Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2377 Financing

Chapter 2377 Financing ([-])
"My legs are a little numb, and I can't get up for now. Xiao Xu, Xiao Du, please help me to look at the back first. There should usually be two or three staff members behind. Just now, Secretary Zhou's cry of pain was too loud, and it might startle me." After getting out of the back, help me to go to the back, calm down, tell them it’s nothing serious, let them supervise each other and don’t leave their workstations casually. Secretary Zhou is suspected of a serious crime of dereliction of duty. Tell one to come to me. Then, one of you will come out and guard Secretary Zhou's room, that is, West-102 room, and don't let anyone in." After the surrounding orders, I remembered an important thing: "Is... is she tied up tightly?" I can't move for the time being, if she breaks free, it will be hell if she turns back in despair.

"Report to the chief! It's tight!"

"Okay, you guys go to the back first."

"Yes! Resolutely complete the task!"

They waved their hands around and didn't want to answer any more.

The teary-eyed Secretary Zhou didn't make any big moves after the two guards left. He just tried to raise his head and stare at the surroundings, crying three times while crying.Probably "I was wrong".

The anger around him subsided, and it was uncomfortable to be stared at by this gaze—speaking of having had skin-to-skin contact, he wasn't so cold as that.However, the current situation is tantamount to a sudden disaster for him, and it is not a small disaster!

"Insulting the senator" or worse, "insulting the senator", now he is surrounded by mouths and can't tell clearly, if this unknown senator comes to talk nonsense, and a bunch of offended senators follow up to "prove "...There will be huge waves soon.If someone wants to take advantage of the situation and stir up trouble again, the big ship of the Nanyang Company will either run aground without sailing, or he himself will no longer be at the helm of it, and can only watch others sail the ship.

I have worked hard and been running around for half a year...

At this moment, he deeply understood what it means to "work hard for half a year, and return to before liberation."

I am wrong!
Put your hands on the armrest of the chair first, let yourself stand up.Enduring the pinprick sensation on the soles of his feet and the weak twitching of his calf muscles, he put both hands on the table, moved his center of gravity to the front, and slowly moved small steps along the table.After moving more than half a circle, I felt that my calf was a bit strong around me. I tried to straighten my body, and moved a small step away. It seemed that there was no problem, and finally I was relieved.

After walking a few more steps, I felt that I could walk with a normal gait without support, and the surroundings left the desk and walked towards Secretary Zhou.

Standing beside Secretary Zhou who was lying on the ground on his side, because of the angle, Secretary Zhou could no longer raise his head up, so he simply gave up staring at the surroundings and dropped his face to the ground.

"What a disaster you have caused me!"

"You got into trouble before three o'clock. I'm in Foshan. I received an urgent telegram at three forty asking me to go back to Guangzhou."

"I said, apart from those little brothers, why did only five people come here? Is it so unpopular around me? Is this Nanyang company so unpopular?"

"I just realized today that I have an inner servant by my side!"

Secretary Zhou didn't know anything about Nei Sheren or Shangguan Wan'er, but she obviously understood the tempers around her.The three-syllable and four-syllable whines are repeated continuously.Saliva, snot, and tears gradually moistened the ground, and Secretary Zhou could only express her emotions by shaking her head. In just a short while, her face was already covered with stains.Seeing this, the surroundings didn't want to pull the "pear" out of her mouth—let her talk, what can she say?

The paperwork of the people in the small circle should be handed over as soon as possible, which is what I ordered.

The contacts of the big bosses in Guangzhou should be notified immediately, which is also what I have been told.

The official letters from Lingao and the private letters from several bigwigs should not be neglected.

Letters from other elders, "Leave it until I come back and deal with it when I have time", this kind of meaning must have been expressed.

There are many veterans who want to use his new platform to achieve transformation or rise, and there are also veterans who want to do some practical things but suffer from no opportunities.Most of these people are of no significance to his future work, so he needn't pay attention to them, but at least he should show "importance" in his attitude.After all, it was these people who lifted him up to the position of general manager of Nanyang Company.

Secretary Zhou's making such a fuss is tantamount to offending his own base -- and it's the kind of offending to death.

She "selected" five articles and gave them to her surroundings. Presumably, she took advantage of them. The difference is only whether she asked for it or others insisted on it, whether it was given by the elder or someone close to him, whether it was given by the elder or for the sake of the elder's friend. Complete the elder's confession and pay for it out of pocket...

This is a crime she can carry out, but will it work?

He is still holding the thick stack of "Brief Brief of Myanmar Ren'anqiang Crude Oil Development Plan"! 17 days!If he encountered such a situation around him, others said it was the fault of the little secretary, would he believe it?

