Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2367 Financing

Chapter 2367 Financing ([-])

Judging from the content of the post, the Senate should raise funds from the private sector, which is the consensus of all parties.And it has done some practical work in the past.It also advocated the promotion of "mixed enterprises" to separate management rights and equity.In this regard, Runshitang was the earliest. This small herbal medicine store in Lingao is now the largest Chinese medicine company in the Senate, and it can be said to be a typical example of "mixed ownership".Later, Guangzhou Zizihao even issued non-preferred shares, which was the first of its kind for Senate companies to issue shares to attract private capital.

But precisely because of the success of these early enterprises, although under the 51% control principle of the Planning Council, the Senate has always held control over these mixed-ownership enterprises, but quite a few elders believe that the profits of these enterprises are divided Too much walking.And as these companies continue to grow—this is obvious, the equity acquired at the beginning with only a few hundred taels of silver will gradually expand into billions of assets. party consensus.

In addition to ridiculing posts such as "cutting leeks" and "going to the roof" and unworkable plans, based on the two consensus points, the main differences between the parties lie in how to raise funds and whether a stock exchange needs to be established.

For stock exchanges and financing solutions, there are basically three ideas: issuing stocks, issuing bonds, and hybrid issuance.These three ideas also have views on establishing or not establishing a stock exchange.So there are six attitudes in total.Chuhe himself is in favor of mixed issuance and the establishment of a stock exchange.Especially the stock exchange, which can be regarded as the main purpose of Chuhe's rush back from Jeju this time.

From the perspective of financing means, the Senate can only use stocks and bonds at present. It is nothing more than which one takes the main position or which one is issued first. However, there are great differences on whether the Guangzhou Stock Exchange should be established. of.

The stock exchange can "get money", which is a truth that all the elders understand.But how does the stock exchange get money, and how capital "creates something out of nothing" and "turns something out of nothing" through this market, not all the veterans understand.

Since ancient times, finance has been a game for smart people. Talented students have flocked to the financial field. Apart from high income, this line of work is not something that ordinary people can do.

Because the water in this business is very deep, many elders opposed the establishment of a securities trading institution, thinking that the current focus of the Senate is to occupy land and engage in industry. The intention to cut leeks in the name of the exchange.He also pointed out that stock exchanges will inevitably increase speculation, which will greatly increase financial risks. Therefore, they are not opposed to trading stocks or bonds, but they are opposed to setting up specialized institutions to conduct transactions.

Chuhe knows: the goal of the Senate is to obtain working capital, and try to keep the financing cost as low as possible, and also to look good.

However, it is quite difficult to balance all three, especially in the current social environment.It is no wonder that some veterans criticized this as "taking off their pants to deflate",
His idea is to formulate the rules first, and leave some room for interpretation in the corners of the rules only for the senate (regulatory layer).Let the Senate itself make a lot of money, and a small number of core forces attached to the Senate will make money, use the wealth effect to attract a larger amount of private capital, and use the rules to make these private capital only get petty profits in the end.Whether to cut some leeks for nothing depends on the impact on the financial ecology and the needs of the Senate.The method is to use the understanding of financial rules, the power to interpret the rules, the huge financial capital, and the legal power of violence possessed by the Senate.

Therefore, this exchange needs to be established. Even if it cannot be established as a physical entity for the time being, the rules must be established as soon as possible.

It was based on this idea that he carefully wrote this plan and posted it on the BBS.However, the situation in the past few days has been quite difficult for him. It has been almost a week since he announced his financing plan on the BBS, and the hot situation he imagined did not appear.There are very few replies to the posts discussing him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that no one cares about him.It is completely different from the previous days when the discussions were in full swing and there were even heated debates.He wondered to himself whether the level of his plan was too low?But after looking at it, other plans may not be much better than his own.
"No," Chuhe secretly made up his mind, "I can't drag it on like this any longer. I'll find someone to inquire about it tomorrow."

In the evening of the next day, Chu He stepped into the Nanhai Cafe, glanced around a few times, and suddenly a man shouted: "Brother Chu! This way!".The person who called him was Sun Butao, who was an old acquaintance with Chuhe.Both of them have financial backgrounds and have similar experience. After D-Day, both were arrested by the construction team. After simple training, one drove an excavator and the other a bulldozer.Later, they went to Fangcaodi to make soy sauce together. They were brothers who shared weal and woe. However, after the financial department got on the right track, Sun Butao took the initiative to move closer to the organization and became a financial migrant worker. Big and small leaders.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Sun Butao asked, "Brother Chu, why did you come back suddenly? Is this a new appointment? Where are the family members?"

