Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2333 Hearing

Chapter 2333 Hearing ([-])

Once the investigation report on the Wuzhou riots was published in the Senate, it really caused a storm.

However, this turmoil is much smaller than previous turmoil involving such matters.First, there was a plague in Guangzhou, and strict prevention and control measures were adopted in various regions, including Hainan. The energy of the elders was seriously affected. Except for a few people, most people were very busy, so naturally it was not too big Interested to toss and solve the problems of the elders.Secondly, over the years, everyone is not very interested in the things on the beep, and everyone is more interested in how to make use of it.

The one who is most enthusiastic about this is naturally the Nanxia faction headed by the surroundings. He originally contacted the disgruntled industry veterans everywhere, just waiting for such an opportunity.As long as the battle between Guangdong and Guangxi ends badly, it will be logical to turn around and go south.

In addition to actively preparing materials with the Southward faction and preparing to "fully demonstrate the superiority of going southward" at the Senate meeting, the other elders are planning to take advantage of this incident to kill the Political Security Bureau-at least make it "inhumane and animal-like". Harmful".As for the elders of the third faction, they are preparing to use this to demonstrate that investment in Guangdong and Guangxi is seriously insufficient and that investment must be further increased.

Although the three parties have no specific actions at present, they have published various articles in two journals, one newspaper and internal BBS, making preparations for public opinion, and preparing for a large-scale tear at the hearing in a few days.

As for Xie Erren, he also received a notice to return to Lingao to attend the hearing.The specific work in Wuzhou is temporarily managed by Zhao Fengfeng.

Because of the plague, in order to reduce the flow of people, except for the parties involved, the elders in Guangdong and Guangxi did not return to Lingao to attend the hearing.According to the proposals of all parties, the vest listed a number of major issues, and sent these issues and related materials to the dispatched veterans. They only need to explain their positions and reasons based on these issues—it doesn’t matter if they don’t explain the reasons. As long as there is a specific position.

As for the people who participated in the hearing, 50 people were randomly selected from the elders in Lingao to participate, and the specific administrative work was in charge of the judicial office.

The hearing was held secretly in Bairen City, and the elders who knew shorthand and shorthand took notes of the whole process.

"Shorthand is nothing more than shorthand. We are from the United States." Dong Shiye said, looking at the horseshoe-shaped tables and chairs in the venue.

"A red flag and a blue flag on the rostrum complement each other! Coupled with this Roman-style Senate emblem, doesn't it mean a human empire?" The vest smiled.

He and Dong Shiye were the host and supervisor of the meeting respectively, so they arrived at the venue early.

"That's right, that's right, it's a pity that it's not enough for mechapunk." Dong Shiye looked at An Xi who was hard at work directing Guihuamin to do the post-production work, "Is this all his idea?"

"Can he have this ability? These are all designed by veterans who specialize in art." Said the waistcoat, "Our auditorium was originally too careless, and minimalism must have a sense of proportion. At any rate, this Lingao is our 'dragon' It’s a place of prosperity’, it’s okay to spend some resources to make it better. The general meeting and the D-Day commemorative meeting will be more grand in the future—it can’t always be held in an open-air cinema.”

"Vest, do you think Xie Erren can pass the test safely this time?"

"It depends on how you define the word pass." The vest smiled, "If I ask you, he should be better than Duguhui. It's just that I'm afraid there will be a stage where he will be an idler."

"There's nothing wrong with being an idler." Dong Shiye said, "We're so busy, aren't we also a veteran? Even if we become the chairman of the Senate and the secretary of state, isn't it just a ticket?"

"Although they all have one ticket, the influence is far worse. Can you have Wen Desi and Ma Qianju's words in the Senate? The expatriate veterans used to speak in the Senate. Chang Shide, Zhao Yingong These people are still making a fuss. It’s different now. Since the Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders, the expatriate veterans have become a big force in the Senate. This time, the veterans at the industrial gate are gearing up, because they feel that their words are useless , Ready to earn a wave of presence?" The vest sighed, "But if you lose your voice all the time, no one will take you seriously. It's not useless to make a fuss."

Here, Anxi has finished the final layout work, and let the naturalized service personnel leave the venue - from this moment on, there are no service personnel in the venue, and everything including pouring water has to be self-help.

The fifty elders who attended the meeting arrived one after another, and the vest saw a lot of familiar faces inside. Naturally, almost half of the elders have gone to Guangdong and Guangxi now, and among the remaining less than 250 people, choose fifty, and win a lottery. The rate is still high.

In the past, there were a few faces here that would have caused headaches for the vest, but now, his technique of manipulating parliamentary struggles has become more and more sophisticated-or rather, more and more seniors have started to lose their buttocks as their positions rise. Sit on another bench.Many things that used to be able to stir people's hearts are becoming less and less effective now.

