Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2326 Go to Wuzhou

Chapter 2326 Go to Wuzhou ([-])
He looked at his palm, it was full of blood—how much hatred was there to think of stabbing him with a brush!

Chen Baibin came to support him: "Ji Ju, are you okay! Your injury..."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a flesh injury." Ji Xin regained his composure and tried his best to stand up. Several servants here rushed over, and Chen Baibin scolded: "Hurry up and get the medicine box! Find a doctor!"

Ji Xin only felt his jaw hurt and numb, his mouth was full of fishy sweetness, and when he spat on the ground, it was covered with blood foam.Some worried about whether it would damage the teeth - although the Senate had dentists, the materials and medicines used to fill the teeth were limited by the materials and medicines, which were far different from the level of the old time and space. Ji Xin was really unwilling to put gold teeth on it.

Fortunately, the teeth did not seem to be damaged, but the mouth was violently hit, and there were many internal bleedings.I was secretly calling luck, when my right arm suddenly felt a sharp pain, I rolled up my sleeves and saw a circle of black scratches on my forearm, I couldn't help but be amazed.

"Give me a glass of water, just rinse your mouth." Ji Xin managed to calm down—the blow just now was beyond his expectation.He has interrogated countless prisoners and captives, and he has seen all kinds of people.But no one burst out such a powerful hatred in an instant like this person...

With an almost terrified mood, Ji Xin unfolded the blood-stained paper, but saw the word "injustice" written in thick ink and pen in the dots of blood, which looked shocking.

He raised his head, stared at Jiang Suo who was shackled and pressed on the chair, and scolded: "Who are you?!"

"Kun thief! Do you still remember Sai Qingxia from Sanliang City?!" Although Jiang Suo missed a single hit, the Kun thief was covered in wounds and dripping with blood.The lump in my chest for many years was relieved, and I laughed loudly, "Looking at your sanctimonious appearance, you still have today!"

The words "Sai Qingxia" poured into his ears, as if the valve of his memory had been opened instantly.The trial of his abbot in Sanliang City many years ago was like a reappearance of yesterday, and scenes returned to his mind.In an instant, he remembered everything.

"You are Jiang Suo!" He cried out.

"That's right, I'm Jiang Suo who doesn't change my name and surname when I'm sitting." Although Jiang Suo was beaten badly and bound by chains at the moment, he didn't flinch. Instead, he raised his head high and said loudly.

Ji Xin couldn't speak anymore at this moment, but stayed on the spot. Chen Baibin was afraid that there would be some monster moths in the future, so he immediately ordered: "Take him back! Watch, don't let him die!"

Jiang Suo laughed loudly: "Dead? I won't die, I want to watch you thieves be cut to pieces..." Then he burst into tears and said, "Senior Sister! Did you see that?! I didn't I can avenge you, but I want to make him bleed! Bleed! I'm here to find you..."

Before the words were finished, several yamen servants had already dragged him out, only his wild laughter was still echoing in the air.

Chen Baibin quickly ordered people to prepare a sedan chair, and sent Ji Xin and the doctor who rushed back to the residence of the Third President.The doctor was born as a naturalized citizen, but at least he received a three-year medical education from the Ministry of Health.He helped Ji Xin clean the wound, and saw that the wound was deep, so he said that he needed stitches.

"Sew it up, it's just that the wound is on the face, so you have to sew it carefully!"

"Please rest assured, chief. Although my medicine is not good, I don't know how many minor surgical operations such as suture debridement have been done."

The doctor seemed to be very sure, and immediately sewed up the wound on Ji Xin, and then applied a layer of anti-inflammatory powder to bandage it up.When Chen Baibin saw that his stitches were neat, he really wasn't bragging.

"The first oral anti-inflammatory drug was taken on time. I will come back tomorrow to change the chief's medicine."

When the elder was on a business trip, he carried relevant medicines in his emergency kit. The medicines were much more effective than the anti-inflammatory tablets dispensed by the doctor Guihuamin, so there was no need to dispense medicines.Chen Baibin took out the pills, brought water to Ji Xin to take orally, and he showed relief when he saw that he was generally normal.

"The way you looked just now really scared me to death." Chen Baibin packed up his things, "Blood is all over your face! Who is this Jiang Suo?"

"An old debt." At this time, Ji Xin felt that the wound was aching and there was nothing serious, he leaned his head on the wicker chair, "I forgot about this a long time ago, I never thought that it would happen There is today!"

He didn't hide anything, so he told the past events that happened in Sanliang Town during the "Pearl River Estuary War".

"...Speaking of it, my heart is too hard. Qingxia is just forced to live, and she is a low-level person who can't help herself at all." He closed his eyes and said, "At that time, the Senate was against the armed resistance of Teacher Xiangyong. The attitude is to execute them all. I think it is too much. However, this is the decision of the Senate after all. "Injury to the elders" is actually not a reason for death. At that time, I also thought about pleading for her and asking Mr. Wen for an amnesty. But a I think we have killed many people like her before, but now we go to plead for mercy because she is a woman, and pass it to the Senate, isn't it a big joke?" At this point, Ji Xin shook his head bitterly. Shaking his head, "Since ancient times, people's words are terrible. I am no exception. So I ordered her to be executed. Since ancient times, insisting on beliefs is not free. Adhering to wrong beliefs requires a price, and the same is true for insisting on correct beliefs, even more expensive ..."

