Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2299

Chapter 2299
How did Liu Wangwang know that the box was full of death-defying symbols, and he only thought about how to listen to the opera and have a banquet at night, and then play with the girls in the team.The more he thinks about it, the happier he is. He doesn't want anything else. He smokes a cigarette and reads newspapers in the office. Just study.

Chang Qingyun was not as comfortable as him, his forehead and palms were sweating at the moment.After living for more than 40 years, it was the first time he was so nervous—even when he was captured alive by the gangster, he was not so nervous, he was just afraid.

While directing preparations for Liu Wangwang's night "dress rehearsal", he secretly controlled the conspirators in the camp.

Here in Sanhezui, these days, either internal development or external infiltration, Chang Qingyun directly controls five or sixty conspirators.According to Yi Haoran, there are other conspirators in the camp.These people are obviously backup in case he fails.

Liu Wangwang's accumulated hatred in the camp is already very high, and it has reached the point where he will die at one point.As soon as they climb up, the camp will be in chaos.But as long as the [-]rd Squadron outside was not pinned down, the insurrection had little chance of success.It depends on the people outside.

Chang Qingyun doesn't have much confidence in "outsiders". He has been in the officialdom and the army, and he knows that "cooperation" is very troublesome.It is not easy for the imperial court and the army to advance together on a certain day.If you are not careful, this cooperation will fail.So he didn't dare to trust the "outside support".

According to the current plan, when the signal is issued in the city, Liu Wangwang will be directly controlled first, and then the gunpowder in the theater box will be ignited, causing a big fire, and then inciting a riot.

Of course, if this kind of riot is not attacked by armed forces outside, as long as the third squadron moves quickly, it will not take long to extinguish it.

However, if this is done, the riots in Sanhezui will inevitably attract the attention of Wuzhou City, and in this way, the defenders in the city will have no time to care about them.It can let the team entering the city act calmly.

To be honest, Chang Qingyun was not too worried about his own safety. Once the riot broke out, it would not be difficult for him to slip out with oil on his feet.The ones who were really hard to escape were those "righteous men" and Yi Haoran who sneaked into the city.

To be honest, his emotions towards Yi Haoran are rather complicated, originally he had always harbored resentment towards him for dragging himself into this conspiracy.Now he has a sense of respect for this "Mr. Dong Hong" - Mr. Yi is not for fame or profit, not even for the court, but for the word "famous teacher".

In this world, pure people are rare.Yi Haoran is such a pure person.He had a premonition that this Master Yi would most likely not leave Wuzhou alive.

When Luo Yangming returned home, before his butt was hot, everyone in the family came to tell about Master Hao's arrest.Everyone said in unison: Master Hao was wronged, and he should try to get him out as soon as possible.

Luo Yangming is also inconvenient to say that Master Hao's arrest was his own idea, but he just comforted Mr. Xie to have too many things to do in the past few days, and after tomorrow, he will do it when he is free.

Li Wensheng was worried, and said again: "Master! Now Wuzhou is under the military law, and the master should go to say hello to the yamen tomorrow. Otherwise, as soon as the order comes down, many people will be executed, and Mr. Hao will also be involved——" You can’t continue if you’re out of breath.”

After Xie Erren entered the city, he cleaned up the order in the city, investigated the rioters who set fire and looted, and executed hundreds of people on the river beach outside Wuzhou city.This left a deep impression on everyone.

"Don't worry, there is no court-martial recently." Luo Yangming comforted them, "Besides, Australians are well-mannered. Even if it is a military law, you have to go through a formality, right? You can't just push it out and behead..."

"My master said that, so I can rest assured." Li Wensheng said.

Unexpectedly, when it was time to go to bed at night, Wen Yun also complained: "Mr. Hao is a good scholar, and has never done anything bad. He treats everyone well! Why did he suddenly be arrested! It's unreasonable!"

Because Ding Atao had menstruation recently, Wen Yun was sleeping with him.

Luo Yangming was already a little dazed, so he dealt with it casually.

"I've said it all, this is the decision of the Australians, and I can't help it." Luo Yangming smiled bitterly, "Don't be nervous, it's okay. At most, let Mr. Hao stay in the cell for a few days, and he will never suffer. ..."

"I know about the imperial court's lawsuit. Once entering the yamen, it seems harmful. Even if he is innocent, he will have to stay for ten and a half months. Even if he doesn't suffer in prison, what about Li Heng's book..."

"Who is Liheng?" Luo Yangming asked after hearing a strange name, his sleepiness disappeared for a moment.

"It's Mr. Hao's student—it's no wonder you don't know how late you come home these days. It's Miss Jiang's son..."

"Miss Jiang?!" Luo Yangming suddenly remembered something, "That's... Qiuchan?!"

"Qiuchan?" Wen Yun tilted his head and thought for a while, "That's right, it's her! My wife said she was the lady of the Ruijintang silk shop. Her husband was killed by rebels when Wuzhou broke the city, and she was left like this." A son. This Mr. Hao is a relative of her natal family..."

