Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2316

Chapter 2316
"Since her natal family is involved, we should investigate to the end. The loss of Sanhezui is so great, there must be an explanation. We must find out what's inside." Luo Yangming immediately expressed his position.

"This Jiang Rongxian is quite cunning. He was detained by us for questioning, pretending to be sincere and terrified, and weeping bitterly. He didn't explain the key things at all." Zhao Fengfeng continued, "If it weren't for the fact that this stamp was discovered today, probably He just slipped past them, and those stolen money and stolen goods are also cheap for them!"

Luo Yangming knew that this was Zhao Fengtian's "setting the tone" for the Jiang family.However, it is possible for the leader to "suppress first and then raise" or "raise first and then suppress", so there is no need to express his position in a hurry, so he did not answer directly, but just said something indifferent:
"Businessmen are only interested in profit, and it has been like this since ancient times."

Zhao Fengtian couldn't understand what Luo Yangming meant.His plan was to make a big fuss about this matter, and push the main problem of the Wuzhou riots on Jiang Yougong, Liu Wangwang and others.So the Jiang family brothers and sisters became important "witnesses".

Needless to say, once the case is handled according to this route, the fate of the Jiang family brothers and sisters will be known-originally Jiang Qiuchan was deeply involved, and now her elder brother is clearly involved in the case. It's over.

However, Luo Yangming has always wanted to defend Jiang Qiuchan before this. After all, he is a hidden cadre of the Political Security Bureau, and the report can go directly to Lingao. Although this matter is public-to-public, Chief Xie has too many weaknesses. "Investigate to the end", but it was too much against his will. When the time comes, a paper report will be issued, and chief executive Xie will stand aside, and he, the "chief secretary", will have to report to Fu Youdi.

After a little calculation, Luo Yangming's main protection was Jiang Qiuchan, probably because of his wife's entrustment, and there should not be too many interests involved in the Jiang family itself.

"It seems that Liu Wangwang's case can only be investigated from the Jiang family." Zhao Fengfeng said, "Jiang Qiuchan is a married daughter, and the family may not have much to say. Her case and her elder brother's case can be handled separately."

Luo Yangming nodded: "You are right."

Zhao Fengfeng looked at his watch: "It's getting late, I'm going to arrange the public trial meeting, which is also the highlight."

Ever since Yi Haoran agreed to cooperate, the Australians gave him some "preferential treatment", arranged him to be detained in a separate cell, treated his criminal injuries, and had better food.

Sitting in the cell and ignoring him, Zhao Fengfeng came to see him.Holding the Four Treasures of the Study in his hand.

"Sir, are you safe?"

"The student's health is very good now." Yi Haoran sneered, "Thank you for your mercy."

"Where is it?" Zhao Fengfeng put down the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, "It's up to each other, and I think Mr. understands it."

"Since ancient times, it is a matter of course to become a king and defeat a bandit." Yi Haoran remained indifferent for a long time, and asked, "Where is Cai Lan now?"

"I've already been martyred." Zhao Fengfeng said, "I've already arranged for her to take care of her funeral. You don't have to worry too much, sir."

"Okay." Yi Haoran looked up to the sky and sighed, he didn't have much friendship with Cai Lan, and he didn't have much apology for dragging her into the water, and always regarded her as "the person who deserves to die".But now that she heard that she had committed suicide, guilt arose in her heart.

A poor woman, although the Australians attacked Wudao and caused her to be exposed to other countries, but in the end she was forced to death with her own hands.No matter how many books of sages and sages Yi Haoran has read, he still can't violate his conscience.

"As for Luo Yangming's family, they are naturally not in the way. Even his position in the aftermath bureau has not been changed. As for Jiang Qiuchan, she was just used by you and Cai Lan. It was an unintentional mistake. After the public trial, she must be punished. No Suffer a great crime. These, we all keep our word."

"Mr. Zhao has to work harder." Yi Haoran calmly nodded his thanks, "I don't know how much time the student has?"

"Three or five days."

"The student's statement hasn't been written yet." Yi Haoran said, "Do you have a sample draft?"

It was for this that Zhao Fengtian came to see him in person, and it was also for this that he worked so hard just now.Seeing that he was very cooperative, he immediately took out his draft from his pocket.

"Just copy it according to the manuscript."

Yi Haoran unfolded the manuscript and looked at it, and couldn't help but sneer.He originally saw Zhao Fengtian's good manners and conversation, and thought he was a scholar, but he didn't expect that not only the crooked bad words, but also the vulgar words.

"The student's confession can't be written like this." Yi Haoran said a little proudly, "Wait for me to rewrite it."

At that moment, he picked up the water and polished the ink, picked up the pen, re-polished according to the content of the confession, and wrote a new article.

"Let's take it."

Zhao Fengfeng took it over and took a look. Not only was the text beautiful, but the article was also written in seconds.He read it through briefly, and except for some bixing allusions that he couldn't understand, the meaning of the whole text was clear, which was exactly the same as his own draft.

