Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2320 Danzhou Planning

Chapter 2320 Danzhou Planning
Surroundings won the Danzhou banner and won the support of a group of veterans of the chemical industry.To be honest, he knew nothing about chemical engineering and planning, so he had no interest in this meeting.I thought I would slap my ass and leave, but the intensity of the summer storm was quite considerable.Shipping around Yangpu Bay was suspended and land routes were flooded.I can't go even if I want to.And Zhang Hao also suggested that he should have more relationship with the veterans, which would be safer.

"After all, you are not from science and engineering..."

"I'm a science student, okay? My job is finance, and finance is a science project!" The surroundings hurriedly distinguished.

"It's the original sin for you to do finance," Zhang Hao said. "In short, you should say less about your background in finance. Mention more about the fact that you are a science student. It will be easier for everyone to have a common language."

After the exhilaration, the veterans of the chemical industry returned to their own work in the seminar. After all, if you want to speak loudly in the company, you must either have a high emotional intelligence and be able to come to work, or you must be a business backbone with achievements.

"Next, we will conduct an overall review of the construction plan and process of the entire industrial park." Ji Tuisi got up and said, "Although this plan is the result of brainstorming by our chemical industry for more than half a year, it has also been approved by the Planning Institute. Approved. But this project has a huge investment and a long construction period. Basically, it is in a state of design and construction. You must carefully consider how to plan and how to arrange the production line-especially pay attention to the actual industrial capacity of the Senate... ..."

The map on the wall is very grand, with dense plant patterns and all kinds of bluffing notes on it: "Special Chemical Complex", "Electrochemical General Plant", "Synthesis Gas and Liquefied Gas General Plant", "Chemical Machinery Plant" ""Aniline Soda Factory", "Union Carbide Group"... At first glance, I thought it was a map of the Ruhr area.

This blueprint is the crystallization of Chemkou's ambitions for many years.Since the crude synthetic ammonia equipment of the "Lingao No. [-] Chemical Consortium" in the Senate began to operate, the chemical industry began to pursue the road of expanding production capacity.

However, expanding the production capacity and variety of chemical products involves far more problems than other industrial sectors. The first is the problem of equipment.Although some key equipment and consumables have been brought from the old time and space, these things are far from enough.The corrosion-resistant material they urgently need - stainless steel, cannot meet the supply for a long time because of the lack of key nickel and chromium.This makes it difficult for the chemical industry to use glass and ceramics with poor processing and poor material properties as the main production equipment materials for a long time, making it difficult to expand production and scale.

Moreover, with the development of the city in recent years, land, water resources and pollution have made it difficult for the chemical port to further expand its production scale in Lingao.All the people in the chemical industry combined, only by relocating as soon as possible can the chemical industry have a new development opportunity.

Where exactly will you relocate?After discussion, among the counties in Hainan, Qiongnan was basically rejected—the degree of development is too low, the population is sparse, and there are many mountainous areas. Although there are some resources, most of them are difficult to develop.And apart from Sanya, almost no county has a natural port with better conditions.This is a fatal problem for the chemical industry zone, which is basically outside the two ends.

After discussion between the Industrial Port and the Planning Institute, Danzhou, west of Lingao, was selected as the chemical industry zone.

Danzhou is next to Lingao, and the distance is relatively close. Although Danzhou is not as developed as Lingao and Chengmai, it has a considerable foundation in agriculture, with a population and food.Land supply is also more abundant.Moreover, Danzhou Bay is located in the northwest of Hainan Island, which belongs to the leeward side of the typhoon. It is one of the most ideal industrial development places on the island. The industrial projects of Hainan Island in the old time and space are all in the west.

Yangpu Port in Danzhou is a natural deep-water safe haven. Even without landform modification, it still has good natural anchorage and safe haven.The local area is rich in volcanic rock, which can be used as building materials on site, reducing the use of materials.In terms of land transportation, the distance from Danzhou to Lingao is not only short, but also the road construction conditions are good. Whether it is to build higher-grade roads or lay railways in the future, it is more convenient.

The location of Yangpu Port itself is also very advantageous, and it can receive coal from Vietnam and timber from Laos, Cambodia and other places nearby.Moreover, there is a salt field on the north coast of Yangpu Port, where sea salt needed for salt chemical industry can be obtained locally.

Although the ambitions of the veterans were mainly in oil, with salt, coal and wood, the chemical industry can be regarded as promising.Even if oil cannot be supplied in a short period of time, there is still a backup option, and that is the oil shale in Danzhou Changpo-although it is not serious oil, it can make do at any rate.

Once the planning of the Danzhou Chemical Industry Base was approved, it was included in the key projects of the "Second Five-Year Plan" as a "special case".

Once the project was established, the "Danzhou Industrial Park Management Committee" was established in Danzhou as a comprehensive management organization responsible for the construction and coordination of the industrial park.Then the "Danzhou Industrial Park Construction Headquarters" was established, which was specifically undertaken by Lingao Construction Corporation.

