Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2342 Nanyang Company with a Fresh Way Out

Chapter 2342 Nanyang Company with a Fresh Way Out ([-])
However, Vietnam belongs to the scope of "local" in the future, so although the Senate currently does not invest enough resources in it, it generally attaches great importance to it.Most of the resources of the Ministry of Colonial Trade are invested here.Not only have multiple coastal strongholds along the coast of the Beibu Gulf, but also established a certain trade network in the inland areas.The trade relationship with the Northern and Southern Dynasties is also very close.

If you want to intervene in this, you have to persuade the Senate to hand over the whole of Vietnam to Nanyang Company-it is too difficult.After thinking about it, I decided to focus on South Vietnam.The area was only annexed by Vietnam in the 17th century, and the degree of development is very low, and the Le Dynasty has little control over it.But once developed, it will be a big granary - the main rice producing area of ​​modern Vietnam.


He thought about it in his mind for a long time, and he didn't even feel like drinking wine.Deliberately bid farewell in advance to sort things out.However, in order not to let others see that he was in a hurry, he had to make a fuss with his companions until midnight before leaving.

When he got home, his wife had already fallen asleep, and he fell asleep after washing hastily.

I fell asleep until nine o'clock, and didn't wake up until the sun shone around my face.He took out the watch under the pillow and saw that it was nine o'clock, so he hurriedly got up, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and reported to the organization office.

He came to the organization office, and after the report, he came to Mingming's office.

Mingming's office is huge, but he is the only one working there.There are rows of wooden drawer-style filing cabinets against the wall, sorted alphabetically.He glanced at it quickly, thinking that this was also a center of power.Compared with the archives of the Political Security Bureau that everyone imagined, the files here may be more lethal. After all, these personnel files are all legal, and they are collected entirely through official channels. More authoritative.

It's a pity that such a powerful file is in the hands of such a frail scholar.

The surroundings were thinking wildly, but Mingming had already stood up to greet him.He held a commission in his hand.

After a few words of politeness, he said:
"Please stand facing the wall of the Senate," he said.

On the white wall facing south, hung a huge coat of arms of the Senate and two crossed flags, namely the blue Morning Star flag and the red Iron Fist flag.

Standing at attention quickly came around.Ming Lang immediately read out the letter of appointment of the Senate in a profound manner.Listening carefully, his official position is "Managing Director of Nanyang Company, Representative of the Senate".

After he finished reading the last date, he handed out the letter of commission with both hands, and the surroundings hurriedly bowed at 45 degrees and took it with both hands.

"Serve the Senate and the people!"

At the end of the appointment ceremony, Ming Lang smiled and congratulated him on his appointment.

"I will definitely live up to my mission..." His mood burst into excitement.

Although the position of the leader of a national policy company like Nanyang Company is not as good as that of various "phases", it has its own one-acre three-point land, and the degree of freedom has been greatly improved.There is also a platform for realizing one's own ambitions.

"Please sit down." Ming Lang said with a smile, "It's needless to say polite words. Let's talk about serious things."

Sitting around on the chairs in front of him.He was somewhat apprehensive.Speaking of which, the position of the general manager is very flexible. Although the company has a good degree of freedom, it does not mean that he enjoys the same power.What kind of power he possesses will be explained in the next clear and specific explanation.

"From now on, you are the head of Nanyang Company." Minglang said, "Your responsibilities are all in this document..." He handed over a folder, "You can take your time when you go back. Look. Now let me say a few more important things."

"I'm all ears."

"Nanyang Company is a first-level national policy enterprise. I don't need to explain this concept. In theory, your direct superior is the Planning Institute. However, the Planning Institute generally does not interfere with specific business measures. It mainly supervises the implementation of the Senate's major policies. And the preservation and appreciation of assets. Specifically, your business is superior to the Colonial Trade Department.”


"Then there is the Southeast Asia company." Minglang said, "This company is now a subsidiary of Nanyang Company in terms of structure. You can accept its full set of teams in the past. Make full use of it."

"I am quite familiar with the situation of Southeast Asian companies." There have been plans for Southeast Asian companies around for a long time, and although he has not been in charge of trade work these years, he is fully familiar with and masters relevant briefings and materials.

"That couldn't be better." Minglang got up and stretched out his hand, "I wish you all the best in your new job!"

Next, he ran to the Ministry of Colonial Trade, got the documents of the Southeast Asia Company from Skaide, went to the Planning Institute, and got the detailed documents related to the authorization of the Nanyang Company...

