Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2339 Personnel Adjustment

Chapter 2339 Personnel Adjustment
Zhao Manxiong narrowed his eyes, and said after a while: "I think we have no choice but to do it in one step: let the key people fully understand our goodwill and the benefits of cooperation with each other, and other people who have ulterior motives to sow discord will also Can't get up the wind and waves."

His subordinates looked at him in surprise, as if they didn't believe it.

"You're seeking skin from a tiger." You Guotuan called out.

"No, it can only be regarded as a handful of hairs at most." Zhao Manxiong said, "Reminding us at critical times is beneficial to all of us."

"Zhao Bureau, is this reliable?"

"To put it simply, I," he said, looking around, "are a Senator. Not Hoover, not Beria. And he, not Roosevelt, Truman, Stalin, or Khrushchev. If he is enough If you are smart, you should understand what I mean."

Zhou Botao immediately understood what he meant.He was a little excited: "I see. If we really want to tear our face and bring down the Political Security Bureau, we can do the opposite. NND, you will manipulate public opinion, we won't?"

"Wouldn't it be a pity not to use the sacred power bestowed on the elders by the Senate?" You Guotuan laughed, "We have been in Lushan for a long time, and we have been blinded!"

"Our Director Zhao still sees it very clearly." Wufu flattered, but he was still more cautious, "But our influence is not strong enough."

"Strength and weakness can be changed. After all, things are constantly developing and changing." Zhao Manxiong said, "Of course, I personally don't want to go to this point. After all, we are on the same boat, and we have done well. The common cause is just that they have different views and political opinions. It is better not to expand some conflicts."

He pondered for a moment and said, "I have one more thing that I want to inform everyone. Considering the current situation, our personnel needs to make an adjustment."

The three directors looked at him nervously.

"I think that my personal resume may be the object of some people's fear, although I have never worked in a powerful organization. However, my major and research direction may have a lot of associations. I did not consider this in the past. He smiled slightly, "They all call us cosplay masters, but they don't think so in their hearts."

"You want to resign?" Several people called out at the same time.Wufu hurriedly said: "You are the core of our department!"

For a while, the conference room was filled with voices of "The King can't leave".

"No, no, I don't intend to resign, nor will I leave the Political Security Bureau." Zhao Manxiong said, "I just consider our current situation and do something to reassure the elders. So I consider The personnel and personnel in the bureau should make some adjustments."

"We absolutely support any adjustments you make." The three expressed their views immediately.

"Well, considering that the outside world has a 'monolithic' impression of our department. I personally feel that there is such a trend. Now that there is a decision to strengthen the local branch of the political security system, I plan to arrange comrades to the local branch to serve as the director ——Wufu stays, you are engaged in technology, and you don’t have much room to display it when you go to the place, it’s better to stay in the headquarters. Of course, I’m also asking for opinions.”

"I have no objection." Wufu replied immediately, not interested in the matter of dispatching the chief.

"We have no opinion either."

"Okay, You Guotuan, you are the youngest in our bureau besides Comrade Wumu. The Senate is going to designate Foshan as an experimental field and let the children go to toss..." Zhao Manxiong said, "Originally the political security The system is going to be handed over to one of them, but the Senate thinks it would be too big to do so. So we have to choose a veteran to be the head of the Foshan branch. I checked, You Guotuan, you are the youngest among us Yes, and a lot of experience. Fits the position.”

"This is a good job to carry the sedan chair." You Guotuan laughed.

"It's good to say it's good, it's not good to say it's bad. The situation in Foshan is second only to Guangzhou in Guangdong, and the Senate has great expectations for it. There will be many contradictions in the world." Zhao Manxiong said, "You have to remember that you are going to escort the escort, first to ensure the absolute safety of the children; second, to give more advice on business, and to give decisive things to the other party. Do it. This is an exercise for them. The third must follow the rules!"

"I understand." You Guotuan nodded solemnly.

"As for Comrade Zhou Botao, your mission is to go to Wuzhou, and in the future you will also be responsible for managing the political and security work in Guangxi. To be honest, you have the most difficulty. Because in Guangxi, even the extensive management of Daming is very lacking. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to take charge of the work in Guangxi."

Although he was talking about difficulty, it also meant that he had been promoted to a political security position at the regional level.Of course Zhou Botao understands Zhao Manxiong's meaning, going to Wuzhou is a great responsibility, but the future is boundless.Whether he can master it all depends on his ability.

Zhou Botao was naturally calm, and nodded silently.

