Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2334 Hearing

Chapter 2334 Hearing ([-])
He waited a few minutes, though there was a murmur of conversation below, but no one objected.

"The "Investigation Report on the Wuzhou Incident" was approved by the elders present at the meeting, and none of the elders expressed any objection to it. According to the relevant investigation replies from all the elders stationed abroad, a two-thirds majority has been formed, so the resolution of the Senate , confirming the legitimacy of the report."

After the waistcoat finished reading this sentence in a cadence, the next step was the main event - the questioning.

Sure enough, as soon as the vest announced the start of the questioning session, there were immediately requests for the floor.

The vest took a closer look, and it was Hai Lin from the carpentry factory.He knew that Hai Lin was a veteran "Senate Opposition", and he and Shan Liang were called "Twin Bis".Whenever a major event occurs, a hearing will be required, and various "specific questions" and "reflective questions" will be posted on the BBS every week.He was once a headache for the Senate.

This time Shan Liang was not selected, but Hai Lin was selected, and the vest knew that he must have come prepared and was ready to fire.

"Comrade Vest," Hai Lin stepped onto the podium, nodded slightly to the vest, and then turned to the audience, "Comrades!" His attitude was polite and gentlemanly.

The vest thought to himself, this Hailin has also started to play this trick now, the political level of the elders has indeed improved over the years.

"Comrade Xie Erren, I have read the report on Wuzhou." Hai Lin said, "To be honest, I am both saddened and surprised." At this point he paused for a moment, pretending to be deep, "The Senate put such an important A city of mine was handed over to you, but what about you? What kind of spirit did you use to do this job? I'm sorry for the trust that the majority of the elders have placed in you?!"

This smacks of criticism.Although Xie Youren was mentally prepared, he couldn't help being stunned by this critical question.

But he is a reporter after all, and he has seen a lot of ghosts and snakes. After calming down a little, he considered the routine as expected, and said with a guilty look: "I am really ashamed of the trust that the Senate has placed in me. I didn't do anything. Good at my job. I am the first person responsible for the Wuzhou riots, and I have nothing to justify."

Hai Lin originally thought that the reporter must have some eloquent rhetoric to argue, but he didn't expect him to admit it right away, which somewhat disrupted his plan.

Originally, he planned to "expose Xie Erren's painting skin" through a series of facts to heat up the atmosphere of the hearing, but Yuan Lao Xie immediately admitted that he was a "goblin", and this planned drama could not continue. Hailin had no choice but to change the subject and start talking about "responsibility".

"...Comrades, although the incident in Wuzhou was the personal mistake of Comrade Xie Erren, other departments, especially the Government Affairs Council under the control of some people, as well as organizational personnel, intelligence, public security and our all-powerful Isn’t the Political Security Bureau responsible? I think not only is it responsible, but it is the primary responsibility!”

Dong Shiye whispered: "It's started."

Vest nodded slightly: "He is an old prescription that has remained unchanged for thousands of years."

He watched Hai Lin's impassioned speech, and knew that Hai Lin's ultimate goal was Ma Qianju—to criticize Duke Ma and make him a bad name, at least he had to "not harm the Senate." The goal.Of course, this goal is becoming more and more elusive now.Now everyone knows that even if Ma Qianju steps down, the person who takes over as Secretary of State is either someone from his team or at least a close comrade-in-arms.

Sure enough, after some impassioned remarks that "rectification of X is imperative", Hailin turned his target to Ma Qianju, saying that he had made serious mistakes many times as Secretary of State for so many years, and this time Wuzhou failed. Even more "disaster".Moreover, Ma Qianzhu was one of Xie Erren's "nominees" for Wuzhou District Director, and his specific appointment was also approved by him.should bear the primary responsibility.

"...I think Comrade Ma Qianju should take the blame and resign—or at least make a public review!"

After Hai Lin finished speaking, there was a burst of sparse applause from the seats.Although someone shouted: "Well said!" But no one responded, it seemed a little deserted.

Although the atmosphere was not as warm as expected, it was still a good start.The next person who raised her hand to ask to speak was Cheng Yongxin, which was not beyond the expectation of Ma Jia and the others—she hadn't spoken on public affairs for a long time.

Cheng Yongxin had fallen into a struggle with the maid case, and tried to use the Lingao incident to stir up trouble.After a lot of tossing, it's not that he didn't get any benefits, at least he is now a well-known figure in the news media.She was very careful to keep a distance from Du Wen in the XX rights and interests cause, lest anyone compare her with Du Wen.