Seeing his grim expression, Chen Baibin comforted him: "You don't have to blame yourself, how many unscrupulous things the Senate has done these years! What are your crimes?"

"I don't think I'm guilty, but I just feel that I'm duplicity." Ji Xin sighed, "This Jiang Suo is upright, that is, he doesn't hide his name. When I interrogated him, he even mentioned the past in every sentence, but I didn't realize it. I just think about the secrets of the Standing Committee of the Senate—probably because I have been in a high position for a long time, and I have long lost empathy for the feelings of the people at the bottom..."

While talking, Xie Erren came.Hearing that Ji Xin was injured while interrogating the prisoner, he was almost scared out of his wits.What's wrong with Ji Xin? The Senate must eat him up.

Seeing that Ji Xin seemed to be fine except for a piece of gauze wrapped around his face, Xie Erren was only half relieved.He quickly stepped forward and held his hand, and asked emotionally:
"How is it, are you alright?"

"It's just a scratch on the face, it's not a problem." Ji Xin waved his hand and said, "This is also because I was careless—I didn't expect this murderer to use a brush to stab!"

"This Jiang Suo is really daring!" Xie Erren said, "It seems that we should give him some hard times!"

"That's not necessary." Ji Xin shook his head, "Besides, he is going to commit a crime, and many things have not been checked clearly. If he is killed, he will not be able to explain it."

"Yes, yes, you are right." Xie Youren regretted talking nonsense, "I will announce the official punishment when the interrogation understands!" After speaking, he hurriedly ordered people to send various condolences.This made Ji Xin dumbfounded.

After finally sending away the over-enthusiastic Xie Youren, Chen Baibin asked: "Ji Ju, I don't understand a little bit, since this Jiang Suo was the person in the original case, and he was sentenced to exile by you, why? Will he be the general manager of Xiong Wencan's servant team? Didn't all the exiled people go back to Hainan?"

"I also find it strange." Ji Xin said, "We didn't have Kaohsiung and Jeju at that time, and those who were sentenced to exile were sent to several counties in Qiongnan as usual. I don't know which county it is. Although exile is not imprisonment , I’m afraid it’s not that easy to escape from these counties and return to the mainland.”

The counties in the south of Qiongzhou can truly be called the ends of the earth.Apart from the road around the island built by the Senate and the regular liner, there is almost no way to leave.As an exiled prisoner, Jiang Suo has no legal identity documents and no money. It is impossible to leave by land or sea, let alone go to Guangdong.

Obviously, Jiang Suo still has a hidden past from the place of exile to Guangdong.

Chen Baibin suggested to Ji Xin to find out the matter first.

"Jiang Suo doesn't have such a great ability alone. Someone must have helped him. If he can figure out how he escaped, maybe an underground organization or some collaborators will be dug out. I suggest that someone directly interrogate him. The key point Ask about the experience."

"Jiang Suo's current state may have fallen into a semi-mad state. Ordinary torture will not be of much use to him. If the torture is too tight, it will be unexplainable if he is killed." Ji Xin said, "Let's start from the outside and see See if there is a place to cut in."

Now write a letter to Xie Erren, asking him to interrogate the servants, staff and related personnel of the former Xiong Wencan who are currently detained and detained in Wuzhou, focusing on Jiang Suo's situation.

This interrogation raised a big question.

It turned out that no one knew exactly where Jiang Suo came from, except that he was suddenly sent to be the leader of the family team—and this family team was recruited by Xiong Wencan from his hometown of Guizhou. ".And Jiang Suo is here to train this team.

Such a team that Xiong Wencan relies on as his heart, don't ask the veterans on the battlefield to be in charge of training, and get a horse racer to train?Both Ji Xin and Chen Baibin felt something was wrong.

Next, they learned from the interrogation that Jiang Suo trained the servants to use Nanyang rifles, train their formations, and various combat tactics.Moreover, he was serious in his work, never embezzled and deducted military pay and food, and rarely beat or scolded soldiers.It can be regarded as an outlier among junior officers.

"Needless to say, he must have been a soldier!" Chen Baibin said, "He probably defected from the Fubo Army! Otherwise, there is no way to explain this!"

"Isn't he an exile? I remember that he was sentenced to seven years in exile. This year has not yet expired. Even if the period expires, how can he join the army with this criminal record?"

"Because of the Guangdong-Guangzhou Raiders, the Fubo Army fully recruited troops. In order not to crowd out the workers, the conscription restrictions were relaxed. An exile like him who has been exiled for many years may be drafted into the army if he has no bad records in the local area. Unfortunately, we He was in Wuzhou, if he was in Guangzhou or Lingao, he would be able to consult the list of missing persons from various military branches since he went north. In all likelihood, he arrived in Guangdong with the Fubo Army, and then absconded."

(End of this chapter)

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