Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2355

Chapter 2355 First arrival in Sanya
The Senate did not dislike his old age, and even promoted him to this position.And he also devoted himself to serving the Senate with due diligence.

Now he is really "old", and the Australians will tell him to "retire".Today is his last day working in the Political Security Bureau.

The procedures for the handover have been completed, and yesterday afternoon his colleagues held a farewell tea party for him. Although there was no banquet, they prepared a lot of refreshments.Colleagues from the reconnaissance office chipped in to buy him a gift, and everyone "toasted" him one by one with tea instead of wine.Finally, Director Guo, the new director of the reconnaissance department, also came. Although he was a new official, he said a lot of praise for him and thanked him for his service to the Senate in the past few years.Finally, a short ceremony was held, and he was awarded the "Certificate of Appreciation" and the "Labor Service Medal" signed by the director and deputy director.

The "Labor Service Medal" is not a great honor: According to the regulations, all naturalized civilian cadres and employees who have retired normally in the Senate can get it, but when Guo Yi personally hung the medal on his chest, Liu Fuqing shed it for a long time. tears.

He himself couldn't explain why he was crying. Apart from the mixed feelings that he was about to leave his job, it was more because of the Senate's recognition of him.This is a feeling that he has never experienced in the secretary office of the Ministry of Punishment for many years.

Unfortunately, I am old.he thinks.

Liu Fuqing felt a little empty in his heart. His family members were dead and scattered, and he didn't organize a new family after he came to Gao.In the past few years, he has basically taken the bureau as his home. Now that he has retired, where can he go?

Naturally, he couldn’t go to the single dormitory and cafeteria in the bureau. His colleagues from the General Affairs Office rented a “standard single apartment” for him in the civil servant’s residential area in Lingao Old City. The rent was very low—almost symbolic; The problem is also easy. There are so many "canteens" for singles in the local area. Whether it is a la carte or "included meals", it is not a burden for people like him with "retirement funds".

The Australians are very thoughtful, and don't call their eagle dogs dead.Liu Fuqing secretly sighed.Daming can't do it anymore, gentlemen sometimes have people and sometimes no one, these little officials are really not as good as a piece of straw paper!

Although there is no need to worry about food and clothing in the following days, what are you going to do?One thing Liu Fuqing is sure of is that he can live for at least five or six years.Could it be that in the past five or six years, he just ate and waited to die?

He packed up the last things: the ID of the Political and Security Bureau and his personal gun - before leaving, he went to the guard room to hand it in, and then walked out of the gate - in the future, he would have to apply for another pass if he wanted to enter this courtyard again.He reluctantly glanced at the small office again, and just as he was filled with emotion, the door of the office opened.

"Comrade Regional Commander! Director Guo invites you to go over there."

Xu Yanliang stood on the surveillance tower of Anleyou Wharf, with the rippling Dadonghai in front of him.

In the old time and space of the parallel universe, he has been to Hainan, so naturally he must have been to Dadonghai.But for a person who has been to Southeast Asia and seen pure tropical islands, the sights of Sanya and Dadonghai are really ordinary.Especially when he went diving, the sense of gap was even greater.

The trip to Sanya in the old time and space only gave Xu Yanliang a lot of complaints, and there were no commendable memories.

It was his first visit to Sanya under the rule of the Senate.

His trip to Sanya this time was quite hasty, and he only brought a few entourages from Southeast Asian companies who were familiar with the local conditions to Sanya.They didn't even bring Li Huamei, who they planned to reuse.

Since Wang Luobin was transferred back to Lingao, the development of Sanya has stagnated.Although it is still a "special city" and is the "southern central city" in the planning of the whole island of Hainan, in fact, it does not reflect the scale that a "special city" should have in various constructions.

On the one hand, due to financial difficulties, the Senate could not spend much money to build Sanya; on the other hand, Sanya's embarrassing location and geographical environment also limited its development in the Senate city system.

In the plan of the Senate, Sanya will become an important chemical and commercial trade center in the south of Hainan Island in the future, in addition to being the administrative center of southern Hainan Island and the export port of Hetian monolithic iron ore.Xu Yanliang saw in the large library the planning led by the Planning Institute at that time: it planned to use the oil in Southeast Asia and the salt in Yinggehai to open a chemical industry zone, and also listed Sanya as the "South Sea Trade Center".

However, over the past few years, most of these ambitious plans have only stayed on paper.Even the originally planned "naval base and command center in the direction of the South China Sea" has not been implemented.