"Then there is the internal adjustment of our bureau. Obviously, we have to introduce some outsiders who will not make comrades feel uneasy when sleeping to take up important positions..."

"Who are you going to choose? Isn't it the veteran of the bureau?" You Guotuan was very worried about the future of the bureau, and asked immediately when he heard that outsiders were going to be brought in.

"Comrade Guo Yi."

Zhao Manxiong has been making this calculation for a while—to be precise, he had such a calculation after he learned that Guo Yi would not stay in Guangzhou but would be appointed elsewhere before the start of the Guangdong-Guangzhou Raiders.

The elders had a certain fear of him personally, which was something he couldn't solve. The only way was to introduce someone who could make them feel at ease to take up positions in the bureau.This is a very bad choice.First, he must reassure all parties; second, he must have certain professional capabilities, at least he must be "competent", so that others can feel that this person can "check and balance" him.

The first candidate in his heart was Ji Xin.His detached attitude of "no competition with the world" and his irrelevance in all aspects has left a deep impression on the elders, and he is a candidate acceptable to all parties.He has been responsible for the investigation of difficult cases many times, and he is a legal person himself, so he can be regarded as a "professional".Moreover, he had many private conversations with Ji Xin, and he believed that this person had enough publicity to cooperate.

He considered asking Vest to resign and give Ji Xin the position of director general.But he contemplates that his most immediate supporters at the top will lose their fulcrum once Vest leaves.Vest is a very good leader. Not only does he hold powerful political resources, enough to shield the Political Security Bureau, but he is also an important intermediary for him to communicate with high-level officials.If he loses the title of "Secretary Chief", many things will be difficult to solve in the future.

After three considerations, he gave up Ji Xin as a candidate.Instead, he turned his attention to Guo Yi.

If we only talk about professionalism, then Guo Yi is the most professional veteran in the Senate.However, since D-day, he has been doing business work that has nothing to do with his own business.

First, he is professional enough and will definitely impress people; second, he is an independent person, like Minglang, a complete outsider; and he has been in Guangzhou for many years and has no influence in Lingao.On weekdays, he is cautious and cautious, and the impression he left on everyone is quite good.In other words, a person who can be accepted by all parties.

"He is a suitable person, and he definitely has nothing to say about his profession." Wufu said with some concern, "But he hasn't been exposed to his profession for many years. Now we propose that the public opinion of the Senate..."

"Comrade Guo Yi has been in Guangzhou for many years and has already proved his loyalty." Zhao Manxiong said, "He left a good impression on everyone. That's why I nominated him to take over as the second deputy director of the Political Security Bureau and Director of the Investigation Division. The probability of growth can be passed."

"Let him be the second deputy director?" Zhou Botao was a little uneasy, "Is this too fast?! Can the Senate agree?"

"His seniority in the Senate is completely sufficient. Besides, if he can't be the deputy director, he won't be able to reassure some people."

"I understand."

"As for the director of the Operations Department, I would consider asking Comrade Zhou Dongtian to take the post. He is actually a professional. Of course, the direction is not the same as ours. He has a long-term cooperative relationship with us and the national police."

This candidate is acceptable to all parties, and it also plays a role in liaising with the national police. The key is that he has a long-term cooperative relationship with the Political Security Bureau, and there will be no obstacles to cooperation after joining.Everyone has no objection.

"Finally, our office director has been vacant since Comrade Wu Mu went to Guangzhou. This position should not be vacant for a long time, so I consider letting Comrade Chen Baibin take it. He has performed very well in the investigation of the Wuzhou incident recently. .”

Chen Baibin has actually participated in investigations many times.This time I went to investigate the Wuzhou incident with Ji Xin, established a friendship with Ji Xin, and joined the Aboriginal Protection Association after returning.Although he can be regarded as an "old man" of the Political Security Bureau, Zhao Manxiong has little aura, but Ji Xin has more colors.Having him hold this important position is equivalent to indirectly establishing a certain association with Ji Xin
Then he made some "verbal arrangements" about the next step of the work.After everything was arranged and the participants dispersed, he picked up the microphone and shook it a few times:
"I'm Zhao Manxiong, please meet Comrade Xiao Zishan from the General Office of the Senate."

He waited in silence for a few minutes before the call was connected.

"Comrade Director, I'm Zhao Manxiong, and I need your help with something."

Xiao Zishan didn't know what to say on the phone, Zhao Manxiong smiled slightly and said, "You are worrying too much. That's it, I would like to ask you to help me arrange a meeting..."

(End of this chapter)

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