Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2308

Chapter 2308
"The unloading is in progress, so far everything is going well, you can rest assured." Zhao Fengfeng reported, "The ships of the Inland River Fleet are also on alert on the river."

"That's good, that's good." Xie Erren's mind was not actually on the grain ship - now that the city is heavily guarded and there is an inland river fleet, it is useless even if Xiong Wencan leads the army.

Zhao Fengfeng naturally understood his thoughts, coughed lightly and said: "In the night attack last night, Comrade Zheng Ergen's interrogation of the captives has already had a preliminary result..." As he spoke, he handed him the folder with the confession In front of him, "Take a look."

Xie Youren read the confession carefully, especially the part of Cai Lan's confession, and truly experienced what is called "the unforgettable pain of being betrayed".As for Zhao Fengfeng, from the distorted face of the head, he deeply understood what it means to be "angry from embarrassment".

After Xie Erren put down the confession, after a long silence, he let out a deep breath, his face gradually turned from red to white, and then back to normal, Zhao Fengtian said:


"Zhao Fengfeng, what do you think of this matter?"

"Yes," Zhao Fengfeng said cautiously, "The main reason for the night attack in Wuzhou last night was because our defense force was too weak. Whether it is the large area or the front finger, we have placed too many tasks on us, but what about the resources? , and not enough. Especially after the bandit riots, our Wuzhou security force has not been strengthened, but has been weakened a lot. We have to rely on the unreliable detective team to strengthen the security defense force. The enemy can launch night attacks, and can also Infiltrating into the city, I have to say that this is the main reason..."

As he spoke, he listed the various specific tasks assigned to the municipal government by various departments since the recovery of Wuzhou.

"...We not only took on the important task of transporting supplies to the front line in Guangxi and evacuating the wounded, but also guarded the captives who were escorted from Guangxi and the refugees in the surrounding areas. However, the cadres, national army and related money and food allocated to Wuzhou were seriously insufficient. .The lesson this time is all-round."

These words immediately fit Zhao Fengtian's mind, thinking that this secretary is really not simple, so he said something impeccably, and dumped the pot by the way.Can serve as the keynote for reporting.

"In view of the fact that the enemy's internal spies inside and outside Wuzhou City have been wiped out, and the captured prisoners are not of much value, it is recommended to deal with them publicly as soon as possible. ; Second, it can appease the hearts of the people and the army in Wuzhou."

The meaning of the latter sentence couldn't be clearer, Xie Youren was silent for a long time, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Zhao Fengfeng!"

Zhao Fengtian was taken aback. What happened to Chief Xie?
"How many years have you been my secretary?"

"More than two years." Zhao Fengfeng secretly drummed in his heart, thinking that the leader of the solution would not say: "How do I treat you on weekdays", right?You have to be careful when you say it.

Fortunately, Xie Erren didn't say this:
"Since it's been more than two years, you don't have to talk back and forth with official words. This time Wuzhou made such a big leak. Although one of you and I are the elders and the other is the secretary of the city government, this matter It can’t even slip through, and there must be a clear statement to the Senate.”

Zhao Fengfeng relaxed slightly, and said in a low voice: "Chief, I've thought about this too. Only these two things can be discussed, and the rest are really hard to deal with..."

"What about the second article?" Xie Erren asked, "For such a big matter, it can't be that there is no witness. What will the Senate do when it investigates?"

"Chief, you are the chief executive of Wuzhou. The life and death of all the people in Wuzhou is in your old hands. You can do it cheaply by killing anyone or not. Why bother with this witness. It is not the Senate to attack the enemy strictly and quickly. Is it a consistent purpose?" Zhao Fengfeng said, "Speaking of it, this incident is not too big, except for the burning of a Sanhezui camp and some casualties in the third squadron of the National Army, the city was slightly damaged and the casualties were very small. ——Those retained personnel are not included in the army and staff establishment, their casualties can be ignored..."

In this calculation, the total loss of the Senate in Wuzhou is only 45 people killed by the National Army and six people killed by the staff.At a time when entire squadrons of the national army are written off from time to time, this loss figure is really nothing.

Xie Erren nodded, no wonder Laomei likes to use contractors!

There is no doubt that the biggest problem now is people like Yi Haoran and Cai Lan.In fact, Xie Youren has murderous intentions in his heart, but he is still a little hesitant - after all, these people are related to the night attack in Wuzhou, and a rash execution will be suspected of "killing the mouth".But after listening to what Zhao Fengtian said, he felt very reasonable.

"You are right. It's just that Yi Haoran and Cai Lan are criminals..."

"Yi Haoran is the remnant of Xiong Wencan's evil. He caused chaos in Wuzhou and committed a heinous crime. Not killing is not enough to calm the hearts of the people. As for Cai Lan, even though she is a woman, she is running around as a lackey for Yi Haoran. , it is probably impossible to escape a good death, and it is unknown to be ashamed to commit suicide."

