Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2350 Old Friend Li Huamei

Chapter 2350 Old Friend Li Huamei ([-])

But now that Li Huamei has Qi Feng as her amulet, it would be difficult to attack her without clear evidence of "behaviors that endangered the Senate".

In this difficult situation, Zhou Botao could only further strengthen the surveillance.Put everyone in contact with them on the monitoring list and check them one by one.Now that Li Siya's lair has been roughly ascertained, he specially deployed a group of people in Macau to monitor her whereabouts and letters.

It is probably because Li Siya has realized that Macau is no longer her safe zone. Not only does she live in secluded places in Macau, she often does not stay in Macau at all, but hides everywhere.After a while, she still couldn't get her specific whereabouts.

But the monitoring in Macau brought them another harvest. Zhou Botao was surprised to find that Li Mo, the Chief of Staff of Lingao General Hospital, actually had a correspondence with Li Siya!

As we all know, Lingao General Hospital is the most important hospital in the health system of the Senate.It mainly serves veterans and core naturalized civilian workers, so the staff inside are all identified as the most reliable staff.

The chief steward of such a hospital is actually connected with Li Siya, the "enemy of the Senate"!This not only hooked Zhou Botao's interest, but also made him break out in a cold sweat.

He suddenly remembered that in 1632 he had dealt with an informant report, which involved Li Mo.The content was to report that she had abnormal behavior during her trip to Guangzhou.He didn't pay attention to it at the time, but out of prudence, he asked Ke Yun to investigate.

Ke Yun investigated for several months before and after, and finally came to the conclusion that "there are doubts but no evidence".The Political Security Bureau had very few resources, and it was impossible to devote its power to such a case with no obvious problems for a long time, so the case was closed at the end of that year.But Li Mo has been on the "three-level monitoring list" since then.

He took care of the secretary and immediately transferred all the files of this case.

In the dossier, there is a thick pile of weekly monitoring reports about Li Mo.Zhou Botao studied it carefully, and found nothing ludicrous—if there were any problems, Ke Yun would have reopened the case a long time ago.He reread Ke Yun's original investigation report again, and to be honest, there was nothing oily about it.The only thing that is certain is that Li Mo probably got in touch with Li Siya because of that trip to Guangzhou.

There is a copy of Li Mo's archives in the dossier. According to her self-report, she is "from Gongchangdu, Xiangshan County, Guangzhou Prefecture".The seat of Macau, the administrative division of the Ming Dynasty, belongs to Gongchangdu!

And according to her self-report, her former husband was also a pirate in the Guangdong Ocean—according to the information they collected, Li Siya's Portuguese father was a "businessman" who did dirty business with pirates...

From this point of view, the relationship between Li Mo and Macau is not shallow, and it is not surprising that she has a special relationship with Li Siya.

It was a hidden danger after all not to strike while the iron was hot to dig out the roots of this matter.Zhou Botao thought to himself, the key is that Li Mo is quite popular among the elders of the agricultural port, and she also believed in the teaching of Yuan Yuan, and had a close relationship with this small Protestant church.So at that time, I was somewhat cautious, and did not take immediate and decisive action.

He immediately sorted out the relevant situation and reported to Zhao Manxiong.

Zhao Manxiong listened to his report with great interest, and carefully studied the materials he brought.asked:
"How long have they been in touch?"

"Maybe it's been two or three years. The exact start time is unknown. But judging from the context, I'm afraid they have already established contact before Li Huamei came to naturalize."

"However, based on the analysis of the existing materials, Li Huamei and Li Mo have no horizontal contact—this girl also understands one-way contact, she is really an interesting character." Zhao Manxiong said, "What is the relationship between them from the letters? The main points in the letter What's the content?"

"The letter was not written in ciphers." Zhou Botao said, "I was surprised at first, thinking that there was some cryptography or some cipher, but after handing it over to the relevant departments, they deduced that there was no secret transmission of information, it was just an ordinary letter."

Zhao Manxiong nodded: "Is the content of the letter interesting to us?"

"To be honest, no." Zhou Botao smiled wryly. "Most of them are short content from parents. The frequency of communication between Li Siya and Li Mo is very low, far less than that of Li Huamei. There is only one letter every six months. The content is very long, but Most of them are short-lived by parents."

In the letter, besides the usual greetings, there are also various requests: Li Mo asked Li Siya to buy certain things in Macau and Guangzhou, and sometimes vice versa.The letter also mentioned that there are accompanying gifts... Anyone who reads it is the content that is common among relatives and friends.

"However, there is one content that is more unusual."

"What?" Zhao Manxiong became interested.

