Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2328 Go to Wuzhou

Chapter 2328 Go to Wuzhou ([-])
Chen Baibin looked at the materials on the table, Xie Erren acted quickly, and cleared out all the retained personnel who could prove that Cai Lan and Xie Erren had a special relationship.Of course, whether it is Zhao Fengfeng, Zheng Ergen or Luo Yangming, they can all prove the existence of Cai Lan.But once they made relevant testimony, they would stand on the opposite side of reconciling Xie Erren.

Except that Luo Yangming can be protected by the Political Security Bureau, the other two people will definitely struggle under the cadre system of the Senate in the future.Chen Baibin has roughly understood what Ji Xin meant: to protect the naturalized cadres.

Who else can prove the special relationship between Cai Lan and Xie Erren?After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered Jiang Qiuchan mentioned in Luo Yangming's report.According to his report, Jiang Qiuchan also worked as a servant in the Third President's Mansion.

He immediately told Ji Xin about this idea.

"Exactly," Ji Xin said, "Here is a piece of material that Zheng Ergen just sent, which is the conclusion of their investigation report on the Sanhezui camp." He said and handed the report to him.

Chen Baibin browsed through it roughly, and it was basically consistent with the sporadic information about Sanhezui they got during the interrogation, and it also confirmed their inference: Liu Wangwang committed mischief, Jiang Yougong helped the evildoers, and Chang Qingyun contributed to the flames.

But what follows is interesting.From Jiang Yougong's body and Liu Wangwang's personal belongings, two small secret seals with ox horns were found. After identification and inspection, it was found that they were located in the Ruijintang Silk and Satin Shop in Wuzhou City.

Jiang Rongxian, the owner of the Ruijintang silk shop, confessed that the two secret seals were proof that the stolen money they got from reselling the grain and supplies in the camp was stored on the cabinet.

"This Liu Wangwang is really courageous!" Chen Baibin was taken aback.Although Chen Baibin has seen a lot of Guihuamin corruption cases, some of which were larger than this, but it was the first time he saw someone who dared to act so lawlessly and recklessly while on the front line and in a prisoner camp.

"It's Chang Qingyun who is pulling the strings, so it's interesting."

"Isn't this normal? Chang Qingyun is Liu Wangwang's dog leg."

"Chang Qingyun is a foreigner, and he is not familiar with the place where he lived in Wuzhou—this kind of private black deal, even if he knows that Ruijintang has such strength, Jiang Rongxian would not dare to accept it if he came to the door by himself."

"Then... is Yi Haoran?!"

"Although we don't have direct evidence, it's likely to be him. Looking at his confession, I feel that Yi Haoran is a ghost. If he knows what we have, he will confess; if we don't know, he will say something I won't even say..."

Chen Baibin laughed a few times, thinking that there is no need to talk about it!The confession we got must have been "processed".

"Jiang Rongxian's younger sister is Jiang Qiuchan. At one time, Jiang Qiuchan's son was sent to Yi Haoran to study. So Jiang Qiuchan and Yi Haoran are not only 'distant relatives', but they also trust each other. Yi Haoran is very concerned about the relationship between him and Jiang Qiuchan. An understatement of a relationship is inherently problematic."

"In this way, Jiang Qiuchan is also a key figure."

"That's right." Ji Xin nodded, "Luo Yangming said in the report that Jiang Qiuchan also worked in the Third President's Mansion. Although I don't know exactly what he did, it is probably related to Cai Lan."

"Yi Haoran, Chang Qingyun, Jiang Qiuchan, Cai Lan..." Chen Baibin casually drew a diagram of their relationship with each other on the white paper, "This is a net!" He lost his voice.

"That's right." Ji Xin nodded, "Yi Haoran is sitting in the cashier of the grain bank, actually controlling the overall situation through this network - this person is really a genius!"

"Then this Jiang Qiuchan..."

"It's gone." Ji Xin said lightly, "According to Zheng Ergen's arrest report, Jiang Qiuchan is no longer in Wuzhou. According to her brother, she took her son back to Teng County more than ten days ago."

"Hehe, I won't come back sooner or later. It's a coincidence to go back at this time." Chen Baibin said, "We will immediately send a message to Teng County and ask them to arrest Jiang Qiuchan!"

"I have asked Zheng Ergen to send a message to the police station in Teng County, but I doubt whether Teng County can find her. The current situation is chaotic, and our political institutions are not perfect. It is easy for her to change her name and surname. hide."

"So that line is broken, too."

"Well." Ji Xin was noncommittal, "Now there is something more strange: According to Jiang Rongxian's confession, there were three secret seals engraved at that time, all of which were handled by Chang Qingyun, so I don't know the specific holders. who is it."

"There is three?"

