Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2376 Financing

Chapter 2376 Financing (Eleven)

The surroundings felt very strange——the telegram calling him back was urgent, and he couldn't figure out what had happened, so he hurriedly settled all the affairs in Foshan early the next morning, and took the return patrol before noon The boat set off without delay all the way, lunch was on the patrol boat to make do with dry military rations, and hurried back to the Great World before dark for forty or fifty miles, if he hadn't gotten off the ship at the Great World Wharf , it was a short distance away from the office, and he still wanted to change clothes before going. He was afraid that he would drive straight into the Guangzhou mansion.Why is it that I rushed to the city to call you, but you are not in a hurry and want me to come back tomorrow?You thought I was late, but you sent an urgent bid yesterday!If you're not in a hurry, what are you doing in a hurry?Do you, Liu, have a problem with me?

The surroundings were full of thoughts, and they were in a bad mood. They didn't give the expected "reward" to the two seconded guards, so they went into their "Zhoujiabao" with a cold face.

"What's going on these days?" Wai Zhou, who was about to sign off the documents for the two guards, asked the secretary next week routinely.

"It's nothing serious." Secretary Zhou paused, brewed up his feelings, and said, "It's just that yesterday there was a veteran whose name he hadn't heard of before. .”

The signing pens around stopped suddenly, and their arms hung in the air for more than ten seconds, shaking uncontrollably.

"Yesterday?" The surroundings looked up at Secretary Zhou coldly: "What time did it happen yesterday?"

Secretary Zhou, who was already acting coy, finally managed to squeeze out a few tears, and responded: "It's more than two o'clock, less than three o'clock."

The corners of his mouth twitched, and the ink-storage signature pen with a brass shell from the old time and space in his hand was squeezed so hard that he wanted to deform it.

Pa, the beloved pens around him were thrown aside by him, and he stopped signing. I'm afraid he will continue to borrow them.

The surroundings took a deep breath, walked to the seat of the large desk in the foyer and sat down, and then slowly exhaled. "Tell me, what's going on!"

The tone was a little heavy, and she seemed a little angry just now, but Secretary Zhou was proud of it, thinking that it was the evil anger from the surroundings who heard that she was humiliated by the elders who didn't know where she came from.Since she heard the chief's advice, she immediately deleted what she wanted to add, and "recounted" what happened yesterday.According to her, it is simply a rogue who doesn't know where he came from is destroying the majesty of Nanyang Company. Anyone who hears it will think that this guy who claims to be a veteran should chop off his hand that snatched official documents to show repentance and reflect on it. .

After listening around, my heart was half cold, and half of my body was numb.He took another breath and took a good breath before finishing his expression.

file basket?
I looked around for a while, and there was a bamboo-woven frame lined with cloth lining on the left rear. There was a rattan cover on the frame, and a few heavy books were pressed on the cover.

"Is it this basket?" Asked Secretary Zhou, pointing to what he thought was a wastebasket.

"Looking back at the chief, it's this one. In order to prevent others from snatching it, I specially added some heavy objects to hold it down."

You are awesome! ! !

Those around him really wanted to see what was in that basket with their own hands, but he found that he seemed to have a problem with his coordination and couldn't stand up.

"I'm not paralyzed!" The surrounding roared in their hearts.Take your hands off your knees and put them on the table—fortunately, at least you're not paralyzed.Stamp your foot?The thigh can be pulled up forcibly, but the muscles of the calf are a little stiff, and when the sole of the foot falls to the ground, it feels like thousands of silver needles are pricking—it doesn't look like hemiplegia.

After stabilizing his emotions, the surroundings ordered: "Then take it all out, what are some?"

"There are too many. The chief just came to Guangzhou, met the mayor on the second day, and went to Danzhou for inspection on the third day. You told me to keep everything first. You are so accurate. On the fifth day, there are constant people Some people just leave a business card. Some people leave a message, saying that you will meet when you are free. It’s very important, but I saw that there was nothing on the seal, so I kept it together.”

Secretary Zhou took out the contents of the document basket in handfuls as he spoke.If you want to say that she didn't do the work, she picked them all up very well, and she even remembered to take a separate paper for the ones that left messages.You're going to say she did the job...

"Didn't I come back from Danzhou about ten days ago? Why didn't you show it to me at that time?" Surrounded by a "Brief Brief of Myanmar Ren'anqiang Crude Oil Development Plan" from seventeen days ago, his hands were shaking heavily The envelope rattled.

Before he came to Guangzhou, it was not that he did not expect that many veterans would come to visit, promote his plan or intend to "mix it up", so he specially took care of the secretary to record all these materials and messages, and he would look at them when he came back. Gotta—even if these memos are nothing more than a pile of rubbish, they have to show "importance".

