Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2325 Go to Wuzhou

Chapter 2325 To Wuzhou ([-])
"The next one is this Jiang Suo." Chen Baibin picked up the interrogation record, "It doesn't look like much oil, just a stunned big-headed soldier."

"Jiang Suo..." Ji Xin murmured, "It's such a familiar name. I feel like I've seen it somewhere before."

"The name of the big guy." Chen Baibin said, "I can meet several in the purification camp a month."

"Jiang Suo! Get up, there is a master who wants to interrogate you." The remaining prisoner weakly shook the shackles in his hand

Jiang Suo got up from the straw bed.He suffered a lot of injuries during the fierce battle, but most of them were flesh injuries, so it didn't matter.He was not tortured in the cell either.It has recovered a lot.

This is the second time for him to be a prisoner of the Australians. Knowing that the Australians don't abuse the prisoners, he also has the will to die, so he can eat and sleep in prison, and he is very at ease.

Now that he heard that there was going to be an interrogation, Jiang Suo was very calm, and just asked casually: "Hasn't it already been interrogated?"

"Master Xinde is sent from Guangzhou again." The jailer knew he was a good man, and his words were very polite. "You've gained a lot of face this time, and you can shout a few times when you go to the execution ground." He said. After that, he arched his hands again and said, "Hero, I've offended you." After that, he put on shackles and handcuffs.

Unlike Yi Haoran, Jiang Suo was born in the army and was young and strong. Zheng Ergen had to be wary.

Jiang Suo was locked in the county prison, only a few steps away from the back hall of the county government office, and it took only a few minutes to arrive in handcuffs and shackles.The moment he stepped into the back hall, his eyes widened.

Over the years, he has been thinking about it day and night, and the leader of the gangster who appears in his nightmares every night is actually sitting in the hall!
Although it has been many years, Jiang Suo still remembers the appearance of this man when he was interrogating everyone in the team: a middle-aged man with a fair and elegant demeanor, with a compassionate expression.Let them finish speaking every time they are asked, neither interrupt nor scold them.It was only at the end of the interrogation that they were "confused".

Everyone in the team thought that with his attitude, at worst, each person would suffer dozens of boards and be under the shackles for ten and a half months.Unexpectedly, the waiting sentence turned out to be that the senior sister was executed and the others were exiled.

Jiang Suo will never forget the scene when the senior sister was taken out of the cell by two soldiers: the master called his daughter's name sadly in the prison, the senior sister's eyes were closed tightly, but the tears couldn't stop rolling After falling down, he didn't let out a piercing cry of "Dad" until he was almost out of the cell.

The sound of "Father" often wakes him up in his midnight dream—he knows that the senior sister died unjustly and wrongedly, and all her nostalgia and reluctance for the world are transformed into this one word.

He never thought that this kind-hearted, kind-hearted man could be so ruthless and cruel.

What's wrong, sister?It's just to survive because I ate Master Luo's food for a few days.When he was in Hainan, the Tiantian Kun thief said that he was "the aspiration of the people" and that the conquest of Ming Dynasty was "a crime against the people".But what are these common people?It's not the same as using the heads of ordinary people to make an example to others.

"Why are you in a daze? Go in!" The yamen servant behind him gave him a push.

Ji Xin didn't recognize him, he and Jiang Suo only met once or twice in court.At that time, as a judge, he had to try hundreds of captives and prisoners every day, as few as dozens, and it was impossible to remember every face.What's more, Jiang Suo was just a young man at the beginning, and he was exiled to work in recent years, and his appearance has changed a lot.

"You are Jiang Suo?"

"it's me."

Chen Baibin asked a few more words about the content of the confession, and Jiang Suo answered them one by one, and there was no difference.What Chen Baibin is most concerned about is how he mobilized his troops. Jiang Suo doesn't hide this point, how he will connect with Song Ming and others, how he will meet "Mr. Gou" and other things.

"Mr. Gou?" Ji Xin interrupted suddenly, "You mean Gou Xunli?"

"It seems to be called this name." Jiang Suo was a little surprised. Could this person surnamed Gou be an old acquaintance of the thief?

"Well, it turns out that he is still alive." Of course Chen Baibin knew the famous Lord Gou Er in the Senate, "He can really jump."

"Don't say it, this time he almost made it happen." Looking at the young man with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes in front of him, Ji Xin always felt a little familiar, but he still couldn't put it into words.He noticed that the other party was looking straight at him, without the shrinking and avoiding eyes of ordinary captives and indigenous people.

This man is quite courageous, and he seems to be a desperado.Ji Xinxin thought.

Judging from the summaries of all parties, in this riot, the Wen team was Yi Haoran, and the Wu team was Song Ming—this person had escaped according to the captives, but Jiang Suo was out-and-out number two.There should be more useful news from him.

Ji Xin asked: "According to the confession, you said that you are Xiong Wencan's servant——Xiong Wencan is from Guizhou, and you are from Henan. How could you vote for him to be his servant?"

"There was a flood and drought in my hometown, so I didn't have anything to eat. A few years ago, I went to Guangdong to do art to make a living."

