Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2313

Chapter 2313
"Now most of the veterans are dissatisfied with the deployment of hidden cadres by the Political Security Bureau, but to be honest, the previous few incidents failed to completely destroy them. Although they are very low-key now, the work of arranging hidden cadres has not stopped for a moment. This time there was such a big incident in Wuzhou, of course Elder Xie was responsible, but what about the Political Security Bureau? Isn't it more responsible? After the establishment of this broken situation, the results have not been seen, and there are many big and small things that have been caused. It’s time to ban it completely—otherwise, why do we need the police?!”

Wang Qiyi knew that his wife was thinking of "borrowing a knife to kill someone".He knew in his heart that although the Political Security Bureau was annoying, it had a detached position and basically did not get involved in the internal struggles of the Senate.If he opened fire on Zhengbao at this moment, not to mention what cards the other party had at hand, it would be regarded as a tie in the future.

From any point of view, the Political Security Bureau has no hindrance to the work of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, and Wu Mu is also very cooperative with his work in Guangzhou.It is a kind of political naivety to go against them just because they "can't understand", "hate" and "the three views do not match".

He coughed lightly, and just as he was about to speak, Ai Zhixin shook his head: "Ju Zhang, this is not going to happen. The Political and Security Bureau has never offended us. What good is it for us to hate them, it's meaningless... ..."

Wang Qiyi also hurriedly added: "I also don't think it's necessary. Many of the cases we handled in Guangzhou were cooperated by them. And everyone cooperates happily in various tasks. To start the fire, the well-known members of the Senate must be fired." The thorn head fires first, and we pull the sideways sideways."

Zhang Xiaoqi originally thought of it on a whim, so it's not appropriate to think about it now.When Chu Xiaoran committed suicide back then, Wumu was very cooperative. If he had stepped forward and stabbed them, not to mention what Zhao Manxiong and the others would think, the other elders would be chilled when they saw it.

"Since this is the case, how about revealing the relevant content to Shan Liang and the others..."

"No, it's not necessary." Wang Qiyi shook his head, "Yan Guo left a message. Anyway, someone will take the initiative to leak these reports to them, and we don't need to do it ourselves."

"Alright." Ai Zhixin nodded, "In this case, let's file it first and pretend not to know..."

Wang Qiyi suddenly remembered something, and asked his wife, "You mentioned last time that most of the funds for the Political Security Bureau come from extra-budgetary special channels—there must be such funds in Guangdong, right?"

"Of course." Zhang Xiaoqi nodded, "The ones in Guangdong basically use special funding channels..."

"Have you dialed all of them?"

"Of course." Zhang Xiaoqi felt strange, "What's the use of keeping this money in the account? Besides, the Guangdong side of the Political Security Bureau has very little funding, and the headcount fee alone takes up most of it."

"Just dial it down." Wang Qiyi muttered to himself, "I'm afraid there will be a big storm in the Senate."

Sure enough, Xie Erren's reports were delivered layer by layer, and all the elders were surprised.Because the Fucheng was destroyed, the elders were captured for a time, which was the first time since D-Day.Although the Senate has not suffered much damage in the overall situation, many people have seen the problems revealed behind the scenes.

In the entire Guangdong-Guangzhou campaign, from a military point of view alone, the Fubo army was invincible, invincible and invincible.After entering August, not only the entire province of Guangdong has been taken to achieve the campaign goal, but progress in Guangxi has also been rapid. In Guangxi, two-thirds of the prefectures and counties ruled by officials set up by the Ming Dynasty have been conquered.The rest were occupied by a small number of Ming troops, just lingering on their last legs.Although Xiong Wencan's situation is unknown, his current life and death are meaningless to the battle situation.Some chieftains in Guangdong and Guangxi have sent envoys to the Senate to show their submission.Even the bandit riots and Yao chaos that once broke out in various places have calmed down under timely suppression. Although the wars in various places have not subsided, overall there is no Ming army or other forces capable of threatening the entire Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders.

However, under the brilliant appearance is the increasingly weak logistical supplies and the diluted troops and cadres by the vast area.Now whether it is Xi Yazhou, the commander of the army, who is in command of the battle, Beiwei who is in charge of the two provinces in Guangzhou, and Hong Huangnan who is in charge of the logistics, they all have a deep understanding of the fact that the Japanese devils are in China, the Soviet army is in Afghanistan, and the Yankees are in Iraq. situation.

The front line is long, the transportation and supplies are weak, and the military strength is scarce.At almost any point, the South China Army was understrength.A large number of improvised national army squadrons in the rear were disbanded and severely damaged in batches. Although a group of excellent teams have been trained after the war, the loss of personnel and equipment is real.

Due to the lack of sufficient cadres and garrisons in the occupied cities, most of them are difficult to carry out work and can only protect themselves.This makes many newly occupied areas not only unable to provide resources, but consume a lot of resources.

