Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2379 Financing

Chapter 2379 Financing ([-])
Failure in preparation is not allowed, but complete victory and miserable victory are both allowed... The surroundings quickly understood what Mu Min meant.But there is no good way around!Headquartered in Sanya, apart from the high-sounding reasons at the meeting, the more consideration was to flatter Wang Luobin—in order to "fully affirm" the "strategic layout" of the previous executive committee.Doing so has a full effect on easing the relationship with the big bosses.

Besides, he also knew that Liu Xiang was very displeased with the proposal of "Guangzhou Iron and Steel" in the Huangpu area of ​​the industrial port, because "Foshan has a better metallurgical foundation".Those around him knew that he was wary of establishing a large state-owned enterprise in the local area.So he felt that it should be no problem for him to set his headquarters in Sanya.

But when he met Liu Xiang for the first time, everything was fine. As soon as he talked about the headquarters and the tax payment place, Liu Xiang's face immediately collapsed... If he hadn't announced the location of the headquarters, or if he hadn't gone to Wang Luobin "Ask" the benefits of choosing the location in Sanya, so it doesn't matter if he changes his course now, but who wants him to speak out first?Even if it is changed to Guangzhou now, old Liu Ling doesn't appreciate it first, and Chairman Wang will really offend him!

Now, the veterans who have grievances against themselves have united, and it is not known how lethal their proposal will be.This old Liu... Forget it, think about it better, with his own example in front, even if the joint proposal of the elders is a piece of shit, he still has to be patient and listen carefully.

Alas, it’s easy to say to the group of elders who accidentally offended, as long as I’m willing to save face around me, I’ll be careful to serve wine one by one, I can’t really make a life-and-death relationship!
But for the group of Lao Liu, what can they do to impress the group of permanent veterans in Guangzhou?
While standing in the middle of the room and thinking hard, suddenly there was another knock on the door.

"Hello! There is an encrypted and urgent telegram from Lingao, and I have designated Mr. Zhou of Nanyang Company to receive it!"

Hearing it around him, he broke out in a cold sweat—this...was stabbed to Lingao?

"Why, I heard from the secretary that Chuhe is here again today?" Zhang Xiaoqi pushed open the door of the dormitory, hung up his coat, and said to Wang Qiyi who was lying on the sofa reading the newspaper, "Come to urge the results? His efficiency is not bad enough." High."

"There is no prompt result. He came to me and sent a plan to our Finance and Taxation Bureau and a copy to all the veterans in Guangzhou." Wang Qiyi replied without raising his head.

"Have you come up with a new plan?"

"No. I probably glanced at the so-called joint plan that came out of that tavern—it was just a pile of shit." Wang Qiyi commented unceremoniously, "Or, most of them are shit. The plan about Nanyang Company in Chuhe's plan A professional plan for equity structure and fundraising, and a basic idea for the establishment of the Guangzhou Stock Exchange—this is Ren Youzi’s plan. He is very polite, saying that this is a professional proposal, please consider it, he is good Modify and modify."

"Oh? Interesting!" It was clearly said to be a joint proposal, but the "professional financial plan" was specifically distributed around. Interesting, really interesting. "

"It's hard for others to say anything. After all, this area is very professional. Our Finance and Taxation Bureau can be regarded as a professional counterpart. It's normal for him to ask us to 'comment' - let's talk about which plan to use in the final decision, not only We can’t decide, even the surroundings have to submit a petition for approval.”

"Originally, it is true that the development of Southeast Asia is such a big matter, and it is all handled by Nanyang Company? Just talk about a policy, don't people, money, and things have to be coordinated with the Government Affairs Council?" Zhang Xiaoqi said, "I think the government affairs council is responsible. Folding your arms and waiting for a joke."

"Wait for the jokes, that's for sure, but then again, if the food and raw materials can really be solved around - not all of them, it can be better than now. It will be easier for him to do things in the future. Now, you can also see it as a The organizational test for him..." Wang Qiyi said.

"It's not about the big bosses from the Government Affairs Council..."

"Sister Zhang, you are better than me in business, but you have to think about some things." Wang Qiyi shook his finger, "The career of the Senate is still on the rise, and it hasn't fallen to the point where it only cares about its butt and doesn't care about its ability. There are many opportunities for you to do what you want. As long as you have real skills and can solve problems, the big bosses will naturally "unite" you. When we were dawdling, we were not the same as Chuhe? Later, all Hainan launched a new As soon as we reveal the tax system, don’t we become the people in power now?”

"Go to your authority..." Zhang Xiaoqi scolded with a smile, "Sooner or later you will become an official like Liu Xiang——I hate this kind of person the most."

"Old Liu, you are a little oily, and you have a lot of selfish thoughts. But you have the community in your heart. The big things are unambiguous." Wang Qiyi sighed, "Some people say that his future goal is the position of Secretary of State, I think it will work!"

