Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2302 Luo Yangming and Wen Tietou

Chapter 2302 Luo Yangming and Wen Tietou

Luo Yangming is not worried about this, he understands the situation very well, the Ming army is too busy to take care of themselves, even Guangxi can't be kept, so why are they talking about counterattacking Wuzhou?At best, it is harassment.

However, it seems that the scale of the enemy's harassment this time is not small, and it is obvious that such a big commotion is not caused by a small group of enemies.Although Luo Yangming believed that Qian Duo and Zhao Fengtian could control the situation, it was also true that Wuzhou was empty.He heard that the sound of cannons and footsteps outside did not decrease, but became more and more intensive.Luo Yangming lost his composure.

Suddenly a rapid drum beat spread throughout the city, and Luo Yangming was taken aback: it was the sound of a first-level alert drum announcing that there were enemies in the city.

The enemy has broken into the city?He was a little nervous, but after thinking about it again, it seemed impossible. The city walls of Wuzhou were well fortified. If there was no absolute advantage, the Ming army would not rashly attack the city in the dark. Large groups of enemies are active, and it is absolutely impossible for small groups of enemies to merge overnight.

He immediately thought of Hao Ran's case, could it be...

Could it be that they are trying to respond to some chaos in the city? !

In fact, he had thought about this idea since he went to see Zhao Fengfeng to discuss the case just now.Now it seems that his prediction was completely accurate!This Hao Ran is the key person!

Why didn't I notice him earlier!Luo Yangming couldn't help regretting: he had devoted too much energy to the work of the aftermath bureau, but instead neglected the most important task: anti-rape.Let Master Hao act calmly under his nose, and to a certain extent, he even acted as his umbrella!

Thinking of this, Luo Yangming couldn't sit still any longer. He stood up with a cry, called Li Wensheng, and said: "The situation outside is urgent now, and I have to go out to do some important things. You take the servants to take care of it at home. .You pick two capable guys to follow me."

When I said this, the room suddenly became a mess. Neither Li Wensheng nor Ding Atao agreed with him going out, and Ding Atao was even crying: "There is a lot of chaos outside, what if there is a mistake, what will happen to the family and the business?" ?
Luo Yangming was disturbed by the quarrel, and was waiting to be persuaded, but a guy outside came in and reported: Master Zhao, an Australian, sent someone to deliver a letter to him.

"Bring the letter!"

Luo Yangming hurriedly took the letter into his hands, but when he opened it, there were only a few lines.These few lines had changed his expression drastically.Xie Erren is missing and may be captured!The news was like a bolt from the blue.

In the eyes of old naturalized people like Luo Yangming, the elder is a "half-god" and an omnipotent existence. Even though he does not agree with many actions in Wuzhou City, he has become accustomed to the meticulous and precise handling of affairs by the Senate And there are backup arrangements everywhere, and I always feel that no matter what the elders do, they have "magic tricks".It's just that I can't understand it for a while.I didn't expect this veteran to be arrested!
The letter mentioned that there is no danger in Wuzhou now, and the city is under investigation. Please wait for the situation outside to calm down and come to the government office to discuss countermeasures.

After receiving this letter, Luo Yangming couldn't sit still.A few words comforted his wife and children, and he wrote a letter and asked someone to send it to the government office to Zhao Fengtian immediately.He also asked Ah Chun to take out a big burden that was always in the cash cabinet in the accountant's office.Then he took two young and strong men, quietly came out from the back door, and headed for the south door.

He was not in a hurry to go to the government office - Zhao Fengfeng was already sitting there at the moment, and he couldn't help much if he went there by himself. As for interrogating the suspects and tracking down the fish that slipped through the net, that's a later story.The most important thing right now is to restore order in the city and try to rescue Chief Jie—or, in the worst case, find his body, especially if the head cannot be robbed by officers and soldiers.

Luo Yangming was very aware of the strength of the troops in the city: during the emptiest time in the past few months, Qian Duo and Zhu Si's people were the only ones on hand to search, and they were not even enough to control the street checkpoints and patrol the upper city—don't look at the city walls of Wuzhou City Towering, but it is not difficult for a small group of enemies to climb over the city wall under the cover of night.

The most urgent task is to increase the manpower for search and suppression in the city as soon as possible!
He doesn't like the detective team, which is a mixed team. Firstly, most of the people in it are just living for a living.Unreliable in complex situations.

After thinking about it, only the dock porters under his "brother-in-law" Wen Tietou are reliable.Wen Tietou has a strong attachment relationship with his porters like this, and he dares to fight and kill-it is untenable to mess around on a big wharf like Wuzhou without these two.

However, Xie Erren has always been very wary of Wen Tietou and his porters.There are many restrictions on them.Luo Yangming is not surprised by this: the existence of such an organized and combative group in Wuzhou City is obviously a potential threat to the local administration.The prefect of Wuzhou in the Ming Dynasty saw it this way, and so did the director of Wuzhou in the Senate.