After Zhao Fengfeng finished speaking, he saw that Renyou was hesitating, and said in a low voice: "Chief! If you leave it to the top to question Cai Lan, it will inevitably involve many secrets in the boudoir, I am afraid it is not appropriate..."

This statement made Xie Erren excited. Yes, although it is not a secret that he "received" Cai Lan, if the interrogators from Lingao were to face Cai Lan directly, wouldn't it be that many of his private matters were They were all asked!Even if the general office withholds the relevant confession, this thing has become a handle that I can never wash away.Get rid of Cai Lan, and there will be no real evidence for this matter!All I have to do is deny it.

Xie Erren nodded slightly: "Let's do it like this!"

Zhao Fengtian understood.As long as Cai Lan dies, Chang Qingyun will vanish into thin air -- anyway, without him among the captives, no matter whether he is alive or dead, he cannot be blamed.As for Jiang Qiuchan, she had an old friendship with Luo Yangming's wife and a relationship with the storekeeper, so she couldn't deal with it casually.Fortunately, her crimes are limited, at best she is being used, the key is that her knowledge is limited, so she can let it go.Luo Yangming is not a fool, he would not get entangled in Jiang Qiuchan's affairs, otherwise his wife would also be involved.

Although it is necessary to understand Erren's approval, this task is not easy to handle.In the yamen of the Ming Dynasty, there are countless ways to kill a prisoner.However, this place is under the rule of the Senate. Whether it is deliberately "killed by mistake" during interrogation or "killed by death" in prison, it will become a suspicious point and attract the attention of the investigation team in the future.

The only thing that works is "suicide".

Of course, it is impossible to let Cai Lan "suicide", which is no different from what was said before.But Zheng Ergen said that she has the will to die, as long as she is given a chance, a little instigation is enough.

Zhao Fengfeng quietly found Zheng Ergen and told Xie Erren what he meant.Zheng Ergen hesitated a little, he whispered: "Is this going to work?"

"Naturally it will work." Zhao Fengtian said, "Don't you see that Cai Lan is determined to die? You just need to give her a ride."

"Yi Haoran!" The jailer's voice came from outside the house.

The drowsy Yi Haoran tried his best to open his eyes, the door of the house had already been opened, and several fake girls stood in front of the door, one by one aggressive.

How long has it been?Ever since he was interrogated and passed out after being tortured, he lost the concept of time.It's just that when I woke up just now, I found that I had returned to the temporary cell of the county government's Di Temple.

After Yi Haoran was arrested, he has been held in the prison of the county government. At first, he was only "preventively detained". Later, although he was changed from a multi-person cell to solitary detention, he was not charged with any crime and had a relationship with Luo Yangming. , so he was not put in prison, but temporarily detained in the Earth Temple.

Yi Haoran didn't have any fluke thoughts about his arrest.Because after tonight, there is a great possibility that his identity will be exposed—fortunately, at that time, it doesn't matter whether his identity is exposed or not.

The artillery fire outside the city and the shouts of killing in the city made him very excited. He worked hard and ran back and forth, and the plan that had been planned for many days was finally put into practice.Everything I put in for it seems to have paid off.

At this moment, although his body is full of torture and his life is at stake, he doesn't care about it—seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence.The only regret is: looking at the calm appearance of the false Kun in the city, it seems that the real Kun has not been captured or given the head.

"Yi Haoran," the leader fake Kun said in a low voice, "Now I will give you another chance, if you are willing to confess thoroughly, we will heal your wounds and save you from death—you are just an ordinary staff member, nothing more The chief culprit. Our Great Song Dynasty has always ruled the country according to the law, and the most we can do is to convict you of exile."

"What if I don't want to?" Yi Haoran said.

The flesh on Fake Kun's face twitched, and he said, "If you don't want to explain, we won't entangle you any longer. Just keep the secret you want to keep—anyway, we can figure it out in the end."

"Is this going to send me on my way?"

"That's right." Fake Kun said, "Since we don't recruit, what's the use of keeping you?"

"Then let's go. I've lived in the world for decades, and that's enough." Yi Haoran didn't care, "Wait for me to adjust my clothes."

While talking, suddenly another person came in from outside the yard, but it was a woman.Although she was neatly dressed, she was unkempt and had difficulty walking. She was supported by two healthy women—it was Cai Lan.

Although Cai Lan has long been regarded by Yi Haoran as a "deserving person", but seeing that he has been tortured because of his relationship, and he probably won't live long, he can't help but feel a little guilty in his heart.

If she hadn't provoked her with righteousness, she could have survived.

Thinking of this, he straightened his clothes, and solemnly bowed to Cai Lan: "Miss Cai, the students are polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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