Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2368 Financing

Chapter 2368 Financing ([-])

Chuhe frowned, thinking why this kind of thing still exists, why did he do it by himself first.The Nanyang Company has not written a word yet, and first had a conflict with the Government Affairs Council. What's going on?He had suspected before that there were other reasons besides his ignorance that no one cared about his proposal. Now it seems that his proposal was issued at an inappropriate time, and it is not surprising that he was regarded as a hot spot for the drive south.What should I do now?Chuhe was silent.

Seeing that Chuhe was silent, Sun Butao didn't disturb his thinking, and waved to the waiter to add two bottles of grape soda and put them on the table.After a while, Chuhe raised his head and said, "Damn it, I'll look around if the Government Affairs Council doesn't care about it. Since he's coming to the policy, he has nothing but policy farts. I don't believe he doesn't worry about money now. The Nanxia faction and I don't care about any conflicts in the Government Council, anyway, I brought the financing plan, and anyone who wants to use it can give me a seat."

Sun Butao said with a smile: "I think it's okay, but you have to hurry up. The surroundings are so busy now that Lingao, Guangzhou, Sanya and Danzhou have run back and forth a few times. In Lingao, they are also visiting the elders everywhere. There will be no time for a while. Take care of this matter. When he is free, he himself is a finance major, and it is said that he is also a Ph.D. If you are going late, I am afraid he will finish it himself."

"What else?!" Chuhe only remembered that this person was working in the Department of Colonial Trade, or some kind of director, but he didn't expect that he was actually walking with him!

"His wife also came from a financial background, and is now the head of the Currency Department of the Reserve Bank of China. Don't the husband and wife know better about the routines of financial migrant workers than others?"

"Damn, I'm going to hurry up when you say that!" Although Chu He said that, his heart sank.In terms of academic qualifications, qualifications, and professional ability, it might be a lot higher in this area, and his own set of things may not be able to catch his eyes.

Sun Butao saw that his face was gloomy. He was also a financial migrant worker, so he was the most astute.He immediately knew what Chuhe was thinking.Encourage him:

"Now that there are big leaders around, it's impossible to do everything by yourself. There are many people around him now, but I don't know anyone who can help him raise funds. Brother Chu, you can find him in the right way. If you can finally do this If there is a possibility, I will let you pick it up."

These words reminded him that just because Party A is an expert doesn't mean that he doesn't need Party B, otherwise Party A can do it all by himself?Besides, my ambition is to run a stock exchange, not to be a wage earner for Nanyang Company.Thinking of this, he lifted his spirits and asked:

"Where is the surrounding area now? Danzhou?"

"He just came back from Danzhou a few days ago, and he seems to have gone to Guangzhou recently. But you have to consult the general office about this matter, they know the whereabouts of all the elders."

"Okay, if he goes to Guangzhou, I will go to Guangzhou tomorrow too!" Chu He said and was about to get up.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Sun Butao pulled him back, "You can't escape around. You should tell me the truth first—you are trying so hard to sell the plan, don't you want to be a financial consultant for Nanyang Company?"

"As a financial consultant for Nanyang Company, I might as well stay on Jeju Island..."

"That's right," Sun Butao looked around and lowered his voice, "You have to be a little ambitious. Let me give you a letter. Mr. Cheng recently said at the regular meeting of veteran cadres of the Ministry of Finance: At present, we It is still very primitive in the field of securities finance, and there is too little support for the financing needs of enterprises of various ownership types, and efforts must be made to improve..."

"That's true?!" Chu He's eyes widened in an instant—this was an obvious signal.

"Yeah." Sun Butao nodded, "I can tell you something..."

"Speak up, buddy! Stop squeezing the toothpaste!"

"The regular meeting of veteran cadres in the Ministry of Finance, and the wives around are also eligible to participate. So he knows exactly what you think now. You have an idea in your own mind. I'm afraid the asking price will not be too low."

"Shit, I'll give him a plan for free, but he still asks for a price?"

"There are so many people who can come up with a plan. We have a lot of senior financial migrant workers in the Senate." Sun Butao said, "As far as I know, you are not the only one who is currently working on a financing plan and intends to use it to ask for directions. Your plan You have to do what you like..."

"Thank you so much." Chuhe shook his hand tightly.

That night, Chuhe contacted the general office and confirmed that he was in Guangzhou and had no new travel plans recently.He immediately notified the general office to book him the earliest fast passenger ship to Guangzhou tomorrow morning.

Two days later, Chu River set foot on Guangzhou World Wharf.

Of course, according to the standards of this time and space, Guangzhou can be called "slight loss" this time.

But this time when he came to Guangzhou, he could feel that the city had begun to recover—it was, after all, the largest city in South China.Along the way, there are noisy voices on the wharf, and there are many masts and masts.The sound of the steam crane working is deafening, and there are scenes of loading and unloading everywhere.A wide variety of industrial products produced in Lingao, large and small bags of military supplies were unloaded and transshipped, and pig iron, porcelain, tea and other materials from the mainland were immediately loaded and transported away. The continuous flow of shipping shows that this Senate ruled The next largest city is coming out of influence.

