Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2337 Hearing

Chapter 2337 Hearing ([-])
The vest got up and announced: "The next step is to hear whether the Political Security Bureau has dereliction of duty in the Wuzhou incident." He turned around and signaled, "Comrade Zhao Manxiong, please."

Zhao Manxiong had long been sitting in the venue.He was still the same as before, wearing a faded black cotton uniform jacket, with a harmless smile.And Vest discovered that although he is famous and has an outstanding body shape, he has a special ability to hide in public that people can't notice.

Zhao Manxiong took a notebook and came to the hearing seat to sit down.After the routine oath and identification, the questioning of the Political Security Bureau began.

Since the establishment of the Political Security Bureau, it has always been a thorn in the hearts of many veterans.Although the crime of "monitoring the elders" has never been verified, for many people, the slogan "Ubiquitous" on the poster is like the sword of Damocles.Although the political security bureau's eyeliners in various industries and departments do not monitor the elders in theory, there is no doubt that it is not difficult to "incidentally" mention the elders' behavior in the report.

Therefore, there have been calls within the Senate to abolish the Political Security Bureau.However, the effectiveness of the Political Security Bureau is obvious, especially the departments that rely heavily on the intelligence and security work of the political security system. In addition, the upper echelons of the Senate mostly approve of the Political Security Bureau. Zhao Manxiong deliberately kept a low profile The style of work——Politics and Security Bureau personnel rarely show up in public, and rarely carry out public arrests with great fanfare.So this call never came true.

But for those veterans who hated the Political Security Bureau the most, it has become their creed that this department must die.For this reason, they spared no effort to find allies everywhere, and seized every major accident to find fault.There is a lot of meaning that if the Political Security Bureau is killed, it will not be finished.

The Wuzhou incident obviously gave them another good opportunity.A group of people were gearing up to scold Zhao Manxiong, the "conspirator in the corner" and "the gray bishop in Bairen City", and criticize him, so as to completely wipe out the dark nest of the Political Security Bureau.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Manxiong took his seat, someone asked to speak.

Zhao Manxiong coughed lightly, turned to the vest, and said, "Comrade Chairman, before the comrades' questioning begins, I have a small request that I hope you can approve."

"Please say."

"I think there will be a lot of questioning topics today-it can be seen that there are many comrades who want to speak. In order to save everyone's time, I would like to ask the comrades who are questioning to speak one by one to form an outline of the questioning, and then I will follow the Answer the outline one by one. This can avoid repeated speeches and answers. If you are not satisfied with my answer or have something to add, you can continue to ask questions after I finish answering a round.”

Vest nodded, he was actually quite worried about this old colleague.Because the current situation is not good for the political security system, and it is really difficult for Zhao Manxiong to defend himself.

He turned his gaze to the participants: "What do you think?"

Although some people suggested that this was "Zhao Manxiong's trick", most of the elders thought that this request was not too much - they really couldn't stand the messy roaring questions.

Questioning then began.From the first questioner, Zhao Manxiong did not open the notebook in his hand, but listened carefully, nodding slightly from time to time.Other than that, it's hard to see what he's thinking.There was always an indescribable smile on his face.

There were a lot of people asking questions, but in summary, the main points were focused on two points; first, Wuzhou is a key front-line city, and there are veterans stationed there. Why is there only one political security personnel transferred from the Foreign Intelligence Service, and there is no other human and material resources? reinforcements.Luo Yangming, who has no experience in political defense, can only work with very little support; second, there are serious flaws in the political review of Jiang Yougong, Liu Wangwang and others.What's the point of letting political security control the political review process all the time?
Seeing that no one had spoken, the vest asked, "Is there anyone else asking questions?"

He asked three times in a row, and after confirming that no one wanted to speak, he nodded to Zhao Manxiong to start.

Zhao Manxiong nodded, opened the notebook slowly, and said in his usual soft voice:

"Comrades, I just summed it up. A total of [-] questions were raised to the Political Security Bureau and asked me to answer them. Specifically..."

He repeated everyone's inquiries one by one, and then said, "... I don't know if I have lost anything. But that's about it. Everyone should have no opinions, right?"

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Zhao Manxiong continued:

"...Actually, I have summed up these [-] questions, mainly in two aspects: one is the problem of our deployment of power in Wuzhou - it is obviously seriously insufficient. This is a fact, and I have nothing to defend The second is the omissions in the political security work that our bureau is responsible for. If I sum it up like this, you probably don’t have any opinions? By the way, there is another one about the security work of the veterans. Comrade Pan has already said this before, this is not ours. It is within the purview of my authority, so I will not answer."