"That day you came back from the big world by carriage and went to sleep without taking a shower. Before going to bed, you informed me to make an appointment with Mayor Liu the next morning. These are not official documents, nor are they marked urgently. How can you have time to look at things like this!"

Then I thank you!
But that's not right, if you haven't seen any private messages or memos sent by other elders, the surroundings should have been suspicious.Since these things are treated differently, then...

I took a closer look around and didn't pay much attention to Secretary Zhou's various trinkets before. I already had suspicions in my heart. I saw that there was something wrong with everything, but I couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.Or, cheat a scam?
"The new gadgets on me are good, very good." There were pleasant expressions around him, and he suddenly praised him.

Secretary Zhou was deceived so suddenly, he subconsciously pressed on his chest - did he find out?Is it the special steel ring Wen* from the No. 82 store, or this gold chain cat's eye necklace?No, the chief should not be able to see the necklace!That must be Wen*.Can this thing really line up?The chief really likes it?

"Okay, go, call Xiao Xu and Xiao Du in, and I'll sign the receipt for them here."

"Okay, chief." Secretary Zhou dragged on deliberately, and turned around with a wink.

"Hi, Chief!" Xiao Xu and Xiao Du had just put their luggage in the back hall when they heard Secretary Zhou call and rushed over immediately.

"Well, your receipts are signed." There was a list in each hand, and Xiao Xu and Xiao Du just stepped forward and reached out to take it.The surroundings suddenly withdrew the list, put it on the desk and pressed it, raised their chins, and said to the two national soldiers: "I order: arrest Secretary Zhou!"

Except for those around them, the three of them were taken aback at the same time, but after all, the two national soldiers were well-trained, and they quickly reacted. They turned around and became a big catcher. Secretary Zhou pressed down on the ground.

Xiao Xu pulled Secretary Zhou's left arm back, and Secretary Zhou yelled in pain. Xiao Du took the opportunity to free up a hand to take over the painful and trembling left arm, and pressed the cross on Secretary Zhou's. back, and then pressed her waist and eyes with his left knee, and controlled Secretary Zhou by himself.Xiao Xu took the opportunity to straighten up, took the rope used for packing luggage from his belt, first bound Secretary Zhou's kicking feet all over the ground, then pulled the end of the rope, and tied his hands again.

The two quickly subdued Secretary Zhou, and after completing the binding control, Xiao Du got up and saluted, "Report to the chief! It's under control!"

The surroundings took another big breath, raised their heads to the ceiling and let it out, sorting out their thoughts clearly. "Thank you! But please help me a little longer and be a messenger."

"Promise to complete the task!" The two responded in unison.

Secretary Zhou was first confused by the sudden attack, and then pulled her arms and tied her hands and feet. Her mind was always confused. When she was talking to the two guards around, she just came to her senses—this... Just got tied up?
All of a sudden, the experience of the old year surged up, and I was so frightened that my nose and tears came out together.

"Sir, please forgive me! Commander, please forgive me! This servant is wrong! This servant is wrong!"

The surroundings ignored her, only thinking that she was noisy.

"Gag her mouth first!"

"Yes! Chief!" Xiao Du responded and walked to Secretary Zhou who was lying on the ground.Those around thought he would stuff her mouth with cloth strips, socks, etc. After all, it was always done in movies and TV shows, but Xiao Du skillfully took out a hard pear-shaped object from his hip pocket, and held Zhou The secretary squeezed his jaw, and took advantage of the opportunity to open his mouth in pain, and quickly stuffed it in.Secretary Zhou's mouth was stuffed with this hard thing, so he could only whine from his nasal cavity, and could no longer speak.

"What is this?" The surroundings were afraid that this thing might be dangerous, so they asked.

Xiao Xu turned his head and took a look, then took out one and gave it to the surroundings, saying: "It's Grassland No. When a prisoner needs to shut up a prisoner, it’s better to just plug it in than to find other things temporarily. Our company usually uses a knife to cut this thing when we have nothing to do. Basically, we have one person. I heard that our company commander even gave it to the general manager. Let’s go through the report and see if we can make the emergency rations in the future directly like this, so we can save the effort of cutting.”

"It's interesting." I just looked around and didn't delve into it.He is not in the mood.

That week, the secretary knew that he couldn't say anything, so he could only lie on his side on the ground, weeping and sobbing, trying to kowtow, and a little pity ignited in the surrounding hearts.But when he just read it together and wanted to stand up and say something, he found that his calves still had no strength, and he still couldn't stand up, and the pity that had just been ignited was gone with the wind.I no longer cared about the rhetoric of "we don't like this", so I ignored it.

(End of this chapter)

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