Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2309 Trading

Chapter 2309 Trading
Cai Lan was originally under house arrest, but she was taken to the interrogation room as soon as it was daylight.Zheng Ergen chose two "women's servants" with big arms and round waists to "serve" her.After all, Cai Lan was born in Xiaojia Biyu. When she failed in the assassination, when she first entered the cell, she was beaten out of her body by the "killing force" and fell into hell.What's more, it didn't take long for this serious torture and torture, and he couldn't bear it for a long time, and recruited everything he knew.

At this moment when she saw Yi Haoran, his hair was disheveled, his clothes were torn, and there were still bloodstains on his cheeks, but his face was full of righteousness.I can't help being respectful and ashamed.Breaking away from the maidservants supporting her on both sides, she was deeply blessed: "All blessings, maidservant."

Yi Haoran turned sideways to avoid courtesy, and said: "Miss Cai, the students are about to leave now. Let's say goodbye."

Cai Lan was startled, and murmured, "So fast?"

"One step faster, one step slower." Yi Haoran said indifferently, "It's just that this time I only wish I could get Kun's head off to avenge the officials and civilians of the Ming Dynasty who died for no reason! However, the students have done their best. This cannot be violated. Let’s leave it alone.” After saying that, he bowed again, turned around and walked away.

Seeing him walk away in a huff, Cai Lan admired him even more.Two healthy women grabbed her wrists, pushed her forward, and escorted her to the side room of the Earth Temple.At the beginning, she was "treated" here for a few days, but now she has revisited her old place and returned to her status as a prisoner. Looking at the house and the furniture inside, she has a special feeling in her heart.

She carefully sat down on the plank, but the two maids were not polite and said sharply: "You bastard, stand up with me!"

Cai Lan was taken aback, she didn't dare to disobey, she could only support herself and stood up.Before he could stand still, he was slapped firmly on the face twice.

"Kneel down!" Before she finished speaking, she was kicked in the hollow of her knee, and she fell to her knees abruptly.

"You bastard! You're going to pretend to be a fake for my old lady, and see how I deal with you!" The maid said with a grin.

Naturally, Yi Haoran was not sent to be beheaded - Xie Erren still wanted to keep him for a public trial.He realized that the more he concealed this matter, the more he would be seen as a lack of confidence.Instead, it will attract the siege of the gang of "picky devils" in the Senate.Only by staying calm and handling this matter according to the normal process can you show that your position is stable and full of confidence.

The escorting soldiers took him to the tower of the Great South Gate. Looking down from the tower, hundreds of boats gathered on the river, except for the grain boats pulled by tugboats, twelve gunboats of the Inland River Fleet patrolled the river, spraying black smoke and white steam.Above and below the city, the Fubo Army and the National Army have sharp bayonets and swords and guns like forests.

The city is already densely guarded.The tower of the Great South Gate has been destroyed and has not been repaired, only a temporary curtain has been erected.There are koans and seats inside.Xie Erren was sitting in it, supervising the unloading of grain on the spot.Xie Erren's old flag and Venus flag hung high, and he didn't look like he was raided and almost captured last night.

Yi Haoran was escorted into the curtain and came before Xie Erren.

Xie Youren finally saw the man who almost destroyed him.He has a strong curiosity about this person.I want to see what kind of ability I have, and I can actually make such a big thing in the city!At this moment, seeing that his description is correct, he is a typical scholar of the Ming Dynasty. The so-called "sightly eyes and straight nose" are exactly the so-called "official appearance".Although he was entangled in shackles, he walked dignifiedly and gracefully, and at first glance he was a calm and stately man.It's just that this age is beyond his expectation: the beard and hair are already gray.

He hadn't paid attention to Yi Haoran's age in the confession, and he was quite surprised to see that such a half-old man actually contained such a lot of energy and passion in his body, neither gold nor silver, nor a soldier of any size. Relying on his own strength, he actually caused such a big disturbance in Wuzhou, and almost destroyed himself!

Thinking of this, he felt some admiration for him.This Yi Haoran not only has backbone, but also ability.Is a rare talent!

He motioned to the left and right to step back, and asked, "You are Yi Haoran?"

"It's the student." Yi Haoran replied calmly, "Could it be that your honor is the real and fake prefect of Wuzhou Xie Erren?"

"I'm Xie Youren." Xie Youren nodded, "You are quite courageous and capable enough!"

"Ashamed." Yi Haoran looked up to the sky and sighed, "I failed to take your head! To sacrifice this great mountain and river and countless people who died in vain!"

Xie Youren smiled, and said: "Although you didn't succeed, you have made a fuss in Wuzhou. It's not like you've gained nothing. It's just that many innocent people died in vain."

Yi Haoran sneered, but did not answer.

"Let's just say that you saved Jiang Qiuchan back then, and later you used her to lurk by my side, and even used her as a contact person——Mr. Yi, you are so good at it. This Jiang Qiuchan still doesn't know how she is. Your accomplice. But it doesn't matter if you know it or not..."

