Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2344 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company

Chapter 2344 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company ([-])
Although 43 ships are not too many, they are not too small for the historical Southeast Asian trade.According to the records of the Dutch, in the 17th century, the number of Chinese merchant ships going to Batavia every year was no more than [-] or [-] in many years, and only [-] or [-] in rare times.At that time, there was only so much long-distance trade between China and Southeast Asia.

The arrival of the Senate has somewhat changed this historical situation.The large amount of import and export trade of the Senate, especially the huge demand for bulk commodities, led to a substantial increase in the number of ships.Moreover, once several resource colonies in Southeast Asia are opened in the future, the demand for transportation capacity will only increase further.Things to increase shipping tonnage should start now.

The Planning Institute gave him a gift, which was the two Manila galleons seized from the Spaniards during Operation Hunger.The tonnage of these two ships is not only in the fleet of Southeast Asian companies, but also in the entire East Asia and Southeast Asia. They are the only large ships that are second to none.The St. Louis has a load of 800 tons and a displacement of 1450 tons, and the San Raimundo has a load of 650 tons and a displacement of 1200 tons.

After the two ships were seized in 1632, they underwent a year-long repair and transformation. In 1633, they were included in the transport fleet directly under the Joint Logistics, and they performed various "strategic" transport tasks for a long time.From Jeju, Sanya, Kaohsiung and other places.After the start of the Mainland Raiders, emergency transportation missions to Guangzhou were carried out many times.

However, although the St. Louis San Raimundo has a large carrying capacity and a durable hull, it is limited by the shape and sailing defects of the Galen ship.Speed ​​too slow.In tailwind conditions, the maximum speed is no more than 7 knots.The average speed does not exceed 4 knots.The loading and unloading capacity is also far inferior to the T800 optimized for freight.The key is that it requires an outrageous number of crew members. Each ship needs at least [-] people to operate normally during long voyages.After the transport capacity of the joint logistics fleet was enriched, Minister Hong "liked the new and disliked the old", and the Nanyang Company opened, and the two ships were eliminated from the joint logistics to the surrounding hands.

To be honest, the surroundings don't look down on these two stupid big ships-this ship is certainly magnificent, but this ship is much more clumsy than the large sailing battleships like "King Power" and "Victory" that came later, and it can't be installed too much. Artillery - Galen is essentially a merchant ship.

But it’s better than nothing, not to mention, there are no larger ships than these two in the fleet of the entire Southeast Asian company.The displacement of the largest Chinese sailboats does not exceed 800 tons when fully loaded.These two ships are currently docked in Hong Kong for maintenance work.It is expected to be officially put into use next year.

"It's still a Galen after refitting," the surroundings shook their heads with regret, and put down the ship registry.In his heart, what he wanted was a clipper ship, and in his opinion, this fast merchant ship designed by the British to transport tea was the best fit for his needs.

In his heart, the future Nanyang Company will not only control the maritime trade in the entire Southeast Asia region, but also follow the example of the British East India Company in the past, capture the Indian subcontinent and make it a jewel in the future crown of the Senate.

Ordinary sailboats are considered qualified to travel between Southeast Asia and China, but they are not enough to travel to India or even the farther Red Sea route. The speed of six or seven knots can only meet the "internal waters" of the South China Sea at best. Trade in the sea, to India and the Red Sea coast, and even further to East Africa required faster, ocean-going ships.

The surroundings were in a trance, and someone came in to announce: Wang Kai is here.

"What is he here for?" There are some strange things around.The man had been a trade commissioner for a long time at the ministry—frequently commuting between ports coordinating trade and shipping plans, rarely in the office.In the Ministry of Colonial Trade, it can only be regarded as a nodding acquaintance.However, he knew that Wang Kai was very fanatical about sailing. Except for the first generation, he knew all about the second, third, and fourth era of the great sailing era, and he played it countless times.But he doesn't have much communication with his surroundings, let alone friendship.

Probably preparing to come to Nanyang Company to show off its grand plans?It's not impossible to say that.After all, this man's obsession with sailing is obvious to all. When Bopu's shipyard was still a beach shipyard, he ran to the shipyard all day long, and he also participated in setting up a "big sailing club".The hasty start and unfinished end of the Beginning of Spring were inseparable from the club's advocacy.

It is also a good sign that someone will come to insert incense and join the group as soon as they set up their own business.Immediately said around: "Please come in."

A few minutes later, a fat, slightly bald man with glasses appeared in the surrounding office, holding a briefcase with a fake nameplate in his hand.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two sat down respectively. Wang Kai looked around and sighed, "I never imagined that the Southeast Asian company is so shabby!"

