Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2380 Financing

Chapter 2380 Financing ([-])
"Chuhe, who has stayed in Jeju Island for a long time, probably has been thinking about women and children all these years. Thinking about problems is still the same as when we first landed. If there are problems, we will solve them. But it has been 35 years. Traveling through seven years, no matter how big or small is not a leader. You are still the same old way, can that work? Who doesn’t have an empty bowl of meat——This Nanyang company is doing well, it has a lot of stock leeks, and has a relationship with Liu Xiang, Zheng Shangjie, and Mu Min Is it related to dime? Oh, if they mess up their work, it will be enough for these few people to be busy for a while. Looking at history, which financial turmoil was not followed by a piece of feathers, and the administrative agency was required to clean up the mess? Liu Xiang stared at the big money It’s not for the purpose of contributing all the money to the central government for “overall planning and control”. He is so good that he doesn’t even leave taxes to the local government. He doesn’t think about it, why should everyone support you.”

"This is a twist and turn. I'm afraid that even the elders who are not working in the local area can't make it." Zhang Xiaoqi said, "I always feel that it's all for the Senate, so why bother!"

"Where the buttocks sit, you will think about it. This is also human nature. Slowly they turned the corner." Wang Qiyi said with emotion, "The financial allocation of the central and local governments has always been a big issue since ancient times. Well, if the country is rich and the people are strong, if it can’t be handled well, Daming is a typical example.”

They were all tax cadres in the past and had no experience in financial work, but they are not separated from each other, and they are well-informed about financial issues.How the Senate should overcome the disadvantages of the old time and space, maximize strengths and circumvent weaknesses, and copy homework well has always been a question that the three elders of the Finance and Taxation Bureau have been considering.

Hearing that there was a telegram, the surroundings were in a state of anxiety. They didn't even have time to read the details of the telegram, so they quickly identified themselves and signed for the telegram.After he returned to his bedroom and took out the code book from the luggage, he realized that the generator was his wife Huang Qi.

"Wife, you have hurt me!" Thinking that Secretary Zhou was chosen by her wife herself, there was a burst of grief and indignation in the surrounding hearts.

According to the business secret cipherbook commonly used by veterans—the so-called commercial secret is a kind of secret level, which means that encrypted information of this level can be transmitted on the public network, commercial network or general commercial means—the surrounding decrypted ciphertext is two strings of meaningless English letters .After making a simple dictionary replacement according to the agreement between him and his wife, the surroundings can finally get a glimpse of the whole message:
"[email protected]"


This is the third level, referring to knowledge-based...

After thinking about it for a while, I finally understood the message her wife wanted to convey, and immediately burst into tears with gratitude: "My wife! You are really my lucky star!"

The CGCI in the first sentence is the abbreviation of the China Gold Coin Corporation in the old time and space, but around and Huang Qi have already agreed to use this to refer to the Central Reserve Bank that the Senate is preparing for. The meaning of @GZ is of course more clear. The whole meaning is that the Senate has made a preliminary result. The Central Reserve Bank will be established soon, and the site will be in Guangzhou!

It is not uncommon to be established, because since the financial meeting of the Government Council issued paper money exchange certificates corresponding to precious metal currencies to replace grain circulation certificates, the introduction of a professional central bank is already a certainty.

Once the Central Reserve Bank is established, Delong, who originally acted as the central bank, will inevitably make some adjustments. Its role should be positioned as a national commercial bank.I wonder if there are any new opportunities here?It's a pity that I can't take care of it now.

In the second sentence, GD is of course Guangdong, and D3AUT is a deliberate miswrite by Drought.Because the vowels in English are irregular, each vowel can produce all the sounds. This is a small point of complaints in the daily conversations between the surrounding and Astragalus, so they agreed that when using formal words to communicate, all according to The American English IPA is spelled directly, and of course the consonants such as dr- are directly written as 3 according to the principle of similar phonetic symbols.The following 42y is very simple. The whole string means "two years of severe drought in Guangdong".

The second sentence should be what he asked his wife to pay attention to in Lingao, what opinions Liu Xiang and his group had at the main meeting of Lingao, and what they cared about the most.

"Two years of severe drought" is actually a piece of information that is easy to ignore, because this information is directly disclosed to the elders.Anyone can go to the big library to look up relevant ancient disaster records. It is too easy to obtain information, but many insensitive people don't think in this direction when they think about things.

So, people like Liu Xiang and their "accomplices" in Lingao have been asking the Senate for food recently?

It's no wonder that in the first two meetings, he showed no interest in my various overt and secret benefits...

Now that I know your pain points, I'm going to sum them up.See you tomorrow night?There is still time!

