Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2363 Agricultural Company

Chapter 2363 Agricultural Company ([-])

"How much land does his family have now?"

"It's estimated to be five or six thousand acres. Except for the land allocated to him at that time, the city government later released it for reclamation, and he applied for new land permits several times. It is at least three thousand acres. His family has always been a household in the local situation. Land is indispensable for the second largest household," Yuan Fei said.

It is indeed a lot to reclaim and plant [-] mu of land in Sanya.Xu Yanliang nodded secretly, this Wumei Hu is a business talent.

In fact, if Xu Yanliang is more concerned about the outside situation, he should know that Hu Wumei has always been a typical figure of the "new peasants" established by the Senate.Not only relevant deeds have been published in "Lingao Times", but also participated in the commendation meeting in Lingao, and attended the representative meeting of Hainan Provincial Consultative Bureau.Is a rising star.

After a while, Hu Wumei had already changed her clothes and came out of the inner house.

He was wearing a half-worn short-sleeved shirt, linen trousers, and rattan sandals on his bare feet. He was solemn and simple. He had a pen in his coat pocket and a watch on his wrist-this watch was not good. Yes, it was he who participated in the Senate Agricultural Front Commendation Conference as a prize for winning the title of "Agricultural Leader in the New Era".

The whole attire and his hairstyle make him look like a "cadre" of the Senate, which is also the image he specially created for himself--different from the clothing that many members of the Advisory Council retained, or even deliberately retained in the past, Hu Wumei, however, washed away everything in the past as much as possible.

Today he was overseeing work on a newly opened coconut plantation.The family sent a child to call him back, saying that a senator had arrived.He was a little puzzled at first.Because there is only one mayor Tang among the elders of Sanya.And Mayor Tang just visited his village a few days ago.For no reason, he would not come to his village casually.

So a new patriarch has arrived.Hu Wumei made up her mind on the way back to Zhuangzi.He is an old man who has taken root here since he landed in Sanya. He has experienced the whole process of Sanya from the hustle and bustle to the present.Since Mr. Wang Yuan left office and Mr. Tang Yuan took over, the development of Sanya has become slower and slower, and it can even be said to have stagnated.What followed was that there were fewer and fewer elders in Sanya, the original elders left their posts one after another, and almost no new elders took office.

When he went to the meeting of the Sanya Consultative Bureau last Monday, Mr. Tang Yuan did not mention that there was a new veteran coming to take up his post. If it was a short-term business trip, it was most likely that the veteran of the agricultural port came—otherwise he would not be able to think of it. Why do you want to see him.

However, the child who came to deliver the letter was so young that he couldn't even tell the elder's surname. He only knew that he was a "man" and "could ride a bicycle".This range is too large, almost covering more than [-]% of the elders.

Sure enough, he didn't know this old man—obviously he was not from the agricultural port, and he said that he was "just transferred"—but Mr. Tang Yuan didn't say that a new old man was coming... Who is this old man who came suddenly , What are you going to do?Hu Wumei felt somewhat uneasy.

However, he can confirm one thing, this old man Xu is not an important figure in the Senate.

After changing his clothes, he hurried back to the yard to greet Xu Yanliang.

"Hey, you don't have to be so polite. I just walked by and took a look." Xu Yanliang was a little uncomfortable seeing him so respectful and sincere, "You are doing a good job here. And the farm!"

"It's all the kindness of the Senate, I'm just doing my best." Hu Wumei said a few words modestly.

Don't look at Hu Wumei's terrified and respectful appearance when seeing the elder, in fact, he has seen the elder a lot, and has been the guest of Wen Desi, Wang Luobin, Wu De, Wu Nanhai and others, and Tang Menglong's official residence can be visited at any time .It is like a mirror in the mind of the three or six or nine in the Senate.But he has one thing in place, that is, facing the elders, he never shows the slightest conceit, and always has a "grateful" expression.

"...It is better to say that the policy of the Senate is better. Speaking of me, Hu Wumei, I also farm the land in my hometown. If it weren't for the chaos in the Ming Dynasty and the pirates plundering, I would not be a pirate." Hu Wumei told him The history is not taboo, "As long as the court can achieve social peace, the people will naturally be happy, and no matter how poor they are, they will not be so poor that they have nowhere to go. There is always a glimmer of life."

These words can be regarded as flattering the Senate without showing any trace.Everyone loves to hear flattery, and Hu Wumei's flattery is much more subtle than the eulogy of "remaking parents", Xu Yanliang immediately "joyed".

"You're right. A government should be able to do this!" Xu Yanliang said, "You came to this farm—I think it's called Baocheng Company?"