Running all the way, I didn't stay in each place for a long time-according to Ming Lang, it was "routine" and "performing procedures".When he went out in the morning, he was still the head of the Colonial Division of the Ministry of Colonial Trade, and when he stood at the end of this journey: the office, he was already the managing director of the "Nanyang Company".That is, the de facto leader of the company.

According to the usual practice, he first went to the office to get his "key", which is the new office location.

"The office has been arranged for you." Xiao Zishan took out the key card, "This is your temporary office location—it's the office of the Southeast Asian company in the Bopu Customs Building."

People around knew this place, and the office of the Southeast Asian company was not big—because this company itself was not a big company, nor could it be considered a status.In theory, it is a trading company in the direction of Southeast Asia. In fact, its main business is trading and shipping in the coastal areas of China.

The advantage is that the company's people and ships are ready-made, and it has its own docks and warehouses in the main ports in the Senate-controlled area and the ports of various trading partners.And its old business network.

Bring this team over and start business immediately.This is the largest investment the Senate has given him.

"Minister Cheng told you about the shareholding structure of the new company, right?"

"I've said it!" Nodding around.

It is very important for Cheng Dong to meet him.The newly established Nanyang Company is a national policy company with mixed equity.In terms of specific shareholding, the so-called 51% of the state-owned shares is the transfer of the state-owned shares of the original Southeast Asian company to the Nanyang company.

As for the "5% of the patriarch's personal", this is real.The 5% of the Senate is not worth mentioning, because the money is in the account of the General Office.Specifically, that is the part that was originally stipulated to be collectively owned by the elders.

Although this money has been accumulated up to now, there have been several "stimulus consumption" consumption, but the accumulated figures are still very objective and in a semi-frozen state.Directed quantitative use.But now Cheng Dong opened his mouth and allowed the veterans to personally purchase some stocks of state-policy companies with mixed ownership "according to the plan and quota".Nanyang Company was the first.

"It is said that there is a sum of money deposited, but you must also understand that this money is essentially credit. So you can't invest too much at one time, so as not to impact the market."

"That's why the Planning Institute exists and its status is important."

"That's right, after all, we are not a real financial institution, but just a large financial department." Cheng Dong smiled slightly, "Okay, let's stop talking about it. You can find out about the specific fundraising of veterans Office."

"Since Cheng Xiang has explained it, I won't say any more. After all, you are professionals in this area." Xiao Zishan took out a document, "This is the prospectus about the stock offering that I took from Cheng Xiang. , I have stamped the seal of the general office, and the specific underwriting work will be handled by Delong, but the relevant publicity and sales work will have to trouble the members of your preparatory team."

Taking this document around is like holding a stack of thick banknotes.This money is likely to be the main working capital of Nanyang Company for a long time
According to the numbers on this document, the first batch of stock silver dollar certificates sold was 1 yuan per share, a total of 1 shares.Regardless of the small number, it is almost 10 taels of silver.In the late Ming Dynasty, no matter which political sphere of influence was within, it was a huge sum of money.

Although the surroundings have long ceased to work in the financial department, it does not mean that he does not understand the current financial situation.It is already a fact that the financial deficit of the Senate has further expanded, and the several related meetings held only included the deficit in the budget, which "has passed the clear path" and "conforms to the policy".The rising deficit is real.Although the original rigid payment policy between silver dollars and silver dollar certificates is still maintained, in fact, the number of silver dollar certificates in circulation has greatly exceeded the total amount of silver dollars minted.Although he doesn't know the exact number, it is estimated to be at least five or six times higher.Inflationary pressures are mounting day by day.

Although it cost a lot to capture Guangdong and Guangxi, the huge market volume in the occupied area also absorbed a considerable amount of over-issued currency.In particular, Wang Qiyi and others have promoted the policy of using new currency to pay taxes on a large scale in the occupied areas of Guangdong and Guangxi. At present, the credit of silver dollar certificates has been established in the main core areas, and it is gradually expanding in other places.This somewhat gave the Singapore currency some respite.

Even so, the surroundings also know that at this stage they can no longer rely on the appropriation of the Senate, and the remaining 39% of the shares are the policy for him.He has to "attract investment" like Zhao Yingong's investment promotion bureau, and absorb a large amount of deposits from the people-preferably real money.

Looking around, only the city of Guangzhou can meet this requirement on the site of the Senate.Although the wealthy tycoons there have withstood the blow of the new tax system, they have accumulated huge amounts of funds in their hands over the years. If they can get 20 to [-] yuan, the Nanyang Company's economy will be much better off.

(End of this chapter)

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