Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2338 Hearing

Chapter 2338 Hearing ([-])
In this state, Vest repeatedly proposed to "do work" among the elders in private to improve the situation of the Political Security Bureau, but Zhao Manxiong was not enthusiastic about it.Adhere to "doing things according to the rules".For a while, he thought that Bureau Zhao was a bit pedantic, but he didn't expect that this was all his self-protection strategy!
Zhao Manxiong's unhurried narrator slides various plans, budgets and programs that were rejected.From the beginning to the end, he didn't say "we can't do it because there is no money or very little money", but he just explained that because the relevant budget and plan were rejected by the Senate, the Political Security Bureau "strictly followed the wishes of the Senate, Never carry out and expand related work and business".

"Comrades, I do not intend to shirk responsibility by introducing these situations to you. Naturally, our responsibility cannot be shirked. As for what kind of responsibility our bureau should bear, it is entirely up to the Senate. After all, the Senate is Our highest authority. My full answer to the interrogation is here. If you have any questions, please continue to ask."

Next, people asked questions one after another, but they couldn't come up with any new tricks.When it comes to specific political and security work, Zhao Manxiong will always say that "a certain job was put forward on a certain day in a certain year, and the file number XXX was rejected at a relevant meeting on a certain day in a certain year. Therefore, the Political Security Bureau Strictly abide by the resolution of the Senate, and do not carry out or expand related work" as the answer. '

Such an answer often leaves the questioner speechless, and the Political Security Bureau cannot be expected to implement things that have not even been approved.Otherwise, it becomes "contempt for the authority of the senate" and "disrespect for the power of the senators".

"Since this is the case, why does the Senate need to set up a department like the Political Security Bureau? It is completely unnecessary!" Someone finally said it.

"About the need for the existence of the political security agency," Zhao Manxiong said calmly, "my personal opinion is that the work of the political security bureau is absolutely necessary, and it is one of the security foundations of our existence. Our current policy on political security work The degree of attention is not enough, and the investment is too little. However, whether an institution should exist or not depends entirely on the will of the Senate. No matter what the result is, myself and my colleagues will unconditionally accept the decision of the Senate. But our attitude will not change. "

When the question comes here, it can be regarded as seeing the poor dagger.Majia was a little worried, but he somewhat understood Zhao Manxiong's approach. There were more and more attacks on the Political Security Bureau within the Senate, and it was impossible to get past it by cunning. If the Senate was not forced to stand in line at this moment, most of the centrists would It was coerced by the radical public opinion of a few people.Then there is no suspense about the outcome of the Political Security Bureau.

The mood in the venue was a little boiling. It could be seen that many people really wanted to come up and beat Zhao Manxiong hard. Many people were cursing, but none of them could open their mouths to ask questions.

"If you have no new questions, this hearing is over. After the meeting, relevant materials will be distributed within the Senate. Specific decisions will be made after the Senate meeting."

After the meeting ended, Ma Jia asked Zhao Manxiong to meet in the conference room of the Political Security Bureau to discuss the next step.

"...You've completely torn your face off." Said the vest.

"Sooner or later, this piece of paper will have to be pierced, and the sooner it is better." Zhao Manxiong said, "The attack on our department has been completely systematized, and it even has a tendency to become 'correct' within the Senate. If we don't Interrupt this trend, and those veterans who support us will no longer dare to speak out.”

"However, it seems that our situation is not good now..."

"The situation is indeed unsatisfactory." Zhao Manxiong nodded, "To be honest, I didn't expect them to slander and attack our department to such an extent in the past few years, and even affected the views and attitudes of many department chiefs. It was my mistake - I had hoped that by playing low key I would have avoided such an attack."

Vest felt that the fat man in front of him was a little strange, because he rarely heard the other party being so frank and clear.

"What are you going to do next? I think everyone wants to beat you up when you go out."

Zhao Manxiong smiled: "But they dare not, right? Because they don't know what the consequences will be if they beat me up."

"Afraid of your black material."

"Where did I get the black material?" Zhao Manxiong raised his hands and shook his head helplessly, "Didn't the investigation team read the files of our bureau for the investigation after the Lingao incident? The conclusion is that there is nothing."

"They don't believe it." The vest joked, "To be honest, I don't believe it either."

"You see, that's the crux of the problem. Everyone thinks we have some black material. No matter what the results of the investigation, they don't believe it."

"Okay, tell me how to gain the trust of the elders?" the vest said.

