Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2364 Agricultural Company

Chapter 2364 Agricultural Company ([-])

"The current scale is enough." Hu Wumei nodded and said, "I have opened [-] mu of land now, and I have machines to help plant it. About [-] or [-] male laborers are enough. The rest of the plantations and factories are enough. .Children and the elderly can also help when they are busy.”

"What if you don't need slaves?" Xu Yanliang asked, "Is there any difficulty?"

"'s nothing...difficulties..." Hu Wumei was not wary of Xu Yuan suddenly asking such a question, and he reacted quickly. From this sentence, he knew that Xu Yuan did not approve of the use of slaves.

It's a pity that this sentence came too fast. Although he figured out the other party's thoughts in time, he hesitated in words.Xu Yanliang naturally noticed it.

Apparently, the owner of Hu Zhuang did not object to the use of slaves.In other words, because the benefits of using slaves far outweighed the costs he paid.

He didn't continue to discuss this issue in depth, and changed the subject: "Your current farm has [-] acres of land, do you want to open up more land?"

"Of course more land is better." Hu Wumei smiled, looking full of aggressiveness. He knew that the elders liked this attitude. "But too much land is inconvenient. Workers have to walk a long way to and from the last job. It's a waste of time."

"Why don't you build more farms? Wouldn't it be inconvenient for your workers to gather here now?"

"Come on, I just built a new farm over the coconut garden." Hu Wumei said, "There is too much land, so we need to set up a foreman. This person is hard to find..."

Xu Yanliang nodded. He didn't intend to express too many opinions on the production and management here. Originally, his work focus was not on agriculture.The purpose of coming to Hu Wumei is to understand the agricultural production conditions in Sanya, and to learn lessons for future agricultural colonies.

"There is another question," Hu Wumei hesitated, "You always come from Lingao, do you know what the current regulations of the Senate are?"

"What rules?" Xu Yanliang didn't realize it for a while.

"It's just..." Hu Wumei was a little nervous, because he knew that the land issue had always been the core issue within the Senate—even though he had never understood that such a simple matter as buying and selling land would take so many years in the Senate. I can't even get a charter.

"The little ones are asking casually..." He hesitated, "Actually, it's not just the young ones who have this problem. There are people in Sanya and Lingao who want to know."

"Tell me, if I know, as long as there is no violation, I will tell you."

Seeing his statement, Hu Wumei asked courageously, "What does the senate mean by taking photos of the land? The young one has been farming here for several years, but there is still no photo. I asked several elders, but there was no answer." .It is not at ease to plant the land in such a daze."

Xu Yanliang thumped in his heart, thinking that he still had to face the issue of land ownership. The Senate has been walking around vaguely for so many years, and has never issued a clear plan. We can only take temporary measures on a series of issues.Play tricks on the wording.

For those small households, having a house to live in, dozens of acres of land to cultivate, taxation is not heavy, and being able to eat their stomachs is already a blessing, so naturally they don’t pay attention to the houses they live in and the land they cultivate. Who is the owner of the property rights - anyway, even they themselves are "members of the Senate".

But for those foreign "investors" or the "emerging class" like Hu Wumei, their views on property rights are completely different.Who owns the land and whether they can dispose of it themselves are the issues they are most concerned about.

Whether the land is state-owned or privately owned is an old issue that has been debated in the Senate for many years.The only point of view that can be unified by all parties is that "those who have permanent property have perseverance." The question is how to define this "permanent property", and how to ensure the Senate's control over the land and ensure that the poor can also obtain land relatively fairly.

Although the future of the Senate is to establish a country through industry and commerce, the importance of land as a means of production will decline significantly.However, as the most basic means of production and living of human beings, its scarcity and irreplaceability make it inevitable to become the focus of various social contradictions.This also makes the Senate very cautious on this issue. For many years, it has "only discussed, not voted", which is also to prevent major internal rifts caused by this issue.This is one reason why many elders are reluctant to bring up the matter.

Now, like other elders, he can have a laugh and say some specious official words to fool the past.But Xu Yanliang thought about it, and felt that it would be better to speak more clearly.

Xu Yanliang thought for a while and asked, "What is the nature of the land you are planting now? Did the Senate not give you any paperwork?"

"Yes, yes, but I can't understand the words on it." Hu Wumei smiled wryly, "To tell you the truth, if I can figure it out, I'd like to cultivate more land, but I don't dare to do it casually if I'm so confused... ..."

