Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2370 Financing

Chapter 2370 Financing ([-])

"This... This is a document to be sent to Mr. Zhou." Secretary Zhou's tone was flustered, the original arrogance disappeared without a trace, and it seemed that he was trying to find words, "He,... Mr. Zhou has not been in Guangzhou recently! I didn't No way to send it! I have to save it first, and show it to Mr. Zhou when he comes back!"

Chuhe ignored her, threw his memo to Xiao Pu, and then poked around in it. There were more than a dozen memos and letters in the file basket, and they were all veterans with strange names from the signatures. Some he knew and some he didn't.Among them were the documents of the elder Ren Youzi who had sneaked out just now.

Chu He straightened up and let out a long breath.His eyes almost burst into flames.For a moment, he even had the thought of killing someone.Although he "willed to degenerate" and worked as a "soy sauce" for several years in pursuit of comfort, he can be regarded as having exercised enough "self-cultivation of soy sauce".

But at this moment, he was completely shocked.It turned out that his status in the hearts of the naturalized people was like this!From D-Day to the present, which naturalized people treat elders as gods, or the highest-ranking naturalized people cadres, life secretaries of big bosses, at best "treat each other with courtesy", no one dares to do this Despise the elders!

And now, the plan he spent countless hours and painstaking efforts on is thrown into such a file box. Although this is not a trash can, he can imagine that a bunch of memos are stuffed together regardless of date, and the final result It will be the same fate as the job application resume in the HR filing cabinet-it will be thrown away as garbage!

For a moment, Chu He's blood surged, his face was flushed red, and Pu Zhixian's hand touched the handle of the gun. Until the old man Chu Yuan gave an order, he immediately took down this ignorant secretary—or simply rewarded her with a slap in the face. Tell her to kneel down and admit her mistake.

"Xiaopu!" Chuhe barely restrained his emotions, and in an instant, countless years passed through his mind.According to his impulse, killing this week's secretary on the spot was not enough to relieve his hatred.But killing a naturalized cadre in the office, unless the other party is a traitor or traitor, no matter how good the reason is, he will be stained.

Seeing that Pu Zhixian was eager to try, he waved his hand to stop the guard.

"Okay! Very good!" Chuhe spit out such a sentence from his lips, grabbed a few documents, turned around and left.Secretary Zhou wanted to stop him, but was overwhelmed by his "murderous eyes" and dared not move.Park Zhixian gave her a hard look, turned around and followed.

"Chief! Let's just forget it?" Park Zhixian chased him out and asked.

"This matter is not over. Let's find a place to reason!" Chu He walked out of the building angrily, and the guards hurriedly followed.

"Go to Manager Gao and tell him to prepare the car!"

"Yes!" Pu Zhixian replied, and after a while, Manager Gao came over with a sedan chair.

"Chief! Roads are being dug everywhere in the city, the carriage cannot go, only the sedan chair..."

Chuhe ignored him, got into the sedan chair directly, and shouted: "Go!"

Park Zhixian hurriedly said: "Chief! Where are we going?"

"Go, go to the city hall!" Chu He yelled, and then muttered in a low voice: "If Liu Xiang also f*cks to show off, I can only go back to Lingao to make a fuss!"

Just as the sedan chair started, Chu He suddenly called out again: "Stop!"

The bearer didn't know why, so he stopped again.Chu He sat in the sedan chair for less than a minute, and went through several rounds in his mind, why did he go to Liu Xiang by himself?say what?Is it possible to cry to Liu Xiang?In the final analysis, Liu Xiang is only the mayor of Guangzhou, not the boss around him—even if he is the boss around him, what can he do to his surroundings?The most is to ask him to apologize and fine him three times the amount of alcohol.Besides, the secretary is so rampant this week, is it just a villain who has risen to the sky, or is it inspired by his surroundings?Of course, regardless of whether it is true or not, the surroundings will not admit the latter...

How about looking for Wen Desi?The situation is the same as that of Liu Xiang.It does not directly solve any problems.I want to vent my anger—I want to vent my anger, I did it on the spot in the office just now, why do I need to "ask someone to decide?"

Pu Zhixian saw that the chief's face was cloudy and uncertain in the sedan chair, he gritted his teeth and said nothing, and hurriedly asked, "Chief! Where are we going now?"

"Go to the city hall!"

Chuhe thought to himself, no matter what, this matter has to make a big splash. If it doesn't make a big splash, he will admit he is cowardly.Only when there is a big trouble, will the surroundings be willing to pay enough.Otherwise, if you don't even dare to make trouble, why should people buy your account?Thinking of this, he has already thought about the next step.

"Yes!" Just as the sedan chair was about to leave, Chuhe stopped Pu Zhixian again, "You go to find the elder Ren Youzi who just left—he must also live here, please go to the city hall right away—I'm in Liushi Chang Na—just say that I have something urgent to find him!"

Liu Xiang is in the city government, not only he is there, but several main elders in Guangzhou are also there.The main purpose of their gathering is naturally to "make money".

