Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2352 Old Friend Li Huamei

Chapter 2352 Old Friend Li Huamei ([-])

The case itself was not difficult. Guo Yi knew that the reason why this case was "difficult" was to entrust him to handle it. To put it bluntly, it involved the "veteran".

Li Mo is fine, but Li Huamei has to be saved—unless she commits suicide.But for now, she's not stupid.

In fact, it was Li Siya. If she hadn't been involved in the murder case in Kaohsiung, the Senate wouldn't have treated her as an "enemy".As for the kidnapping of President Wen, to be honest, President Wen doesn't take it to heart now.

In fact, even if she defected now, there was a high probability that the Senate would forgive her.After all, she is so well-informed, a smart and capable woman is rare in this time and space.

He personally agrees with Zhou Botao's judgment and some ideas back then: he waited for an opportunity to stir up conflicts between the two Lis, so as to widen the rift between them.Finally, "reverse use" is achieved.

But how to provoke the relationship between them, and what kind of opportunity to look for, still needs to be considered.Li Siya is a very smart woman, and Li Huamei is not a muscular girl.

The headquarters of the Political Security Bureau is still located in Lingao old county. Its scale is not large, and its appearance is very low-key. Not only is the entrance simple, there are even no sentries standing outside the gate.The wooden gate is closed all year round and is only opened when vehicles enter and exit.There is a small door next to it for personnel to enter and exit.

Even the wooden sign of the agency is not hung on the gate, only a simple house number.In Lingao, the county branch of the Political and Security Bureau in Bairen City is the one with the agency sign openly—basically, it is the only local window to the outside world.

Xu Yanliang's arrival had already been informed to the Political Security Bureau through the General Security Bureau, so as soon as he announced his name, the door opened immediately.After the guard verified his "work contact list", he motioned to him to "please follow me."

It was the first time for Xu Yanliang to come back to this institution full of mysterious atmosphere, and he was scolded by the elders, so he couldn't help but look around as soon as he entered.The yard in between is unremarkable, the main office building is just a two-story red brick building with rows of bungalows on both sides.The yard is paved with bricks and there are two flower beds with flowers.

It looks like an old county office in the 70s.

The doors and windows here are all closed, and the yard is very quiet.But if you listen carefully, you can hear the faint voice of a person, very vague and far away.

"This way, please." Xu Yanliang was not brought into the building, but went around through a corridor on the side of the building, and at the end was another door. After going through some formalities, he was handed over to the second guard.

"This Political Security Bureau is really particular!" Seeing the guards in black uniforms and blue collar badges, Xu Yanliang complained secretly.

Guo Yi's office is located in the original Zhou Botao's office. This office was originally without any decorations. After Guo Yi moved in, he only changed some of the furniture.Xu Yanliang originally thought that he would see a dignified and solemn office image of a spy chief in a film and television drama, and there might be statues, flags, or "mottos" and the like.But the office in front of me is no different from the offices in other departments: white limewash walls, heavy and sturdy office furniture, and a lamp with a green glass shade.

Guo Yi got up to greet him: "Hi, Comrade Xu Yanliang! I'm Guo Yi."

Xu Yanliang stretched out his hand subconsciously, and the two shook hands.He suddenly felt a little unbelievable, this person in front of him is the famous "Guo Dongzhu"?
In terms of the popularity of the veterans, apart from a dozen or so senior senior officials, Guo Yi is the most famous among ordinary veterans.Although he has not been in Lingao for a long time, he is well known in the Senate.Opening up a trade window in Guangzhou gave him a layer of legend.No wonder Xu Yanliang felt a little excited.

The person in front of him looked like a young man in his early thirties—of course, Xu Yanliang knew that his real age was nearly forty.Wearing a black uniform, he has an elegant and quiet demeanor, whether he is a big boss in the business world or an official of a powerful agency, he is in line with this demeanor.

"I'm Xu Yanliang." Xu Yanliang said, "Secretary of the board of directors of Nanyang Company."

"I know that," Guo Yi smiled, "please sit down."

After the two sat down, Guo Yi reached out and pulled the bell rope, and a female staff member came in from the outside.

"Give Xu Yuan a cup of tea, please."

"Ah, thank you. You are much younger than I thought."

"I think we are all like this." Guo Yi said, "I am 38 years old this year."

"It cannot but be said to be miraculous." Xu Yanliang said. "This is probably the reward given by the creator for us to abandon everything and come here."

Guo Yi smiled, but did not speak.Xu Yanliang suddenly remembered that he did not come to this parallel universe time and space voluntarily.