"Since they don't believe it, they won't believe it no matter what we do. It's useless even if I open all the files. Because they will think that I still have a secret archive." Zhao Manxiong smiled slightly and said, "So in this case, it's better to let them Create another illusion: Once the Political Security Bureau is finished, these non-existent black materials will be completely leaked out..."

"Okay, tell me first, do you have any of these materials?"

"Of course not, and I'm not a fool." Zhao Manxiong put his hands on his belly, "The Senate is a weird regime, and we can't simply use various regimes in human history. What is the meaning of the so-called black materials that the elders are afraid of? Is it? In my opinion, this is really a strange thing. Unless someone is plotting to kill another senator or is preparing to betray the senate to Daming Houjin or some foreigners. Otherwise it is like XX female clerk; Promote Huamin's daughter after he has an X relationship; give him a franchise license for the life secretary's father? What are these things to the ruler?" He paused for a moment and said, "But seniors, as long as he is not intellectual There is a problem. In the future, it will be able to occupy a prominent position on the list of the highest-level officials in the empire-even a person who has been designated as Dugu will be a governor. Except for Ma Qianzhu who intends to hold the highest position Apart from the elders, any black material is meaningless to the elders."

"You can say that they 'have no ruler's awareness'-I completely agree with this. Many of our senators have delusions of being persecuted. But I think this is a good thing, at least they can maintain the past. It maintains the moral standards of the Senate. It will not be too unscrupulous." Said the vest.

"Let's not talk about these things. Since they are so afraid, it seems that we have to let them continue to be afraid." Zhao Manxiong said helplessly.

Vest didn't ask him "how are you going to do it", he didn't want to know about this kind of thing.Before leaving, he asked again: "Are you sure you don't have materials for the elders?"

"Really not." Zhao Manxiong said, "Assure XXX."

After sending off the vest, Zhao Manxiong thought for a long time behind his desk.Don't look at him talking and laughing happily when facing the vest, calm and calm, but he knows very well in his heart that this storm is much more serious than he estimated.

So far, the Politics and Security Bureau has dealt with criticisms in an "open" manner, in order to try to offset everyone's suspicion and hostility.But now it seems that this method has little effect, it just didn't let the political opponents catch it.And the opponents are completely determined not to kill the Political Security Bureau.If this continues, sooner or later they will be caught.Moreover, the negative coping mode I adopted has a great impact on work and morale within the bureau.

Among the leaders of high-level and administrative departments, the views on the Political Security Bureau are still relatively positive.But the Senate has one person, one vote, and the support of high-level officials is not enough.

Through investigations, he found out that ordinary veterans actually know very little about political security, and usually seldom care about it. As long as the continuous incitement of a few major trolls is curbed, the momentum can be suppressed.

He thought for a moment, dialed the internal number, and summoned Zhou Botao, the chief of the reconnaissance department, Ufo, the chief of the technical department, and You Guotuan, the chief of the operation department, into his office.

These three directors are the core departments of the Political Security Bureau. The key point is that, like Wu Mu, they are all "old comrades" and hard core members who have been with the Political Security Bureau since its establishment.

"Okay, comrades," Zhao Manxiong said, "I think everyone is very clear about the situation we are facing now." As he spoke, he briefly introduced the situation of the hearing.

"This tmd is messing around..." You Guotuan almost jumped up.

"Don't get excited, Director You." Zhao Manxiong said, "We got past the immediate crisis by relying on the tricks of 'doing nothing' and 'dumping the pot'. But I'm afraid there will be an even bigger crisis in the future. It seems impossible to reverse some people's hostility towards us by keeping a low profile and openly. If we continue to pretend to be grandchildren? Sooner or later we will be deposed because of 'uselessness'. Although the high-level view of us is very positive, But what's the point of keeping a department that isn't functioning adequately?"

Everyone agreed.

"For a long time, there have been calls for the police to be merged with us. Director Ran has already made plans. We all know that the ninth and tenth sections of general affairs are the secret service agencies of the police department. Our crisis is not small. "

"Should we discuss it with Ma Qianju?"

"Whether it's Ma Qianju or Wen Desi, they won't explicitly express their support for us." Zhao Manxiong said, "They must first ensure that they 'do not make mistakes'. As for other high-level figures, except for the vest, we only It is impossible to count on their goodwill, and it is impossible to obtain their explicit support."

"Director Zhao, just tell me, what exactly are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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