"The address between them: Li Siya calls Li Mo "sister", and Li Mo calls Li Siya "Miss". The words are respectful, which is obviously an attitude towards the superior."

Li Siya called Li Mo her elder sister, but Li Mo didn't dare to call her sister Li Siya, and called her "Miss".This obviously means that the opponent is half a head shorter.

This kind of appellation with obvious class differences but with family affection beyond the master-slave relationship will make people confused for a while.

"The relationship between them may be quite special." Zhao Manxiong said, "When Yu Eshui gave us a lecture, he specifically said that ordinary people in the Ming Dynasty were not allowed to keep slaves, and some of them kept slaves in the name of 'adopted sons' and 'adopted daughters'. A slave is actually a slave. Li Mo probably has the status of a half-servant."

"It's possible. In the letters, they often mentioned a person named 'Chun Mei', and Li Mo was called 'Xiao Chun'. Judging from the context, she is Li Huamei—that is, Li Chun. And we already know that Li Chun Not Li Siya's biological sister, the only possibility is that Li Mo and Li Chun are biological sisters. Because Li Mo has mentioned her in every letter and is very concerned about her whereabouts and safety."

"How did Li Siya answer her?"

"Most of the time, Li Siya said that she hadn't seen her for a long time and she didn't know much about it. She only said that she was out sailing for business, and she assured Li Mo that it was not a shady and dangerous business, and she never mentioned who "Chunmei" was doing business with. But sometimes she would pass on some gifts from "Chunmei" to Li Mo, and she would also pass on letters—unfortunately, we didn't intercept the letters."

"So, Li Siya doesn't want sisters Li Mo to meet." Zhao Manxiong thought to himself, obviously, only by keeping them from knowing each other's whereabouts can they be blackmailed and controlled.Although the sisters of the Li family are all in Lingao, they all changed their names and surnames. Li Mo has been working in Lingao General Hospital for a long time, living and working as a reclusive person; and Li Huamei actually spends very little time in Lingao. , sailing outside at least half of the year.And her activities in Lingao are basically in the coastal area around Bopu.

This woman, Li Siya, is really thoughtful, so it's no wonder that she has been able to get around in this sea until now.How many years has it been!
"Yes. Now Li Siya probably depends on Li Huamei for a large part of her income. This is why she has to firmly control 'Chunmei'."

Zhou Botao secretly investigated Li Huamei's business operations.They also managed to find out about the operation of Li Siya's ships through the relationship in Macau, and concluded that among the goods currently sold by Li Siya, the proportion of Australian goods exceeds 50%.Most of the Australian products are purchased from Li Huamei's channel, which is much more advantageous than other aboriginal wholesale channels in terms of price and variety.

In other words, the Senate is continuously creating profits for Li Siya.Zhou Botao checked the materials of the Southeast Asian company, and found that since Li Huamei entered the Southeast Asian company, the annual sales in terms of tonnage are among the top ten.

"It seems that our mercantile practice is very good." Zhao Manxiong commented, "What is Li Siya doing now?"

"According to Lando's report, she often went to the Philippines before we defeated the Zheng Zhilong Group. The Spaniards are her traditional customers. She is also a secret messenger between Macau and the Spaniards. She also has contacts with the Dutch and the British—I guess she did it." A mix of brokers, mercenaries, or intelligence brokers. And of course her trade and pirates."

Zhao Manxiong pondered for a moment, then asked: "What about the current living conditions between her and Qi Feng? I remember it was said in the report that they are already living together."

"The place where they live together is in the 'commercial area', that is..."

"I know this place."

"The house was built with Li Huamei's money, and the property rights are also hers. It is said that Qi Feng did the design. Qi Feng will live there whenever he is not on business or in meetings—he brought his maid there, and There are a lot of personal belongings, I think this is basically a move." Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, our eyeliner also reported that Li Huamei specially built a secret cellar in this house. It may be Prepare to hide some valuables."

"Do you think Li Huamei is pretty?" Zhao Manxiong asked suddenly.

"This... Her profile is not bad in terms of good looks." Zhou Botao didn't expect the director to ask such a question, and replied hastily.

"If you follow the maid selection criteria issued by the general office, she is at the C level. But you have to admit that such a woman has a different kind of charm, and this kind of charm is rarely seen in this time and space. So Qi Feng's true love for her... This is more tricky."

Zhou Botao understood Zhao Manxiong's meaning. Since it was true love, and Qi Feng was also a person who studied art and had romantic feelings, it was very likely that he would say "no matter who she is, even if the whole world is against us! I want to fight with her." Fall in love to the end!" The plot of the dog blood TV series.

(End of this chapter)

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