Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2300 Surprise attack on Wuzhou

Chapter 2300 Surprise attack on Wuzhou
The people led by Jiang Suo and Song Ming climbed over the wall and entered the city, and immediately led them into a narrow alley behind the government office. Jiang Suo and Yi Haoran had already stepped on here, and took a good look at the three adjacent private houses.

There was a watchman in the back alley, and a soldier rushed forward a few steps, stabbing him in the waist and killing him immediately.At that moment, someone put on his rags, picked up a clapper lantern, and started fighting.

Others climbed over the wall and opened the courtyard door. Dozens of people rushed into the courtyard in an instant, closed the doors and windows and hid themselves.

Jiang Suo followed the crowd into the courtyard, and saw seven women, children, old and young dead lying on the ground in the courtyard. The knife is about to cut.

Jiang Suo saw that they were very old and young, and the youngest one was just a child.A cloth strip was stuffed in his mouth, and his face was full of panic and fear.Seeing the entity on the ground, he couldn't help twisting his body in horror, begging for mercy.

"Let's spare them." Jiang Suo couldn't bear it, and said to Song Ming, "These are innocent people, why kill them?"

Song Ming said with a smile: "General Jiang, you are really a bodhisattva. When soldiers fight, they must be decisive. Although they are innocent, if they yell, wouldn't they want to do something bad? Since ancient times, big things have been done without regard to trivial matters, and they don't pay attention to small favors and small mercies. Only those who dare to kill can save Sheji!" After speaking, he waved his hand and said in a low voice, "Beheaded!"

His personal soldiers responded in person, raised their swords, cut off four heads one at a time.Blood flowed like a river in the courtyard.Jiang Suo couldn't bear to watch, and turned his head away.Over the years, his heart has become much tougher than before, but this kind of unscrupulous killing still disgusts him.

Whether they are thieves or officers and soldiers, they are all bloodthirsty.Treat the common people as worthless.

Song Ming didn't care about his inner thoughts, and called two fine soldiers, asking them to quietly walk along the back wall to the back door, and listen for any movement inside the wall.

Xie Youren's eyes were red, and the anger of being betrayed by Cai Lan was still lingering in his heart, making all the naturalized workers around him silent, and they didn't even dare to vent their anger.

When Zhao Fengfeng came to report the latest situation, Xie Erren had no expression on his face. After listening, he said: "In this case, you should interrogate first to see what kind of bezoar dog is hiding..."

"Chief, do you want to go to rest first..."

"I'm not sleepy." Xie Youren didn't even feel sleepy at all.At this time, the Drum Tower in the city has sounded the third watch.It was the deepest hour of the night.He is feeling bored.He got up and walked a few steps on the flower hall of Quanzuo's office to relax his muscles and bones.

Suddenly there was a dull explosion from outside the city.

Xie Youren was taken aback. It was the sound of gunpowder explosions. There have been few wars around Wuzhou recently, let alone such cannonballs.He immediately got up and asked, "What's going on? Who's firing the cannons."

After a while, an officer on duty came in to report: "It's the sound of an explosion coming from the direction of Sanhezui..."

Before the words fell, there were explosions one after another.Xie Youren's complexion changed drastically, and his calves couldn't help shaking: Could this be the counterattack of the Ming army?There are not many people in Wuzhou City...

He quickly got up and said: "Quick! Quick! All gather and enter the state of alert." After speaking, he felt that he was too calm, and quickly ordered: "Call Qian Duo and Zhu Si!"

Duo Qian is in the San Zong Mansion, it will take some time to rush over, and Zhu Si is in the mansion.He was already asleep, but when the explosion sounded, he was awakened, and quickly put on his military uniform and rushed over.

"What's the situation outside?" As soon as he came in, Xie Erren asked him in a daze.He came in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to ask.

"Report to the chief! I haven't had time to understand..."

"Then go and find out, and see what's going on!" Xie Erren said and stopped Zhu Si who was about to leave, "Gather your men and horses together!"

"Chief, I don't have anyone now." Zhu Si hurriedly said, "The Second Squadron is here to meet..."

Only then did Xie Erren come to his senses, remembering that Zhu Si, the captain of the Wuzhou National Army, is now a polished commander, and the only third squadron is still outside the city.

"Take my guards and go around the gates of the city first. See where you need to replenish your troops, and add a few first."

There are five guards around Xie Erren, who were selected from the garrison battalion by the Security Administration.But after all, there were fewer people. After arriving in Wuzhou, some young people with clean backgrounds and reliable family backgrounds were recruited from the National Army and the Criminal Police Team one after another to form a "guard team".This is the last reserve team in his hands.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Zhu Si said, "I will lead two classes, and the other class will stay here."

"Go, go!" Xie Erren waved impatiently, "What can happen here? It's important to defend the city!"

Zhu Si hastily took orders and went, Xie Youren was anxious, he could hear the sound of explosions outside and the sound of gunfire from time to time.He stopped by the window to watch, and saw that there seemed to be fire shining in the sky in the direction of Sanhezui.

broken!He thought to himself, it must be that Sanhezui was attacked by the enemy.The third squadron is alone and helpless there, and there will be no problem in self-protection, but the prisoner camp will be smashed by the enemy in all likelihood!
Most of the captives in the camp were officers and soldiers of the Ming army and local officials.Once the camp is broken, these people will inevitably disperse, not only becoming a new hidden danger in the rear, but also severely marking two red crosses on his credit book for Wuzhou governance!

