Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2324 Go to Wuzhou

Chapter 2324 Go to Wuzhou ([-])
"They are key witnesses. We should bring them up and lock them up separately. This is safer." Chen Baibin suggested, thinking of Cai Lan who had "suicide" for no apparent reason.

"There's no need for this. It's been more than half a month since the Wuzhou Incident, and those who have lived so many days should be damned already dead. Those who kept it, naturally shouldn't die." Ji Xin saw the tea set on the table, and took a look. , the tea has been brewed, and the temperature is just right.Then he poured tea for himself and Chen Baibin.

"Come on, have a cup of tea first."

"I'm not thirsty..."

"A cup of tea after bathing is the best way to soothe the mind and refresh the viscera. We often sit in the office, and it is good for people who are busy with paperwork to drink more." Ji Xin picked up the tea cup and took a sip. This is No. 82 of the office Xihu Longjing, a shop specially for veterans, said, "Even if they are detained alone, where can they be detained and who will be sent to guard them? We don't even have a 'confidant' here. Even the four new servants are Xie Erren. It was only on application.”

Chen Baibin was a little confused: "You mean..."

"If the superiors really think that the situation in Wuzhou is so bad that we need to assign us a task force, then they will naturally send us entourage, but right now, no matter whether it is the vest, Ran Yao, or Xiong Ju, they have not arranged entourage for us. We Of course, there is no need to worry about these things.”

"What if?"

"If there is any 'what if', it means that it is approved by the Senate."

"Okay, although I don't quite understand."

"Bai Bin, you asked me on the boat what the caliber of the Senate is, and I replied that you have no caliber. However, as long as the case involves the senator, there must be a caliber, but no one will tell you-you can only experience it yourself. "

Seeing that Chen Baibin was silent, Ji Xin seemed to be chewing his words.He picked up the materials of the two prisoners who were going to be interrogated tomorrow, and prepared to study them carefully.

Yi Haoran's resume intrigued him a lot. Such an ill-fated scholar, under the fiddle of the tide of the times, would actually embark on the path of becoming an enemy of the Senate, and even failed in the end.If this kind of ability is above the court of the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid it will not be inferior to those famous officials in the late Ming Dynasty.It's a pity, let alone a mere scholar, even those high-ranking officials in the court cannot break free from the laws of history...

He sighed and picked up the second material.This one is much thinner. As soon as the word "Jiang Suo" came into view, Ji Xin felt a long-lost sense of familiarity, as if he had seen this name somewhere, but couldn't remember it.But this sense of familiarity can no longer be shaken off.

Looking at the confession of his own life experience in the materials, it only said that people from Henan were exiled to Guangdong and joined the army as Xiong Wencan's servant.Later he was promoted to General Manager.

Ji Xin had a strange feeling that Jiang Suo seemed to be hiding something about his life experience.

Early the next morning, Ji Xin and Chen Baibin came to the county government office and interrogated Yi Haoran and Jiang Suo who were imprisoned here in the back hall.

Yi Haoran is the "principal culprit", so he is naturally the first to interrogate him.

Yi Haoran was taken to the back hall, and was locked in the interrogation chair according to the Australian rules.

Ji Xin saw that his complexion was dark and his wrinkles were carved like a knife, so he knew that this person must have been traveling for a long time, and he was not a scholar who just sat and talked.However, his demeanor is elegant, and his gestures show his calmness and calmness. He is obviously a person who has experienced big scenes.

"You are Yi Haoran?" Ji Xin asked.

"It's the students."

"I have read your statement." Ji Xin said, "Is there anything that needs to be added or changed? If there is any important hidden information to provide, the crime will naturally be reduced when sentencing."

"Crime?" Yi Haoran sneered, "I led officers, soldiers and righteous people risking their lives to regain Wuzhou, but now I failed and was captured, what is my crime?"

Just as Chen Baibin was about to reprimand, Ji Xin shook his hand, not angry, and continued to ask: "So, you have nothing else to say?"

"I've said everything I want to say, so what's the point of saying more?"

Seeing that he was clenching his confession tightly, Ji Xin stopped pestering him about his confession, and instead asked, "What's your relationship with Luo Yangming?"

"I work as a cashier in his shop."

"You are a foreigner. You have no shop, no security, and no relatives. Why does Luo Yangming hire you?"

"I and Jiang Qiuchan's husband's family are distant relatives. After the city of Wuzhou was destroyed, I had nowhere to go, so I went to her. She recommended me to the store through Luo Yangming's wife."

"You are from Liaodong, how come you have relatives in Guangdong?"

"It's just a family relationship from my ancestors." Yi Haoran said, "We have been in contact for many years. It's just that we still know this family relationship. If it wasn't desperate, I wouldn't be ashamed to ask her."

Ji Xin asked again: "Since you were in trouble in Wuzhou when the city of Wuzhou was destroyed, why did you want to organize a riot again?"

"Under the whole world, could it be the kingdom of Ming Dynasty? You wait for the thieves to steal the king's land, and the students raise troops to recover it, why not?"

