Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2343 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company

Chapter 2343 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company ([-])
Without further ado, Nanyang Company is waiting to be rebuilt.It stands to reason that we should make a trip to Guangzhou immediately.However, the plague epidemic in Guangzhou has not yet been lifted, so it is impossible to go to Guangzhou to raise shares.

After much thought, he decided to send a telegram to several elders in Guangzhou, informing them of the establishment of Nanyang Company and his plan to raise shares in Guangzhou.Get them ready too.He didn't know anything about Guangzhou, so he had to ask these people to guide him.

The first telegram was of course to Ai Zhixin. He is now the director of the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau, the top financial leader. If you want to withdraw money from Guangzhou, you must say hello to him. The second telegram was sent to Meng Xian, who wanted to raise shares. , without the support and cooperation of the bank.As for the third copy, it was sent to Liu Xiang in Guangzhou—you have to say hello if you pay for one-third of an acre of land.

After drafting the telegram and handing it over to the confidential officer, he circled around in an office on the third floor of the customs building.

This office was originally the headquarters of the Southeast Asian company.Ever since he got the key from the office, he has been sitting here looking through the business files of the Southeast Asian company

The third floor of the customs building belongs to the headquarters of the Southeast Asian company. The area is not small, but the third floor is actually an attic. The highest point of the roof is only 2.2 meters, and the lowest point of the eaves is only 1.8 meters.In terms of the size of the surroundings, staying inside is somewhat aggrieved.Not to mention the temperature on the top floor in summer.

The corporate headquarters have to be moved by next summer.Thinking around.This place must become a large steamer in summer.

The headquarters of the Southeast Asian company is located here, and one can imagine the company's status in the minds of the Senate.

It also has very few staff. There are less than 20 naturalized civilian cadres working in the headquarters, and the nominal chairman is Liu Xiang.Of course, in fact, Liu Xiang and his whole family lived a happy life in the manor in Sanya receiving dividends, and only received a few "travel expenses" here. The specific person in charge was the general manager of Guihuamin.

It's a shame.Although Southeast Asian companies have a long history, their status in national policy enterprises is not high.According to the level, it is only a second-level national policy company.Although the Planning Institute holds 51% of the shares, it has made very little investment in Southeast Asian companies over the years. The main assets are the ships that originally surrendered to the pirates.

When I was working in Caijinkou, I read the financial reports of Southeast Asian companies. To comment on their performance, I can only describe it as "medium".Although the Southeast Asian company is theoretically a large-scale shipping-commercial company, most of its business adopts the "call mode".

After the big and small leaders of all walks of life returned, they "invested" in ships, anchored under the banner of the Southeast Asian company, uniformly hoisted the merchant ship flag and the "Nine-Duan Flag" of the Senate, and then operated their own shipping and trade business according to the routes they were familiar with.Of course, the size of their fleet has been greatly reduced, and the crew is also deployed uniformly by Southeast Asian companies, instead of being completely composed of their own family members, relatives and fellow countrymen in the past.

Naturally, this extensive business model does not bring much profit.Although the affiliate fee for Southeast Asian companies is not low, all affiliates can share the license for Southeast Asian trade and mainland coastal trade, which is much cheaper than the price of 2000 taels of silver for a flag in Zheng Zhilong's era.Moreover, after the company collects the call fee, it has sufficient force and consular protection capabilities for its subordinate ships.The risk borne by the ship owner is greatly reduced.

Even if the ship owner is too lazy to use his brains on business, just undertaking shipping business can guarantee sufficient profit every year.This kind of shipping business comes not only from the Senate, but also from domestic and foreign merchants who come to the Senate's ruling area to purchase.

All in all, the profits of Southeast Asian companies are limited, but the foundation is not bad.At least not a mess.This somewhat reassures the surroundings—because he has not seen the detailed financial statements of the Southeast Asian company for several years.

No wonder the company's headquarters is only so small.Look at the asset situation.Unlike what he expected, there are not many ships from Southeast Asian companies.This was much beyond his expectation.Because when the pirate gang was attached, each shopkeeper had as few as three or four ships, and as many as a big stock like Liu Xiang, with as many as three to five hundred ships.He roughly estimated that there are at least six or seven hundred ships under the name of the Southeast Asian company.

However, after checking the asset list today, he found that there were far fewer ships than he had imagined.

At present, there are 225 ships "calling" under the name of Southeast Asian companies, of which 182 are employed by "China Merchants" to operate coastal freight on the mainland and trade freight to Japan and North Korea.There are only 43 ships actually operating on the Southeast Asia route.

Where are all the ships that came here at the beginning gone now?There is some confusion around.He called the general manager over.

