Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2303

Chapter 2303

Luo Yangming immediately divided the troops into two groups. Wen Tietou led half of the men to pursue along the root of the city, and he led the other half to go up the city wall and search for the north gate along the city wall.Now that the enemy's ultimate goal is clear, if they want to climb over the city wall in the end, instead of running under the base of the city with a large number of people, it is better to divide half of them into the city wall first.Luo Yangming judged: The enemy must have internal responses on the city wall, and since they have internal responses, they must leave traces.

Just as Wen Tietou was about to set off, Luo Yangming pulled him aside and said in a low voice, "The ones we are going to rescue this time are not naturalized cadres, but veterans..."

"What?!" Wen Tietou was so frightened that he yelled out involuntarily. He lowered his voice when he saw Luo Yangming's eyes, "You mean...that... Chief Xie?!"

"it's him."

"how can that be……"

"Probably impossible, he has already been arrested." Luo Yangming said solemnly, "You just have to remember that once you encounter the enemy, you must do your best to save the life of Yuan Jie! If you save it, you will be rich and rich!"

"I understand that!" Wen Tietou nodded, "Don't worry!"

Song Ming and Jiang Suo held Xie Erren and ran all the way.Their course of action was right as Wen Tietou guessed, they ran along the base of the city wall.According to the information collected in advance, the Australians can only send people to patrol along the city wall at night, and cannot closely monitor every section of the city wall.Under the city roots are mostly desolate places, and there are even barren tombs and cemeteries, with very few people.Not easy to get noticed.

Xie Erren knew that after being captured, he would have a rare commodity to live in, and he felt annoyed and remorseful.But now he couldn't help himself, he was being dragged away in the dark, not to mention stumbling, and from time to time he was severely whipped with a stick and urged to go quickly, but he couldn't even cry out in pain.

After all, Xie Youren is the elder of the elders, and he has been doing literary work for a long time, so he can be regarded as pampered.How could he endure such a forceful pulling and dragging—not to mention something stuffed in his mouth, gradually he felt short of breath, dizzy, and couldn't move even if he was kicked and beaten.

Song Ming thought he was walking too slowly, and he was afraid that he would spend too long in the city. Once the gangster reacted, it would be difficult for him to escape. As soon as he gave an order, a strong soldier carried Xie Erren on his shoulders and walked quickly.

Although the drums were beating fast in the city at this time, they had encountered sporadic patrols and increased security personnel along the way. Because of the haste, most of the temporarily increased personnel were killed by them before they had time to react.

A group of people arrived at the north city wall smoothly all the way, and the Dayun Gate tower was already brightly lit.It seems that the manpower has also been increased, but there are no more fires on the walls on both sides of the tower, but the lanterns and torches of the patrolmen are much denser than when they came in.

It won't be long before the suddenness of the surprise attack will disappear, and it will become even more difficult to project the city walls.Whether it was Song Ming or Jiang Suo, when they saw the unrestored tower of Dayun Gate, they all secretly called "lucky"!
Wen Tietou chased him all the way with a torch, and soon found the trace left by the attacker: a three-eyed blunderbuss.The firearm was not fired, and the gunpowder and lead bullets were well loaded.There is only one possibility beside the abandoned road: it is too heavy, and the enemy is eager to escape.

Thinking of this, Wen Tietou's confidence increased greatly, and he immediately told his subordinates: "The enemy is ahead, chase me quickly!"

The porters gave chase all the way, screaming.Wen Tietou said:
"Bring this firecracker too, and bring them a guy when the time comes!"

The traces left by the enemy along the way are getting bigger and bigger, there are discarded weapons and equipment, and the bodies of patrol security personnel who were killed again.Wen Tietou instructed to equip all the weapons he picked up, and followed closely all the way.Seeing that the lights on the tower of Dayun Gate in front of him were clearly discernible, Wen Tietou became nervous.Although fighting and killing is commonplace, this time is different from the past. The other party dared to attack Wuzhou at night. Needless to say, they are all brave and desperate people. My brothers may not have such courage.Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little timid.

Looking at the top of the city, the flames of his "brother-in-law" team had already rushed to the front.He remembered what Luo Yangming had said privately to him: this time he was going to rescue the elder.If the rescue is successful, it goes without saying that not only the brother-in-law, but also myself, the wealth and honor for the rest of my life will be assured!Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, if this meeting is a softie, I will be the leader for the rest of my life!
Thinking of this, his courage suddenly increased, and he shouted: "The enemy is not far ahead, everyone hold tight!"

The road on the city wall was much easier than the road below the city root. They ran all the way with open fire, and attracted the attention of the sentries as soon as they climbed the city wall. Fortunately, the armbands of the detective team and Luo Yangming's pass worked. Although there was a slight delay, they did not Too much time wasted.

Because the journey was smooth, Luo Yangming's team arrived at Dayun Gate a few minutes earlier than Wen Tietou's - almost at the same time as Jiang Suo and Song Ming's teams under the city.

