Lan's heart tightened.She also knows a thing or two about the rules of the gangsters. This study is like the White Tiger Festival Hall of the Australians, a place where military aircraft are important.Except for Xie Kun himself, no one else can enter at will.Now that Xie Kun is not here, what is this Zhao Fengtian doing at the door of the study with someone?
She immediately remembered the letter that she had burned—could it be because of this matter?Thinking of this, her heart sank: something happened to Mr. Yi? !
Although she didn't know what Master Yi was busy with, these days, according to Master Yi's instructions, she used rice soup to write on calligraphy and paintings with the fragments of words she heard from Xie Erren, and then sent them to Chang Qingyun.Needless to say, she knows what the plan is
For a moment, Cai Lan was stunned. Ever since she burned the letter, she knew that such a day would come.She had also made a plan long ago, once the matter was revealed, she would commit suicide and follow her fiancé underground.

(End of this chapter)

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