If Wen Tietou himself didn't have this level of in-law relationship, he would not be able to trust such a local snake.But he has been with Wen Tietou for many years, knows his background and personality, and knows that he is a quack, but his temperament is still upright.What's more, his only family member is still in his hands.

Now, only rely on him!

Luo Yangming went all the way to the south gate, and encountered patrols several times along the way. He had the highest-level pass issued to him by Zhao Fengtian by his side, and he could pass every time with a few words.There was no delay along the way, and we soon arrived at the Great South Gate.

Because Wen Tietou had to move the goods early in the morning, he gathered more than 200 laborers under him to temporarily live in a dozen empty shops outside the gate of the Great South Gate.At this time, the sound of guns and guns was heard outside, he and his subordinates were all awake, and did not dare to go out, so they gathered at the door one by one, watching and discussing.

Seeing Luo Yangming's arrival, Wen Tietou hastily greeted him: "Master! What's going on? Are the Ming officers and soldiers coming back?"

Luo Yangming walked all the way, his breath was a little short, he couldn't speak for a while, he gasped for a while and said: "The officers and soldiers didn't come, but there are spies in the city who took the opportunity to make trouble. Now I have something to use you and your brother..."

"What are you talking about." Wen Tietou patted his chest and said, "You are my brother-in-law! I have been helping everyone these years. I, Wen Tietou, am also a hero who can run a horse with his arms and stand upright with his fists! Just say it, What do you want our brothers to do, go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, you will do whatever you want!"

Luo Yangming immediately told them to arm them and take part in the city-wide mobilization. He also specifically mentioned that the traitor had hijacked the local "important cadres" and that they should try to rescue them as soon as possible.After hearing this, Wen Tietou frowned and said: "Master! We have nothing to say if you want us to do something. It's just that this is a matter for the detective team and the national army. If we intervene, what will they think? In case there is any misunderstanding, Not catching the spies of the Ming Dynasty is a trivial matter, and wouldn’t it be a big bad thing if they clashed and killed each other. Besides, we don’t have weapons.”

"I've communicated with the city government about your dispatch, and it's okay. As for the identification, I've also thought about it." After finishing speaking, he instructed his assistant to unpack the big bag.Inside are a bunch of cloth armbands marked with red stars and fists on a blue background-this kind of armbands are usually worn by the detective team.

"This was prepared when Wuzhou was restored. It's the same as what the detectives wore. You all wear it, so you won't cause misunderstandings when you encounter patrols. As for weapons, each of you has a stick in your hand, and use this." He said, "Here are your good brothers who were born and died. I won't say too much. If you can rescue the captives, the chief will reward you!"

Wen Tietou knew that this "brother-in-law" held a high position in the aftermath situation and was a trusted confidant of the Australians. Whether in business or affairs, he was very trustworthy and never broke his word.Naturally, he would not bargain with him, so he immediately called his subordinates and told them about the situation.As soon as everyone heard that they were going to rescue the cadres of the naturalized people, and there was a big reward, they all geared up, put on their armbands and picked up their sticks.They are about to rush into the streets.

But Wen Tietou stopped them with a wave of his hand, and asked Luo Yangming, "Master! This Wuzhou is not a small place, we can't just walk around in the streets and alleys like this. Isn't that like looking for a needle in a haystack? There must be a place to go!"

This question is reasonable, but Luo Yangming knows that the joint is very big.He pondered for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and asked: "I remember that your subordinates often smuggle goods from outside the city into the city to avoid taxes. What method do you use?"

Wen Tietou said with a smile: "You know that too! What else can we do? We don't have the ability to escape from the ground, or Sun Wukong can soar through the clouds, or we just bring things over the city wall."

"Without a ladder?"

"Of course not. You can climb up by lying on the cracks of the bricks and using your hands and feet. If there is someone from the top of the city to respond, it will be faster with a rope and a bamboo pole."

"Then tell me, if the enemy wanted to take the prisoners to climb the city, where would they go? How would they go?"

Wen Tietou knew that there was an article in it when he heard his question. He didn't dare to answer lightly. He thought for a moment and said: "For now, the south is definitely not allowed to go. There are heavy soldiers at the south gate and the Sanhezui side. Noisy, everyone is staring - if I were them, I would definitely choose the Great Cloud Gate in the north!"

Luo Yangming secretly calculated that the area around Dayunmen is the most remote, and the city walls will be the most damaged.If the enemy wants to climb the city wall, that is the easiest place. The key is that the defense around Dayun Gate is also the weakest.Not enough to maintain a continuous cordon on the city wall...

"Okay!" He nodded, indeed, this is the most likely route.

"Besides," Wen Tietou said, I wouldn't take the captives on the street, but on the alleys at the root of the city wall. Most of those alleys are people's backyard walls, very deserted and deserted. Sentry can't see clearly...

"That's right!" Luo Yangming patted Wen Tietou's shoulder excitedly, "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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