Although Chuhe has been working as soy sauce for many years, it did not delay his childbirth.Now there are three life secretaries and seven children.

"I came back from temporary leave." Chuhe said and ordered a cup of black coffee—this is the most obvious imprint left on him by his study abroad life. "To tell you the truth, I came back this time to run The official came."

"It's really rare to be an official. If you really want to be an official, you still go to Jeju Island?" Sun Butao looked disbelieving, "To be honest, most of these positions in the Senate are extremely busy. There is no interest in having sex anymore..."

"Aren't I enlightened now! There is no future for fooling around." Chuhe said, "I can't spend my whole life in Jeju Island-I am still young. I am tired of teaching for so long, and I am ready to learn." You took the initiative to move closer to the organization."

Sun Butao's eyes lit up: "Did you come here because of Nanyang Company's affairs? Are you going to go to the surrounding? He is very hot now! People who want to see him are queuing up to get their numbers..."

"It's true about Nanyang Company, but I'm not going to join him." Chuhe said.

Sun Butao blinked and said, "Then what are you going to do? Are you here to stare at the stock exchange?"

"Basically, I wrote a financing plan for Nanyang Company and posted it on the BBS. It's been several days without any movement. I feel that my writing is okay. I don't want to come here to find out what's going on."

Sun Butao smiled and said, "Brother, what do you expect to happen? Everyone clapped their hands and praised, and then the department department sent you a letter of appointment?"

Chu He said embarrassedly: "No, I just think that Nanyang Company's financing is such an important matter, and if I propose a plan, no one will discuss it?"

Sun Butao shook his head and said: "Brother Chu, you have been away from Lingao for too long, and you don't even think about it. Nanyang Company must be important, and there must be people discussing it, but who is discussing it with you? You are not in the financial department. That is How could the discussion be on the BBS, they don't care what someone posted on the BBS."

Chu He said: "No, I don't think there are too few people on the BBS..." Chu He also felt a little lack of confidence when he said this. The status of the elders has been greatly reduced. First, because the elders' suggestions have formal channels to respond and resolve them.The second is that many things cannot be solved on the BBS, so it is better to run the department in person.What's more, most of the veterans' work takes up a lot of time. If they want to know the news, they can just look at the internal reference, and they don't want to tear each other up on the Internet.Not to mention that a large number of veterans who are not in Lingao do not have the conditions to go to the BBS.

"Before... the Nanxia faction used to gain public opinion in order to gain the right to speak. In the end, they just made Nanyang Company into a success. Didn't they do it through BBS?" Chuhe suddenly remembered.

Sun Butao said: "That's a competition for interests, my brother. Of course, public opinion is needed. Now it's about distributing interests. Of course, it's done behind closed doors. How can it be said publicly on the BBS?"

Chu He couldn't help lamenting that he had been away from Lingao for too long, usually far away from the political center, and didn't pay much attention to various internal affairs of the Senate, and was not very clear about the internal power operation of the Senate and many other aspects.For a moment, I feel that this matter is so troublesome, and it is far inferior to the relaxed and comfortable life of riding a horse in Jeju and molesting and molesting women.But this feeling only lasted for a moment, and he asked, "Then how should I solve this problem? How about I go directly to the person at the financial gate? Cheng Dong?"

Sun Butao thought for a while, then slowly said: "Maybe not, not to mention whether you can find him right now, it's not certain whether this matter will belong to him or not."

"Then who cares about the financial port?"

Sun Butao looked at Chuhe's face and said doubtfully, "Brother Chu, don't you know about that?"

Chuhe looked confused: "What's the matter?"

Sun Butao suddenly realized: "Oh! Brother Chu, you were on the boat during that time, no wonder you didn't know about it." Then he lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "The Nanxia faction clashed with the Government Administration Council. A lot of connections have been made, and the public opinion has become very fierce. It is said that several bigwigs are very dissatisfied with this, saying that they have the intention of turning the Wenlan River back..."

"Damn, such a powerful hat." Chuhe was taken aback, "Who is not satisfied? President Wen? Secretary Ma? Or..."

Sun Butao immediately averted his gaze, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand. Anyway, the atmosphere was very tense at the time, and the matter has subsided now. But the aftermath is still there. Now you are using the name of Nanyang Company to go to the financial office to talk about financing I'm afraid the plan won't get any good looks."

(End of this chapter)

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