"Speak quickly! You're talking so much nonsense!" Someone scolded directly below.

"Let me first state my position, which is also the position of our Political Security Bureau. We have nothing to justify the two main issues raised by you. Indeed, we have zero investment in Wuzhou, and we have done a good job in the work of political evaluation. It is also not in place, and there are big mistakes. These are all facts. Comrades are right to criticize. This is also the direction we will improve in the future..."

"I'm afraid I don't need you to improve it..." Someone interjected mockingly.The vest struck the hammer with a serious face, and shouted: "Silence! If you have any questions, please speak alone in the second questioning session!"

"...Although the responsibility lies with us, I would also like to remind everyone to master some basic background materials first..." He turned to the vest, "Please allow me to distribute some basic materials in the form of slides."


The venue was darkened, and everyone was whispering to each other as they didn't know what kind of medicine the secret police leader was selling in his gourd.There was a curious expression on his face.Ma Jia actually had no idea in his heart. He originally thought that Zhao Manxiong was going to use the routine of "standing at attention and being beaten" to get away with it, but seeing that he was confident in distributing materials, he knew that there was a trick in it.

The materials on the slide were passed one by one, and it turned out that all these materials were reports and applications for various budget proposals, establishment of additional agencies, and increase of personnel submitted by the Political Security Bureau—of course, all of them were rejected without exception.

"...Before launching the Guangdong-Guangdong Campaign, our Bureau submitted to the Senate the plan for the political and security work in Guangdong and Guangxi, including the specific plan for establishing branches in each county, relevant personnel, and draft budgets. However, these plans were rejected after entering the deliberation stage. All were rejected. Only the budget for the establishment of a branch in Guangzhou and the memorandum of personnel allocation between our bureau and the Foreign Intelligence Service were passed. So strictly speaking, except for Guangzhou Special City, other cities in Guangdong and Guangxi do not have official Political and security branches." Zhao Manxiong said slowly, "Later, after the occupation of Guangzhou, we proposed a second revised budget, which greatly reduced the size and establishment of each branch. In the relevant supplementary budget review It was also rejected. Therefore, at present, the branches and personnel of our bureau in various places are all allocated by the personnel of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau. Because there is no relevant budget, they are temporarily set up in the form of long-term business trips - of course, this Thanks to the extra subsidies given to our bureau by the local leaders of Guangdong and the financial and taxation departments. It enables us to maintain the operation of the political security system at a minimum in Guangdong..."

There was an uproar in the venue.Participants included those who participated in the review and those who did not.But there are a few of them who are very clear in their hearts.Because at that time, the action of "sniping the expansion of political and security forces" was hosted by them, and they even held a banquet to celebrate after successfully vetoing the relevant proposals.At this moment, they remembered how they ridiculed Zhao Manxiong and others as "cosplay masters" and "su fans without political acumen" at the celebration banquet.

The vest was also taken aback.He knew about it.At that time, the budget was sniped twice, and he once talked with Zhao Manxiong about how to deal with the follow-up issues.One is to continue to work and strive for approval in the supplementary budget review.But it will take time; at that time, a plan was proposed to take the administrative route, and the Guangzhou branch would issue a document to "dispatch", and the funds for the local branches would be subsidized by the local government.Of course, in fact, the local governments in various places are facing a chaotic situation, and they are simply unable to subsidize and cooperate. Therefore, the local branches are basically "one-man organizations" like Luo Yangming transferred from local intelligence officers.

But this is not a long-term solution, because in theory, political security is "vertical leadership" and the funds belong to the central budget. Doing it this way is equivalent to "localization".Therefore, Vest's suggestion is to start work as soon as possible, and strive to pass the budget supplement.

However, Deputy Director Zhao's attitude at that time was very ambiguous. Instead of showing disappointment or resentment, he said that he "fully understands the emotions of the veterans and will slowly carry out persuasion work."

Is it possible that he has long realized that Guangdong will have a similar situation, so he is ready to retreat at this time?The waistcoat's heart tightened -- it's very possible!
He thought of Zhao Manxiong's frequent submission of various reports after the Lingao incident, such as increasing the budget, increasing the number of personnel, increasing the establishment of institutions, and various plans and programs about organization and work.Every time the Senate meets to discuss related matters, there will almost always be various applications from the Political Security Bureau, but there is no suspense, most of them are either shot or "partially approved".In fact, the Political Security Bureau has not developed much in these years, and both personnel and funding have remained at a very low level.

 It has not been updated since the summer vacation. On the one hand, it is preparing for the work of the second volume of the entity. On the other hand, there is also a small physical condition. It is probably normal for people to have certain physical problems in middle age.Don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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