"Exactly, Baocheng is the name of the village in my former hometown. It can be regarded as 'not forgetting the origin' when it is used to name it. Although it has taken root in Sanya and will spread its branches and leaves in the future, this 'origin' is in the Don’t forget about it. As for the registration of the company, it was suggested by the head of the Tiandihui, Da Wan, who said that now that my family business is big, it is better to register a company, which is convenient for carrying out multiple businesses, and it is also convenient for applying for loans. Loans for small farmers can be based on the qualifications of agricultural enterprises.”


"It's Wan Lihui from Agricultural Port." Yuan Fei explained.

"Oh, it's him." The head of the Wan family brothers, Wan Lihui, was naturally "Da Wan".From this description, it can be seen that the owner of Hu Zhuang has a lot of property.

"So you have opened quite a few factories." Xu Yanliang said, "Can you tell me in detail."

Hu Wumei's heart tightened, what kind of way is this?But when he thinks about his family background, the Senate is very clear, what is there to hide from the truth.He smiled calmly and said, "It's too arrogant to call it a factory, but it's just a small workshop."

It turns out that in addition to the mill, there are several small factories in his village, such as a hemp rope factory, a brown mat factory, and a dried fruit and candied fruit factory.

"...there is also the newly opened aquatic product processing factory at the port. It is said to be a factory, but it is actually a few workshops. There are as few as a dozen people, and as many as thirty or fifty people. And it is still open seasonally. Such workers There is work all year round.”

These are all agricultural product processing enterprises, Xu Yanliang is slightly disappointed.But thinking about it again, the Senate did not spread any decent light industry to Sanya.It is not bad for a private company like him to have this level.

"Who is in charge of technical guidance?"

"They are all hired through Tiandihui." Hu Wumei said, "Installation of machines, commissioning, production... one-stop service. There is no problem. It is very troublesome if the machine breaks down. The repairman has to go to Tiandu to hire, and he has to stop once he stops. a few days."

"It will take a lot of workers, how many workers are employed on the farm?"

"It's not too many. If you don't count the Nanyang slaves, there are about 300 male and female workers, and there are more than [-] people including children and the elderly."

"What? Do you still use slaves here?"

"Of course." Hu Wumei looked at Xu Yanliang strangely, "All large-scale farms here use it."

Xu Yanliang knew very little about the issue of slavery in the Senate. He only knew that a large number of slaves were used in the development of Tiandu and Taiwan. He did not expect that slave labor would spread to the common people.

"How many slaves are there?"

"Maybe around fifty. Originally there were more. Last year, all the female slaves were assigned as workers. Even if they are exiled."

"What do you do with so many slaves?"

"It can be used anywhere, farming, opening up wasteland, and working in factories. To be honest, I can't work very well, and my physique is also poor. Last winter, digging drainage ditches, and seven or eight of them died of exhaustion! It's a big loss!"

Seeing his indifferent face, Xu Yanliang felt cold: This is the "new citizen" we have cultivated!However, he also understands that human nature is unreliable in the face of interests, not to mention that the person in front of him was once a murderous pirate.

"So the death rate is pretty high."

"It's taller than the workers on the farm, but it's not that high." Hu Wumei said, "I paid for them, and I'll lose money if they die. To be honest, if it wasn't cheap enough, I'm really not that old." Willing to use..."

"Oh, why?"

"The physique is not good--I just said that; and they are also people with hands and feet, and they were arrested, and they are always dissatisfied. Treat him too well, he is lazy at work, and treat him harshly. , will run away again, it’s fine to run away, gang up to rob, murder and steal things outside..."

"No wonder you are heavily guarded here."

"Don't dare to guard against it. There was a riot here last summer." Hu Wumei seemed to be still lingering. "More than 200 slaves in the mine killed the guards and ran out. They robbed small farms in remote places, murdered and set fires, and expanded their ranks." .It didn't take long before it became three or four hundred people. When the Yulinbao garrison wiped them out, dozens of households had already been harmed, and more than 100 people died..."

Xu Yanliang had a shocked expression on his face.He didn't remember this incident, and after trying to recall it for a long time, he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have seen a few related news on "Weekly News".But no specific details.

He asked Yuan Fei: "How many such things are there?"

Yuan Fei nodded and said: "There have been many sporadic incidents, but none of them have been on such a large scale. Thanks to the local militia, several large local farms have been used as refuges. Otherwise, I am afraid that the loss will be even greater. This time After the riot, all farms stepped up their security."

"So that's how it is." Xu Yanliang murmured to himself.Hearing these things greatly shocked his heart. In fact, he did not agree with slavery in the first place. At first, he considered that the loss of developing Tiandu and Kaohsiung naturalized people was too great, so he thought it was "tolerable". But now it seems that, This system is not only quite cruel, but also various negative effects are also expanding.

It seems necessary to promote the abolition of slavery as soon as possible.he thought.Otherwise, there will be endless troubles if you go on like this.

At this moment, he didn't go deep into this issue with Hu Wumei.He asked again: "Then do you have enough labor here?"

(End of this chapter)

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