Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2317 Danzhou Development Seminar

Chapter 2317 Danzhou Development Seminar
Hundreds of kilometers away from Lingao, a storm is sweeping across the land by Danzhou Bay.

Pentium dark clouds enveloped the sky, torrential rain mixed with lightning and thunder poured on the land.The land that had been leveled was washed away, and the strong wind tore the straw curtains and tarpaulins that barely covered the supplies, blowing them into the air like kites.

The sea is also rushing under the strong wind, washing the coastline—fortunately, Danzhou Bay is an inland sea, and the waves have weakened a lot when they reach the shore, but even so, several H800 cargo ships moored at Yangpu Wharf Tossed on the waves like a toy.

Less than 1 km away from Yangpu Wharf, several container huts are still standing in the storm.The sun-proof branches and leaves that were originally covered on it have been scattered and disappeared.The rainwater that was too late to drain away gathered at the bottom of the container—the container itself was padded with stones, and it was finally temporarily protected from rainwater, but the equipment and goods on the yard were inevitably flooded.

In the wind and rain, you can barely see a few black characters on the wooden sign hanging in front of one of the container huts: "Danzhou Industrial Park Construction Headquarters".

That's right, here is the key project "Danzhou Industrial Park" in the second five-year plan.

Danzhou Industrial Park is not a factory, nor several factories, but a whole chemical system.If you want to describe it, it is a chemical industrial park.In other words, since D-Day, the crude chemical companies that the Senate has put together from scratch have to do a comprehensive integration and upgrade here. It is pitifully small, and can only make a leap-forward increase in the output of basic chemical industries that have been repeatedly constructed at a low level.

In the long run, industries such as petroleum refining, pharmaceuticals and related machinery manufacturing will also be developed here.Call it ambitious.If you read the ambitious description of Danzhou Industry drafted by the chemical industry department, it is enough to make you feel excited and fascinated.There are only a few container houses in the Danzhou Industrial Park right now.

The construction of the industrial park started almost at the same time as the Senate launched the mainland strategy.However, compared with the overwhelming momentum of the army on the mainland, the construction of the industrial park is struggling.

The reason is nothing more than insufficient resources.That's right, the Senate launched this project to solve the resource problem, but before a project can benefit, more resources are needed.

The Second Five-Year Plan is quite ambitious. Although some obviously unrealistic projects have been "suspended" according to the suggestions of the veterans and the actual situation before the launch, the Planning Institute is still facing the situation of too much food and few monks: on the one hand, the Second Five-Year Plan is rolled out , On the one hand, there are huge expenses on the battlefields of Guangdong and Guangxi.A large amount of productivity is occupied for the production of military supplies, and the occupation of transportation capacity also slows down the speed of material circulation.As a result, the investment and materials invested in industry and agriculture have been greatly reduced.The Danzhou Industrial Park started construction for two months, and in the third month, there was already a situation where materials could not be delivered in time and work was stopped for materials.

The veterans who were originally ambitious and planned to do a big battle in Danzhou could only gather in the container hut and scold their mothers without doing anything. Ma Qianju, Wu De, Xi Yazhou, Cheng Dong... none of the senior leaders of the Government Affairs Council were tortured. spared.

Ji Tuisi saw that the project was not going well, so instead of letting these people get together to scold their mothers, it is better to do something else.So a "seminar" for the key personnel of the chemical industry was held in Danzhou.

Since it is a seminar, it is natural to focus on "investigation" to let everyone relax - working in the chemical industry is definitely a test.The elders not only faced danger all the time, but also faced death frequently.The death rate of the chemical industry has long been among the highest in the industrial system of the Senate.Therefore, wages and subsidies are also the first part of the Senate, which is equal to the metallurgical part.

Almost every veteran of the chemical industry has witnessed the various ways of death of the naturalized migrant workers, and it is possible to film a "A Thousand Ways of Death in the Chemical Industry", which makes their nerves somewhat unbearable-not to mention Many times they face sudden death accidents just like naturalized migrant workers.It's just that their vigilance is far higher than that of the naturalized people, and they strictly follow the rules and regulations in all aspects.That's why it was lucky to maintain the safety record of no death or serious injury for the elders in the past ten years.

This kind of mental pressure naturally needs to be relieved in time.This time when he came to Danzhou for a seminar, Ji Tuisi entrusted the general office and the new director of Danzhou to prepare a "program" locally.

Unexpectedly, the show hadn't even started yet. A group of people had just walked around the civil construction site of Danzhou Industrial Park when they encountered a storm.

The weather forecasting ability of the Senate is quite weak. After all, they don't have satellites, computers and weather radars, so they can only rely on manual observations to infer the weather.To accurately forecast the weather is tantamount to fantasy.

