Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2369 Financing

Chapter 2369 Financing ([-])

Chuhe has a huge family in Jeju Island, and he learns from others.Besides, he came to Guangzhou to sell the plan, so he was naturally not interested in these sensual things.

Although the guest house is also equipped with a power socket, Chuhe didn't carry a notebook - the life of this thing is one day less, or a paper notebook is more reliable.He opened his notebook, silently thinking about how to "roadshow" when he was preparing to meet his surroundings tomorrow, and wrote down the main points that came to mind from time to time.

It was the first time in his career that the target of his road show was not various capital tycoons, but peers.Chuhe felt somewhat uneasy.

If I want to occupy a decisive position in the future stock exchange, the financing of Nanyang Company must be settled.Only succeed, not fail.

However, after a while, someone knocked on the door.It turned out that Manager Gao brought the dinner.Chuhe thought he was disturbing him, so he told him "don't come again if there is nothing important".

After hastily eating dinner, Chu He continued to rehearse while pacing in the room.Suddenly the door was knocked again.

"MD, is this the case?" He said impatiently, "Come in!"

This time it was not Manager Gao who came back, but the guard Park Zhixian, with a bit of resentment on his face.

Chuhe knew something was up at a glance, and asked, "What's the matter? Have you seen the secretary around you? Have you made an appointment?"

Park Zhixian said angrily: "I saw it, but this secretary lady is really arrogant. To see her, you have to get a number-there are at least [-] or [-] people waiting outside. I waited for more than an hour before seeing her." When it came to her, I said that I was delivering a letter to the chief, so I was allowed to go in first."

"So hot?" Chuhe was not surprised.

"Just wait, your chief, you don't know what Secretary Zhou said, it's really annoying." Pu Zhixian was indignant, "I said I was your security guard, and I came to see Mr. Zhou Yuan. She said she had never heard of your name and asked you Why are you looking for Mr. Zhou Yuan? I said you are looking for Mr. Zhou Yuan to discuss the matter of Nanyang Company. Her face changed when she heard this. I asked her if Mr. Zhou Yuan received the telegram you sent him? Guess she said What? She said that she had nothing to say about Mr. Zhou Yuan's business affairs. I asked her when Mr. Zhou Yuan would come back, and she said she didn't know. I had to ask her when I could ask Mr. Zhou Yuan to meet, but she said that I needed to ask for instructions. Mr. Zhou Yuan, anyway, Mr. Zhou Yuan is very busy these days. Didn’t you see her impatient face, ah... I have no choice but to give her the summary of the proposal, saying that this document is for Zhou Yuan. Elder, it’s very important, she took it and threw it into the file basket next to me and sent me away. Why do you say she is so arrogant, she is not a..."

Chu He waved his hand to stop Xiaopu's complaints: "Okay, I understand." He thought: It seems that one person really attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven, and a small secretary put on such a big airs.No wonder, after the appointment of the general manager of the Nanyang company around, I don't know how many people are staring at him, wanting to get a piece of the pie from him, isn't he one of them?

"In that case, let's wait and see the situation. If there is no news tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will go find him myself."

Unexpectedly, this wait lasted for three or four days, and there was no movement around. Chuhe couldn't bear it anymore, and sent Pu Zhixian to inquire several times, but the answer he got was "Mr. Empty, as usual, "the chief's official business has no comment."

Now, Chuhe couldn't sit still anymore.If he was in Lingao, he would just call the PHS around him.But there is no such thing in Guangzhou, and there are no fixed offices around Guangzhou, so there is no office phone.To see him, he can only go to the door, and now the secretary, the door god, is blocking there this week, and he has nothing to do.

After waiting for a few days, he decided to look around himself.Even if he's not in the office, at least get the time fixed.

"You must not get angry." Chu He secretly warned himself before setting off.Then he said to Park Zhixian: "We'll see Secretary Zhou in a while, don't talk, let alone quarrel with her, understand?"

"I understand! But this is too pampering her, the elder is not as big as her..."

"A man can bend and stretch."

A senator, condescending to see a secretary.This is somewhat embarrassing.But Chuhe knows that this is not a rare thing in the Senate.Especially for some veterans at the big boss level, the status of their secretary is at least not a state that ordinary seniors can ignore.Anyone who saw Hou Wenyong had to politely call "Secretary Waiting". As for Qian Xuanhuang who came out to work for Chairman Qian, the elders who received him had to show "enthusiasm".

"After all, we are not a family anymore. We are just in the same boat." Every time Chuhe thinks of this, he always feels a little sad.