"Bring all your certificates, and tell me about this habitual thing." Xu Yanliang said, "Actually, I don't really understand it myself, but since you have reported it to me, I will definitely tell you about it." The matter shall be referred to the Senate as soon as possible."

In the past few years, it is the first time that such a clear answer about land has been given.Hu Wumei regained her spirits immediately, stood up and said, "Just wait a moment, I'll go get the documents right away!"

Taking advantage of Hu Wumei leaving, Xu Yanliang asked softly: "Is there any water in what this person said?"

Yuan Fei smiled: "Don't listen to his nonsense, his slaves are not fifty or sixty, at least two or three hundred, and they are all in the coconut plantation. Coconuts alone can earn him a lot of money in a year-if he uses them all How much more will the workers pay for their wages alone! He saw that you don’t like using slaves, so he specially said less.”

Xu Yanliang nodded, which was similar to what he thought.The production efficiency of slaves under the plantation economy was not low.It is no accident that those cotton and heat plantations in the Americas were keen to use slaves, just as the demand for food in Western Europe in the 16th century caused a large-scale rebound of serfdom in Eastern Europe.

"How much is a slave now?"

"The price fluctuates. Generally, a young and middle-aged male slave costs more than ten yuan. A female slave also costs seven or eight yuan. It is more expensive with a good physique."

"How many slaves are used here?"

"Many, workers who don't spend money on food, who wouldn't want to use a few? But small families can't afford it, and they don't dare to buy it. It's only the rich and wealthy who buy it." Yuan Fei said, "In the past, under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, there were no workers. Buy slaves to farm the land."

"What is he talking about?"

"That's true. What this old Hu cares most about is his land. This old boy—greedy!" Yuan Fei said without hesitation.

After Hu Wumei went there for a while, she took a tin box, carefully opened the padlock on it, took out a book guard inside, and carefully pulled out a few sheets of paper from it.

"This is when I came to Sanya to share the land with my family. At that time, my family registered 450 members, with a total of [-] standard acres. This was an additional reward from the Senate, which was a total of [-] standard acres. It's wasteland, and these..." He unfolded these certificates one by one on the table, and pressed them with a teacup, "This is my real estate certificate, and this is the land reclamation ticket I gave when I opened up wasteland. ..."

Xu Yanliang picked them up to look at them one by one, and saw that these "licenses" had different inscriptions, patterns, not only the nature of land ownership, but also the issuing department.

"Koufentian" is stamped with the great seal of the Civil Affairs People's Committee. There is no word about the nature of the land, so it is called "Koufentian".

As for the "reward from the Senate", the proof is actually the "Certificate of Taxation of Agricultural Production Land" issued by the State Administration of Taxation.Xu Yanliang couldn't laugh or cry, what kind of land certificate is this!It seems that the people in the Government Affairs Council have racked their brains to avoid the issue of land ownership.

The "land reclamation ticket" is even more strange, and the department with the seal is actually "Sanya Special City Government".Probably the person who thought of this system at the beginning felt that it was so inappropriate, so the two big seals of the Agricultural People's Committee and the General Administration of Taxation were affixed later.

Judging from these evidence alone, it conforms to many characteristics of real estate title certificates, such as drawings, clear land boundaries, and even latitude and longitude.The problem is that these have nothing to do with land title certificates in a legal sense.There are only a few real estate certificates that are quite satisfactory, at least stating the "real estate owner".Of course, the land occupied by real estate only records the area, without specific nature.

It's no wonder that Wumei Hu is muttering.To be honest, with the way of the Senate, the reason why the naturalized people can still win the trust is probably because they live in troubled times and don't have many choices.

Seeing him, Hu Wumei was sometimes surprised, sometimes ridiculed, and sometimes showed an expression of disbelief, and couldn't help but feel anxious.He has studied these land documents for countless times, and always feels that they are "wrong".Seeing that Elder Xu Yuan didn't speak for a long time, he boldly asked: "Chief, look..."

Xu Yanliang shook his head and said, "It's also the first time I've seen these certificates. It's an eye-opener!"

"Then these credentials..."

"Since they are all sealed and issued by the Senate, they are naturally effective, so you don't have to worry too much." Xu Yanliang quickly reassured him, "You don't have to think too much."

"Yes, yes, thank you Chief Xu." These words reassured Hu Wumei, but these messy documents were still a problem for him.After all, this is not the title deed that Ming Kingdom would have made clear!

Xu Yanliang knew from the expression on his face that his promise was not convincing. To be honest, even he himself felt that it was not convincing.

(End of this chapter)

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