Yi Haoran's heart tightened, and he asked, "What are you going to do?"

"What to do? Naturally, we acted in accordance with the law." Xie Erren said leisurely, "Although she is not the main criminal, she is also one of the key criminals in this case who was in contact with traffic in the middle. She should be hanged according to the law..."

As Xie Youren said, he glanced sideways at Yi Haoran——he learned from the confession and the statements of Zhao Fengtian and others that Yi Haoran is an upright person, and he can be used to blackmail him.

"...It's a pity, this Jiang Qiuchan is really miserable. Her husband was killed by the officers and soldiers. The orphan and widow lived with her mean brother and sister-in-law. She finally found a job to live and work in peace and contentment, but she was used by you again. Now her life is not good. Not to mention, Qi Liheng was also left behind - he has become an orphan that everyone can bully at such a young age! By the way, he is still your student."

Yi Haoran felt guilty in his heart, although he thought that "it doesn't matter how big things are done", but he felt guilty towards both Cai Lan and Jiang Qiuchan.If it is reasonable to say that Cai Lan was involved in "sacrificing his life to avenge her husband", then Jiang Qiuchan was completely used by him.He himself is very clear that once the matter is exposed, Jiang Qiuchan will never be able to escape the thieves' investigation, and if he does, his family will be implicated.As for Qi Liheng, he felt even more distressed - this is a seed for reading, smart and sensible...

In the past, he didn't want to think about it, but now Xie Erren pointed it out to his face, leaving him speechless.

"...Speaking of Jiang Qiuchan, we also need to talk about Luo Yangming's family. This Luo Yangming, you probably think that he is taking refuge with us, and he deserves death. But what about his family members? Shopkeeper Li, Ding Atao, Wen Yun... And Ah Chun, these people treat you like a family—you were arrested last night, and Mrs. Ding invited Luo Yangming to intercede with you overnight. It’s better for you to drag them all into the water .”

This hit his heart even more.Yi Haoran has been lurking in the rice shop under a pseudonym these days, and the Luo family treats him like a family.Let him experience the family warmth that has been lost for many years.It would be a lie to say that he had no feelings for them.

"What are you going to do with them?" Yi Haoran asked.

"As for Luo Yangming's family, death is not a crime. What's more, he has done things for us. It's probably nothing more than a leniency, and he is sent to overseas barbarians—whether he can survive or not depends on their fortune."

"What exactly do you want?" Yi Haoran is a smart person, so he naturally knows that Xie Erren said these words to him not simply to ridicule him.

"Mr. Yi is really a smart man." Xie Erren nodded, "You know, I am a veteran—that is, what you call the real girl."


"Since you have tried your best to capture or kill me alive, you naturally know that the status of the elder is extremely noble."

Yi Haoran spat on the ground and said, "That's right!"

"So, as long as I am willing to write a supernatural life, these things will not happen. Jiang Qiuchan can not die, her son will not become an orphan, and the Luo family will not be exiled..."

"Don't pretend to take Joe, tell me, what do you want me to do?" Yi Haoran sneered, "It's just that if you want me to do unfaithful and unfilial things, that's impossible!"

"It's very simple. That is to cooperate with us..."

Xie Youren knew that even if Yi Haoran and Cai Lan were killed, there would still be loopholes and clues in their confessions.In order to further reduce his guilt, the best way is to ask Yi Haoran to change his confession.further reduce their responsibilities.

Just changing the confession is not enough, Xie Erren should let him retell the confession in person at the public trial meeting, which will not only further expand the scope, but also form "ironclad evidence".After going to the public trial meeting, Yi Haoran will be executed, and after that, it will be "death without evidence".

Naturally, this cannot be hidden from the Senate. The elders have various channels to obtain the truth—but the truth does not mean that there is evidence.Now these evidences are all real. As long as the principle of procedural justice is adhered to in the hearing, it is very likely to pass the test.

Yi Haoran heard a few words from You Ren, and felt like a snow cave in his heart.This is really anxious to wash away his responsibility.He sneered secretly in his heart, it seems that Zhen Kun is not uncommon, when he meets Zhen Zhang, he is really not much better than Daming's corrupt officials!
"It's not difficult for me to cooperate. Anyway, I'm going to die," Yi Haoran said, "Why do you believe what you say? You are now the emperor of Wuzhou, turning your hands into clouds and turning your hands into rain. Even if it's time to repent, it's hard for me to become a ghost Can I still settle accounts with you?"

"Mr. Yi, you are indeed a smart man." Xie Erren nodded with feigned admiration, "First, I swear on the honor of the elder..."

Yi Haoran sneered.

Xie Erren continued: "Secondly, I will deal with the issue of Jiang Qiuchan and Luo Yangming's family first. I will leave you in the final public trial. You will know that I have not broken my promise when you see the result of the handling. Since ancient times, there are no two sentences in one case. You Believable?"

Yi Haoran nodded and said: "I still believe this, but I still have someone who wants to ask: Cai Lan, what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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