Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2371 Financing

Chapter 2371 Financing ([-])

"You are quite right, this matter must be guarded against incipient development!" Liu Xiang nodded repeatedly.

Taking advantage of the time when the liaison officer went to call Mu Min, Liu Xiang chatted with Chu He again to smooth out the cause and effect.

In Liu Xiang's view, this matter is neither big nor small.

The root cause is that the self-exiled Chuhe veteran in front of him has been away from power for too long, and his professional ability has not been demonstrated and recognized. Before he found a new job, he was left with the status of "veteran" to maintain his dignity.Today, however, this "decency" was shattered by a secretary who obviously had no brains.

Let’s not talk about whether this matter was deliberately instigated by the surroundings—tsk tsk tsk, the longest detention was fifteen days, how many of you can believe it? The level of Mai's counter, if you can stand up and say hello, please sit down, Chuhe is determined not to make a fuss.But who would have thought that someone copied a template of a salesperson in a state-owned department store in the 80s and [-]s—that is a strong man who was expressly stipulated that "customers must not be beaten".

If you want to say that the veterans are disgusting, isn't that more angry during the policy dispute between going north and going south some time ago? !But none of the elders was wronged to this point.This Chuhe was so sick that he came to "complain" to Liu Xiang, a person who was actually out of reach, because——

Liu Xiang quickly got his thoughts to "Historical Records: A Family of Confucius".The Qi-Lu meeting dismissed the soldiers, and the King of Qi teased the King of Lu in every possible way, but the King of Lu remained silent; the King of Qi sent a dwarf to tease the King of Lu again, but Confucius couldn't stand it anymore, and called out a jump and chop:
"An ordinary man who deceives the princes shall be punished!"

What right do you, an official slave, have to look down on me, a veteran!

This is the true state of mind of Chuhe.

As for the sending and receiving system, of course there are problems, but it is just a mask.He, Chuhe, can never say that the other party is "disrespectful" - the Senate has never convicted this crime, not to mention, the elders in the Senate have always talked about "equality and fraternity", and their favorite thing to do One thing is to stop the grateful natives who are about to kneel and kowtow, and say openly: "We don't like this."

Now let alone this set, you still have to beg for help with a shy face, and it’s fine to ask for help, and you have a hot face and a cold ass!

Can this be tolerated?The elders all regard themselves as Tianlong people, how can there be such a poor Tianlong people!If you are a veteran, you can't bear it.

If you really draw your gun on the spot and destroy this secretary, I'll give you a high regard.At least there are not so many troubles left.Liu Xiang glanced at him with mixed feelings.

But this trouble is also a good opportunity.

"Oh! Old Chu, you're so blind! You can think of a good way to raise 30 yuan in 30 days by taking a boat!" Liu Xiang followed Chuhe's words and touted. Although he only heard the headline, he didn't It doesn't affect Liu Xiang to directly say that it is better to say that he has not heard the details. After all, there are still a bunch of colleagues in the conference room waiting for him to go back. "In this way, there is still a work meeting to be held in the big conference room over there, so I really have to get through it! Old Chu, you are so thoughtful about economic work, I wonder if you can help the staff and give us a pulse on the economic development of Guangzhou?"

Liu Xiang was thinking that people are so thirsty for "respect" now, and it is not good to just drive away after talking about things, otherwise he will definitely become a "raccoon of the same feather". "Let's talk about Guangzhou's economic development.Give him some materials first, and even if he farts back in the end, it is still a "suggestion with great reference value and guiding significance."If he has a high emotional intelligence, as long as this favor is in place, what's the point of asking him to slap the table and say "Guangzhou's economic development is my plan" in the future?

At the moment there was another "three requests and three concessions", Liu Xiang smiled and called the servants to take Chuhe to a small office next door, where the north and the south are transparent, and asked him to study the information of major large households in Guangzhou and the briefings on industrial and commercial investigations on hand. It's not confidential at all, but it's not easy to come up with a version that can be analyzed.

"Hey, I said over there to wait for him to come out, but when I heard at the door that he was asking Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain, I came here first. Drink a glass of water first, and drive me to death." Liu Xiang just approached the door of the large meeting room , I heard Mu Min chatting with Zhang Ju.

"Hahaha..." Before the figure arrived, he laughed three times before Liu Xiang pushed the door open and entered.

"Today, Zhuge Liang is here to lose his temper."

"Why?" Wang Ju joked while fanning his fan.

"Today this Zhuge Liang met a cobbler." Liu Xiang sat on his seat and told what had happened to Chuhe in a few words.After everyone listened, they didn't know what expressions to put on—after all, the Lord is not here, so let's avoid righteous indignation or something.