"That's right, we know two, who is the other one? I'm afraid only Liu Wangwang will know - but this Liu Wangwang just doesn't say anything, no matter how he is interrogated, he keeps repeating a sentence: 'Hit me and kill me. But never betray a friend'."

"Unexpectedly, this person is quite loyal."

"Not only does he talk about loyalty, but he also loves the Senate very much." Ji Dao said, "I can see from his confession that he is really full of love for the Senate—not to pray for his life, but to be sincere and from the bottom of his heart."

"Doing so many bad things with all your heart! This digging is so bad that it almost collapses the wall!"

"Xiao Chen, you don't understand their way of thinking. To them, this is not poaching, but the treatment of being an official. Regardless of Liu Wangwang's background in abject poverty, we almost starved to death when we didn't come. But he not only envies but also agrees with the style of rich people in this time and space who are officials. Now that he is an official, he also takes it for granted. You think it is only because of our political education and system Design, can it make them reborn? Many people can't do it...Liu Wangwang is just one of the stupid people among those who can't do it."

"No matter how loyal he is, he will dig out the third person!"

Ji Xin nodded. According to speculation, if the third person was a Guihuamin, he was just one of several important Guihuamin cadres in the city.But this case was handled by Zhao Fengtian and others from the beginning to the end. They did not try to conceal the existence of the third person, nor did they secretly send Liu Wangwang to heaven.It means they are not one of them.Maybe, someone else?After all, up to now, they haven't found out the real mastermind behind the Wuzhou riots.

"Who is the third person? We can investigate later. That's not the point." Ji Xin has roughly sorted out the entire Wuzhou incident, and has a general understanding of the roles played by all parties in this incident.Although the third person is very important, it is not the purpose of his coming here.

"But we don't have any other clues anymore. The relationship between Cai Lan and Xie that all?" Chen Baibin was suddenly discouraged.

Ji Xin is quite conflicted about whether to find out the relationship between Cai Lan and Xie Erren.Finding out will help the Senate to be upright in its future work, and it will also remind the elders; but if it is found out, Xie Erren's reputation in the Senate will be discredited.It was a fatal blow to his personal political future.

Xie Youren obviously understood this stake, and used many means to cut off the direct connection between Cai Lan and him.No matter what the secret report said, the final basis for the Senate's handling of the matter was Ji Xin's report.As long as Ji Xin's report cannot be verified, then he has set aside this fatal crime.

However, since Cai Lan appeared in the secret report, the investigation must come to a conclusion.Otherwise it will be suspected.How to grasp this speed is the most difficult part for Ji Xin now.

It is not difficult to directly talk to a few important naturalized cadres and force them to tell the truth, and Luo Yangming will not refuse.But this goes against his original intention of "protecting naturalized cadres".

He rummaged through the materials in his hand, and suddenly Luo Yangming found an article in the draft of the "Weekly Report" sent to the Political Security Bureau: "Assassination of Longmu Temple".

Ji Xin was taken aback -- has such a thing happened in Wuzhou?He didn't know anything about it, and no one mentioned it to him!It seems that the water in Wuzhou is really not shallow.

He looked at the date, which happened shortly after the recovery of Wuzhou.Pull out the report and read it carefully, it turns out that someone assassinated Xie Erren in front of the Longmu Temple.

This immediately aroused his interest-especially the report mentioned that the assassin was a woman!
"Look! There's a problem here."

Chen Baibin took the report, read it through, and said excitedly: "This person must be Cai Lan!"

Ji Xin said: "It's hard to say whether it is true or not. But it is indeed very possible."

"Has Xie Erren reported this to the Senate?"

"I'm afraid there is no report. Otherwise, the number of guards assigned to him should increase. But this is not a problem. After all, in the yellow zone, anything can happen."

"We immediately asked the people around him to find out."

"I think the people around him may have concerns about speaking. There is a more suitable character here." Ji Xin said, "He had a guide when he went to the Dragon Mother Temple."

Although He Dongli acted as a guide and accompanied Xie Erren to tour the city, he did not accept the title of "Member of the Advisory Bureau".This is not because he is worried about Daming's counterattack, but because He Dongli claims to be a scholar and is unwilling to work with a group of big businessmen.

So he spends most of his time studying at home behind closed doors. His family has some businesses outside the city. Although the army is in turmoil, the law and order in the suburbs is still good, and there is no shortage of food and vegetables.Xie Youren intended to win him over, and invited him out for talks from time to time, letting him work as a local scholar and gentry, and giving him some wine, meat, money and rice afterwards, and his life was peaceful.

The riots in Wuzhou a few days ago really frightened Mr. He.He wasn't afraid of the return of the Ming government, it was because there would be chaos after the city was broken, and a well-to-do family like him might be tortured—the Australians had such a well-disciplined army that was unique.

This scare made He Dongli even more closed the door to thank guests, and lived in seclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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