Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2327 Go to Wuzhou

Chapter 2327 Go to Wuzhou ([-])
Chen Baibin's speculation is obviously more in line with the facts.The two faced each other in silence.Obviously, the things involved in coming to Wuzhou are not just as simple as Xie Youren.

After a long time, Chen Baibin said: "After the recovery of Wuzhou, Xu Xu wrote a special report on the battlefield, mentioning the battle in Bangshan."

"The outflow of Nanyang rifles?"

"You probably didn't read it carefully. According to this report, the servants of Bangshan are not only equipped with Nanyang rifles, but also have improved tactics and fortifications. At that time, Xu suspected that there were traitors from the Fubo Army among the enemies."

"It seems that this traitor is Jiang Suo."

"That's the only possibility."

"I think it's not too late for us to consult the relevant materials from the Fubo Army's political department first, and then draw conclusions after seeing the materials." Ji Xin said, "Yi Haoran's statement mentioned that he was once in charge of the recruitment of the family team, so it should be I know a lot about Jiang Suo. You can ask again."

Yi Haoran was interrogated again, and interrogated him without concealment. He told the past about how he met Jiang Suo, how he recommended him to Xiong Wencan, and how he was appointed.

"... General Jiang abandoned darkness and turned to light, returned to his homeland, was loyal to the king's affairs, and was finally captured and loyal!" Yi Haoran said sonorously, "Before I saw Jiang Suo, I thought he was so powerful that it would be difficult to defend him. See you After seeing him, I realized that there are loyal ministers in the chaos, and that although the Ming Dynasty is in danger, it has not lost its destiny..."

Chen Baibin secretly slandered: An exiled prisoner, after a few days of being a soldier and learning some trivial matters, was praised as a "country leader".What about "destiny has not been lost", the brain circuits of these literati are really strange!

However, Ji Xin did not refute his remarks. In his opinion, it is easy to obtain some additional information in the process of allowing them to fully express their inner thoughts.

Sure enough, Yi Haoran spoke smoothly, and unconsciously slipped out a sentence: "... even Master Chang, also admires General Jiang's heart of loyalty to the king and serving the country..."

When Yi Haoran stopped talking, Ji Xin asked: "Who do you think this Master Chang is?"

"Master Chang Qingyun Chang." Yi Haoran did not hide anything.

"Chang Qingyun?" Ji Xin seemed to have seen this name somewhere, and after thinking about it again, he was mentioned in the report of the Sanhezui camp. It seemed that he was Xiong Wencan's staff member. Liu Wangwang's "dog leg".

"What is the relationship between Chang Qingyun and you?"

Only now Yi Haoran felt that he had made a slip of the tongue.But after he thought about it, Chang Qingyun was obviously not captured, and it was impossible for him to escape the crime for his activities in the camp, so he said frankly: "I am an old friend with him in Xiongdu's curtain."

"So he's one of yours, too."

"Of course. Master Chang is also a loyal man, why not?"

Originally, Ji Xin and others only suspected that Sanhezui was related to the riots in the city, but now that Yi Haoran has confessed in this way, the relationship between the two is certain.

The two sorted out Yi Haoran's confession, and compared it with the investigation records of Sanhezui and the relevant reports of the whole incident, they summarized and sorted out the incident table, and then roughly sorted out the context of the Wuzhou riot. .

It is obvious that Yi Haoran is a well-deserved central figure in the Wuzhou riots.Although he was not the cause of the riot at the beginning, if he hadn't run around and contacted him, even if the riot in Wuzhou happened this time, it would not have made the Senate so embarrassing.

The second is this "Master Chang".Judging from Yi Haoran's confession, the Sanhezui chaos was basically caused by him alone.Although Chang Qingyun slipped through the net, judging from Yi Haoran’s indirect testimony, Chang Qingyun hoped to do what he liked to Liu, luring him to further corrupt and degenerate, causing great public resentment in the camp, and finally using the theater troupe to solve the relationship between the theater box Introducing the internal response... The whole routine can be described as seamless.

As for Jiang Suo, he was not such an important person. His role in this incident, apart from running back and forth to communicate, was a warrior who charged ahead.

"In my opinion, the course of the matter is generally clear." Chen Baibin said, "The main part that is not clear now is the part of Cai Lan. From the information we have now, Chang Qingyun is also related to Cai Lan."

"Of course there is a connection." Ji Xin said, "We just haven't got the confession. I'm afraid this matter can only be clarified if Liu Wangwang is interrogated directly."

"Do you want to interrogate Liu Wangwang?"

"Don't worry, since they haven't come to a conclusion, we don't need to be in a hurry." Ji Tao said, "We have obtained enough information from the captives now, and now we will talk to the retained personnel and the naturalized cadres."

The most important of the Guihuamin cadres are three people: Luo Yangming, Zhao Fengfeng and Zheng Ergen.

