Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2366 Financing

Chapter 2366 Financing ([-])

The ice business is no stranger to the Senate. Since the Senate was able to build cold storage, ice has been sold to Guangzhou as a trade commodity. The various iced drinks in Ziming Building in summer and the "earth air conditioner" in the room , all are products in Lingao cold storage.The dignitaries have also gradually become accustomed to ordering ice cubes from Zichengji to keep themselves cool in summer.

In places like Southeast Asia and India, the weather is hotter—speaking of it, Guangdong today can still collect ice cubes in a natural way in the coldest days of winter, but Southeast Asia and India definitely do not have this condition.Not to mention that the ice trade can be expanded to the Red Sea coast in the future.

This business is getting bigger, maybe it can make more money than selling sugar - at least it can make full use of the shipping space.

Thinking of this, Xu Yanliang felt a little excited.Originally, he felt confused about the company's layout and development in Sanya, but now he gradually has an idea.

1635 12 Month 1 Day.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Chu He was pacing anxiously on the deck while talking to himself.The captain Zhou Shengfu who was standing beside him was very puzzled, he had almost seen the lights at Lingaojiao.Bopu Wharf is right in front of you, why is this elder so anxious?Could it be that something urgent happened at home?

Zhou Shengfu took the Hong Kong-Lingao route for a long time, and it is really rare to burn his butt like this veteran.Even if it was to transport the wounded for the joint logistics, and race against time, the veteran doctor on board the ship did not see this urging.

"Chief, don't worry, our boat can only go so fast..." He explained, "But we can see the lighthouse now, and we will definitely arrive in an hour." After that, he paced back and forth. Slowly move away from Chuhe.

Chuhe cursed secretly, if he was not in a hurry, the ghost would take your heavy old-fashioned big boat, but the speed is not flattering, and he can only travel three or four nautical miles in an hour.It was almost twice as slow as the H800 he took from Jeju to Hong Kong.

It's a pity that Hong Kong has no boats to Lingao within a week.The reason is also very simple: the plague blockade in Guangzhou has just ended, and the liner route to Lingao has not yet resumed, so it can only go back and forth with ships transporting "specially needed materials".The only thing that allows him to "seamless" transfer is this dilapidated old slow boat.

His family is not in Lingao—he has brought them to Jeju since he was appointed as the dean of Jeju National School last year.He felt that the climate there was much better than Lingao.As for the child, it's not time to go to primary school yet, so just stay with him.

What drove him to change boats and rush to Lingao anxiously was not an urgent matter at home, but a burning "motivation to improve".

Finally, the cargo ship docked at the pier.Before the boat docked, Chuhe was waiting at the gangway. As soon as the sailor built the gangway, he couldn't wait to rush down with the guards.Zhou Shengfu quickly shouted from behind: "Chief, the special passage for the chief is here!"

Chu He walked out quickly without looking back, and he passed by before the sentinels on the pier had time to salute him.Xiao Pu, the guard carrying the suitcase, trotted all the way behind him. As soon as he got out of the port gate, Chu He got into the veteran carriage arranged by the general office, and immediately said, "Bairen City, Yuanlao's villa area, hurry up!" The coachman didn't speak. , raised his hand and slapped the whip, and the carriage quickly headed towards Bairen City.

Chuhe sat in the carriage, the scenery outside the window was quite different from when he went to Jeju five years ago, but he was not in the mood to pay attention.Five years ago, he was a veteran of soy sauce, fooling around in Fangcaodi, and now he is still a veteran of soy sauce, fooling around in Jeju National School.Such an unremarkable life has made him feel bored, and the opportunity to change everything is in front of him. This time, he will definitely hold the opportunity firmly in his hands.

After getting off the car, he walked towards his house in Lingao, which he hadn't been back for a long time.Walking all the way, even when an old acquaintance greeted him on the way, he hurriedly responded without stopping for half a step.

When I returned to my apartment and opened the door, the room exuded a dampness characteristic of a house that has been unoccupied for a long time, but the environment in the room was clean and it was obviously cleaned frequently.

He walked into the study and said to Xiaopu while taking off his coat, "Open the box and take out my computer." Xiaopu put Chuhe's laptop on the desk.

"Chief, do you want me to unpack your luggage for you..."

"No need." Chuhe said, "Go to the service agency and ask them to bring me a dinner and a pot of tea. By the way, take my dirty clothes and wash them. You can go to the dormitory to rest by yourself after you tell me to play. Don't take care of me."

"Yes, Chief."

After the guard left, Chuhe lit a cigarette, plugged in the power supply, and connected the network cable.It's useless for so many days, so it won't be a problem, right?Fortunately, whether it is power supply or network, everything is normal.