"That's not bad. Back then we were still working in a container. Anyway, this is a decent house." The surrounding said and took out a box of "Golden South Sea" from the drawer, "How about one?"

"No, no," Wang Kai shook his head hastily, "Drinking is still fine, smoking is fine." He said as he carefully put down the briefcase, as if it contained something valuable.

I took one around, lit it up and took a sip.In fact, he has no interest in tobacco products, nor does he experience the pleasure of nicotine.However, ever since the Senate released cigars, this kind of ceremonial thing has won his favor.After all, when discussing issues, hold one in your hand, take a puff from time to time, and then puff out the curling smoke, not only in terms of momentum, but also to give yourself enough time to think before speaking.

"What year was it in the container?" Wang Kai said, "The Southeast Asian company is an important enterprise that radiates to Nanyang from the Senate. It's just this kind of treatment. Some people don't take Dahai too seriously!"

If the Southward faction can't speak three sentences, it will inevitably involve topics such as "short-sightedness of the Executive Committee" and "unprofessionalism of the Government Administration Council".The next step must be to turn to the topic of demonstrating that "going south is an important opportunity for the development of the Senate".

However, Wang Kai didn't develop according to this routine, he cut straight to the point: "Now that you are opening a new store, I want to come to your place."

Nodding around, which was to be expected.Speaking of which, his so-called Nanyang company is his one-man company right now, and it really needs a few veterans to join in to discuss the big plan.Wang Kai has been engaged in maritime trade for many years, and he is indeed the person he needs in terms of business.

"Welcome!" Nodded around, "I just need someone here, it's from the department..."

"It doesn't matter to the boss, I just say it." Wang Kai said carelessly, "I propose to transfer, but can he not let me go?"

"That's right. But the job in your hand..."

"In the past few days, I just need to hurry up and hand over." Wang Kai said, "One week is enough."

"That's good." The surrounding said, "Now is the time for me to form a team. Do you have any work intentions after you come?"

"Well, the Department of Colonial Trade's job is to do trade, and the Nanyang Company can also do this. But I prefer to do some exploration work, just like the Portuguese sailed along the coast of Africa back then, landing in a place , do some business with the natives, and then explore what resources are worth developing..."

"Then let's call it the Exploration Department," the surrounding said and frowned again, "We are a company, we can't use official names like ZU and Ke, or we should call it 'Development Department'. You should be the manager of the Development Department."

"I don't care," Wang Kai waved his hand, "You can call me whatever you like, as long as you let me do this." He opened his briefcase, took out some documents and handed them around.

"Look at the memo I wrote. Here are some of my thoughts on the company's ships."

The surroundings thought it was strange, since they were still thinking about the equipment of the company's ships, the first thing Wang Kai did when he came here was to talk about the ships!Let's see what specific ideas he has.

When the document was in hand, there was a lengthy analysis of trade and navigation in Southeast Asia as usual—this was also the habit of those of them who were tortured and bald by papers, skipping this part and directly reading the main text of the ship.

It turns out that Wang Kai mentioned two types of ships that he "designed" or better called "improved" in the memorandum.

The first, which he named "Surprise".Its prototype is the "SS RJ Hackett" wood-hulled steam-powered bulk carrier of old time and space, which is used for bulk cargo transportation in the Great Lakes region of North America.

The "SS RJ Hackett" is 63.84 meters long, 9.88 meters wide, and has a cabin depth of 3.81 meters. It has a square shape and a large space. The registered gross tonnage is close to 1500 (4245 cubic meters), and it can carry 1100 tons of cargo.According to the plan, the "Surprise" will be equipped with a 500-horsepower steam engine produced by Lingao, which is heavier than the steam engine of the prototype ship and can reach a speed of 10 knots.

The biggest advantage of bulk carriers is that they can be loaded and unloaded quickly. Of course, the corresponding cargo is also ore, which can withstand rough handling.The wide hull of this boat can well cope with the rapids in the lake area, and it has good seaworthiness even at sea.

Bulk cargo is currently the main source of foreign trade for the Senate, including coal, rice, timber, and various ores to be purchased and transported in future plans.At present, there are few ships owned by the Senate that are suitable for these bulk cargoes.Not to mention the long loading and unloading times, often requiring a lot of extra packaging.Bulk cargo such as coal is still mainly transported by the big whale, a coastal barge brought from old time and space.This "Surprise", which only exists on paper, is obviously very in line with the needs of Nanyang Company.

It's a pity that this ship needs a steam engine. People around know that, in terms of the production capacity of the industrial sector, the high-power steam engine has been lined up by the Planning Institute. The most optimistic estimate is that it will take a year to get the goods.

(End of this chapter)

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