The Wuzhou incident is nothing more than a representative of the current embarrassing situation of the Senate in Guangdong and Guangxi.This point, whether it is Wen Desi in Guangdong, or Wang Luobin, Ma Qianju, and Wu De in Lingao, is very clear.

"In my opinion, the war situation in Guangdong and Guangxi has a tendency to change to Iraq." In a conference room of the Guangdong Regional Government, Bei Wei frowned.

"We don't need to set up a FLAG for ourselves." Wen Desi said, "I think it's time to end the war with dignity..."

Hong Nanhuang said: "Mr. Wen, when you say this, the main fighters in the Senate listened to you, and you must be labeled as a capitulator."

"To be honest, if Chongzhen is willing to come to peace talks with us now, I have no objection—at least we don't have to fight during the peace talks, and the army can breathe for a while. If this fight continues, the troops will be exhausted," Wen Desi said. If you are not a barbarian, what does it mean to cut off more heads?"

"The Ming army is not a problem now, the key is that our front line is too long." Bei Wei said, "We have now awarded more than 300 national army squadron numbers, far exceeding the planned 150 squadrons—just In this way, there are requests for more security forces everywhere." Bei Wei said, "However, this is not the biggest problem, I am more worried about the Senate..."

"Another uproar." Wen Desi nodded and said, "Needless to say, some people who are afraid of chaos in the world are going to get excited again."

Everyone here naturally understands what Wen Desi is referring to.

"Xie Erren is nothing," Wen Desi said. "He poked the sack, and he probably has some consciousness. It is not difficult for us to send another shrewd and capable veteran to clean up the mess in Wuzhou—the worst will not be bad." Where to. I suspect, though, that he's not telling the whole truth..."

"You mean..."

"I learned from some sources that the causes and consequences of Xie Erren's capture are more complicated. These circumstances are not currently included in Xie Erren's report. I am worried that once the news spreads, the senate will not be an uproar, but a monstrous one." It's a wave."

The elders present here are very clear that if things are tossed and the roots of the Wuzhou Incident are to be dug deep, then almost none of the elders present will be spared-not only none of them will be spared, but also Xi Yazhou, Guangzhou and Lingao who are far away on the front line. Many local ministries and agencies have to suffer.

"You can't let people make use of it!" Bei Wei frowned, "The atmosphere in the Senate is too bad now! It's completely like a glass heart that can't rub sand in its eyes!"

"The current situation is probably more complicated than in the past." Hong Huangnan said, "Actually, I'm not too worried about those famous opponents. Rather, some forces may use this as an excuse to completely deny Beishang Continent. The national policy of attacking Guangdong and Guangxi."

"You mean the 'Southward School'?" Liu Xiang interjected.

The so-called southward faction has been advocating that the Senate should invest resources in Southeast Asia and develop colonies in order to obtain the local rich natural resources since before landing.

Originally, this kind of voice had always existed, but after the launch of the mainland strategy, the Nanxia faction's public opinion offensive became higher and higher, pulling people everywhere.There is no doubt that they will never let go of this great opportunity.

"Exactly." Hong Huangnan said, "A few days ago they besieged Skaide at the hearing of the Senate and made him very embarrassed. This intention is too obvious. Now that Xie Erren's incident happened, I'm afraid they will use this to deny the plan to go north..."

"It's a joke, we beat Guangdong and Guangxi with blood and sweat, and a few veterans sitting behind and discussing Dao want to deny it?! Are they worthy?!" Bei Wei glared.

"Old Bei, whether they deserve to talk about it or not, but the Wuzhou incident is definitely a big deal right now. Although Xie Erren is safe and sound, how many people in the Senate are waiting to eat his blood steamed buns. Let's think about how to do it first." Get this thing over with."

"Old Hong, I think you're worrying too much." Liu Xiang said, "The plan to go north originally ended with the occupation of the entire territory of Guangdong and Guangxi. So what if they make a fuss? It doesn't mean that we all retreat back to Hainan, right? I don't think anyone has the guts to say such a thing!"

"Liu Dafu, you have been the mayor too securely, and you don't know much about Lingao's current situation." Hong Huangnan said, "It is naturally impossible to abandon Guangdong and Guangxi. But it will cost a lot of money to use the strategy of Guangdong and Guangxi , thus stopping the construction of Guangdong and Guangxi is the most serious consequence of this matter.”

"What?!" Liu Xiang has been dreaming of "Jing Zhao Yin", planning the "Great Guangzhou" plan in his mind.Lao Hong's words were like pouring a basin of ice water on him.

"Presumably you also know that when the Government Affairs Council proposed that the Guangdong-Guangdong strategy was over, it shifted the focus of construction to the Pearl River Delta region. Specifically, the senate moved its capital to Guangzhou and some industrial properties were relocated. At that time, there was a strong backlash within the senate. These elders Although it is not a southward faction, it is optimistic to take this opportunity to veto the relocation of the capital and industrial relocation. At this juncture, they are likely to join forces."

(End of this chapter)

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