Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2321 Planning of Industrial Park

Chapter 2321 Planning of Industrial Park
Although there is no ferrosilicon in the energy sector, generators with iron cores can still be manufactured, but they consume more energy and are less efficient.Very useful in those occasions where electricity must be used.Steam engines are less efficient, but they have no problem running these generators.

As for the water supply issue, the water supply on the north side is diverted from Huoshaopo Reservoir to Liwu Reservoir.The water supply to the south is provided by the Chunjiang Reservoir, while the main urban area of ​​Danzhou is supplied by the Beimen River.

Of course, these reservoirs and the supporting canals and branch canals are all on paper. Fortunately, the overall scale is not too large. According to the calculation of the Planning Institute, it can be completed within the first five-year plan.

The railway set up Danzhou West Station in the industrial park. Although there is no decision between the two sites of Baimajing and Yangpu, the requirement is to go deep into the industrial park as far as possible.As a hub station, this station serves the industrial park. The line layout should allow all factories to share the same single branch line as much as possible, and the trains run between factories.Danzhou connects Danzhou Station from west to east, and then extends from Danzhou Station to Lingao and Nanbao.Access road network.


Naturally, such a grand blueprint is more "inspiring". No matter how many projects can be realized and in how many years, no matter whether it is the chemical industry that proposed the initiative or the planning institute that approved the plan, they actually have no idea.But both sides have expressed a "confident" attitude in public.

It is precisely because of this kind of hidden worry that Ji Tuisi is cautious about this project, for fear of screwing up in any link-if something goes wrong, he will not have any right to speak in the chemical industry in the future, just work honestly.

But everyone obviously couldn't understand his concerns.There are constant comments on the overall plan, and some people think that this plan is "too conservative" and suggest adding steel factories, wood processing factories, brick and tile factories and cement factories in the industrial park as supporting facilities for the construction of the industrial park.In addition, some light industrial enterprises will be added to absorb the dependents of workers.


"...The last item is what everyone is most concerned about. The Government Affairs Council gave us an approval, agreeing in principle that our administrative level in the Danzhou Industrial Park Management Committee is at the county level, which is at the same level as Danzhou."

"Why not at the regional level? At least it should be at the sub-regional level!"

"When the Gezhou Dam and the Three Gorges were built, they were all at the vice-ministerial level, and the principals of the subordinate companies were all at the department level! The whole province of Hubei must cooperate! Our project is more meaningful to the Senate than the Three Gorges? The regional level is not too much!"

"It's not that we want an official hat, the level is too low to speak well!"

"If you want me to say, there should be a special industrial committee or joint meeting in the Government Council! Full authority to handle all industrial matters, other departments cannot interfere, and can only cooperate according to our requirements!"

"Whoever dares not cooperate, cut off water and electricity first, cut off chemical fertilizers and pesticides, cut off artillery shells and gunpowder, and see which department dares to be awesome in front of us in the future!"

"It's said that the doctors in the Senate are the most powerful—no one dares to say that they will not get sick or fall into the hands of the doctors for the rest of their lives. But let's see how awesome the doctors are without the medicine."



A dull smile appeared on Ji Tuisi's face, it was not the first time he had heard these remarks.To be honest, it doesn't matter if you talk casually in private.But this is a serious "seminar". According to the rules, the "meeting minutes" should be copied to the relevant departments, and the large library should keep the files.

He motioned to Xu Yingjie who was in charge of recording, and he silently nodded without writing.

"Everyone, don't get further and further away." Ji Tuisi waved his hand, bringing back the unrestrained divergent discussion, "The important feature of modern society is systematic cooperation, everyone, don't overemphasize the importance of a certain department or individual -- is not conducive to unity."

Someone below muttered: "Unity ass..."

Ji Tuisi glared at him fiercely, but finally he still had his prestige and made the other party shut up.

"The staffing and allocation of the management committee is still being finalized. However, Ming Chu told me that there are three veteran cadres, one chief, one deputy, and one chief engineer. One chief is in charge of the chief, and the deputy is specialized in foreign affairs. Coordinator docking, the general tool body is responsible for technical issues. His suggestion is that we can discuss specific candidates first. Report candidates in a ratio of two to one or three to one."

This is what it should be. Although everyone is very enthusiastic about the level of nonsense, they are not very enthusiastic when it comes to administrative positions.This prestigious "management committee" has to do many and complicated things, and it also needs to cooperate with multiple departments of the Senate.The level of difficulty is daunting.

Seeing that all the people were silent, Ji Tuisi laughed secretly, and said, "Since this is the case, let's discuss it slowly in the future. Just propose candidates before the specified date."

"Why do you have to choose one of the two? Isn't that what we recommend here?"