But Ji Xin's attitude is not to talk to them first, Luo Yangming has grasped too much truth, once the conversation is equivalent to a king bomb.And Zhao Fengtian and Zheng Ergen were under Xie Erren's command, so the conversation was equivalent to asking them to express their position.This puts a lot of pressure on the Guihuamin cadres, and they must have done some shady things for Xie Erren. Whether it is under pressure to confess or stubbornly resist to the end, it is definitely not a good thing for the Guihuamin cadres.

"It's not easy for us to train naturalized cadres. These are elites. We can't push them to death..." Ji Xin said, "Talents are hard to come by."

"But they followed Xie Erren to do a lot...a lot...of things that don't come to light. Wouldn't it be too cheap for us to let them go so lightly? It's easy to encourage the unhealthy tendencies of soldiers. "

"Factions have existed since ancient times, and our Senate is no exception. It's perfectly normal for naturalized cadres to attach themselves to a certain elder. It's not uncommon to do things that violate regulations or even laws. We can't stop this kind of thing, Not to mention eradicating it." Ji Xin smiled wryly, "If it was in the old time and space, there would be nothing to say, as long as the ground is uneven. There are plenty of people who can fill in the gaps. But not here, we are short of people. Sometimes we can only Let’s look at the problem from the perspective of protecting people first. The same crime is a heinous crime if it is placed on the naturalized people, but it may not be necessarily the case when it is placed on other people. Besides, there is still a difference between one who is active and one who is forced.”

Chen Baibin pondered the meaning of his words and understood that he hoped that Xie Erren would take the main responsibility.In this way, the naturalized civilian cadres will not be punished too severely.Otherwise, once Zhao Fengtian, Zheng Ergen and others wear the hat of "deceiving the Senate", they will basically be unable to turn over.The best result is to go to Kaohsiung and Jeju to be a cadre.

"just in case……"

"I don't think he doesn't understand. The Senate can accommodate Dugu's marriage proposal, so what can't be forgiven for his romantic crime? If he really lets his cronies take the blame, how will he come out to do things in the future? This is the key He always wants to understand. The most worrying thing now is that there are too many people who want to eat Wuzhou's human blood steamed buns, we have to be more cautious."

In the next few days, Ji Xin and Chen Baibin summoned the naturalized people and retained personnel in batches, including the soldiers of the national army who participated in the battle that night, the retained personnel in the Yamen, and the captives and refugees who had not escaped from the Sanhezui camp...

All the personnel were summoned by Ji Xin directly, and then interrogated one by one.From their mouths, they quickly learned a lot of important information.Among them, the case of Cai Lan is particularly strange, because all the relevant personnel involved in her have disappeared: either died in the riot that night, or "disappeared".Even the two servants who guarded Cai Lan when she committed suicide were the same.

Although the report stated that Cai Lan was "on duty" in the Third President's Mansion and did some simple copywriting work, but during the interrogation, none of her colleagues were found.Most people don't know that there is such a retained female staff member in the Third President's Mansion.

This abnormal behavior basically proved that Cai Lan not only had an improper relationship with Xie Erren, but also played a very important role in the riot that night.So much so that Xie Youren spent a lot of effort to "clean up" all the relevant personnel who knew the details.

As for what role he played, probably only Zhao Fengfeng and others know.

However, from these conversations, they also learned a lot about the Sanhezui camp, including Liu Wangwang's various evils in the camp, Jiang Yougong's participation, and Chang Qingyun's activities.It is said that he became "active" in the short period before the riots - but he did a lot of bad things.

Ji Xin also got an important piece of news: Chang Qingyun was once called to Wuzhou City, and soon after he came back, he received preferential treatment and painted in the room every day.In Wuzhou City, paintings are constantly being sent in and out, which is very busy.

Although the person who provided this information was of low status, he didn't know why Chang Qingyun was called to paint, and he didn't know why the painting was transported back and forth, but the only person with the right to do so was Xie Erren.

Ji Xin read Xie Erren's file before departure. Although he is also a cultural person, judging from his personal background and his related self-reports, he did not show any special interest in Chinese painting, let alone looking for someone specifically. Using painting to sing harmony - and this practice called only Chang Qingyun's painting has nothing to do with singing harmony.

Reminiscent of what Yi Haoran and some others said that Cai Lan was "good at painting", and the material procurement staff of the city government also provided the job of collecting paint, paper and other painting tools in the city.Correspondingly, this is not beneficial to Cai Lan's hobby, and Chang Qingyun's painting is also because of Cai Lan.

"Good guy. I didn't expect him to be a passionate seed..." Chen Baibin sighed, "So hardworking!"

"It's not surprising that literati are affectionate, and they also pay attention to the joy of life. What's more, with our current status, we can't do what we want. There are no elders in Lingao who do even more absurd things." Ji Xin smiled, "He This bit of romantic crime is really nothing, a bad thing is a bad thing that happened in Wuzhou, and this Cai Lan is a key person in it."

(End of this chapter)

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