Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2336 Hearing

Chapter 2336 Hearing ([-])
His remarks were very gentle, not only excused Xie Erren, but also lightly let go of other responsible departments.But Vest understands very well in his heart.These remarks seem to be innocuous, but the actual subtext is that the Guangdong-Guangdong campaign was beyond the capabilities of the Senate.

Now that it is beyond the capacity of the Senate, what to do next is ready to come out.

The young man has a future, the vest thought to himself, this time Comrade Zhou used to be silent and secretly plotted a plan for a long time.

What's next?The vest doesn't know either.However, judging from the stretched situation in Guangdong and Guangxi, the proposals to further expand the war, spread the flames of war to Jiangxi and the two lakes, land in the south of the Yangtze River and Shandong, and land on the Liaodong Peninsula are basically yellow.Even if there is, it will limit the scale of delivery.

The next step is nothing more than squatting on the spot or going south to mine.Vest knew about the activities around Danzhou Industrial Park in the previous stage, and he also knew what he said at the meeting.

However, Vest is not interested in his activities: no matter whether he goes south or stays in Guangdong and Guangxi, it has no practical significance for the Law Society.What the Law Society is most interested in now is the establishment of a new judicial system in Guangdong and Guangxi - if it can be done, he and his Law Society will be immortalized forever.

Then several elders spoke, Xie Erren was already a dead tiger, and the criticism of him was basically just an opening remark.The firepower gradually concentrated on the personnel department and the Political Security Bureau.

Why Xie Erren was appointed director of Wuzhou, this is the most questioned-obviously, Xie Erren did not have any local administrative experience before taking this position. Was there some kind of "behind-the-scenes transaction" for him to get this appointment?The second is naturally the absence of the Political Security Bureau in Wuzhou.

Then someone put forward a motion asking the two departments to send representatives to answer the questions.If the answer cannot be passed with confidence at the hearing, it will be proposed at the general meeting that a special investigation team will conduct an "in-depth investigation" on the two departments.

The motion was passed unanimously.Because the two departments have specific work, as usual, the hearing ends here and will continue tomorrow.However, Hailin objected, thinking that the principals of the two departments were in Lingao, and representatives should be sent to attend the hearing immediately. This is "respect" to the Senate.His motion was passed immediately.That's all for the Organization Department, which usually doesn't have a strong sense of presence, but the Political Security Bureau always ranks first in the persecution delusions of many veterans.

The vest knew what he was thinking, and he was afraid that the meeting would lose the current atmosphere the next day, so he gave them time to prepare.

"Since the meeting has passed the proposal, we will send someone to invite their representatives over." Waistcoat announced, "If you have nothing to speak for the time being, the meeting is now closed."

The originally somewhat tense auditorium suddenly regained its original sense of relaxation, and [-] to [-] percent of the elders present were whispering to each other.Judging from the excited faces and almost unconcealable joy of many people, many of them are confident.A few people still remembered that the vest was the director of the Political Security Bureau, so they looked at him from time to time, as if they wanted to see some clues from his face.The vest couldn't help but secretly amused, and deliberately made a worried and restless look.

Unexpectedly, Dong Shiye discovered this, and asked, "Ma Yuan, what are you..."

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I just think it's funny." The vest's expression didn't change, it continued to be a disturbed expression.

"I don't think it's funny at all." Dong Shiye's expression was very serious, "To be honest, I still agree with Pan Jiexin's formulation. The Senate should be a rectification movement, not these inexplicable hearings—— What has become of the current hearing..." He paused, "To be honest, I think the current atmosphere in the Senate is very bad. Anything will become the target of a certain faction. How to deal with a certain thing? Personally, instead of considering the interests and consequences of the Senate first, I put the idea of ​​attacking opponents or expanding my own faction first. There is even a vague trend that things cannot be accomplished without being attached to a certain faction: if you want to get things done , we must form cliques and expand our influence. If this continues, aren’t we no different from the bureaucrats who were keen on party struggles in the late Ming Dynasty?”

"You're right." The vest said, "He Ming also talked to me about this in private last time. This kind of phenomenon of watching other departments make a fool of themselves, gloating and even using it as evidence is becoming more and more. Even in the army There are similar signs here."

"My God, he couldn't be talking about the sea..."