When she said this, Luo Yangming vaguely remembered something, as if he had indeed heard his wife say this.Suddenly his spine felt cold: Isn't this Jiang Qiuchan just being a "companion" by Cai Lan's side? !People who seemed to be irrelevant at first were all brought together: Hao Ran-Jiang Qiuchan-Cai Lan...

Luo Yangming didn't know that Zhao Fengtian was suspicious of Cai Lan, but Hao Ran's line could actually involve the chief's "people around him"!This immediately aroused his professional vigilance - I'm afraid this matter is not that simple.

Thinking of this, he immediately approved his clothes and got up.The oil lamp was lit.

The little girl was startled by the sound of him getting up, and said in surprise: "Master, what's wrong?"

"I have something urgent, I have to go to the Yamen!" Luo Yangming said, "You just sleep."

"The master is going out, the servant will help you get dressed, and then ask the buddy to follow..." Wen Yun was about to get up.

"No need, just stay at home." Luo Yangming instructed, then suddenly remembered something, "Where does your brother sleep tonight?"

"He and the guys are sleeping at the Great South Gate..." Wen Yun couldn't figure it out, "I have work tomorrow. Master wants to find him?"

"Don't look for him." Luo Yangming said, "Just sleep first. Don't wait for me."

Luo Yangming changed his clothes, and called a clerk from the shop door to follow.Hastily rushed to the city hall.Although Wuzhou enforced the curfew, he had a special pass and went all the way to the city hall, where he met Zhao Fengtian.

After hearing what he said, Zhao Fengtian stood up from behind the table with a huff, and said excitedly, "No wonder!"

"What's no wonder?"

"I've always found this strange, so it's like that!" Zhao Fengtian immediately recounted how he searched for the transfer letter, "... No wonder the transfer letter disappeared for no apparent reason! Originally, the biggest suspect in this matter was Cai Lan ! Only she has access to the chief's documents, now, with your clue, the relationship between them will be connected!"

"Cai Lan may also be innocent. Jiang Qiuchan is even more suspected!" Luo Yangming said, "Don't forget, she is always by Cai Lan's side. It is not impossible if you really need to use your brain."

"It seems that this matter is not simple." Zhao Fengfeng said, "It's hard to say who destroyed the transfer letter, but Hao Ran has a connection with them for sure. It seems that Mr. Hao is a big fish..."

"It must be! Otherwise, how could Cai Lan or Jiang Qiuchan take such a big risk to save him?!" Luo Yangming said, "I think he has to be interrogated tonight!"

"Don't be so anxious." Zhao Fengfeng looked at Luo Yangming, who had bloodshot eyes, and persuaded, "Others have been caught, where else can they go? I will take care of Zheng Ergen and lock him up alone."

After finishing speaking, he immediately called a naturalized worker and asked him to inform Zheng Ergen: "Not only will he be held incommunicado, but someone will be sent to keep an eye on him to prevent him from committing suicide!"

"Don't worry about other things. Everyone has been very busy these days. Zheng Ergen doesn't have many useful people under his command. Why don't he do it himself? It's not easy to say, and there are quite a few people involved... ..."

"Who else……"

"There is also the shopkeeper who recommended Jiang Qiuchan to Cai Lan's side - I have to check it out. If there is something involved, we might as well make a big case." Zhao Fengfeng said, "These masters are all using Qiao as a gesture, and don't give them any color. It’s not going to happen.” He comforted Luo Yangming again and said, “This case will be dealt with slowly when the goods are unloaded tomorrow. Cai Lan and Jiang Qiuchan are also under our control, they can’t escape, and the case will be tried together at that time.”

Luo Yangming felt that what he said was reasonable. In the final analysis, he was just a scholar and two weak women. What can he do?And it's all under control.Unless you have three heads and six arms, you won't be able to make a name for yourself.However, the vigilance of an intelligence officer made him think about it again, and said;
"I suggest an immediate interrogation. This master surnamed Hao has been lurking in the city for a long time, and he did not hesitate to let Cai Lan destroy the transfer letter, which shows that he has a purpose in hiding in the city, not simply evasion or intelligence. There will be a large amount of food coming soon, we must beware of the enemy's conspiracy..."

Zhao Fengtian thought for a while, and said: "You are right, I will ask Zheng Ergen to interrogate him!"

Yi Haoran was already dozing off, but suddenly he was awakened by the sound of the prison door opening.The guard outside called out:
"Hao Ran! Hao Ran!"

Yi Haoran got up and said: "The student is here."

"come out!"

Yi Haoran stepped out calmly, and asked, "I don't know what orders Brother Cha has."

"I'll give you another place," said the guard, "follow me!"

Yi Haoran's heart tightened, and he instantly understood that the Australians already knew they had caught a big fish, and his time was running out.

He said calmly, "Please send brother to lead the way."

(End of this chapter)

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