"To be honest, this is indeed a bit too much." Zhang Xiaoqi was the first to express his opinion, "At any rate, we are all comrades on the same boat. To put it mildly, it is a blood bond. A secretary can be so contemptuous, and so contemptuous of so many elders—— No matter what their thoughts are, this is a matter between the elders, what are you a secretary doing?"

Ai Zhixin nodded: "It's not as simple as exaggerating, at least one crime of disrespect should be punished! Shooting, exile, hard labor..."

"Great disrespect? How can our Senate be charged with such a crime?" Wang Qiyi shook his head, "We want to punish others for 'disrespect' while 'our Senate is not happy with this'. This is very difficult for naturalized people. "

"To make up for it, can't we ask the general office to come up with a regulation?" Ai Zhixin said, "We must let the elders maintain enough sanctity!"

"How many times do you need to bow, and how do you say hello to the elders? When should you kneel down?" Wang Qiyi shook his head again and again, "Are you practicing Spanish court etiquette or Versailles etiquette? This thing has seriously deceived the king and queen themselves. "

"He wants to make a big fuss?" Mu Min was straightforward and hit the nail on the head. "Then why did you call me here? You don't want me to arrest that secretary, do you?"

In fact, the nature of the "on-site telephone office" performance is actually more. In fact, it doesn't matter if Wumu can't come.But calling Mu Min here, Liu Xiang had his own considerations.

"That's a matter between him and his surroundings. Let's not get involved. Besides, what charges are used to arrest people?" Liu Xiang made a statement first. "But this matter, we still have to be fully vigilant."

The others were confused by Liu Xiang's back-and-forth horizontal position, what exactly do you want to do?

Under the attention of everyone, Liu Xiang said what he had just thought: "That's it. The comrades around you just received a new task and are short of people, so they have to use up all resources and accidentally assign inappropriate people. It’s understandable for us to go up.” Surroundings has been in Guangzhou for so long, apart from the routine visit just after getting off the pier, he still came to talk to Liu Xiang several times.Liu Xiang first felt that he didn't pay much attention to himself around him, and he didn't know what kind of nonsense he was doing every day without seeing anyone, but now he compared it, and he was still the "very important" group!At least "come and visit in person".Besides, no matter what the facts of this matter are, those around him will definitely not admit to the crime of "contemptuous of other elders".That must not be the case!So Liu Xiang simply used the explanations that everyone around him would inevitably make.

"However, whether the people around us also have arrogance, whether there is a decline in thinking-well, this thing can't be seen actually. But I think we can at least do a self-examination and look at the Guangzhou Municipal Government. The Qin uncles in the unit, have you followed the rules and regulations, and have you made this kind of work mistakes?"

According to Liu Xiang's thinking, if Chuhe sits here, his posture will definitely not stop. Otherwise, he will probably have to repair the computer with Lao Zhang——Thinking of this, Liu Xiang secretly glanced at the person next to him who was making meeting minutes. Zhang Yunmi's complex eyes contained a hint of playfulness and apology.Regardless of whether the surroundings were wronged or not, they must admit to being defeated in the end. If he fights hard, then Chuhe will only make troubles worse. Don't even think about going well with Nanyang Company.

Therefore, the Chu River must be appeased, and the surrounding area can be beaten or not.However, according to the analysis of Wang Ju and Zhang Ju, this Nanyang company really opened up, and the silver accumulated in Guangzhou’s underground history is likely to be cheap for him in vain. Chances are you won't even smell a fart.

It must be extorted (fraudulently) beaten!
Anyway, I want to do some work and give an explanation to the "Chuhe Veteran", why not knock around by the way?

However, there is no affiliation with Liu Xiang on the surface. Although the funds, manpower, and goods needed by Nanyang Company, which only has one leather bag, all need to be supplied by Guangzhou, TMD has no relationship on the surface...

As Mu Min said, directly arrest the secretary?Look at Mu Min's eyes watching the show, Liu Xiang can think with his toes: What crime is used?There is no such thing as a "central decree" in the Senate, and everything must be "acted according to the law."

At that time, Liu Xiang could only think of this move--I will check myself!You can't stop me from checking myself!

"I was supposed to be looking for Comrade Wumu, but Comrade Wumu happened to be away today. I left a message for his secretary and asked him to come as soon as he comes back. I guess they will still be involved in this matter." Liu Xiang explained again, He said to Mu Min: "Comrade Mu Min, please do me a favor right now, and send some manpower to help with a surprise inspection."

Speaking of this, Liu Xiang looked around at the elders in the big conference room again, and said, "I tell you, everyone, you should not be afraid of surprise inspections."

(End of this chapter)

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