Although she entered the media and her attempt to influence the media was more or less realized, Ma Jia knew that Miss Cheng had XXXXX not long ago.It is said that the body and mind are XXXX, once XXXX, and finally although XXXX, the XX was over, but XXXX recovered the state of mind, so it has not been very active recently, and it is a dormant state.

Speaking at the hearing this time is obviously a signal that she is ready to return to the stage.

Cheng Yongxin's face was slightly pale. After she came to the stage, she first asked Er Ren a few questions - all about Cai Lan, including how to contain Cai Lan, and how she thought of keeping her by her side.

Although these are the contents of the report, Xie Erren still answered them one by one.

"Everyone," Cheng Yongxin generally does not use the title "comrade", "I would like to draw everyone's attention to Cai Lan in this case. Although she has now been identified as one of the main participants in the Wuzhou riots, even in our She committed suicide before the investigation team went. But, shouldn’t we think about it the other way around, why did she participate in this riot?”

Everyone's eyes widened, thinking what did she say?
"...Cai Lan's assassination of the elder was originally a serious crime. But since the assassination failed, and the elder Xie used his elder power to pardon her crime, then she should be relocated or released directly according to the relevant regulations. Why? Putting Cai Lan in the house as an item, is it true that for some veterans who think about the lower body, the only function of XX is a meat X device?!"

Vest nodded slightly, Cheng Yongxin's words were correct.In the case of Cai Lan, Xie Youren has serious problems—it can even be said that many problems in the Wuzhou incident stem from his mishandling of Cai Lan!Although her original intention may not be here, her observation ability to grasp the key points is still online.

Cheng Yongxin went on to say: "Disrespecting XX, objectifying XX, belittling XX at will, and playing with XX has become a common practice in the Senate, and even formed an unspoken rule, and the majority of XX veterans can only swallow their anger..."

The vest tapped the gavel and reminded: "Ms. Cheng, please pay attention to the content of your speech. We do not object to everyone expressing their opinions freely, but please focus on the topic and don't stray too far from the topic."

"I'm here to express my personal thoughts. I'm really sorry for making you unhappy." Cheng Yongxin said sarcastically, "Well, since the elders here don't like to hear this, then I'll talk about the topic."

"The reason why Cai Lan participated in the riots was that Cai Lan couldn't understand the mental and physical abuse that Mr. Erren had done to her!" At this point, she became a little emotional, "This contributed to Cai Lan's final surrender to the enemy. ..."

Next, Cheng Yongxin shot Xie Erren in a concentrated manner, almost directly labeling him as "scum", "sexual X" and "abuse X". Everyone felt a little puzzled, why Cheng Yongxin suddenly became so excited, almost I burst into tears.

"...I feel very strange. How did a person like Mr. Xie Erren, whose ability is worrying and I don't want to comment on his moral standards, become the local administrator of an important city? He has no administrative experience at all, and he has little education. No professional background. Who is acting as his pusher and umbrella behind this? And Liu Wangwang, who played an extremely bad role in the case, such a villain with corrupt morals, unexpectedly became the chief of a prisoner camp in a grandiose manner .I wonder: What is the basis for the selection and appointment of the human resources department of the Senate? We should find out these things. I propose to conduct independent investigations on these departments and individuals! If necessary, call a plenary meeting of the Senate , Reorganize the department!"

"Is she with Hai Lin?" Dong Shiye asked in a low voice.

"I can't see it." Waist shook his head slightly, "It's only Ma Qianzhu that Hai Lin wants to mess with. She's obviously spraying on Qingming's department."

"Is this wanting to move Mingming?"

"There's something interesting about it," said the waistcoat. "She's obviously not alone—someone is behind her. The personnel arrangement department has always been an invisible center of power, and there are quite a few people who want to intervene."

Cheng Yongxin's speech received more applause than Hailin's. Although everyone was not very interested in her accusation of "materializing XX", the flaws in the selection and appointment of personnel by the personnel department during the Wuzhou incident were obvious.

After two consecutive warm-up sessions, the atmosphere in the venue became more active, and many people asked to speak.

"It's very lively now." Vest said to Dong Shiye, "Today's hearing will be a protracted battle."

The third veteran who spoke was Ma Jia and Dong Shiye were not very familiar with each other.Because it is rare to see this person's name appearing in meetings or newspapers.It should be an ordinary senator who seldom gets involved in the politics of the Senate, has a low position, and concentrates on his job.

"I also want to say a few words about the Wuzhou riots." He wiped his head with a handkerchief, obviously not suitable for such an occasion, "The incident itself has been explained very clearly in the report, and I have no doubts. I would like to express my personal opinion on this incident.”

(End of this chapter)

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