Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2329 Go to Wuzhou

Chapter 2329 Go to Wuzhou ([-])
He Dongli was not panicked when he heard that the city government wanted to invite him.Immediately, he followed the police to the Sanzong Mansion.

Unexpectedly, what he saw was not the familiar Xie Erren, but two strange Australians.Unconsciously slightly startled.

He Dongli immediately thought that the arrival of these two strange Australians was probably related to the Wuzhou riots not long ago.With Xie Youren not around, I'm afraid his position in Wuzhou is already unstable.

He felt nervous, this kind of thing is very easy to create a big prison, and the charges are often involved in a wide range of cases.There are not a few innocent people who broke their homes and died for this.You have to be careful with it yourself.

But it doesn't look like an interrogation—at least not in the posture of an interrogation.Just like Xie Youren summoned him, he set up a table to serve tea.

"Your honor is Mr. He Shouren?"

"The student is right." He Dongli bowed his hands respectfully.

"We came from Guangzhou. I heard that Mr. Wuzhou is an old local land. We are familiar with all the customs and customs here. I would like to talk to Mr. Wu."

"The student has lived in Wuzhou for a long time, and he does know a lot of various anecdotes. Just ask the two gentlemen."

"I heard that there is a Dragon Mother Temple on the banks of the Guijiang River."

"Exactly, this temple is just outside the Dayun Gate. It is said that it was built during the Xianping period of the Great Song Dynasty. It is also the largest Dragon Mother Temple in the local area. It is the most effective."

"I heard that when Elder Xie Yuan came to Wuzhou to take up his new post, you were the guide to search for places of interest inside and outside the city. You have also been here."

"It's happening." He Dongli's heart tightened. Could it be because of that?He replied cautiously, "That day, I went to the Hangong Temple first, then to the Four Sages Temple. Finally, I went to the Dragon Mother Temple to offer incense."

"What happened at the Longmu Temple?"

"A woman assassinated Mr. Xie in the street at the gate of the temple. However, there was no danger. Mr. Xie was auspicious, and he was never harmed..." He Dongli's heart sank, and it was really because of this!

Although this incident did not lead to any consequences, he could see the embarrassment of the old man Xie Yuan at that time-it was considered a close call.What worried him the most was that it was his suggestion to go to the Dragon Mother Temple to offer incense.

Fortunately, the Australian in front of him did not ask "how to go back to the Dragon Mother Temple", but asked another question.

"Who is this murdered woman?"

"This, the students don't know either. She failed in the assassination and was taken down on the spot. It's a young woman with white flowers on her head—she should be a widow."

"How did she deal with it after she was captured?"

He Dongli felt very embarrassed. Although he did not participate in Cai Lan's follow-up, once he came to the Third President's Mansion to chat with Xie Youren, and he did see Cai Lan in this yard.Moreover, the matter about Xie Erren and Cai Lan is not a secret among the retained personnel and Guihuamin cadres in Wuzhou.But this is just a "rumour".

"I was escorted to the Yamen, how to deal with it later, the students don't know."

"Is this female assassin named Cai Lan?"

"Yes..." He Dongli trembled and said involuntarily,

Ji Xin noticed his frightened expression, so he said softly: "Sir, don't be nervous, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, yes, the student understands."

"However, sir must also understand that a few days ago, some usurpers and remnants attacked Wuzhou by surprise and caused a lot of trouble. The Senate had to investigate this matter, and it had to be investigated to the end. Whoever is guilty and whoever is not guilty will have to Make it clear. I hope that you will cooperate with us in our work and don't try to hide it. You can also rest assured that the Senate will not implicate innocent people or accuse you of any crime."

"Should, should." He Dongli groaned secretly, "Students must know everything."

"Where did you hear that this woman's name is Cai Lan?"

"Students didn't know it at first, but later they heard it."

"Who did you hear?"

"Many people in Wuzhou City know about this matter." He Dongli smiled wryly.

"About Cai Lan, have you heard any rumors?"

He Dongli hesitated for a while, and said: "The students have heard a lot of rumors-but they are just rumors. The students don't know who said it..."

"You say so."

He said that after Cai Lan was captured, she has been detained in the land temple of the county government and has not been dealt with.After a long time, news came out that the elder Xie "adopted" her.

"As for whether this is true, the student has no evidence, but she has been staying in the Third President's Mansion, but many people have seen it. It is not false."

"So, many people in Wuzhou know about Cai Lan."

"Such rumors spread faster among the market than national affairs." He Dongli said with a wry smile.

"Elder Xie should have heard of it too. Did he do any countermeasures or say anything?"

"Elder Xie doesn't seem to care about this."

Ji Xin nodded silently, which was consistent with what he had collected.Obviously, Xie Youren didn't think there was anything wrong with hiring a female assassin.If it hadn't been for the Wuzhou riots, even if the Senate intervened, it would be nothing more than a small romantic crime.

"Do you still know what strange things happen to the elder Xie?"