"Mr. Yi, there is no need to say too much about righteousness. You and I have different positions. I think you originally defected to Jiang Qiuchan, probably because you wanted to survive your last breath and had no intention of rioting. Why did you have this idea and how did you organize it? Come together!"

"Why this year started, and how it was organized, the students have clearly stated in their confessions, and they have not concealed anything."

Chen Baibin thought to himself, this old scholar is a talker, he keeps turning over and over again and refuses to say a single useful word, it's all from the confession.

But Ji Xin didn't ask any further, just nodded slightly, and asked again: "What's your relationship with Cai Lan?"

"She is the fiancée of my old Xing Chenghuan." Yi Haoran replied calmly, "Wuzhou City was destroyed, and Mr. Xing died for the country. Cai Lan was living here. I didn't know her at first, but one day in the street she Saw my fan—the fan was painted by his fiancé."

"and then?"

"She asked me where I was and what I did for a living. Even if she found out, the student stopped hiding and told him everything."

"You didn't ask her what she did for a living and where she settled down?"

"Of course I asked. She said that after the city was broken, she was almost robbed and raped by traitors. Fortunately, she was rescued by the soldiers of the bandits. She was pitiful and helpless, and knowing that she could read, the bandits let her live in the third palace. Doing chores."

"She is a weak woman with small feet, what can she do?"

"This student doesn't know." Yi Haoran said.

"Since Cai Lan was greatly favored by my Senate, why did she become your internal correspondent?"

"Great grace?" Yi Haoran smiled disdainfully, "If it weren't for you, she would be in harmony with my old friend, and the husband and wife are deeply affectionate. They live a stable and happy life. How could they fall to the point of being robbed and raped by rebel soldiers? When Qiu's family hatred was aroused, she was asked to act as an internal response."

"Since it's an internal response, what did she do?"

"Naturally, the students will be notified of the movement of the thieves every few days."

"She's a girl, how can she pass on news to you?"

"Although she is a woman, the gangsters have always been contemptuous of etiquette. It is not surprising that the female cadres in Wuzhou show their faces in public. What is so strange about her being able to come and go freely?"

"When you led people into the county government office and attacked Elder Xie, but did she respond internally?"

"No, Cai Lan is working in the Third President's Mansion, and Xie Kun is living and working in the county government office. How can she manage internally? What's more, students dare not entrust such a big matter to a woman."

This Yi Haoran has torn Cai Lan clean!Ji Xinxin thought that this set of confessions was obviously prepared by someone. Yi Haoran admitted all the parts that could not be concealed, and only concealed the key point of the relationship between Cai Lan and Xie Erren.

Ji Xin asked some more questions, and Yi Haoran's answers were fluent, perfectly fitting with the confession, without flaws.

"...Take him down." Ji Xin ordered.

When the guards took Yi Haoran away, Chen Baibin was puzzled and said, "Ju Ji, these are all from the confession, why do you have to ask again?"

"Naturally, we want to see if we can match up. False confessions are often accurate in the general direction. If you ask more, the details will be different. At the same time, we also check whether our people are telling the truth."

"You mean Luo Yangming?"

"How Yi Haoran lurked in the city, Luo Yangming wrote it all in the report. Now it seems that there is basically no problem." He said, "One more thing, I don't know if you have found any doubts."

"Cai Lan."

"That's right." Ji Xin nodded, "Cai Lan is very unimportant in Yi Haoran's confession. Moreover, he avoided the crucial thing: explaining the relationship between Erren and Cai Lan."

"It's a pity that Cai Lan is dead." Chen Baibin said regretfully.However, he noticed that Ji Xin didn't have any regretful expression.

Ji Xin did not continue to interrogate Jiang Suo immediately, but called the local police chief Zheng Ergen.Ask him about Cai Lan's interrogation and death.

"After Cai Lan was arrested, she was detained in the Tudi Temple of the county government office. Two women's servants guarded her. But before she could be interrogated, she committed suicide..."

"Where's the corpse?"

"After burialing, it will be temporarily housed in a nunnery outside the city."

"How did you die? Have you had an autopsy?"

"It's been tested, but we don't have a forensic doctor here. It was done by a local county official. The conclusion is that he committed suicide by hanging himself." Zheng Ergen couldn't help but glanced at Ji Xin, and asked, "Sir, do you want to open the coffin for another test..."

"No need, we didn't bring a forensic doctor this time." Ji Xin shook his head, and asked again: "How did you find out that she was a spy?"

"It is said that someone anonymously reported to Chief Xie, and Chief Xie's security secretary personally arrested him."

Ji Xin remembered that Xie Erren's report said: The security secretary died in battle on the night of the riot.And his office was also broken into by the Ming army that night, and he himself led the guards to resist fiercely in the office.According to the report, "shooting and burning caused heavy losses."

"It is said that Cai Lan is working for the Senate in the Third President's Mansion. Is there such a thing?" Ji Xin asked

Zheng Ergen hesitated for a moment, and replied: "She is indeed on duty in the San Zongfu."

(End of this chapter)

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