Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2312 Director 3

Chapter 2312 Three Directors

"These proposals, reports, and applications involve various affairs, but the core is about the resource allocation of our department. Without exception, more than 90% of them have been rejected. Many of them were directly discussed in the General Assembly and the Standing Committee. Vetoed. So, these vetoes reflect the will of the Senate."

After being puzzled for more than ten seconds, Vest understood, and many forgotten past events flooded into his mind.He smiled:

"No wonder you were so enthusiastic about asking me to submit various reports, memorandums and proposals after the Lingao incident! You clearly knew that at that time, all parties had opinions on us, and nine out of ten of them would be waste paper .It turns out that the foreshadowing is here."

Zhao Manxiong nodded: "Comrades are very sensitive to matters related to the freedom and power of the elders. It is understandable to distrust us naturally. We don't care about the misunderstandings of comrades—in short, our work is worthy of the Senate Yes." He said slowly, "It's one thing for everyone not to trust you, but you still have to do the work that should be done."

"Old Wang!" Ai Zhixin enthusiastically stopped Wang Qiyi who was about to get off work, "Shall we have a meeting in the conference room in 5 minutes?"

Although it was an inquiring tone, Wang Qiyi knew that this was a notice, not a solicitation.He said helplessly, "Okay."

Today was originally his eldest daughter Wang Muqing's rest day when she returned home from Foshan. From her daughter's past letters, Wang Qiyi learned about the current situation in Foshan and the various conflicts between the young elders due to work.The daughter's depression can also be seen at a glance.

To be honest, this is not quite beyond Wang Qiyi's expectations.After all, in the past few years in Fangcaodi, the young veterans are all classmates, and they all "come by the same boat", so they have a natural sense of intimacy almost like brothers and sisters.Now that I am suddenly on a government post, there will inevitably be conflicts due to different concepts during the period-the impact and tearing caused by the disagreement of the three views far exceeds the small conflicts in school.

Today, he originally wanted to get off work earlier, and first "clean up the dust" for his daughter with his wife, and then have a good talk with her in the evening.Listen to her confusion, and then give some pointers on work and dealing with people.Because of this matter, Zhang Xiaoqi went back to the dormitory early.

Ai Zhixin suddenly invited him to a meeting, it couldn't be for some trivial matter, there must have been something important to discuss with him.

Could it be that there is something new in the counterfeit currency case?There has been a sudden increase in counterfeit money in the market these days. Although most of them are used in relatively remote rural areas, they are basically exposed at a glance during the day, but in the relatively remote local markets, they are widely spread by taking advantage of the people's unfamiliarity with circulation coupons.

Although the police and the Economic Crime Investigation Division of the Finance and Taxation Bureau have recently seized many people who trafficked and used counterfeit currency, the source of the counterfeit currency has never been found.

He tidied up the papers on the desk and locked them in the safe.Picking up the thermos cup of "Yuanlao Health Tea" specially provided by Runshitang, he went to the conference room.

As soon as he entered the meeting room, he was stunned, his wife Zhang Xiaoqi also came - is this the case?
"I'm sorry, the matter is urgent. So I specially sent someone to invite Deputy Bureau Zhang. I hope I didn't delay your business..."

"I'm still waiting to pick up my daughter and go home for dinner. If you have something to do with Ai Bureau, let's talk about it." Zhang Xiaoqi said impatiently.

"Look at this report first." Ai Zhixin pretended to be mysterious and took out a document from his kraft paper pocket.

Zhang Xiaoqi didn't pick it up at all, and pouted to signal Wang Qiyi to pick it up.Deputy Director Wang hurriedly bent down and got up to take the document. When he looked up, he was surprised. He quickly finished and read the document from beginning to end. He didn't seem to believe it, so he read it from the beginning again. After a long time, he put down and said : "Is this true?!"

"This was written by Xie Erren himself, how could it be fake?" Ai Zhixin said.

"This is big news! It's the first time that the Senate has opened up." Wang Qiyi was so surprised that the elders were captured by the enemy in a surprise attack in the occupied prefecture. This is a great event!It is not too much to say that it is the number one scandal.

"Finally, he was not arrested. If he was really going to be arrested, I don't know how many variables will be added!" Ai Zhixin said.

Zhang Xiaoqi was baffled by what he heard, and couldn't wait for Wang Qiyi's explanation, so he quickly picked up the document and read it.

"What's the matter with Xie Youren?" She couldn't help but comment after reading it, "We met him before he went to Wuzhou, and he talked very well and in an orderly manner. We also have ideas when we talk about finances and taxes. Isn't it a Mediocre. How could it have fallen to such a point."

"According to his report, the lack of troops in the city gave the enemy a loophole—the batch of grain a few days ago turned into a tool for the enemy to divert the tiger away from the mountain. What a trick!" Wang Qiyi sighed.This batch of grain was organized by the Finance and Taxation Bureau, and it took a lot of effort at that time.