The biggest test in Guangzhou has passed, but there are still a lot of aftermath to be done: Refugees need relief to survive, businessmen need loans to reopen, so many days have passed for medical staff, soldiers, police, cadres at all levels, and the streets. The head of the group and the head of the group work around the clock, and many people have sacrificed.The dead have to be paid for, and the living have to be rewarded, all of which require money.

But where does the money come from?Guangzhou's economic activities have completely stagnated these days, and businessmen are almost bankrupt-although big businessmen like Gao Ju are not as embarrassed as small and medium-sized businessmen, they have almost lost more than half a year's income.This means that in the field of taxation, the industrial and commercial tax, which was originally expected to be high, has no hope at all-not only is there no hope, but in order to release water and fish, businessmen have to be given loans to tide them over.

It is impossible to count on higher-level appropriations, and Deron's policy loans cannot be counted on too much.Cheng Dong issued instructions every week: Banks should pay attention to currency exchange risks and the possibility of hyperinflation.

In terms of local revenue, the "spoils of war" have almost been spent, and Ai Zhixin's grand blueprint of "tax reform" is almost bankrupt.Fortunately, the two deputy bureau chiefs he had been waiting for finally arrived.
Both Wang and Zhang are old men in the taxation system. Although their academic qualifications are not as good as Ai Zhixin's, their rich practical experience is second to none in the Senate.Whether it's Ai Zhixin or Liu Xiang, they are all waiting for them to come to Guangzhou to "turn a stone into gold" and dig up the silver that the old rich people have hoarded.

"What? The elder of Chuhe asked to see him?" Liu Xiang was a little dazed when he heard the secretary's report - because he didn't know him at all, and he had never heard of it.

"A few days ago, the general office sent a telegram of the itinerary of the elders, and the elders of Chuhe came to Guangzhou on a business trip..."

After being reminded by the secretary, Liu Xiang remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

"Did the telegram say what he was coming for? See me for anything?"

"There is no explanation in the telegram, but it seems to be related to the Nanyang Company."

"The business of Nanyang Company requires him to look around, why should he ask me?" Liu Xiang was very displeased with these soy sauce veterans who "didn't do their job properly".Needless to say, this Chuhe elder is probably one of the elders who came to catch up with the hot stove around him recently.A few days ago, Ai Zhixin joked that throwing a brick at the No. [-] Guest House would hit a Nanxia faction nine times out of ten.

"He said that he has something very important to report to you. It is related to the unity of the Senate." The secretary lowered his voice again, "I think he is very angry. I am afraid there is something..."

Liu Xiang nodded, although he didn't know what happened, but since he came to the door, there must be something important.

"Please invite him to the reception room, and I will go to see him in a while."

Ai Zhixin asked: "Mayor Liu! What's the matter with Chuhe?"

"I don't know. But I heard from the secretary that I'm in a hurry." Liu Xiang got up and said, "Just in case, I'll see him. You guys wait here for a while, it probably won't be long."

"...Just such a mere secretary can actually isolate the inside and outside, block the audio-visual, deceive the superior and the inferior, and destroy the unity! If this continues, how can it be done! How can it be done!" Chu He was "passionate", half sincere, half artificial, waving Looking at the stack of plans in his hand, "Look! Look, the plans written by us veterans have been put in a file box, and the longest one has been stored for half a month! This is a plan for sale. Waste paper or throw it in the trash can? Where is the sending and receiving system of the Senate? Who gave her such great power? Is this fucking the secretary of the elder?

"It's unreasonable! It's outrageous!" Liu Xiang already understood the whole story.To be honest, he wasn't surprised at all.Because this kind of thing is not uncommon.Although he himself is not sure whether this is the intention of his surroundings or the reckless behavior of the secretary, but he has to show the position of "same hatred and hatred" in this matter.

"I'll send someone to look around immediately, and ask him to explain clearly in person!" Liu Xiang unambiguously picked up the phone and shook it a few times, "Quick, send someone to look around immediately! Ask him to come to the city hall! What? ?” He frowned, “He went to Foshan?! He won’t be back until tomorrow. Okay, I got it, you inform him: I’ll invite him to come to the Guangzhou Municipal Government tomorrow night, yes! That’s it.” Then he He shook the phone a few more times: "Jie Wumu! What? He's not here?" After a while, he said, "Then you go and invite Mu Min, and let me come to my meeting room immediately!"

He put down the phone: "When he comes tomorrow, I'll talk to him! Although I'm not in charge of Nanyang Company's affairs, but this happened on the ground in Guangzhou, I also have jurisdiction." After finishing speaking, he eased his tone again. , "Sit down first, drink some water and calm down."

"I'm heartbroken! Heartbroken!" Chuhe almost burst into tears as if he had already entered the play, "The Senate can't be said to be a big family, at least everyone is on the same boat. What's going on now?! We even met each other It's all so difficult! I think the Senate is going to end!"

(End of this chapter)

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