Ambitious salt chemical and petrochemical bases are completely gone.Needless to say, petrochemicals, the "mature" industry of salinization has not yet spread out, and the reason is very simple. No matter how good the conditions for drying salt in Yinggehai are, it is just a barren beach that requires a lot of manpower and material resources to turn it into a salt farm. .The salt produced by the salt fields in the northern part of Hainan Island and the southern coast of Guangdong is enough for the current salt chemical industry of the Senate.

Of course, further expansion of salinization production capacity is always a good thing, but the manpower and material resources needed to build the Yinggehai Salt Works daunted the Planning Institute.Although the unit "Yinggehai State-owned Yancheng" is listed in the list of state-owned enterprises of the Planning Institute, it is only a small salt farm.The annual output is only comparable to that of the Mayiao Salt Field.It was not so much to provide more salt to the Senate as it was to give the exiles a job base.

In the industrial plan for Sanya at that time, apart from the Tiandu Mining Bureau, only the coconut product processing base was really realized. At present, the coconut trade and processing center in the southern part of Hainan Island is located in Sanya.Another large-scale industrial enterprise is Yali Winery.

Although the trade center facing Nanyang was once strongly pushed by the Senate, Sanya was included in the ranks of "open ports" when concluding various trade agreements, but the fact is that, except for the poor labor trade of quarks, most European countries Merchant ships will not use this place as a trading port.

The Senate originally believed that since this is the only way to go to Nanyang, and Nanyang trade ships have moored here in history, as long as the policy is supported, it will naturally form a local trading port.

On the other hand, the embarrassing geographical location of Sanya and the elders ignored a problem. European businessmen were hungry when they were looking for trading ports along the coast of China. Even wild places like Tainan were willing to occupy them, but the premise was that they had no better choose.Given the choice, everyone would like to trade in ports close to where their goods are sold and supplied.Rather than in a resale trading port.

Sanya happens to be a city that does not produce any export goods and rarely consumes imported goods.The most exported products here are iron ore and various coconut products. Strictly speaking, they are not commodities, but materials of the Planning Institute.The only local product that can really be sold to foreign businessmen is arak.

Various export commodities that foreign businessmen like: silk fabrics, sugar, rum, industrial products, steel products, glass products, food, porcelain... Sanya seldom produces or does not produce at all.This means that these commodities have to be shipped from Lingao and the mainland.

Although the Planning Institute and Sanya Special City have set up many preferential conditions in order to attract private capital to invest in factories and participate in overseas trade, including low-priced land, tax relief and so on.It also attracted many businessmen to Sanya to set up "limited companies", but Xu Yanliang walked around in Sanya and felt that there were not many local manufacturing enterprises, and most of them were "companies" with a brand name.And there is no feeling of "busy business".

Agricultural ports have spent a lot of resources in setting up "hot farming" around Sanya, but the hot farming conditions in Hainan Island are far inferior to those in Southeast Asia. The cost and output of spices produced are not as good as those in India and the Moluccas, while rubber, cocoa, palm oil The climatic conditions for the cultivation of these hot crops in Sanya are somewhat insufficient, and the production cycle is very long.So far, the scale of trade has not yet been formed.And in the long run, Hainan Island is not an ideal place for planting.

As for imports, there are even fewer commodities that can be consumed directly locally.Due to the long-term lack of urban scale and limited industrial level, Sanya has only 5 official residents so far, mainly migrant workers from the Mining Bureau and agricultural immigrants resettled by the Planning Institute on surrounding farms.The materials it consumes are not enough to support sufficient imports.At present, the only bulk "commodities" imported by Sanya are labor and rice.The former is also in recession because of the declining demand for labor in the Bureau of Mines.

For the British and the Dutch, it does not need to increase the cost too much to go to Lingao or Kaohsiung, but there is a lot of room for choosing goods.Although the Planning Institute once tried to use tariffs to mediate the whereabouts of merchant ships, the fact is that since foreign merchant ships can directly transport goods to Lingao, why must they unload in Sanya, which will increase the cost of loading, unloading and transshipment in vain?

This is unreasonable in terms of cost, so Sanya, which the Senate put its hopes on at the beginning, fell into a half-dead state. After Wang Luobin left office, few people paid attention here.

The plan is always full, and the reality is always very skinny.Xu Yanliang has been in Sanya for a few days and has a deep understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

"It seems that Sanya was not an industrial and commercial city in the old time and space, and we don't have such magical power in this time and space." He secretly said.

In the old time and space, Sanya could engage in tourism and real estate, but in this time and space, it must be at least 100 years later.Besides, even if these things can be done locally, it has nothing to do with Nanyang Company.

Xu Yanliang couldn't help doubting the decision to set up the headquarters in Sanya.In terms of advantages, it is probably that there is a good port in the local area, and the housing and land are also quite rich.There is also a pleasant climate and scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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