"It is a fact that there are insufficient troops in the city, but here is another report." Ai Zhixin took out another document, "This is from the tax commissioner we sent to Wuzhou, and it will be returned by a special person."

"Damn, what are you talking about so much." Wang Qiyi brought it up, and his face experienced the change just now.

"Fuck, what's the matter!" He couldn't help cursing.

"What's going on?" Zhang Xiaoqi frowned.

"Look for yourself! This Xie Erren is simply comparable to Lao Zhang!" Wang Qiyi said, "He's about to wear the hat of shame of the Senate!"

Zhang Xiaoqi's face became very ugly after reading it, she put down the report, and asked Ai Zhixin: "Ai Ju, is this news reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable," Ai Zhixin said. "Of course, this is a private memo written by our tax commissioner. It belongs to our bureau's documents. Whether it can be made public is in our hands, unless..."

"Unless the Senate wants to investigate this matter." Wang Qiyi said.

"That's right." Ai Zhixin nodded, "If this document gets out, Xie Erren will be completely finished. I'm afraid he will be dismissed immediately, and he will be criticized at the hearing."

"I don't think it's possible to dismiss him immediately." Zhang Xiaoqi shook his head, "After all, he has worked in Wuzhou for so long and is familiar with the local conditions, so he will probably be retained for a while—but he will definitely stand aside in the future."

"No matter how we deal with it, the ending is probably not much better than that of Lao Zhang." Ai Zhixin sat down on the sofa, "The Senate hates people who make mistakes with women..."

Wang Qiyi coughed quickly, and Ai Zhixin immediately stopped playing.

Zhang Xiaoqi frowned, and said, "We don't care about his mistakes, what about this memo?"

Wang Qiyi didn't say a word, and after a long silence, he said: "This memo is a blockbuster when it is thrown out, and Xie Erren is completely finished. My personal opinion is to cure the disease and save the patient - he is also a qualified veteran of the expatriate place, and talent is rare. "

Ai Zhixin nodded and said: "The Senate hasn't said to investigate him yet, I think we don't need to report this memo for the time being—just file it according to the general memo—anyway, this memo will be sent to us every week. "

The cooperation between veterans who are dispatched to the local area and the taxation bureau is generally more pleasant-after all, they not only control the allocation of funds, but also undertake the work of rebuilding the taxation system for the local government. They are the out-and-out "God of Wealth".No matter from which angle you look at it, there is no need for the Finance and Taxation Bureau to "beat the dog in the water".

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Zhang Xiaoqi frowned, "Don't forget, there are several vertically managed departments in Wuzhou. Especially the Political Security Bureau, whose eyes and ears are everywhere, there must be someone in Wuzhou, this will , probably a more detailed report has arrived at Lingao!"

"It's their business if they are willing to report. There is nothing we can do if they are willing to be villains..." Ai Zhixin spread his hands, "It's just Xie Erren's bad luck."

After all, this matter has nothing to do with the Finance and Taxation Bureau. They have no enmity or grudge with Xie Erren, and there is no special friendship or interest involved.

"I think the old fox Zhao Manxiong may not be able to take out the materials." Wang Qiyi said leisurely, "Maybe, he wants to cover it up."

"Oh?" Ai Zhixin became interested.

"In fact, we are very clear about the situation in Wuzhou. Wuzhou is just an empty shelf now." Wang Qiyi is very interested in Wuzhou, a portal between Guangdong and Guangxi, and believes that it is one of the important growth points of Guangdong's fiscal and taxation. The situation is also better understood.

"Let's just say that the garrison is ready. It is said that it is the configuration of a brigade in Wuzhou, and a company is specially allocated. In fact, it has been mobilized a long time ago. According to the importance of Wuzhou, what is the use of this little force? "Wang Qiyi said, "I don't need to talk about other things. The Political Security Bureau simply didn't set up a branch—it didn't take Wuzhou seriously."

"Speaking of which Xie Erren was captured this time, it was mainly due to the infiltration of traitors. Isn't anti-infiltration and anti-traitors the work of the Political Security Bureau?" Zhang Xiaoqi said, "In this matter, Zhao Manxiong and Wumu have seriously neglected their duties."

"Is it just unprofessional? What kind of professional work can a few cosplay fans do?" Ai Zhixin fired without any scruples, and by the way he puffed up his chest, as if to show that he is "professional".

"Professional or not, we don't understand. No matter how much they are interested in anti-rape, they are far less interested in monitoring." Wang Qiyi said a little playfully.He himself is actually very uncomfortable with the Political Security Bureau-especially after knowing that they are also hidden among the cadres of his Finance and Taxation Bureau.

Originally, the discussion on this matter stopped here, and it was nothing more than a few people complaining about it.But at this moment, Zhang Xiaoqi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "This is an opportunity!"

The two men in the room asked in unison: "What chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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