"Ma Yuan, it's time." An Xi whispered to him beside him.

The vest looked at his watch, and sure enough, it was already [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

"Clear the field for the last time and close the gate." He ordered

[-]:[-] p.m. is the closing time for the hearing, and those who fail to meet the deadline will be deemed to have automatically abstained.

With the closing of the gate, the originally quiet auditorium suddenly became more vocal - the whole room was filled with "our own people", so naturally there were not so many taboos in speaking.

"This Xie Youren is really messing around! He's messing around with women all the time!"

"That's right, he's always flirting and talking about culture. I've long since disliked him."

"Delegate him to Danzhou for three years of labor reform in the workshop."

"We Danzhou Chemical do not want such a burden."

"Since ancient times, cultural people with pens have been unreliable. After all, they are liberal arts students..."

"Did the liberal arts student dig your ancestral grave? Or did you hire your secretary?"

The two sides glared at each other, and someone immediately came out to smooth things over.

"This matter is not entirely the responsibility of Xie Erren. He is a bare-handed commander in Wuzhou, and he can maintain the situation. Isn't it common to have a woman now? Didn't you kill the female experimenter in the Central Laboratory of Light Industry last time?" Pushed?"

"I'm not! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Old Jie is quite wronged in this matter. The key is that the various departments gave him too little support, just like what is said in the storytelling, give you three thousand old, weak and disabled soldiers to fight tough battles-it is clear that you are going to die!"

"Hehe, doesn't the Political Security Bureau claim to be omnipotent? They always have loose bowels at crucial times. They slipped past them last time, so I see what they can say this time!"

"The Fubo army also has a problem. The veteran is in Wuzhou. Give him a company to assist in defense-this fucking is playing tricks, right? At least one battalion must be left!"

"Don't be blind, BB, there are only a few battalions in the Fubo army? To protect him, Xie Erren needs a battalion? Wen Desi doesn't have such a big show in Guangzhou!"

"Wen Desi is only a veteran, why is he better than Xie Erren?!"

"The elders are different from the elders," someone pretended to be profound, and said leisurely, "It's different from the moment we set foot on the beach..."

When the discussions in the Senate began to diverge aimlessly as before, Xie Erren quietly appeared on the stage.

Xie Youren dressed up carefully today, basically according to the standards of American murderers going to court.He had his hair cut, his beard kicked, and he wore a neat, half-new cotton "cadre uniform".According to the regulations, the general office assigned two elders to "accompany" him.

Although a group of people came in quietly, as soon as he walked in, he immediately attracted the attention of the elders present.Someone booed.

Xie Erren wanted to show some smiles to show that he was "calm", but right now he couldn't squeeze out any smiles at all, so he just kept his face and turned a deaf ear to the boos.

He had read the text of the investigative report.Although Ji Xin and Chen Baibin didn't hint anything to him when they left, their every move during the investigation was under his watchful eyes. Although he couldn't know what the interviewee said, he could roughly guess the whole investigation. direction.

Basically, the investigation is going in the direction he expected.However, whether they have collected more information, what Zhao Fengtian and others said to the investigation team...he doesn't know.So it is inevitable that I feel a little apprehensive.

After reading the report, Xie Erren's heart was almost settled.The report did not meet his expectations.He was secretly grateful in his heart, although he had made arrangements in advance, but Ji Xin was obviously "high-handed".Next, he will have to count on the Senate to "raise his hand" to him.

For this reason, he has figured out the questions he might encounter, and imagined how he should answer them.To be honest, he admired Chang Shide's defense very much, it was both solemn and humorous, he laughed and cursed freely, and swayed freely.However, the problem I have now is much bigger than Chang Shide, it is better to keep a low profile and humble attitude.

He took his seat on the hearing bench.Some nervously glanced at the vest who was sitting on the presiding seat, only to feel that the whole body was "pierced by ten thousand arrows" by the eyes of the elders present.Involuntarily, her heart beat faster, and beads of sweat involuntarily secreted from her forehead.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, he tapped it with a mallet and said, "Please be quiet, everyone!"

Then came a whole set of "ceremonies" - the sense of ritual is an important part of the "legal dignity" pursued by vests.So today's hearings are much more complicated than in the past.Not only the "hearing resolution" of the Senate must be read out, but also relevant regulations and so on.

After a ceremony, more than ten minutes have passed.All the elders were a little impatient.At this time the gavel sounded again.

"Seniors, the investigation of the Wuzhou riots conducted by the two elders, Ji Xin and Chen Baibin, has ended, and the relevant report has been distributed to all the elders. Have any of the elders who participated in the hearing read the report or have any objections to it? of?"

(End of this chapter)

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