The vest interrupted him: "It doesn't matter who it is, it's just that such an atmosphere has been formed. It may take a while to reverse it." He sighed, "We have natural defects. To be honest, such a weird system can go smoothly. It’s running up to now, it can only be said that it’s because we’ve switched on in this time and space…”

In less than an hour, two representatives from the Organization Department and the Political Security Bureau came.And they are all specific persons in charge, one is Ming Lang, and the other is Zhao Manxiong who rarely shows up in public.

The two performed the ceremony first, and then entered the questioning stage.Akira was the first.

The director has been in office for many years, and basically still retains the appearance and habits of the past civil servant era.The clothes are plain and the expression is serious.After he sat down in the auditorium, he took out a notebook and a pen.

"I would like to ask Director Minglang, Xie Erren was appointed as Wuzhou District Director. Who made this appointment." Hailin raised the first question.

Minglang first wrote down a few notes in the notebook, and then replied:
"The appointment is made by the Organization Department of the Senate according to the No. 11 Annex "Interim Provisions on the Appointment and Removal of Veteran Cadres", which is reviewed and approved by the Standing Committee of the Senate, and then appointed by the Government Administration Council through a formal document."

"So what role does your department play in the process?"

"Organizational work is more complicated to say. It can be divided into multiple projects. Specifically, it is about cadres: it is mainly responsible for the macro-management of cadres at all levels held by veterans. It includes management systems, policies and regulations, and personnel systems. Research, guidance, etc., and make suggestions on re-election adjustments, appointments, and dismissals."

Hai Lin's face twitched, and he said impatiently: "Don't drop your book bag, please answer the question directly: How do you handle the matter of Xie Er Ren being the director?"

There was an imperceptible look of disdain on the corner of Mingming's mouth. He smiled slightly and said, "Let me explain in an easy-to-understand way. All positions held by veteran cadres must go through 'nomination or registration'-'report and inspection by the Organization Office' - The steps of 'Approval by the Senate - Appointment by the Council of Government Affairs'.

"Among them, 'nomination and registration' is open. Whether the elders themselves or various departments, they can propose candidates-it can be someone else or themselves. As long as they meet the relevant nomination conditions."

"Who nominated Xie Erren?"

"It's him."

"Isn't it someone else? Maybe it's a certain elder who signaled him to sign up?"

"I can't judge this kind of speculation. According to the content on the nomination form, Xie Erren signed up by himself."

"Even if he signed up by himself. Since you are in charge of reporting and inspection, it is natural to screen out inappropriate candidates? Why wasn't he screened out? From the resume of Mr. Xie, he has no local political experience at all, and no No educational background in this area."

"You're absolutely right." Ming Lang said, "During our preliminary investigation, it was indeed determined that he is not suitable for a local administrative position. But..."

"Did someone give you instructions?"

"No." Minglang said, "At that time, in the second recruitment of Guangdong and Guangxi administrative officials, we listed a total of fifteen local administrative cadre positions held by veterans, and only ten people actually applied. Basically, they didn't get any. select."

"It is said that Ma Qianju once said: Give Xie Erren a chance, is there such a thing?"

"I haven't heard him say such a thing." Minglang said, "There are minutes of the meeting about the appointment of veteran cadres from Guangdong and Guangxi. You can check it."

"We will investigate. Is it appropriate to entrust such an important place in Wuzhou to someone who has no administrative ability?" Hai Lin continued to ask, "I believe that with your professionalism, you will not make such a choice .”

"It's really inappropriate." Ming Lang said without hesitation.

"Then why did you recommend him again?"

"Because among these ten places, the environment of the other nine places is more complicated. Most of them are Han and Yao places or prefectures and counties with serious banditry. In contrast, Wuzhou belongs to the rear of our battle line, and it is a water and land dock, regardless of defense. The situation, social conditions, and local resources are all relatively good. Letting him serve as the director of Wuzhou is because he is relatively lacking in this aspect." Minglang said, "If necessary, we can provide the list of these ten places and The final appointment result."

"Hehe, what you are saying now is nothing more than shirking responsibility. Anyway, you pushed an incompetent person to the post of director of Wuzhou, which caused him to make a serious mistake in the end. It cannot be said that he is not responsible for this Bar."

"Responsibility must be deserved. If the Senate finally believes that our department is mainly responsible for this matter, then I have nothing to justify." Ming Lang said calmly.

Hai Lin stared fiercely at Ming Lang for a long time before saying, "I have no problem."

Next, several elders asked questions.However, they are all playing circles on these issues.Ming Lang took the trouble to answer one by one.

Obviously, Hailin didn't have any clues about Ma Qianju in terms of Minglang.There was a somewhat disappointed expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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