Several planners from the Planning and Design Institute of the Construction Corporation conducted on-site exploration and work on the drawings around Yangpu, and listened to the requirements of the chemical port on the production layout.

The plan proposed by Huakou itself is to build around Danzhou Bay.However, Qi Feng, who is responsible for the specific planning and design, said that such a layout has many disadvantages.

The first is the sewage problem. Qi Feng is not an environmentalist, but he pointed out that the current plan of the chemical port to collect all the sewage in the main sewage channel or the Beimen River and then discharge it into Danzhou Bay is not feasible, because Danzhou Bay is a The relatively closed inland sea has almost no wind and waves, lacks the drive of ocean currents, and the runoff of several rivers flowing into this bay is very small, so the self-purification ability of the bay is very weak, and the sewage in the bay cannot be discharged, and the whole becomes a big smell Water jars are very difficult to manage!
Secondly, the water resources in Danzhou Bay are extremely unbalanced, and the north bank is seriously short of water. Although Danzhou has an annual precipitation of 1500 mm, the rainfall is extremely uneven. It is a typical tropical monsoon climate. In the dry season, the north bank presents a tropical savannah landform .Once the rainfall in the rainy season is insufficient, the North Shore is bound to suffer severe drought.If factories and living quarters are built on the north bank, the problem of water use must be considered and water pipelines must be built.

At the mouth of the Beimen River on the south bank, there are many wetlands and tidal flats.If these wetland tidal flats are to be used as industrial land, a large amount of earthwork will be required for landfill.It is not suitable to arrange a large number of industrial enterprises.

Although Danzhou Bay has a large area and many large and small natural ports, the only deep-water port is Yangpu.The planned management committee and garrison are all located in Baimajing Town, and some factories and warehouses that require a lot of resources for production have to be located around Yangpu.This involves transportation issues. From Yangpu Port on the north bank to Baimajing Fubo Army Camp on the south bank, it takes a train to circle the entire Danzhou Bay!The distance is considerable.If this node is to be opened, the Yangpu Bridge must be built. The Senate is obviously unable to build such a bridge that can accommodate large ships.

Based on the above problems, Qi Feng's suggestion is: Most of the factories are located in Yangpu, which is convenient for the nearby bulk cargo terminal and oil tanker terminal.A small number of industries that consume a lot of water are located in Baimajing, and the two rely on barge transfers and ferries to communicate; the other part of industries with low pollution is located in Zhonghe Town, which was the seat of Danzhou at that time.As for other enterprises, they can be arranged along the coast of Beimen River as appropriate, close to Beimen River, which is convenient for water intake and infrastructure construction; sewage should be discharged into the open sea, and cannot be discharged into rivers or Danzhou Bay.

Because most of the chemical companies are launched by local methods, accidents occur frequently, and there are many flammable and explosive hazardous chemical manufacturers among them. It is not possible to avoid blowing up one and the whole family. Therefore, the safety distance between factories must be large enough, and the factory buildings The spacing should be larger than the general standard.

The result of the thinning out of factories is the increased demand for transportation.In addition to roads, light railways will be laid in the industrial park for internal connectivity, and multiple piers will be set up around Danzhou Bay to arrange short-distance shuttle boats.

This new plan is the first time for most of the veterans of the chemical industry to see it. Although it is simpler than the first time they produced it by themselves-many items have been removed and merged, but the drawing is exquisite, and it also includes There are a lot of color blocks and instructions, which looks very "professional".Everyone looked a little fascinated.

"If it does, we'll be on the train with the heifer..."

"Chemistry is the primary productive force! How do those animals in the executive committee understand?"

"Again, there is no Executive Committee!"

"That's why those animals in the Government Affairs Council know how to fart!"

"I think our factory area is too big, and Danzhou is almost divided--we just cancel Danzhou and change it to industrial park management."

"Exactly! What's the point of Liu Yixiao squatting in Danzhou? Once the Management Committee of Danzhou Industrial Park was established, there were several veterans in it. What can he do? He can only fully cooperate with us in construction and production. Don’t like it. It’s better to get a naturalized citizen to come to the county magistrate instead of this.”

"That's right, at least be obedient. If County Magistrate Liu refuses to cooperate, we won't be able to do evil. Hahaha."

"As long as we can produce arms and fertilizers and medicines, it's not a big deal. But, we are all veterans, so don't make yourself too ugly. It's better to ask him to find another job as soon as possible."

Ji Tuisi coughed and interrupted everyone's discussion: "Regarding the area of ​​the factory area, although it is large, the park is actually very scattered. According to the old time and space standards, it is just a small workshop. In terms of energy, the direct power supply mode of the DC power station is mainly used— ―Everyone understands the reason. We can’t make silicon steel, and naturally we can’t make a series of electrical control equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, etc., so networking is impossible. Fortunately, our main power supply target is the Changpo factory group and Yangpu plant group. Of these two plant groups, the Yangpu plant group is mainly an electrolysis plant, and Changpo is a graphite plant and silicon carbide plant, both of which can directly use direct current."

(End of this chapter)

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