"Feel sorry."

"It's nothing," Guo Yi said, "Although this is not my original intention, I am very satisfied with my life here."

Before the words were finished, the female staff brought tea.After putting down the drink, he left without saying a word.

"Okay, let's get to the point. We have received an application about your company intending to include Li Huamei in the 'training' list. Regarding her, we happen to have some important materials in hand, so we specially invite you to come here."

"Yes, we are currently short of captains like her, but after checking her file, she is now a 'focused target', so I can apply. I also want to know what's wrong with her? Because she Is she a pirate? Her monitoring level is higher than Liu Xiang's, which is too strange."

"Well, I understand what you're thinking. But according to the information we have, the captain has a very close connection with Li Siya Group, and he is probably a spy Li Siya broke into Lingao. The State Administration of Political Security has intercepted There are a lot of letters from Li Siya to her, so she has been monitoring her. These are related materials, you can take a look--there are some "highlights" in them, please read them." Guo Yi said and handed Here comes a thick folder.

Xu Yanliang has the necessary skills for leadership positions such as one eye and ten lines, and it is hard to let go after quickly browsing the materials.

"So she's a spy?"

"Basically, you can say that."

"Then why didn't you arrest her?" Xu Yanliang became suspicious. Could it be that these materials were concocted by the Political Security Bureau?
"One is because of Elder Qi Yuan's relationship. The other is that she didn't do anything to endanger the Senate after all."

"It's such a pity!" Xu Yanliang lamented, "She is so capable and smart! We were very optimistic about her!"

"I understand your feelings." Guo Yi said, "Our suggestion is that you can continue to use her, but you can't put her in a key position. Please also cooperate to monitor her. We are by her side Eyeliner is put in, but it's not enough."

"We can cooperate in monitoring her. But your specific monitoring personnel must inform us." Xu Yanliang said quickly.

"That's no problem." Guo Yi said, "But the purpose of talking to you today is not to monitor her, but how to get her out of the current situation-to be a naturalized cadre in an upright manner."

"You mean..." Xu Yanliang hesitated, "Instigating rebellion?"

"Yes. Specifically, what means should we use to exert influence or even control on Li Huamei? If we can let her get rid of Li Siya's influence consciously or unconsciously, and then pass on the processed information to the other side through her , that would be very ideal. Not only can we take this step to grasp the situation of Li Siya Group, but also let her play a full role."

"I am very much in favor of instigating rebellion, but I don't have the ability to come up with a specific solution right away. Maybe it can only be subtle in the work." Xu Yanliang said, "As an employer, we should try our best to cooperate with your work."

"That's very much appreciated."

"I also have an idea about cooperating with your work." Xu Yanliang has been thinking about this idea for a long time, and he has also agreed with Zhou and Wang.Originally, he also wanted to talk to Zhao Manxiong.Now that Guo Yi, the second deputy chief, is here, we might as well talk to him first.

"Please speak."

"Our Nanyang Company was officially listed a few days ago. As you may know, our company's business scope is very extensive, and it is very likely that there will be colonial management in the future. It is almost the role of the East India Company-in fact, it is a small government. gone."

Guo Yi nodded.

"...Since it is a small government, the work of security must naturally keep up. Political security is currently lacking, and it is also an indispensable department in the future. So I hope that the Political Security Bureau can set up a special department within our company. It doesn’t matter what the name of the organization is, it’s in charge of this business.”

No matter how negative the Senate's views on the Political Security Bureau are, the importance of political security work cannot be denied.No matter how prepared they are, the Political Security Bureau will definitely reach out to Nanyang Company to establish a monitoring network.

If they take extreme measures to "clean up the door" and "prevent the incipient progress", it will arouse doubts about Nanyang Company from the outside world: such a huge company with countless privileges, what is it afraid of others to know?
At the beginning, they considered "self-establishment" in the area of ​​political security and kicked off the Political Security Bureau system, but soon they realized that "self-establishment" was more worrying to the Senate than "cleaning the sector".

The closed nature of the Political Security Bureau has made them a target of public criticism.You must know that this is just an institution, and the Nanyang Company will have many colonies, fleets, and even a huge "security" team in the future.What kind of impression would an "Australian East India Company" with "complete internal organs" make on the elders?
Xu Yanliang considered it again and again, and decided to take the initiative to ask the Political Security Bureau to set up an organization in Nanyang Company.The condition is that it must be transparent to Nanyang Company.

(End of this chapter)

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