Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2353 Old Friend Li Huamei

Chapter 2353 Old Friend Li Huamei ([-])

"Transparent." Guo Yi nodded slightly, noncommittal.

MD, these people are all in the same tune.Xu Yanliang couldn't help but start complaining.A flat face, an emotionless tone of voice, and verbal words...

"Yes, transparent." Xu Yanliang repeated emphatically.

"What kind of transparency law?"

This is my bid.Xu Yanliang thought to himself, there is a door!
"In this way, the head of the security department within the company is concurrently held by me or a director-level veteran of a Nanyang company. You send a veteran or a naturalized cadre to serve as the executive vice-minister. The specific business is naturally the executive vice-minister. to manage. But the relevant work must be approved and reviewed by the minister. There can be no concealment.”

"and then?"

"As the minister, I guarantee that the company will not interfere with the daily work of the Ministry of Security."

"Then I want to know, what benefits can the bureau get?"

Xu Yanliang thought he heard it wrong for a moment, and quickly asked, "What did you say?"

"I mean, what's in it for the Bureau?"

I really didn't think about it, because in the view of the leadership of Nanyang Company, the Political Security Bureau must set up a branch in Nanyang Company, and even if they don't want to, they will do everything possible to "break into the interior".Allowing them to exist and sending people to manage them is a very favorable condition.

"Isn't it your job to set up political security branches?"

"This requires the approval of the Senate. So far, we have not received such approval documents."

"Even if not now, there will be in the future."

"In this case, what kind of deal is this?" Guo Yi smiled, "This is taking out and selling something that belongs to me."

Xu Yanliang was taken aback for a moment, then thought again that this was indeed the case.

"Then Nanyang Company can also refuse the entry of the political security agency..."

Guo Yi smiled: "It's okay if the Senate issues a document to agree. However, judging from my many years of working experience in Guangzhou Station, this is not realistic."

Xu Yanliang thought about it for a while and understood, but the other party was not satisfied with the condition of "not interfering with daily work": "Then tell me about your conditions."

"I think the conditions you put forward are very reasonable and not excessive at all. The Bureau can also provide more goodwill: we can provide you with a list of all the hidden cadres who will work in Nanyang Company in the future, and ensure that their reports are 'controllable' 'Yes." Guo Yi said.

This condition is better than what Xu Yanliang thought.But he knew that the better the conditions, the higher the asking price would be.

"What do we need to pay?"

"Support the work of the Bureau." Guo Yi said, "Not only in Nanyang."

Well!Xu Yanliang thought that this requirement is not low.He pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Is this what you mean or..."

"Of course this is what the bureau meant." Guo Yi said, "You don't have to answer me right away."

Watching Xu Yanliang walk out of the courtyard by the window, Guo Yi sat back at his desk, picked up a green telephone receiver, gave a few instructions in a soft voice, then lowered his head to write something on official paper, and sealed it in a kraft paper envelope. After finishing the manuscript paper, he took out a small square seal and sealed it.He pulled the bell rope casually.

The doorknob turned, and his secretary appeared at the door.

"I'll dictate, and you draft the materials." Guo Yi raised his finger and pointed to a small table full of bound documents.

"Yes, Comrade Director." The female secretary immediately sat down behind the small table, took out a pen and paper, "I'm ready."

"First, draft a memorandum in the name of the Political Security Bureau, send it to the Government Affairs Council, copy to the Ministry of the Navy, the Ministry of Colonial Trade, the General Office, the Foreign Intelligence Bureau, and the Nanyang Company. The contents include the following points: First, our bureau decided to take A series of active measures to completely eliminate the threat of Li Siya Group to us. The initial plan is to channel Li Huamei, the current shareholder of the Southeast Asian company and Lieutenant Lieutenant of the Navy Reserve. Second, after investigation, Li Huamei has had an intersection with Li Siya Group in his personal history. Our Bureau intends to use this operation to find out his real resume; Third, for this purpose, the Political Security Bureau will set up a special team within Nanyang Company to carry out this task. That’s all.”

As he spoke, the female secretary wrote down the main points sentence by sentence on the paper.then start writing

Guo Yi picked up the teacup and took a few sips.His temples were a little swollen, and he rubbed them with his hands.Since he came to the Political Security Bureau as the director, in order to get acquainted with the situation as soon as possible, he has been reading materials until midnight for several days-to be honest, it is not uncommon for seniors to work until midnight.No matter what department you are in, there are offices and studios with lights on at two or three in the morning.If the Ministry of Health and the General Office hadn't repeatedly reminded the veterans that this would increase their chances of sudden death, and had launched nighttime "forced rest" patrols, there would have been many people who stayed up all night for days.