The wharf for fast passenger ships is the dedicated wharf for the veterans of Guangzhou Great World, also known as the "Inner World Wharf".From here, you can directly enter the part of Guangzhou Great World that is not open to the public through the special channel for veterans.Office
Since Chuhe's visit to Guangzhou was a private action, and he deliberately kept a low profile, he just asked the general office to send a simple "veteran's itinerary" telegram, so there were no veterans on the pier to greet him, only the staff of the three big worlds. .

"Welcome Elder Chu Yuan to Guangzhou. Guangzhou World welcomes you. I am Xiao Gao, the deputy manager of Guangzhou No. [-] Guest House. I hope you don't mind our simple welcome ceremony. We will do our best..."

Chuhe didn't care about the ostentation, and interrupted: "Does the elder around you live in the guest house? Where is he now?" After finishing speaking, he walked inside.

Deputy Manager Gao was obviously choked, but he was no longer surprised by the old man's direct approach. While gesturing to the waiter to take the luggage, he followed up and said, "Zhou Yuan always lives with us, but he is in the city now, maybe Come back at night—or maybe not."

Chu He asked as he walked, "Where's his secretary? Is there anyone around him in the big world now?"

Deputy Manager Gao hesitated for a while and replied: "Uh... It seems that Mr. Zhou Yuan's Secretary Zhou is here now."

Chu He turned his head and said to Pu Zhixian: "Go to Secretary Zhou and ask her if she has received the telegram I sent to Mr. Zhou Yuan the day before yesterday. Give her the summary in your bag and tell her: I have urgent business with Mr. Zhou Yuan." Ask her to notify you as soon as Elder Zhou Yuan comes back."

"Yes, I'll go right away."

It was also the first time for Chuhe to come back to the Guangzhou Great World. To be honest, the appearance of this big world was a bit like a large comprehensive commercial market that he had been to in a small county town on the [-]th line.

"This way, please." Deputy Manager Gao led the way.

The No. 20 guest house is dedicated to entertaining veterans and senior naturalized cadres. It occupies a part of the second floor of the east wing of the Lishi World Building and has more than [-] guest rooms.All have their own bathroom facilities.

Chuhe was led to the first-class room by Deputy Manager Gao.This kind of room is a suite. In addition to the bedroom, there is also a living room that also functions as a study. The decoration is luxurious. The bathroom is also the standard decoration of the bathroom of the senior residence, which is similar to the furnishings of Chuhe's home in Jeju.

On the table, there is a large plate of welcome fruits-in this era when greenhouses are not popular, only Guangzhou, which is close to Hainan, can have this condition to supply fruits in winter.

The waiter put down the suitcase and backed out immediately.

Deputy Manager Gao gave the key to Chuhe: "Your guard's room is in the entourage dormitory on the first floor. The No. [-] rope next to the desk leads directly to his dormitory room. The No. [-] rope next to the bed leads to the general service desk. You If you want to go out for a walk, you can go to the front desk to call a car. Although the epidemic in Guangzhou is basically over now, it is still not recommended to go to crowded places. At present, the urban area of ​​Guangzhou belongs to the yellow zone, and the standard for veteran guards is at least two people. I think You only brought one, please notify before you go out, we will provide you with guards."


"Is there anything else you need now?" Deputy Manager Gao asked.

"No, thank you." Chuhe said.

"Then I won't bother you." Deputy Manager Gao said as he withdrew, as if thinking of something before leaving the door, he said, "By the way, there is a list of our big world's services in the drawer, some of which are quite useful. Special," said it, and was about to push it out, when he suddenly remembered something and asked:

"How are you going to arrange dinner?"

"Just give me a set meal, no need to order."

"Yes, we'll arrange it for you right now." He closed the door and backed out.

"Hehe, the office is really particular nowadays..." Chu He said to himself, "It's a bit like a star hotel."

Chu He opened the drawer, and saw that there were multiple service categories such as catering, entertainment, consumption and tourism on the list, whether it was food delivery, karaoke, watching movies, shopping guides, local companions, or some unexplainable items. Of course, some items need to go to Ziming Building to enjoy, and they are not directly provided here.The natural price also belongs to the price that only the elders can afford.

"This Liu Xiang does all these things, it's really vulgar taste." Chu He secretly slandered, naturally, he is in financial difficulties now, so he has to seek compensation in various aspects, which is not incomprehensible.But the key is to dig out the money in the hands of the local rich in Guangzhou to be serious.

As far as digging Lao Cai's hoard, according to his opinion, Liu Xiang didn't do enough. Since he couldn't do it, let him do such a small favor for Liu Dafu.He must be grateful to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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