Xiao Tan walked in: "Chief, this is the joint proposal on Nanyang Company just sent."

Right now, he has no one to use, so he can only use the accountant as a secretary first.

"Put it on the table." A thick file bag was placed on his desk, like a yellow dynamite bag.

Speaking of which, these people were originally here to sell their own plans, no matter how unbearable they are, they will pass it by being perfunctory.He still has the ability to be confident around him-at worst, he can draw a few big pies.Now, this proposal has become a real "hard product".The cost paid by oneself cannot be solved by drawing big cakes.

With such emotions, he opened the file bag quite heavily, and inside was a messy pile of papers, basically handwritten and simply bound together.Judging from the handwriting and alteration marks on the above, it should be that they have pieced together their original plans, without even a general outline.

It would be better to read the memos they sent separately.

He flipped through it casually, with little interest.Most of his "little brothers" have already come up with plans or suggestions for these things, and some are more thoughtful and professional than these.There are also some plans that are not feasible at first glance.

The people around him are most concerned about Chuhe and Ren Youzi. He already knows that these two people are leading the way...

Chuhe's plan was very elegant, and he specially packed a paper bag with "Draft Nanyang Company Fundraising Plan" written on it.Then he started to look through Ren Youzi's plan again, but he didn't find it.

"Huh? Why doesn't he have a draft in it?" There are some strange things around.Xiao Tan was called.

"Are there any memos from that time in the file basket?"

"These memos were taken away by Chief Mu—as evidence..."

"Oh, look at my brain." The surroundings patted their heads.

"However, I have a copy of the specific memorandum name here." Xiao Tan took out the copy of the registration book.

Fortunately, I thought of keeping a backup.Thinking around.

"Bring it right away."

The specific names of the memos sent by each senator are recorded in detail in the manuscript.Ren Youzi's memorandum is titled "Preparation for Guangzhou Stock Exchange to Raise Funds for Nanyang Company".

"So it's this!" I thought to myself.No wonder his proposal is not included in this joint draft, he probably understands it!

Mistake, what a mistake!

He thought hard in the office for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and called out, "Xiao Tan!"

Not long after Xiao Tan left, he heard the head's greeting, and hurried back - ever since Secretary Zhou was arrested, the staff of Zhou's Office have been highly nervous, for fear of being involved in some shocking case.

"You quietly go to the guest house at night..."

At 6:[-], in the large conference room of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, the voice finally fell silent for a while.

Chu He, who was in charge of the lecture, had smoke in his throat, and finally finished the "overall plan" that was improvised in the tavern.Because it was too provisional, the plan did not even have a formally transcribed version, so that Chuhe had to hold the draft paper to give lectures, and asked his friends in the corresponding field to add details from time to time.

He slandered while talking, what the hell is this shit!Eating, eating, each one is too ugly!Not professional at all!
But he can only say this in his stomach, after all, he still counts on the help of his brothers and sisters.

"Thank you, Comrade Chuhe! Everyone, let's rest for 10 minutes and have dinner. At seven o'clock, let's discuss again." Liu Xiang said: "Xiao Zhang, take everyone to the cafeteria, I told them to save food Yes. By the way, ask the waiter to bring me, Ju Wang, and Ju Ai, the boxed lunches for me, and the three of us are here, carefully reading your valuable opinions while eating."

Zhang Yunmi immediately closed the minutes of the meeting, and cheerfully led the seven elders straight to the cafeteria.After everyone was gone, the three of them, Liu Xiang, rushed to the toilet next to them to release the water, and then dispersed after they were soaked through. Liu Xiang didn't take the initiative to smoke, everyone knew this for a long time.When you smoke in a meeting, Lao Liu will not say anything in person, but he will take the initiative to open the window for ventilation in person. This shows that you are always embarrassed to smoke one after another!Wang Qiyi is also a non-smoker—probably all fathers with daughters are like this.But this will take too long, Ai Zhixin can't bear it anymore, and now he just strolls to the small courtyard of the city hall to satisfy his hunger.

In the conference room, Wang and Liu, who were waiting for the boxed lunches, refilled their tea and started chatting.

"How is it?!" Wang Qiyi asked first.As for the whole matter of Nanyang Company, Wang Qiyi is actually more interested in watching the excitement—he is so devoted to his work in Guangzhou that many people forget that he is a cadre directly under the Central Government, and he came to the place to cooperate, not to belong to Liu Xiang .From his point of view, the whole thing is that the local faction has contributed people and supplies, and there is a high probability that it will only appear in the "thank you" when the merits are finally discussed, so he is not reconciled and wants to make a fuss.However, judging from his status directly under the central government, it doesn't matter how the two families quarrel. In the end, the profits will definitely go to the central government. what attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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