He Dongli was a little panicked now, and his words gradually became life-threatening. He opened his mouth and said, "No more... no more..."

"Think about it carefully." Ji Xin said seriously, "Don't worry about anything! Only telling the truth can keep your family safe!"

Chen Baibin was secretly surprised that Ji Xin always had a pleasant face when interrogating naturalized people or aborigines, and sometimes he would analyze the benefits and disadvantages, but rarely threatened the other party to openly use the safety of the other party's family members to speak up.Is this the case?
He Dongli tremblingly lowered his head and thought for a long time before he said: "Students reconciled with elders don't have much contact with each other, and they talked about the local customs and customs when they met. There is nothing special about the world's products. If there is anything strange, there is a something..."

He said that not long before the Wuzhou riots, Xie Erren sent someone to send some paintings, and asked him if he was good at painting or not, and if he could understand the meaning of the paintings.

"What painting?"

"It's all freehand flowers and birds, mainly all kinds of orchids..." He Dongli said, "To be honest, students can make do with a few brushstrokes of freehand landscapes, but it's really not enough to paint flowers and birds. So I refused."

Chen Baibin and Ji Xin looked at each other, and it seemed that their guess was right.Before looking for Chang Qingyun to be the "gunner", Xie Erren also found the more reliable He Dongli, but unfortunately he didn't understand these things...

It's really time and luck.Ji Xin sighed secretly.

He regained his original kind face and asked: "Mr. Dongli, you are a local aborigine. You have lived here for a long time, and your contacts must be more extensive than ours. I would like to ask, Wuzhou folks, what is your opinion of Mr. Xie Yuan?" "

He Dongli didn't hesitate this time, and said: "The reputation is good. Although the food prices in Wuzhou are soaring these days, and making a living is difficult, it is difficult for both the shopkeepers and the people. But it is no wonder that he is in chaos. He is sheltered in this city. Going into exile and helping the poor, under such a crisis situation, the whole city of Wuzhou has neither hunger nor exodus. The damaged city walls and pontoon bridges have also been repaired. It can be called a capable official.”

Then Ji Xin asked some other questions, and He Dongli answered them one by one.This made him go back.

"When you get back, sir, don't mention this conversation to anyone."

When He Dongli saw that the Australian did not ask him to draw a confession, he felt relieved a lot, and hurriedly said, "Yes, the student understands."

"From this point of view, Xie Youren still has some talent." Chen Baibin said.

"Indeed. But he is too careless." Ji Dao said, "Next time, we will meet Luo Yangming."

Chen Baibin knew that Luo Yangming was regarded as the "king bomb" by Ji Xin.He was not summoned when he first arrived.Now that he is suddenly summoned, it means that the entire Wuzhou investigation has entered the conclusion stage.

Luo Yangming was summoned to the residence of the Third President's Mansion at night.

"Comrade Luo Yangming, please sit down." Chen Baibin was very polite to this subordinate, "I am Chen Baibin from the Political Security Bureau..."

"Yes, chief!" Luo Yangming said and stood up to salute.

"Don't be like this," Chen Baibin waved his hand, "You are now a secret agent, so it is not appropriate to make such a noise. Let's talk quietly. Treat it as your report to work."


Chen Baibin introduced Ji Xin's identity: "This is Comrade Ji Xin, the leader of the investigation team."

"Hello, Chief!"

"You don't need to be so polite." Ji Xin said casually, "You and Xiao Chen talk about work first. I'll listen by the side. I'll ask you any questions."

Chen Baibin said: "Tell me about yourself first."

Luo Yangming knew that this was the first investigation of him by the Political Security Bureau after he transferred to the subordinate relationship.Therefore, he put up all his energy and reported his background, experience, timing of going to the Senate, etc. one by one.Then he reported the process of accepting the appointment of the Foreign Intelligence Agency to Wuzhou to engage in intelligence work until Wuzhou's recovery.It took about an hour to finish the report.

These contents were basically the same as the records in Luo Yangming's personal files that they consulted before departure. Chen Baibin asked him about his work for the Political Security Bureau after Wuzhou was restored.

Luo Yangming knew that the joints were important, so he didn't dare to be negligent. He briefly talked about the related work he had done after the restoration of Wuzhou, the major events and people's sentiments in Wuzhou.

"Now we have found out through our investigation that Yi Haoran, Chang Qingyun, Cai Lan, and Jiang Qiuchan are the key figures involved in the Wuzhou riots. How much do you know about these four people?"

Luo Yangming said: "Reporting chief, I don't know or have contact with Chang Qingyun. It's hard to say. Yi Haoran worked as a cashier in my shop. My personal impression is that this person is decent, open-minded in dealing with others, and simple in life. He works hard and never has any bad habits. He can be called a modest gentleman. He is also very meticulous in his work,"

"You didn't find him suspicious?"

"I found it." He said how he suspected Yi Haoran at the beginning, how he reported to Xie Erren, and how Xie Erren proposed to send an external transfer letter for investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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