Chuhe took out a draft in the document bag, compared the content of the draft and entered it into the computer. The title of the draft read "Suggestions on the financing of Nanyang companies should be equity and debt".

Before crossing, Chuhe was a financial migrant worker and worked as a trader in a public fund, but because of emotional problems, he decided to cross.Since his job and professional background were useless skills in the eyes of the Senate, he first drove an excavator for a few months after D-Day, and then worked in the military group and Fangcaodi.Due to his lazy nature, he is neither willing to strictly observe military discipline in the army and lead by example, nor is he willing to clock in and attend classes at school and take assessments on time.Therefore, after Zhang Zhixiang rectified the Fangcaodi in 1633, Chuhe found himself gradually "unable to get along" in Fangcaodi.Not only did the veterans who "dedicated themselves to education" regard him as a "slacker", but even the teachers of Guihuamin thought he was "not doing his job properly", so that Hu Qingbai interviewed him very bluntly alone, asking him to "play the positive role of the veterans". Influence" "Don't discredit the Senate".

In order to prevent Hu Qingbai from kicking him out of Fangcaodi, and asking the Organization Office to "arrange another job" for him, and the Senate assigning him an excavator or similar work, he decided to apply to be a teacher in Jeju ——The Senate is preparing to open a national school in Jeju Island——As the first national school in the northern region, the Senate attaches great importance to this.It is planned to send an elder to hold the event.

Jeju Island, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, is an excellent place to make soy sauce, and there are no rules and regulations when going to host schools, so you can be a gentleman quietly.He doesn't understand civil engineering, it's nothing more than people from Lingao Construction Company.Just "grow down and rule" by yourself.

At that moment, he immediately handed in the application form to the education department. Hu Qingbai was eager to "send off the gods", and there were few veterans in Jeju Island. Feng Zongze saw that there were veterans who were willing to support the construction of Jeju, so he naturally wished for it, so with his strong support, Chuhe He became the director of the preparatory office of Jeju Island National School.

Chuhe stayed in Jeju for more than two years. In addition to preparing for the construction of the school, he also worked as a teacher for two years.During the period, he also assisted Feng Zongze in handling some internal affairs of Jeju.The days are happy and carefree.But overall it does nothing.Except for Hu Qingbai and the general office who still remembered him, he gradually became a person forgotten by the Senate.As he grew older, seeing that he was still "dangling", his lazy heart gradually subsided, and he felt that he could no longer be like this.

Returning to Caijinkou is of course a choice, but the current main business of Caijinkou has nothing to do with "finance", and the main energy is to engage in "finance". What funds, stocks and other things that I am good at are in the world of Lingao Not much use for it.If I go there, I can only be a senior accountant.As for accounting, although he is not unfamiliar with it, he is not very familiar with it.

In the midst of contradictions, the big discussion triggered by the Wuzhou incident made the policy of the Senate change significantly. The establishment of Nanyang Company made Chuhe keenly feel that the opportunity is coming: once it involves stock issuance, bond financing, stock trading and other issues Business is when he shows his talents.Last month, as soon as he saw the "Weekly News" published about the preparations for the establishment of the Guangzhou Stock Exchange and the raising of private funds, he immediately became energetic-hasn't this been created several times for himself? !He decided to return to Lingao, submit the financing plan he had prepared, and try to find a position in Nanyang Company.

As soon as he arrived in Hong Kong along the way, he used his status as a veteran to change to the fastest boat, and hurried to Lingao. While improving his financing plan on the way, he prayed that he would not read in the newspaper that the Nanyang Company's financing plan had fallen into dust. fixed news.After two weeks of sailing, Chuhe finally appeared at his home. He didn't care about the pain of traveling, and wanted to quickly post his plan on the BBS.As he was typing, the expressions of approval from other elders had appeared in his mind, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Just as I was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door outside, and it turned out that someone from the service agency brought dinner.He suddenly remembered something, quickly filled out a temporary pass, put it in an envelope and sealed it, wrote a few lines on the envelope, and handed it to the waiter.

"You send this letter at once to this address."

"We'll send someone right away." The waitress took the envelope with an ambiguous smile on her face.Obviously, she knew exactly what was in it.

It was late at night, and the elder Chuhe was lying on the bed without any sleepiness, next to a girl with a graceful figure, her slightly undulating figure looked uneven under the cover of the sheet.However, the joy of the night only made Elder Chu feel relaxed for a while. At this moment, everything was silent outside, and anxiety took over Elder Chu's mind again.

Just now, after posting the post, he has already browsed various related plans on the BBS. Generally speaking, issuing stocks and establishing a stock exchange are the consensus of many financial people.All kinds of programs have their own merits.There are many people's replies behind some plans.It seems very popular.

(End of this chapter)

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