"Because of the organizational principles." Ji Tuisi was caught off guard that someone would ask such a question, and replied.

"Why should it be clear who will be the leader? We can decide for ourselves, why bother taking off our pants and farting?"

Ji Tuisi couldn't think of an answer for a while.Since Akira became the director of the organization department, he created many rules for the appointment and removal of cadres, inspections, and staffing. The Senate has been operating in accordance with these rules over the years.Although there have been debates on details such as the selection of candidates and the setting of positions, no one has ever questioned the rules themselves.

He thought for a while and said: "Since everyone has questions, we can record this question in the minutes of the meeting and ask questions."

"You don't need to inquire about this, and you don't need to look for Mingming. I can tell you right now." After reading the minutes of the meeting, Ma Qianju smiled, "Old Ji, it seems that you haven't learned enough about the Common Program Nah."

"To be honest, I'm really not very interested in these rules and regulations." Ji Tuisi said.

"Because any position held by a veteran cadre must go through the three steps of 'nomination'-'review and report by the organization department'-'senatorial approval'. In fact, it is not clear who can be the leader, and the final decision is to appoint the candidate. It's the Senate."

"If you explain it like this, I can understand."

"'All power belongs to the Senate' is the core idea of ​​our regime. You are a senator, I am a senator, and everyone is a senator. We jointly maintain the power of the senators." Ma Qianzhu said slowly, "The explanation is clear. Everyone will naturally understand. Anyway, these candidates are also produced within the industrial port. There is no harm in mentioning a few more candidates."

"Then this new plan..." He asked, hoping to increase construction materials enterprises such as steel factories and timber factories.

"That's easy to say." Ma Qianzhu nodded, "We all know about building materials, and the transportation cost is higher than the production cost. To go to such a large industrial park, these projects, like the reservoir, are all supporting projects in advance, so it should be The first batch. Although it was not included in the meeting, it can be added."

Ji Tuisi wondered why Ma Qianju was so talkative today?Originally, he had to face a project for a long time.

Ma Qianju seemed to see his surprise, smiled and said: "To be honest, the scale is a bit bigger. I don't know if I can eat it. But I can't do it without it. We are too poor..."

"That's true. After all these years, it was hard to get to the present. I feel that the stamina is obviously weak."

"Originally we wanted to win Guangdong and Guangxi, so that Hainan could take a breather. But the current situation seems to be too optimistic. I am afraid that the situation in Guangdong and Guangxi will not be calmed down in a short time. This security war will last at least a year and a half. Guangzhou Seeing that the plague is about to start's really a mess." He said with some helplessness, "If we had streptomycin, the plague would be nothing to worry about. Now, we can only rely on isolation to fight it. One A plague, how many people will have their families ruined——a land and people that have been plagued by disasters..."

"It is also the first time for us to rule such a large territory and a traditional city. It will inevitably not go well." Ji Tuisi persuaded, "Fortunately, Guangdong and Guangxi have been taken down. Right now it is mostly indigestion—just digest it slowly."

"I'm just worried about indigestion." Ma Qianju said, picked up a document, and handed it to Ji Tuisi, "Look at this!"

Ji Tuisi took it over and saw that it was the report of the Wuzhou Incident.

He had actually seen the matter from the internal bulletin, but Ma Qianju showed him a top-secret document.It describes in detail the various "stories" of the director in Wuzhou.

"...This, unbelievable!" Ji Tuisi was shocked after reading it.However, it also solved the original doubts after seeing the Wuzhou incident report.

"This old solution is too unreliable." Ma Qianju said solemnly, "When he applied for the post of local administrator, Liu Muzhou said he was unreliable. At that time, I thought it was a rare talent, so I was willing to go There are few veterans who work, and he is actually very talented. I said that I should give him a chance to try. I didn’t expect this person to be so disorganized and undisciplined. I am responsible for getting to where I am today... Lesson learned Ah! Lesson..."

Ji Tuisi thought to himself, what is the meaning of Dugong Ma's heartbroken behavior?He can completely keep this top secret report from him.Since showing him obviously has some intentions...

But for a while, he couldn't figure out Ma Qianzhu's intentions, so he didn't express his position immediately, but echoed vaguely: "If it is true, as stated in the secret report, it is indeed very serious. The Senate is now How are you going to deal with it?"

"Ji Xin and Chen Baibin have been sent to investigate. These two people are more trustworthy." Ma Qianzhu said, "As for Xie Erren, Wuzhou is more important. Before the investigation is clear, it is not appropriate to make any changes, lest people will be upset. stable."

"I totally agree with that." Ji Tuisi was actually not interested in getting involved in this matter at all, he was more concerned about the projects of the industrial park.

(End of this chapter)

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