"Since it's a show, why did you become a soldier?"

Jiang Suo smiled strangely: "That year when I was performing arts at the wharf in Guangzhou, I was harassed by you when you landed. The team suffered a military disaster, and they died or escaped. I was the only one left. I had nowhere to go, so I became a soldier for a living. Eat, and later won the appreciation of Xiong Du, first became a servant, and then promoted to general manager..."

"The city of Wuzhou was broken, and most of Xiong Wencan's servants were scattered in Bangshan. How did you collect the remnants and how did you manage to hide?" Ji Xin asked, "How did Yi Haoran contact you?"

"Naturally there is an inside story about this matter." Jiang Suo said, "I don't know if the villain has said it, can you spare my life?"

"If you can perform meritorious service, you will naturally be able to reduce your crime." Ji Dao said.

"With my pen and paper, I will write it out."

"Are you literate?"

"The villain also went to a private school for a few years when he was young, and knew a few words."

Chen Baibin reprimanded: "Stop pretending to be a ghost, just have something to say!"

"Small mouth is stupid, I'm afraid it's not wrong to say it. It's better to write it out." Jiang Suo said, "Besides, this matter is related to the Standing Committee of the Senate. There are many eyes and ears here. If someone listens to what you say, I'm afraid the villain will die. Save."

When these words came out, both Ji Xin and Chen Baibin were shocked.As soon as Jiang Suo opened his mouth, it was heavy news, "It concerns the Standing Committee of the Senate", these words carry too much weight.Don't look at them saying the word "Senate" every day, but most of the aborigines in the Ming Dynasty have no concept of "Senate". Many people only know "Kun thief" and "Kun people". ", there is probably no one in a million who knows the "Senate" seriously.Not to mention the "Standing Committee" - even among the naturalized people in Lingao, few people know this name.This person actually said it as soon as he opened his mouth.

Reminiscent of the captives' confession that although Jiang Suo was only a mere general, he had led Xiong Wencan's most elite servant team, and he was obviously one of Xiong's cronies...

Could it be that there are some invisible hands behind the Wuzhou Incident?Both of them immediately became nervous. Speaking of which, the Wuzhou incident really made people feel a little strange.Both Ji Xin and Chen Baibin knew that an accident in Wuzhou might not be a bad thing for some people in the Senate.

Could it be...

None of them dared to speak out, Chen Baibin said: "In this case, I will give you a pen and paper." He asked someone to send a copy of the four treasures of the study, and told the yamen servant to remove Jiang Suo's handcuffs.

The chest lever in front of the interrogation chair is very wide, it could have been used as a small table.You can write without handcuffs.

Seeing Jiang Suo pick up his pen and start writing, Ji Xin told the yamen servants in the back hall to retreat to the yard, lest they see what Jiang Suo was writing.

"You wait for orders under the eaves."

"Ji Ju, what will this Jiang Suo write?" Chen Baibin was a little impatient after all because of his young age.

"It's hard to say, but he's just a mere general. What can he know? It's more likely that he is bluffing and trying to write for his life." Ji Xin said, "It doesn't matter, just let him write. It's a waste of a few pages."

Seeing that Jiang Suo wrote like a pen, he quickly filled a page.After drying, he folded it up and said with a sigh of relief, "It's finished."

Ji Xin was afraid that there was something crucial in this confession. If it really involved some secrets inside the Senate, then it would not be a matter of torturing - the nature would only be a hundred times more serious!
He didn't call the servants under the eaves to fetch it, but got up and walked over to pick up the confession with his own hands.

Jiang Suo suddenly jumped up, grabbed Ji Xin with one hand, and the holder of the brush with the other, and poked hard at Ji Xin's eyes.

Ji Xin was taken aback, and wanted to dodge, but his arms were tightly grasped by Jiang Suo, like an iron hoop, unable to move. Seeing the black brush coming towards his eyes, Ji Xin could only turn his head back in desperation. Yang, to avoid its edge.

Fortunately, Jiang Suo's hands were only uncuffed, and he was still restrained by restraints from the waist down. The chair was fixed on the ground, and the range was extremely small just by stabbing with both hands. Ji Xin dodged the brush holder by leaning back. It's just that the corner of the mouth was poked heavily, and I felt a sharp pain, and the mouth was salty and sweet, and blood came out immediately.

Chen Baibin was stunned for a moment, seeing the blood on Ji Xin's face, and then realized that he shouted "Come on!" He jumped up, picked up a stool and rushed up, and the stool hit Jiang Suo. Only then did Ji Xin be rescued from Jiang Suo's grasp.

Ji Xin fell to the ground, his face was covered with blood, and he was in a panic.At this moment, the yamen servants and guards from outside rushed in, and they were quite surprised when they saw the scene. They immediately hit Jiang Suo with water and fire sticks and beat Jiang Suo until his head was bleeding, and put the shackles on him again.

Ji Xin only felt that his cheeks and mouth were on fire, and blood was gushing out continuously.He touched his cheek, and there seemed to be a wound, even the flesh was rolled up.

(End of this chapter)

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