Let's see how many people I offended!There was no interest in pity and pity, so he turned around slowly and looked for Secretary Zhou's notebook.

Flipping through the pages, the five copies handed over to him basically looked like they had been there three or four times.On the sixth day after I left Guangzhou for Danzhou, Huang Lu, the veteran who proposed the Brunei oil development plan, stopped visiting. After I returned to Guangzhou, his development plan was handed over to my bedside.It seems that the first time she received the "door bag" was almost the 6th day.

The surroundings were facing the ledger, and a voice suddenly came from the side.


"Report to the chief! People have been brought!"

Looking around, it was Xiao Tan, the trainee cashier he brought over from Lingao, who was called by Xiao Xu.

"It's hard work, Xiao Xu, make another trip and report the case to the police station. It's best to let Chief Mu Min lead the team in person." Surroundings have already set a protocol for handling it in their hearts-to deal with it seriously with great fanfare.

"Then, Xiao Tan, please help me sort out the visitor registration form, how many elders came to visit, who they are, the location of the hotel they stayed in, the number of visits, the date of the first and last visit, the average interval... That’s all for now, there aren’t many things, you just get them here, get them out quickly. This will probably be handed over as evidence, and we’ll try to get it done before the police come.” There’s no time around to do these things, he You have to think about how to make peace.

"Yes! Chief!" Xiao Tan didn't say much, and sat at the desk after looking for a blank piece of paper, but doubtful eyes were unavoidable.

"Secretary Zhou is suspected of a crime of dereliction of duty." The surroundings did not know why they wanted to explain this sentence to Xiao Tan.Xiao Tan had already heard about it from the guards when he was called over, and what he was really puzzled about was why this formerly glamorous Secretary Zhou had such a dirty face now.But the leader has spoken, you have to express it, right?
"Oh, I heard that several agencies conducted surprise inspections in an administrative style yesterday afternoon, and several veterans led the team in person! I didn't expect the head to conduct a self-inspection as soon as he came back!"

Ouch!Sudden root pain around the tooth.

What is this... what?Those around him were engaged in finance in the old time and space. To be precise, they mainly engaged in financial academics. For a while, he couldn't guess the meaning of self-examination, but he could feel that this matter must have something to do with him. kind of statement.I've said it all, so what else can I say?Do you state that the secretaries around you can disrespect other elders at all, or state that you can look down on other elders around you?
Ma Dan, we don't know what this old Liu means by doing this, but judging from Mayor Liu's usual way of dealing with people, he should not intend to turn the table, but to "raise prices".

As long as he is willing to talk about business, the surrounding mood has calmed down a little.I'm afraid there's nothing to talk about.

Xiao Tan was sorting out the accounts, looking around at those intercepted letters-in his opinion, these letters were either "a bunch of nonsense" or "fake big emptiness". They really had something to say, and some of them were worthless.In the past, he probably would have commented quite harshly in his heart, savoring it as a joke.But now he can't laugh at all, and the more he looks at it, the more he feels a headache.

What the fuck is this!
When Xiao Xu came back after calling the police, he was arranged to help Secretary Zhou, who was lying on his side on the ground, sit up on his knees, and then watched over him.When Xiao Tan just filled a piece of paper.A member of his staff ran in outside, with a panicked expression on his face.

"President Zhou! Someone from the police station is here..."

Before he finished speaking, the door in the corridor outside was pushed open with a bang, followed by the sound of a group of people's chaotic footsteps.

Before the surrounding could speak, the door of the waiting room was pushed open, and a large group of people came in.

Mu Min knew that she would be back today, so she ordered more than a dozen elite soldiers to wait in the bureau.As soon as the alarm came, Mu Min led someone straight over without Xiao Xu opening his mouth. "Corruption and dereliction of duty" is a necessary method to solve problems around, but this one also has something to say.What if it was really inspired by the surroundings?Then this "corruption and dereliction of duty" can only fall on that Secretary Zhou.

What if the technique of framing is too trendy?Instead of letting the naturalized police detect something wrong on the spot, and then follow the prescribed procedures to file a report and record the case, and finally let Liu Xiang or someone else take action to suppress it, causing such trouble, it is better for her to personally offer favors.After all, although my mother-in-law did not participate in the "discussion" of the policy direction, she is still interested in the business opportunities of Nanyang Company...

She knew very little about her surroundings, but she probably knew some things before and after the establishment of Nanyang Company from her husband's personal letters.So she was a little worried.If she really wanted to kill someone, she would never sell this "favor".She led the team herself, and also specially brought nurses and forensic doctors, including the intention of this level.

(End of this chapter)

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