Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2351 Old Friend Li Huamei

Chapter 2351 Old Friend Li Huamei ([-])

"But according to the situation we have, I'm afraid she won't be able to pass the relevant background checks—to be honest, it would be considered polite not to arrest her immediately." Zhou Botao said.

"Naturally, we can't let her pass this background check," Zhao Manxiong said, "You draft a report to the general office, list all the relevant information, and mark it as top secret. The director reads it. Xiao Zishan will naturally talk to Qi Feng after reading it—after all, it is his job to approve the marriage in the end."

"Can Qi Feng accept it?"

"He won't accept the office and will not issue a marriage certificate to him. No one can afford this responsibility." Zhao Manxiong said, "Let's think about how to 'disinfect'."

Since both Li Mo and Li Huamei have connections with Li Siya, they are potential "dangerous elements". Due to objective conditions, they cannot take any public actions against them.Therefore, other actions must be taken to ensure that potential hazards are minimized.

"For the time being, it seems that neither of these sisters has done any substantial harm to the Senate. And judging from their usual behavior, they are not cunning people. So we don't need to be too nervous, worrying about what terrible crime they will do. As long as the monitoring is in place to prevent accidents.” Zhao Manxiong’s words have been considered after some consideration, “First upgrade all the monitoring of them to the first level. Set up a task force for the Li family sisters.”

"The task force? Who will handle the case?"

"Let Ke Yun be the team leader, but this task force just 'exists'."

"Understood." Zhou Botao understood.Neither the bureau nor Ke Yun has the energy and resources to handle such a case without substantial content, but with the existence of a special case team, if something goes wrong in the future, they can alleviate a lot of their responsibilities.

"As for Li Mo, I think it may be necessary to talk to Wu Nanhai and Director Deng Boyun of the Ministry of Health to get their cooperation. It is best for Li Mo to be transferred to a position that does not pose any threat to the veterans. How to do it specifically Director Deng please handle it as appropriate. Of course, in order to obtain the understanding of Wu Yuan, it is best not to leave Lingao for the new position. At the same time, it is best to cut off the contact between them... What channels are they communicating with now?"

"It's through Qiwei. Li Siya rented a letter box at the Qiwei Escort in Guangzhou through an agent." Zhou Botao said, "The simple and rude way is to directly intercept the letter through the postal inspection."

"Keeping these letters may be a disaster to Li Mo in the future." Zhao Manxiong said, "As for Li Huamei, we should also try to cut off her contact with Li Siya--this matter is probably more difficult. After all, she is a captain and runs all over the sea. .It is impossible for the people we put in to stop her..."

He thought for a while: "I think we can recommend her to the Long-distance Exploration Department. Last time, the Long-distance Exploration Department mentioned it at a meeting to apply for a fast and flexible sailing boat that can sail long distances, and it must be equipped with an excellent long-distance sailing captain." ——I think Li Huamei and her Hangzhou number are very suitable."

The long-distance exploration department is a long-term mission, and they go to places other than commercial routes. Li Huamei lost the possibility of contacting Li Siya through the commercial network in Southeast Asia.

"This is a good way! Let's do it this way. Besides, I have another opinion. It may not matter too much whether you cut it off or not." Zhou Botao hesitated and said, "I have a feeling that Li Huamei and Li Siya are not the same. It's not a single mind. I'm afraid Li Huamei already has an external mind." Zhou Botao said.

His reason was that Li Huamei never mentioned to Li Siya about falling in love with Qi Feng and even living together now.It's hard to imagine that Li Huamei didn't tell her "Miss" or "Sister" about such an important personal event. It is conceivable that the relationship between them may not be too close.

"...There is one more thing, which was also discovered when she was monitoring her. The reason why Li Huamei and Qi Feng met was because she went to the Italian Trini's house, and she went to Trini's house to exchange gold .And every time she returns to Lingao, she will go to Trini's house to exchange for gold."

In Lingao, the circulation and private exchange of precious metals is prohibited, but the Senate has several fixed openings to acquiesce in their existence, which is regarded as an officially recognized "grey industry".Trini is one of them.With him, gold can be exchanged for silver.Part of Li Huamei's income from looting or trade is gold, and it is understandable that she often goes to Trini's house to sell gold.Zhao Manxiong knew that this did not explain the problem, so he listened patiently.

"...However, when she reported the accounts to her 'Miss', the ratio of gold to gold was calculated according to our bank's quotation... Besides, she obviously hid a lot of money..."

"So dig that secret cellar."

"That's right." Zhou Botao said, "I don't think she may be happy to be under Li Siya's control all the time. It's just that the cooperation between the two is still profitable."