The storm came quite suddenly, and it was impossible to retreat to Danzhou City for a while, so a group of people gathered in the construction headquarters to beat farts, killing time and waiting for the storm to stop.

At this moment, none of them paid attention to the wind and rain outside, but they all stared at the "Danzhou Industrial Park Project Planning Blueprint" hanging on the wall, on which various factories and institutions were densely marked.Covering the entire surrounding area of ​​Danzhou Bay.

However, only the Yangpu Lighthouse, Yangpu Wharf, and the Industrial Park Transportation Center are the auxiliary facilities that are currently under construction—the roads and railways leading to other places in the blueprint will converge here.Right now, there is not even a dormitory for workers, and the thousands of construction workers who are building the Danzhou Industrial Park can only live in simple sheds.

As for the production part, only the civil works of the oil shale refinery are under construction slowly, and the other factories are not at all.

On the drawings, it looks like a tiger, but when you look back, it turns out to be a sick cat. This is the current situation of Danzhou Industrial Park.The participants looked at the comparison between the two and felt more and more uncomfortable.

"It's been almost ten years, and our basic industrial construction is still a pile of shit..." Zhang Xiao sighed, "Let's not mention our chemical industry—it's the shit in the shit. The production scale is at best the laboratory level. For several basic products, the output of a pilot test conducted by my brother is higher than that of our largest workshop!"

"If it weren't for a pile of shit, what are we doing here? The chemical industry port has been delayed!" Zhang Hao continued, not to be outdone, "The culprit is first the planning institute, and then the metallurgical port. The former is constantly suppressed and then suppressed. The latter is prevarication and prevarication!"

As the leader of the Chemical Industry Port, Ji Tuisi naturally couldn't allow Er Zhang to attack "Youkou" like this, let alone attack the omnipotent Planning Institute.He coughed and said, "The Planning Institute can't make materials by itself, it's just a distribution department. As for the metallurgical gate, if the stainless steel can't be made, it can't be made-you can't just let them make nickel and Chrome bar."

"The last time we worked on silicon steel, we tossed a lot of resources, and the result was a pile of scrap iron. It made Dianbai very happy for a long time."

"That technical route was originally wrong!"

"Tell me about your technical route?"

"My technical route is stuck on a few key nodes. They can't get it out mechanically, saying that they lack key materials."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? This shit is an infinite endless loop!"

"It would be great if that would be successful. A breakthrough in the power port will benefit everyone. At least we will have a lot more money for non-ferrous metals than now, and some rare elements will not get stuck. Now the power port has a half-assed project. Not to mention, we need to go to the power workshop to change the factory!"

"Multiple riveting, Ma Qianzhu's favorite."

"The factory has used large and small water tanks as distillation equipment for a long time. This is very in line with Ma Qianzhu's aesthetic style, but it will kill us."

You and I in the container tended to turn into a complaint meeting. Ji Tuisi smiled and said, "Stop talking about such useless nonsense. This seminar is supposed to talk about the coordination of the construction of the industrial park." Problem - we have been here for so many years, we can no longer use old sayings to prevaricate. We have to come up with something new and something new. Zhanwuya will also come the day after tomorrow.”

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice." The speaker's name is Zhou Zhou.He is a young man—if you say he is young, he is not too young, in short, he is the kind of "young man" whose exact age is not easy to see.But since he's a doctor, he's probably in his thirties.

Dr. Zhou and his wife came together, one of the few doctoral couples in the Senate.It was also an accident that he participated in the time-traveling: purely because his wife saw it on the Internet and found it interesting, and thought it would be good to come and have fun. People around thought it was an organization that scammed money and fooled people, but since his wife thought it was interesting, he might as well come and participate. Thousands of dollars, it is right to travel to Leizhou.If you have the opportunity to shoot a few videos and post them on the Internet, "The Destruction of Internet Fraud Groups", maybe you can become an Internet celebrity UP host.

Unexpectedly, this "tourism" gave both husband and wife a "permanent tour".Surrounded by stamping their feet and beating their chests, I was in a management position in a commercial bank in the old time and space, with a decent position, a lot of banknotes, and many new girls... Now all the fuck is gone!Gone!
As for his wife, she also held a management position in the banking industry.Such superior conditions made many veterans think that they participated in the time-traveling for the sake of "ideals", and Dr. Zhou had no choice but to accept his own personality by mistake.

If you come, you will be safe. Fortunately, the profession is still useful. He has successively participated in the preparation work of the Planning Institute, Delong Bank, Cheka and other financial and taxation.In addition, he is surrounded by a master who likes to socialize, and his popularity has always been good.Everyone thinks that he is planning for the future of Delong or the position of governor of the central bank-but he is not.His ambition has nothing to do with finances.

(End of this chapter)

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