However, this is also the inevitable development of history.The temporary low profile is to strive for a better status.The ancients said: A man can bend and stretch.Working hard for the future position of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Stock Exchange, a Secretary Zhou is nothing.

The surrounding temporary offices are actually in the inner world of the big world.When Chuhe went, there were quite a few people waiting for Secretary Zhou to meet outside, but after he revealed his identity, the clerk in charge of taking the number and registering immediately took him in.

Before he walked in, he heard a young woman's crisp voice:
"I can't disclose Mr. Zhou's work arrangement and schedule. This is a rule." "It doesn't matter if you are a veteran. I can't violate Mr. Zhou's instructions. Don't make things difficult for me." "I don't know when he will come back." Please register first, and the chief will definitely make an appointment with you when he is free." "Just put the materials here, and I will pass them on."

Chu He frowned, thinking that Xiao Pu hadn't added any embellishments.Listening to the voice of this female secretary is not easy to mess with.The elder inside didn't know which one it was, and couldn't even make a sound.He coughed immediately, so as not to embarrass the people inside.Waited for a while before walking in.

The office inside is not big, there is only a desk, and behind the desk is a young woman with a beautiful appearance and a pair of big eyes.Her expression is very different from that of ordinary female naturalized people:
The female naturalized civilian cadres of the Senate were either born in poverty, went to factories and farms after purification, worked hard all the way, and were promoted; they were either from Fangcaodi or the College of Arts and Sciences.But no matter whether they are "from the grassroots" or "from the academy", when they face the elders, their expressions are either admiration, awe or fear, or admiration.But this one didn't have any of these expressions, only a hint of impatience.

"Then I'll come back in a few days." The speaker's tone was somewhat frustrated, and it could be heard that it was not the first time he had come here.

"Sir, go slowly! I will notify you as soon as Mr. Zhou decides to see you."

Chuhe thought that this shit is the same as "treating you to dinner when I have time".Seeing the other person turn around, he was slightly taken aback. He knew this person, whose name was Ren Youzi, and he was also in the same company.A former employee of a brokerage firm who ran away because of using insider information to trade.

Because of such a "glorious history", Cheng Dong didn't like him very much, so he got him to Cheka.Cheka is the place that the migrant workers in Caijinkou are the last place they want to go.However, Ren Youzi was unwilling to change his career, so he stayed in the Cheka all the time, and it is said that he also got a position as a director or something—anyway, as long as he is a veteran now, he must be a director.

"Old Ren!" Chu He shouted.

Ren Youzi was startled, and looked up to see Chuhe, with mixed expressions on his face, as if he felt a little embarrassed about reuniting on such an occasion: "Chuhe? Why are you here? Didn't you go to Jeju Island?"

"Just came back, just came back," Chu He said, "It's a long story. Why don't you wait for me for a while, let's have a drink together after I finish my work?"

"Okay, I have nothing to do anyway." Ren Youzi waved his hand, "You go ahead!"

After Ren Youzi left, Chuhe asked if his appointment and related summaries had been delivered around.

"Mr. Zhou has no appointment with you." The Secretary Zhou didn't even have the word "please sit down." He rolled his eyes and took out a large notebook, flipped through it a few times, "Until next Monday, Mr. Zhou will Not available."

"What about his latest schedule? I'll find him myself."

There was undisguised impatience on Secretary Zhou's face, and it could be seen that she was trying to make her expression look better:
"Well, I'm sorry I can't disclose Mr. Zhou's work schedule, it's confidential."

"Is it also kept secret from the elders?"

"This is a rule, don't make it difficult for me." Secretary Zhou forced a smile on his face, "I have registered for an appointment, and I can't do anything without Mr. Zhou's arrangement..."

"And what about the summary I asked the guard to deliver? Did you look around?"

"I don't know about this. I send all relevant documents to Mr. Zhou every day."

Just as Chu He was about to say something, Pu Zhixian suddenly shouted: "Chief, look!"

Following the direction of his fingers, what Chuhe saw was a file basket with a cover beside the desk, and the cover of the file basket was half open at the moment.He was about to take a closer look, when Secretary Zhou, who had been so calm and composed, stood up from his seat like a spring on his buttocks, and rushed over to close the lid of the document basket.

"Stop!" Chuhe yelled—he didn't even think his voice would be so loud.Because at this moment, he saw the corner of a familiar envelope.

This envelope is the same as all the official envelopes of the Senate, but it is stained with sealing wax that he accidentally dripped when he sealed it.

He walked over and took out the envelope.That's right, it was the memo he wrote to his surroundings.The handwriting on it is clear.

Chuhe turned around, and asked with a trembling voice in a suppressed voice, "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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