The general manager of the Southeast Asia company is Wang You, who worked under Zhucai's veterans and later worked with Zheng Bao.After Zheng Bao's fall, he "abandoned darkness and turned to light" in time.After purification, he was assigned to work in a Southeast Asian company.

He has been in the pirate gang for many years, and he has a good understanding of the habits and thoughts of pirates. He has been in the pirate group for many years, and he can speak most of the dialects of the pirate group.The key is that he has only been a "master" for a long time, and to put it bluntly, he is just eating.Doesn't have much in common with real pirate bosses.Therefore, it has been listed as a "key training object" from the very beginning.Wang You is also a person who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable about current affairs, so he is naturally "actively seeking progress".So he quickly gained the trust of the elders.Over the past few years, he has been promoted again and again.When the Senate had almost digested the pirates of the Southeast Asian company, and the veteran no longer served as the general manager of the company, Wang You took the position of general manager.

This friend Wang is a little uneasy when he takes office around him.It's not that he's corrupt or accepting bribes—although Wang You hasn't been flawless in recent years, he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. He just resold some non-regulated goods with free shipping.

He was more worried about what it meant to suddenly reappoint a senator.Wang You knew that the Senate did not trust pirates to surrender, especially the pirates who had invested in stocks in the past.It is also the object of focus on prevention and differentiation.In the first few years of the company's establishment, he served under the elders, and he has seen the various methods used by the Senate to divide and disintegrate the forces of surrender.Now the veteran has been suddenly re-appointed as the general manager, and a "Nanyang Company" has been created. What does it mean?
Could it be that some of the old descendants of the Southeast Asian company "conspired to do something wrong", and some people who didn't know how to live or die were secretly plotting?

Thinking of this, the hairs on the back of Wang You's neck stood on end.If this is true, wouldn't it be a big prison!He has been the general manager of this Southeast Asian company for several years, at least he has to be charged with "negligence of duty", and if he is labeled as "conspirator" or "tacitly conniving", his life will be even worse. ...

Hearing him ask about the number of ships, Wang You was relieved.Said: "Chief Zhou---"

"Call me the general manager."

"General Manager." Wang You quickly corrected, "This is how it is..."

It turned out that the number of pirate ships that surrendered to the Senate was indeed large. According to the company's receipt books, the number of ships handed over by pirates from all walks of life over the years ranged from hundreds to as few as one or two.Putting it all together, there are more than a thousand ships in total.

However, among the more than 1000 ships, small and medium-sized ships accounted for the vast majority, and more than [-]% were single-masted or two-masted ships, small boats with a load capacity of only [-] to [-] tons.Such ships can also sail, but basically they can only be used on coastal routes.Unable to go out to sea.Even engaging in near-shore shipping and trade is not cost-effective.

So these small boats were quickly phased out.The rest are all large and medium-sized ships.

"...The general manager probably doesn't know that most of these ships are of poor quality, and many of them are timber ships..."

"What is a timber boat?"

"Our maritime merchants in Fujian are all logging and building ships a year before going overseas, and the ships are not particular. Regardless of the materials used in the workmanship, they are all sloppy, and even the wood is wet wood..."

"Going to Nanyang to do business, using a low-quality ship, isn't he afraid of death? Even if he doesn't venture out to sea, it will be a loss if the goods drift away." The surroundings are very strange.

"The general manager does not know that this kind of ship is one-way. No matter where you go, you will sell the goods when you arrive there. This ship is also dismantled locally and sold as timber. After everything is sold, you will come back by other sea ships. .”

The surroundings are very puzzled by this.Shipbuilding is a costly investment.A good sea ship can cost thousands of taels of silver, but once it is built, it can be used for 50 to hundreds of years.Why build such a "disposable vessel"?It's not that maritime merchants can't afford this money, and since they have to go to Nanyang for trade every year, why bother to spend time building new ships every year?
What a strange thing!Think around.But since the sea merchants did this, there must be some reasons behind it.

Wang You explained that this kind of boat was originally of poor quality, and after drifting at sea for several years, most of the boats were in poor condition, so they were all eliminated soon.

The rest are ships with larger tonnage and better condition.In fact, some of the ships were new ships purchased by the shareholders of the Southeast Asian company in the Hong Kong shipyard and some "special warships" eliminated from the navy. There were not many ships actually brought by the surrender.

"In other words, the fleets of Southeast Asian companies are in better condition now."

"Yes." Wang You nodded quickly, "The flight rate is more than [-]%."

I thought to myself that most of the ships hired by China Merchants are small and medium-sized ships, which are of no great use to me.My main capital is the 63 ships running in Southeast Asia.

"You make a report on the owners of the 63 ships currently running on the Nanyang route, their ship status, and their operating conditions-about how many days will it take?"

"Three or four days."

"I'll give you five days." Looking around at the calendar, "The information should be as detailed as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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