Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2356 Lonely Tang Menglong

Chapter 2356 Lonely Tang Menglong
The decline of Sanya's status is also reflected in the selection of the mayor here.In the past, Wang Luobin was the mayor here.After Wang Luobin transferred to Lingao and became the chairman of the Senate, the mayor became Tang Menglong.

Of course, Tang Menglong was the first veteran to leave Lingao and take up the leadership of a region—even though his jurisdiction was only a coal mine.But it is also very old qualifications.But at the level of the Senate, he has not held any important positions since he left Jiazi Coal Mine. Before taking over as the mayor of Sanya, his experience was only that of county directors in several counties in Hainan.It is considered to have the experience of the local administrator.However, these counties are small counties with sparse population and almost no industry or commerce. The so-called county directors are not able to do much work and have no construction tasks.Naturally, Tang Menglong didn't make any political achievements

He came to serve as the mayor of Sanya, so one can imagine the actual status of Sanya in the Senate right now.

"Maybe Lao Tang himself is depressed enough." Xu Yanliang thought to himself.Anyway, with his qualifications, it is not considered a talent to go to Guangdong to be the mayor of a prefectural city, but he is here to guard the blue sky and the sea.Right now, I don't know how long the title of this special city can last.

However, if it is really a good place, Nanyang Company may not be able to stay there.

Xu Yanliang somewhat understood the psychology of the people around him.Whether it is Lingao or Guangzhou, they are just one of countless departments and enterprises competing for resources.There may not be many benefits, but it is certain that people will stare at them with a magnifying glass.

When I came to Sanya, I felt somewhat out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements.The vast world has a lot to do.

And Sanya also has an advantage, that is, infrastructure construction. At the beginning, because it was designated as a "special city" and it was a blank sheet of paper to draw a picture, the state of infrastructure construction is certainly not as good as Lingao, but compared to other counties in Hainan. Much better.

Moreover, there are preferential tax policies here. Many businessmen who have long-term trade relations with the Senate have set up "branches" or set up separate signs and branches in the local area to avoid taxes.Although the "semicolon" here is mostly just an office plus a sign, as long as it is profitable, these empty institutions will become "entities".

The key is how to attract these old fortunes to Sanya.

Xu Yanliang was thinking about it, when the guard beside him whispered, "Director Xu, Mayor Tang is here."

Xu Yanliang took a closer look and saw at the entrance of Dadonghai Bay, a refitted boat coming towards Anleyou Wharf, with Tang Menglong's veteran flag flying on it.

"It's really slow." Xu Yanliang thought to himself.He remembered that someone complained that Tang Menglong had been a local governor for several years, but he didn't make much political achievements, but he gave birth to a lot of children.Almost enough for a class.

But it's good to have a local leader like him, at least it's easier to cooperate. If you really want to have a strong and assertive one, Nanyang Company will not be so easy to mess with in Sanya.

With such thoughts in mind, he went down from the tower and waited for the Bailihou at the pier.

Although the mayor of Sanya is getting older, he still maintains a good figure. I saw him stepping down from the small boat quite nimbly, waving enthusiastically all the way over.

"Director Xu!"

Xu Yanliang hurriedly went up to meet them, and the two held hands tightly.If you don't know, you may think that they are comrades who have been separated for many years. In fact, they are nodding acquaintances in the Senate.If he hadn't met once during the Senate meeting, he would have been a complete stranger.

For Tang Menglong, Sanya has become a corner forgotten by the Senate since the Tiandu Mine was formalized. Even the veterans of the navy stationed in Yulin have also been transferred away, except for a few technicians who came here occasionally because of mechanical problems. In addition, there is no second veteran in Sanya.

Of course there are many naturalized people here.There are also quite a few "informative" and "interesting" ones among them, but they are residents of this time and space after all, and they know very little about the experience, thoughts, and culture of the elders, and they are not able to talk freely.

It's okay to deal with government affairs at ordinary times, but once you're free, it's really boring to the point of explosion.

He is tired of seeing the beautiful scenery of Sanya Bay and Dadonghai.Drinking too much coconut water will make you tired. As for women, Tang Menglong used to think about having three wives and four concubines, but he didn't know it was so good until he really had three wives and four concubines.With the increasing number of maids and children, family conflicts also increased.Thinking of the four maids and seven gourd babies he left behind in Lingao, he had a headache.So now he is quite Buddhist in terms of food and sex.

Now that a veteran has finally come, and there will be many more veterans coming to stay permanently, Tang Menglong's enthusiasm is not surprising.

"I'm so happy that your company chose Sanya as its base." Tang Menglong said with a smile, "It's really a dream that you can come."

"No way, it's such an exaggeration." Xu Yanliang was a little surprised by his enthusiasm, "This is a special city, isn't it normal for our company to come here to find development opportunities?"