"Sir, you are really talented." Yi Haoran complimented, and put away the confession and the draft.He told Yi Haoran that if he had any last words, he might as well write them down.If you want to write a suicide note to your family, Australians can try to deliver it on their behalf.

"Is it okay for students to write anything?"

"Of course it's okay," Zhao Fengfeng said, "Mr. must have a lot to say, so you might as well keep them all. In the future, maybe someone will understand Mr.'s painstaking efforts."

Zhao Fengtian said goodbye and left, but Yi Haoran's heart was full of thoughts.Although he didn't understand why Zhao Fengtian gave him pen and paper, he did have the urge to write down what he saw, heard and thought.

Yi Haoran has been in Liaodong for many years and has followed Sun Chengzong, so he has seen a lot.However, he seldom thought about writing about Liaodong.On the contrary, the past few years in Xiong Wencan's curtain—especially the days after getting acquainted with Jiang Suo, gave him a lot of feelings.

The Australians are just a small group of overseas barbarians who don't know their origins. Anyone who says "descendants of the Great Song Dynasty" will sneer at it.If you insist on talking about Chinese Miao descendants, you may be able to make it up—after all, they look like Chinese people, and although their voices are strange, at least they can understand Chinese, and they also write Chinese characters... Although their Chinese characters are still It's not as good as Yi Haoran's writing by the few Koreans he met in the capital.

It is such a small group of people, relying on a big iron boat, but they have conquered cities and conquered territory for ten years, and they have repeatedly defeated officers and soldiers.Up to now, it can even sweep Guangdong and Guangxi, and it has vaguely surpassed the Eastern captives and rogue bandits, and has become the number one confidant of the imperial court.

Ever since he came under Xiong Du's curtain, this matter has always made him feel unbelievable.As far as Donglu is concerned, the old slave used to be the Dragon and Tiger General conferred by the Ming Dynasty, and he was also a powerful party in Jianzhou, and he was sheltered by Li Chengliang for many years.Although raising the flag to rebel and establish a country on their own, there is no mystery to Yi Haoran, who has lived in Liaodong for a long time, how the Donglu started his business and how he succeeded.Whether it is the old slave or the current Huang Taiji, although there are unique features in the system, most of them imitate the Ming Dynasty and follow the example.

However, the thieves from the sea are different, from them, Yi Haoran can't see the shadow of Da Ming -- let alone Da Song.

Although Yi Haoran has a strong interest in the Kun thief, he has been unable to enter for a long time.Whether it is rumors, Australian goods or Australian books, they cannot give him a definite answer.It wasn't until he got acquainted with Jiang Suo that he really opened the door for him to know Australians.Although Jiang Suo did not have a continuation, and he spent a long time in exile with the Australians, his experience was more than that of many naturalized people.From his mouth, Yi Haoran got a lot of deeds and systems of the Australians, and also understood how the thieves governed the people, and what those fake kuns who were willing to attach themselves to the kun thought.

He had already had an idea to record what he heard and thought about the Kun thief with a pen.Now, this is about the last chance.

Thinking of this, he sat down at the table and picked up his pen.

The official report of the Wuzhou Incident finally came to Lingao after the report of the plague.

Because the news of the outbreak of the plague in Guangzhou was so explosive that it instantly attracted the attention of almost all the elders.As a result, the report of the Wuzhou Incident was delayed in the Senate for several days before it was sent to the meeting for discussion.

Probably the news was too shocking, and the elders who were immersed in the huge threat of the plague had not yet recovered their senses. As soon as this matter was brought up, the entire Senate was stunned.

Probably because they knew that this matter was of great importance, and they were even more afraid of being caught by their opponents when they were sleepy to express their opinions, none of the factions in the Senate was in a hurry to express their opinions, but they each said some absolutely correct phrases of "serious concern".

In the end, the only resolution on this matter reached in the Senate was to immediately set up an investigation team for the Wuzhou incident and rush to Wuzhou to investigate what happened.

But on the key issue of who is in charge of the investigation, there has been considerable controversy among all parties.In the end, it was decided that Ji Xin would be in charge of the investigation of this tricky case - after all, he was also the one who handled the maid riot, and all parties were satisfied with his conduct and investigation conclusions.

Because this matter also involved the issue of traitors, the Political Security Bureau sent Chen Baibin, who had worked as an internal investigator at Hangzhou Station, to assist him in his work.After all, the handling of the Hangzhou station was also quite subtle. Although Chen Baibin was not responsible for making the final conclusion, everyone in his investigation was generally satisfied, and he was considered a person with no controversy.

"Presumably you can also see that the inside story of the Wuzhou incident may not be that simple." Before Ji Xin left, Xiao Zishan invited him to the office to "drink tea and talk".

"It's not simple, but it's not complicated enough to be confusing." Ji Xin said calmly, "In my opinion, many people take things too complicated."

"Maybe." Xiao Zishan nodded to express his opinion, "Now everyone knows not to express their opinions easily. Even Shan Liang and the others have to wait for the limelight."

"They think too much, so they will naturally be timid." Ji Xin smiled slightly, "Actually, it's nothing, no matter how everyone thinks and weighs, there is always only one truth."

(End of this chapter)

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