As soon as he arrived at the Dayun Gate, he immediately negotiated with the sergeant of the Fubo Army guarding the gate and reported the relevant situation.And it is recommended to start searching on both sides of Dayun Gate immediately.

However, the sergeants of the Fubo Army were skeptical of the sudden "detection team" coming from the city wall.As soon as he saw them, he ordered everyone to drop their weapons and kneel on the ground to wait for disposal.Fortunately, Luo Yangming often showed his face in public on weekdays, and the sergeant knew him well, so he didn't directly arrest them all.

Luo Yangming spent a few minutes explaining the current situation, but the sergeant's eyes always showed suspicion. No matter what Luo Yangming explained, he was unwilling to let them start the search, but ordered the guards to pay attention to the situation at the top of the city.

Luo Yangming was so anxious that his forehead was sweating, but he couldn't convince the other party.He knew very well that in his own capacity, he really lacked sufficient convincing power.It's okay to fool local personnel like the detective team, but it's not good to face the Fubo army.

Wang Ken and Mai Dang were already waiting anxiously on the city wall. The sound of cannons, gunshots and all kinds of commotion inside and outside the city indicated that a major event had happened in the city—of course it was the group of officers and soldiers they escorted into the city.According to the prior agreement, these people will also leave the city through their post.

Ever since this group of men in black entered the city, the two brothers have been on tenterhooks.Afraid of being discovered - the rope ladder hanging down from the feet is the iron proof of their collaboration with the enemy.Even if it is not the "in situ Fa-rectification", torture and interrogation are inevitable, and death is inevitable in the end.

Although it is difficult to find the rope ladder in the dark, but if someone approaches with a torch and inspects, it will be exposed immediately!
On the one hand, it is the government's wish to "promote and get rich", on the other hand, it is possible to lose their lives at any time, and the two brothers are wandering around the city headless.

Without any hesitation, they suddenly heard three frog calls from the base of the city wall, and then three more. Wang Ken and Mai Dang cheered up—here it is!

At the moment, it returns with two frog calls.After a while, a man in black climbed up the rope ladder.Wang Ken said: "You guys are here!"

The man in black interrupted him and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"This movement is so loud..."

"I mean the city!"

"The drums for all the guards were knocked on the city tower. The lights have also increased a lot."

"Anyone here on patrol?"

"Where there is no..."

"Okay," said the man in black and waved his hand. Many people climbed up the rope ladder one after another. Then, someone climbed up with a person on his back. It looks like a dream.

Luo Yangming's mouth was burning and his lips were dry, but he didn't make any sense.However, the sergeant felt that his suggestion of strengthening the city wall patrol was not harmful, and immediately sent two detective teams to patrol along the east and west walls.

Luo Yangming watched the torches of the two groups walking slowly along the city wall, and couldn't help feeling anxious.But he couldn't argue any more—if he couldn't agree anymore and caused conflicts, the laborers he brought would be killed in vain!

Seeing that Zhen Kun had been taken to the top of the city, Jiang Suo secretly breathed a sigh of relief: This matter is basically half done!He was urging the rest of the people to climb the city quickly, when suddenly the fire flickered behind the city root, and there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

The pursuers have arrived!Jiang Suo yelled that it was not good, so he pulled out his waist knife and said in a low voice: "Leave ten people to follow me in the rear, and we must let General Song take away the thief!"

Those who brought into the city were all Song Ming's soldiers and family members, all of them were brave and fearless. As soon as they heard his order, they immediately gathered around him. fight.

Unexpectedly, Wen Tietou knew that someone ahead was ready to fight, so he just kept rushing forward.Seeing that the Dayunmen tower was approaching, suddenly there was a flash of flames in front of him, he secretly screamed that something was wrong, he fell to the ground with a tiger pounce, and instantly heard the roar of firecrackers in front of him.

This solid firecracker and feather arrow knocked down seven or eight of Wen Tietou's men in an instant, and there were wailing and screaming everywhere for a while.Some people turned their heads and ran back.Wen Tietou's ears were buzzing, and he felt a heat flowing down his head, but when he wiped it with his hand, it turned out to be black - blood.

Looking around again, my brothers fell to the ground in disorder, some were wailing in pain, some were already silent.This instead aroused Wen Tietou's bloodiness, and he yelled: "Push the street! Throw it on the TM!" After saying that, he lifted his waist knife, got up and rushed forward. The porters who had already been shaken also saw a big formation Those who fought, seeing the leader taking the lead in rushing to kill, also shouted to kill and rushed forward.Jiang Suo yelled and led his people to meet him, and the two sides immediately fought into a mess.

Luo Yangming was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, he was startled by the sound of the blunderbuss, he looked back and saw that the gunfire was only a mile away, it was right under the root of the city.It should be that Wen Tietou's men fought against the infiltrating enemy.

He hurriedly said to the sergeant: "Look, there is a situation over there!"

The sergeant was also taken aback. He looked over. Although it was dark and he couldn't see anything clearly, there was someone on duty at that position. He immediately ordered someone to call the light signal to inquire, but there was no response.

(End of this chapter)

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