"Everyone is in a hurry to go to the mainland now. Who still remembers that there is a special city here." Tang Menglong shook his head again and again, with a lonely look on his face, "Come on, I will take you to visit."

Xu Yanliang said yes repeatedly.Although he has learned a lot about the specific situation in Sanya through reading materials, it is better to see it with his own eyes, not to mention that it is best not to let down the hospitality of the local landlords.

"The place where you are now is the Anleyou Wharf—the special output wharf of the Tiandu Mining Bureau." Tang Menglong said, waving his hands around, "To be honest, there is such a thing on the coast of Dadonghai, which is quite unpleasant."

The small town of Anleyou City has long since changed beyond recognition. This is where the management department of the Mining Bureau's wharf is located.Rows of red brick houses serve as offices and dormitories.Huge silos and various loading and unloading machines are lined up along the wharf. On the huge stockyard are piles of iron ore and other ores and stones screened from the concentrator.

Like all similar mineral product terminals, the sky is full of dust, and there are black dust and sewage everywhere.More than a dozen steam engines spared no effort to spew black smoke and white steam.Xu Yanliang had fully enjoyed the pollution here on the observation deck.

"It's nothing. When Tiandu's iron ore is mined, it will naturally become a resort and hotel." Xu Yanliang said, "Speaking of which, this is the lifeblood of the steel industry."

"The environment here is too bad. Let's cross the sea to the opposite Yulin Fort."

The two immediately boarded the traffic boat and crossed the Great East China Sea.Xu Yanliang noticed that there were very few ships on the Anleyou Wharf, most of them were ships carrying ore, so he asked.

"There are no products here, and not much business can be done. How can there be so many ships." Tang Menglong said, "Iron ore is the biggest export here."

They soon arrived at Yulin Fort.Yulin Fort underwent a large-scale expansion when developing Sanya, and now it is a fortress with two defensive walls, 10 salient forts and 12 towers.The fortress was designed on the scale of deploying a fully staffed infantry battalion.It is now the army's largest military base in the southern part of Hainan Island.

The battalion commander of the 2nd Infantry Battalion stationed in Yulinbao had already greeted Xu Yanliang at the gate.Originally, when the elders came, the garrison would have some red tape like "inspection" and "inspection" as usual, but Xu Yanliang had notified in advance not to do these things.So only the garrison battalion commander and the main officers came out to greet them.

Xu Yanliang accepted their respect, said a few more polite words, and asked about the situation of the local garrison.The commander of the 2nd Infantry Battalion is the garrison commander here.

The garrison battalion commander was transferred during the "army expansion and reorganization" not long ago in the Mainland Raiders. This reorganization replaced more than 2% of the veterans in the [-]nd Battalion, and now it is basically a brand new team.

"...Now only the light infantry company is composed of most of the veterans, and the rest are basically recruits, and all the veterans have been promoted to sergeants." The battalion commander reported.

"How's the local law and order situation?"

"There was no massive fighting, it was mostly counter-insurgency operations."

There are many villages of Li people in the south of Hainan Island, some of which are very close to Tiandu.Although many villages were gradually "organized into households" through their means of preaching, trading, recruiting soldiers, sending doctors and medicines, etc., small-scale riots were not uncommon.Every time there is a riot, the 2nd Battalion must be dispatched.

"...Riots were very common in the early years. Even the local Tiandu mine was attacked many times, and the workers who were left alone were killed and robbed. The situation has improved a lot in recent years." The battalion commander said, "There have also been incidents in the local area. Several slave riots were small in scale, and they were all suppressed."

"That's good." Xu Yanliang was most worried about public security.He suddenly thought of a question, "Are there any pirates here?"

"Not in recent years." The battalion commander said, "The coast guard is quite clear about the pirates' harassment of ships. But the pirates have never had a landing battle."

"Maritime Police—Is there no navy stationed here?"

"There is a squadron of spy boats stationed at the Luhuitou base. There is also a squadron of patrol boats from the Coast Guard. Right now, they are under the command of the naval commander."

Another sign of Sanya's decline is the loss of naval interest in the area.In order to compete for Yulin's military dominance, both the army and the navy had a lot of jealousy from each other.The navy has also compiled a large-scale construction plan for the Yulingang Navy.What about the Nanyang Fleet, the Naval Academy...there is also a plan to move the Naval General Hospital here, and Yuan Hong once even wanted to set up a joint service sanatorium.

Of course, these are still plans.

Tang Menglong took him around Yulin Fort. The coastal plain of Dadonghai Sea was very small, except for Anyou City and Yulin Fort, there were no large settlements.There are only a few fishing villages and a few camps used to "purify" the laborers.It can be said to be quite desolate.

"Where is the industry here?" he asked.

"Industry and commerce are all in Sanya." Tang Menglong said, "There is too little land here to build."

(End of this chapter)

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