Thinking of this, his back was sweating slightly, and Qian Duo hurried over without any hesitation.

"What's the specific situation?"

"I've already boarded the tower to see it." Qian Duo didn't rest at night and was on duty in the Sanzongfu. When the explosion sounded, he boarded the tower to observe the situation outside. "The explosion came from the camp. Now the camp There is already a fire, and there are also flames on the barracks of the third squadron, it seems that a team has attacked Sanhezui."

"What was the scale of the attack?"

"It's impossible to judge now. But judging by the size of the flames, the enemy should have rushed into the camp—the camp itself has limited defenses. Now it depends on whether Jiang You's function can be regained as soon as possible..." Qian Duo said, "I just fired Signal rockets asking for status, but..."

"but what?"

"As soon as we launch a rocket here, the enemy will launch multiple rockets at the same time to interfere with the signal rocket of the No. [-] Squadron of Sanhezui, making it impossible to interpret Sanhezui's answer."

"Isn't it an optical signal device..."

"Now the Sanhezui flames interfere a lot, and we can't see the situation at all."

"Damn it!" Xie Youren thought to himself, all radio operators in this industry should be shot!
"Come on, let's go up to the tower to have a look!" Xie Erren thought to himself, wandering around here won't help, so he simply went to the tower to see the situation.Thinking of this, he asked again: ""

The two left the government office immediately and boarded the Nanxun Gate.Lying on the battlements and looking out, I saw flames shooting into the sky from the direction of Sanhezui, there was a faint sound of shouting and killing, and there were flames everywhere along the river bank, and rockets rose into the sky one after another.

"Company Commander Qian," Xie Erren was burning with anxiety. It seemed that not only Sanhezui was in danger, but the third squadron was also in danger, "You immediately assemble your troops and send a platoon to rescue Sanhezui. If you don't rescue, we will I'm afraid Jiang Yougong's No. [-] Squadron will be wiped out!"

"Chief, this is inappropriate." Qian Duo hesitated, "Send a small army out of the city to support in the middle of the night, what if we are ambushed -- besides, there are too few troops in the city..."

"Then, then, what should I do..." Xie Erren was in a state of confusion.

"I'll send a few capable soldiers down to the city to investigate the situation, and make a decision according to the situation..." Qian Duo made up his mind immediately, whether it was the third squadron or the prisoner camp, it was not an important target, and the Wuzhou reconciliation veterans were the ones. The object he was defending - besides, looking at the situation outside, it was very likely that the officers and soldiers were bluffing to attract support from the city and laying an ambush on the way.

"Okay, send someone there quickly."

"Please go back, chief. I'm here. I'll send someone to report if something happens." Seeing Xie Erren's distraught look, Qian Duo knew that the elder was unreliable, and it would be troublesome to stay on the tower.

In the back alley, Song Ming and others heard the sound of cannons outside, and knew that the Sanhezui had been activated, and there was a commotion on the street outside.A group of people were silent and waiting quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, someone suddenly knocked on the courtyard door three times.Song Ming regained his energy and immediately opened the door.

The soldier pretending to be a watchman made a gesture towards the back door of the government office.Song Ming and Jiang Suo's heart beat wildly: everything is going well!
Unexpectedly, the heavily guarded Wuzhou City is so empty inside!

With a wave of Song Ming's hand, several personal soldiers quickly climbed over the wall on the ladder, and opened the back door.The soldiers filed in silently.

Xie Erren went down from the gate tower and returned to the government office, feeling a little shocked.Unexpectedly, the Ming army still has such strength and can sneak into such a far place in the rear... It seems that the strategies of the two Guangxi are aggressive.

He sat in a chair, a little tired.At this time, Zhu Si sent people to report: there were suspected enemy activities outside the gates of various cities, but no attacks occurred.At present, the defense of various city gates has been strengthened, so it should be fine.

"That's good, that's good." Xie Youren breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the enemy didn't come to attack the city, Wuzhou should be in no danger...

Before the words fell, there was a commotion, screams, and screams from outside, followed by several gunshots. Xie Erren was shocked: Is this the case?

While hesitating, his security secretary had already stumbled in, covered in blood and without an arm.

"Enemy attack..." He yelled, and immediately fell to the ground, dying of breath.

Xie Erren was taken aback: This is the government office of Wuzhou. Although there are not many soldiers in the city, it is surrounded by high walls on all sides, and there is a city wall outside.
He reached out to get the pistol in the drawer, but before he could take out the pistol, more than a dozen black-clothed men had rushed in, and the leader was a short and thin man who pressed the tip of a sidearm knife against the Ren's chest.

"Let go!"

Although this person spoke with a strong accent, Xie Erren immediately let go of his hand obediently.

"Master Xie," the visitor whispered, "We ask you to come! Don't move around, it won't kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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