However, he is no longer used to such high-intensity work.When I was in Guangzhou, no matter how busy I was, I went to "bedtime" after ten o'clock.He has lived in such a slow and long social rhythm of the Middle Ages for almost ten years, and now he is back to his old job again, somewhat uncomfortable.

Compared with Li Siya and Li Huamei, he knew that Nanyang Company was a troublesome existence.To some extent, the Nanyang Company will sooner or later become like the British East India Company.The British government also spent a lot of trouble and cost in dealing with the East India Company.But its existence and development must not be allowed. After all, the needs of reality are better than countless rational speculations.

In fact, neither Zhao Manxiong nor he is interested in setting up a branch in Nanyang Company.The reason is simple: in the vast sea and the vast Southeast Asia, a few ten-man regiments and reconnaissance teams are just like sprinkling sesame seeds. They also have no radio stations to use, and can only rely on the mail sent back by regular ships to deliver messages and orders. The management and command of the Political Security Bureau are useless.

It is impossible to carry out work in such an environment without the full cooperation of Nanyang Company.That's why Bureau Zhao was so "generous" in this matter.

"...Comrade Director, the report is finished!" The secretary interrupted his meditation, "Please read it over."

Guo Yi glanced quickly at the neatly printed characters, nodded, and picked up a pen to change "use the special relationship between Li Huamei and Qi Yuan" to "make use of the recent Li Huamei's ideological tendency to change".

"Copy a copy and keep it as a copy, and then take it for mimeograph." Guo Yi added, "And the summary of the dossier materials of the Liang Li project I told you to do yesterday should also copy the same number of copies as attachments. By the way, Elder Wu Nanhai will also send a copy."

"Will Chief Wu deliver the memo? He is not on the CC list."

"No, he only sends abstracts."

"Understood." The female secretary repeated, "A total of six memorandums and seven summary appendices. Elder Wu Nanhai only sent the summary appendix."

"Yes. Here is the copy permission form for top-secret documents," Guo Yi said, signing his name in the lower right corner of a grass-yellow form. "The confidentiality level of this letter and the attachments are all top-secret."

Not long after the secretary left, he knocked on the door and came in again, reporting that two trainee commanders had been ordered to come.

"Ask them to come in."

The door opened, and two young men in black uniforms walked in with standard steps.Their faces still retain the childishness of their youth, but their expressions are very serious, their thin bodies maintain a standard upright posture, and their bright eyes are looking straight at Guo Yi beside the desk.

"Comrade Director! Trainee Commander Lin Zhijian/Zheng Yicheng is ordered to report for duty!" Putonghua with a faint southern Hokkien accent.

As students of the political security training class, Lin Zhijian and Zheng Yicheng can be said to be very representative of the type of "the Senate is willing to train cadres". Both of them were born in southern Fujian fishermen, and they are both this year.The resume is also very similar.Most of the parents and family members died of natural disasters and man-made disasters, and were taken in by the Senate.

Unlike ordinary children who "suffer and hate deeply", they are not orphans.The Political Security Bureau was actually not too keen on using "orphans".The common feature of these two people is that they have relatives: one is a younger brother, and the other is a disabled mother-in-law. They both came out to earn a living to support their families when they were young.

In Zhao Manxiong's view, such people with family concerns are more resilient and loyal.

Every year, the Political Security Bureau selects suitable candidates for training from among the children enrolled in the Military Political Training School.Wu Mu noticed that the files of the two teenagers contained the comments of "silent, calm, smart and agile" from the veteran teacher. After an interview and a series of tests, they were officially admitted to the political security training class.

The political security training class two years ago is no longer the short-term training class of Ke Yun and Lu Cheng, but a serious two-year systematic study. No matter in terms of cultural level or professional knowledge, it is better than those who graduated from the short-term training class back then. The college has made a qualitative leap.He is also a newcomer that Zhao Manxiong places high hopes on.

"Lin Zhijian, you personally deliver this letter to Elder Qi Feng of the Construction Corporation. Yes, he is the chief planner. Please ask him to read it face to face and destroy it, and then bring back his reply verbally."

"Yes!" Lin Zhijian took the envelope, touched his heels, turned and left.

"Zheng Yicheng, I have another task for you, please sit down first..."

When Lin Zhijian stepped into the gate of the construction company, Qi Feng was sitting in the office drawing pictures as usual, or in other words, building the perfect city in his mind on the drawing paper.

This artistic idealist is actually not as simple as many people think: he never quarreled with Mei Wan, the manager of the construction company, on the design concept issue like Ji Runzhi, but always kept quiet. Complete the design tasks assigned to him-these designs basically don't require him to use any brains or artistic imagination, as long as he follows the relevant specifications, countless plans can be directly used for reference, or rather "simplified".And devote most of his spare time to "noble artistic career".The reason why I say only most of them is because he is still quite keen on managing his personal life, and he is a man full of zest for life.

(End of this chapter)

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