Zhao Manxiong pondered for a long time without speaking.Zhou Botao said again: "Actually, the most thorough solution is to make Li Siya disappear completely! In this way, all problems will be solved."

Speaking of it, this is indeed a good way to cut through the mess quickly.

Zhao Manxiong shook his head: "This matter is not that simple. We are not armed. To do this, we must ask the Reconnaissance Bureau to dispatch a special investigation team. If we want to intercept her at sea, we must have the cooperation of the navy. She is not important enough This level."

Li Siya is erratic now. Whether it is to arrest or kill her, it will require a lot of manpower and material resources. It is impossible to do it with the resources of the Political Security Bureau. It must be authorized by the Senate.

"Besides, Li Siya is not alone. She has a network behind her, and she is very familiar with many forces in Southeast Asia. It would be a pity to kill her directly. It would be great if she could accept her network." Zhao Manxiong said, " The most ideal way is to use Li Huamei reversely. Let her become Li Siya's heir..."

"Well, I'm afraid we have to have a showdown with Li Huamei. I'm afraid that if this happens, Li Huamei will run away in shock, and that will be troublesome—even if she doesn't run away, the next work will not be easy." Zhou Botao reminded him , "For now, I haven't found any discord between the two. At most, Li Huamei has her own selfish intentions."

"No, there has been a quarrel between them for a long time. If our guess is correct: Li Mo and Li Chun are sisters. Li Siyaming knew that their sisters were in Lingao, but she always kept them secret, sat by and even used them. They are separated from each other..." Zhao Manxiong thought for a moment, then shook his head, "You are right. Maybe the rift between them is not too deep. Let's can follow the plan we discussed first. Do it."

Not long after that, Li Huamei was "long contracted" by the long-distance exploration department and became one of the special ships of the long-distance exploration department, frequently exploring in places such as Taiwan, Ryukyu, and the Japanese archipelago; The newly established Nanhai Demonstration Farm Model Veterinary Station served as the chief of staff.

As for Qi Feng, of course he didn't get the marriage license.However, Xiao Zishan promised to reissue his marriage certificate as soon as "the situation permits".

"Anyway, it's no different from getting married now. I'll give you all the treatment you deserve now. It's just one less paperwork. I'll give you a grand wedding at that time!"

Although Qi Feng was full of reluctance, after seeing some materials in the relevant report, he also knew that neither the Political Security Bureau nor the General Office dared to open the door for him, so he had to wait for "conditions permitting".

This matter came to an end for now.As soon as the Nanyang Company Preparatory Committee's application to use Li Huamei came out, the project was back on track.Guo Yi, the newly appointed director of the reconnaissance department, felt that it was necessary to talk to them all.

Not long after Xu Yanliang submitted his application, he received a call from the Political Security Bureau, asking him to "have a talk."

Xu Yanliang has dealt with every veteran of the Political Security Bureau, but the voice on the phone today is very strange:
"Director Xu, the application report you sent about Li Huamei involves some specific matters that need to be explained in person. I need to trouble you to come and talk. What time do you think is suitable?"

Judging from the tone and accent, this must be a veteran.

"Seriously?" Xu Yanliang suddenly became nervous.

"Where, let's meet and talk."

Xu Yanliang understands that when it comes to conversations involving classified matters and classified documents, the Political Security Bureau never talks outside the bureau.

"Then one o'clock this afternoon."

Guo Yi has been in a "semi-leisure" state since he was transferred back from Guangzhou Station.The main job is to cooperate with the commercial and trade department to do some work, and at the same time write the "work report" in Guangzhou over the years.

He has been in Guangzhou for nearly ten years, and he has experienced thousands of people and things. If he didn't have special work notes, it would be hard to remember many things and people.To be honest, although this period of working experience in Guangzhou has given him unforgettable memories, he is not nostalgic.

After all, he is still an ordinary person. Although he is comfortable with being Guo Dongzhu, he doesn't really like this kind of life. Every day in Guangzhou is like acting-he still can't integrate into the atmosphere of the medieval society.

Now he is sitting behind his desk, flipping through the files, and picking up his profession again, he feels at ease, and the knot that has been pressing on his heart for more than ten years has also been untied-now I am finally "one of my own" .

Zhao Manxiong personally handed him the dossier of the Liang Li case, and said some words that could not be recorded in the dossier.At the same time, he also talked about the consideration of the reverse use between him and Zhou Botao.

"Of course, now that you are the director of the investigation department, you have to decide what to do with the case." Zhao Manxiong said, "The opinions of me and Zhou Botao are purely for reference."

(End of this chapter)

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