"Which onion are you? You can see it, but I can't see it!"

"Alas, I'm still fine!"

"Listen to me!" Zhang Xiaoqi saw that Wang Qiyi was about to reach out for the newspaper again, so he just tapped his hand.

Wang Qiyi pursed his lips, withdrew his hands and leaned into the sofa, muttering: "Well, I'm listening."

"You are not very clear about this. Hey, I told you last time, you are more familiar with the elders stationed in Guangzhou than I am now, you have to make appointments for me. Although I am not stationed in Guangzhou now, I will definitely be regular in the future." will come."

"I remember it all. Don't worry, even if I don't make an appointment, the disaster relief funds are in the hands of you, the God of Wealth, and they will go to you by themselves."

"That's not good. The first meeting is business. Doesn't it look like your wife is ignorant. This Chuhe..."

Wang Qiyi understood his wife's meaning very well, and it was obvious that Chuhe came to complain.According to the current situation, he is likely to become the second "popular man" to rise through Nanyang Company.He waved his hand, "Let's talk about it later. Liu Xiang hasn't made a specific statement yet. We are directly in charge of the agency. Don't put your hot face on your cold ass."

"I'm surprised. I vaguely remember that he took the initiative to go to Jeju Island to teach? It is said that he is not so concerned about fame and fortune."

"Haha, do you still remember this? Do you remember that when he saw off the wine, he said that he was a financial migrant worker, and made fun of himself. It made Lao Cheng complain for a while."

"Ah, I remembered when you said that. After several years, it seems that we have finally turned the corner." Zhang Xiaoqi changed the topic, "What do you think of his plan? What Liu Dafu cares most about is how to accept it. tax, and ask me for my opinion.”

"What did you say."

"I didn't say I haven't read it yet—anyway, what he writes has nothing to do with us. I just said that I can make suggestions on implementation, and it still depends on your opinion on policy."

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqi's words, Wang Qiyi put down the cup in his hand, turned to his wife and asked, "Let's discuss the matter. According to his plan, if there is a collection method, do you have a general direction?"

"Hey, what's so difficult about it." Zhang Xiaoqi smiled smugly, "After I scanned his plan, I was almost satisfied. The core of his plan lies in the control of issuance and premium. In other words, the financial version of the command economy. "

Wang Qiyi nodded. His wife's consideration of issues has become more comprehensive and in-depth recently, and she is no longer limited to technical issues in the past. It seems that managing finances is obviously very training people.

Seeing that Wang Qiyi was silent, Zhang Xiaoqi continued:

"Leaving aside these things, let's just talk about collection. There is no problem in the issuance process. Here, the issuer pays stamp duty and business tax directly on the face value. Before the levy, add a tax item of 'financial commodity' and it's done. If there are dividends in the future, the dividends are directly entrusted The withholding by the dividend issuer is enough --- we don't have income tax, so it is good to use the tax item of "financial commodity gains". These are basically zero collection costs, and there is basically no problem of missed collection and management. It is very simple. It’s too simple. However, since the stocks and bonds here are bearer, it is a non-certificate (that is, no third party or government certification) transaction, so I don’t think you can count on the tax in the transaction link.”

"With the registration in the future, can this piece be put away?"

"In the future? Register? Hahahahaha" Zhang Xiaoqi put his arms on her husband's shoulders, wrapped his arms around his neck and said with a smile: "Brother, when you return to Lingao, sister, I will take you to the vocational school? Let you Take a look at our students, and avoid such a big dream again. Do you know the difficulty of a purely manual stock registration system?"

Wang Qiyi took his wife's arm off her neck awkwardly, "Oh, it's not what I said, it's written in their plan. I just said that they are definitely not as understanding of difficulties as my wife who personally brought them. People in vocational schools think that all students come from mitosis. Think about it, our Finance and Taxation Bureau still has cadres who came out of the literacy class two years ago!"

"Come on, you," Zhang Xiaoqi rolled his eyes at Wang Qiyi, "You've been here since I entered the house. Tell me, what do you mean? Did Chuhe offend you?"

"No, I haven't had much contact with him..."

"Well," Zhang Xiaoqi nodded, and listened to Wang Qiyi's continuation.

"You were asleep when you came back. You left early this morning, so I didn't have time to tell you. Not many people went there last night. Everyone also mentioned the financing of Nanyang Company."

"Well, go ahead." Zhang Xiaoqi crossed his legs, sat on the sofa, and faced Wang Qiyi.

"I didn't talk about the specific business, I just talked about the vision." Wang Qiyi shook his head, with a half-smile expression, "What do you think Chuhe thought at the beginning? He took a business that could have been independent for a long time. Like a subordinate of Nanyang Company. It is inconvenient to jump out of the Three Realms and not do anything in the Five Elements..."

"So, Secretary Zhou seems to be ruthless to Chuhe, but in fact he has a lot of merit. It's a blow to the head."

(End of this chapter)

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