Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2394 Cold Food Vegetables

Chapter 2394 Cold Food Vegetables

The store is surrounded by shelves against the wall, and in the middle is a large long table with a glass lattice with a cover, each of which is filled with various goods.

The floors and walls here are rarely made of tiles, probably because they were just cleaned when the door was opened. The floors and walls are clean and shiny, and even the glass is spotless.

Due to limited packaging materials, most of the light industrial products and foods of the Senate are sold in large packages, which are easy to be contaminated in the terminal channels.So cleanliness has always been very important.

Both Chuhe and Pu Zhixian came from Jeju Island, and they were used to the style of Zhongyi Trading Company, so they didn't think there was anything unusual, but the local customers in the store were a little surprised - after all, the cleanliness brought by the tiles It was hard to find in the 17th century.

Chuhe looked at the products in the glass tray - not only was this branch larger than the Jeju branch, but the types and grades of its products were also much higher than that, which was probably due to the difference in market spending power.

Unlike Zichengji, the food and daily necessities sold by the former are targeted at the high-end crowd, with high premiums and exquisite packaging; most of the goods sold by Zhongyi Trading Company are for the middle and lower classes. Not only are there various types, but the prices are relatively affordable.

The reason why I say "relatively" is because the goods here are still unaffordable or can only be consumed occasionally for the real lower-level local people.

It would be great if we could get more cheap and high-quality goods from Nanyang, Chuhe thought.

Unlike the cold and popular outside, there are some customers lingering inside, choosing goods.The sound of talking and laughing and the clashing of dishes can also be heard upstairs, it seems that there are quite a few guests.

It seems that the commerce and goods of the Senate are still very attractive.Chuhe's heart is a little settled - as long as the Senate is still a gold-lettered signboard, it will naturally attract enough investors.

Almost all the clerks in the store are women-in the field of commercial retail, the employment principle of the enterprises under the Senate is to use women as much as possible as long as they are competent.Zhongyi Trading Company is no exception.They wore white inlaid jackets with brown stripes, black trousers, short brown aprons, and brown headscarves, exactly the same as the branch in Jeju Island.The only difference is that they speak Cantonese, not Newspeak.

Watching the female shop assistants greet customers, recommend products, weigh and pack... Chuhe suddenly remembered something, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Pu, how do you think they know that I am a veteran?"

Park Ji-hyun posted: "You always say 'look around' - it's not uncommon to speak new words, but this 'look around' is the wording of the chief."

"Is there such a thing?" Chuhe felt very strange.

"That's right." Park Zhixian nodded, "Although the chief and us naturalized people both speak Newspeak, there is still a big difference. First, the tone of the chief's Newspeak is accurate, and second, the words and sentences are also different from ours. "

"So that's the case." Chu He nodded repeatedly.

"In fact, there are other things. For example, when elders walk, men like to walk with their hands behind their backs, while women basically take big strides with their heads held high..." Pu Zhixian imitated the elders' walking posture, "And Even the expression, this expression, I can't learn it. The poor are evasive, the rich are supercilious, and the expressions and eyes of the chiefs are very different..." He imitated it.

Chuhe couldn't stop laughing, thinking that this summary is really good enough!He suddenly thought of Xiaopu's sister—she was also so clever, lively and interesting, and she was the most favored among his life secretaries.

"It's really you." Chuhe joked, "I think you should go to the repertory theater to be an actor."

"How can this be done? Then there will be no one to serve you old man, and besides, my sister won't worry if I'm not by your side..."

"Unexpectedly, you have a heavy responsibility." Chuhe joked.The originally worried mood was relieved, and he suddenly felt hungry—probably this assortment of food aroused his appetite.I saw the billboard of "Cold Food" hanging on the stairs on the first floor to attract business—although it is not a photo, the pattern drawn by a skilled painter is still very attractive.Unknowingly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Let's go upstairs and get something to eat."

"Chief, there is still dinner tonight..."

"You're the one who talks too much nonsense! Stand by and watch later!" After saying that, he lifted his feet and went upstairs.

Upstairs is the "catering department" of the trading company.The catering department of Zhongyi Trading Company also caters to the middle and lower class people, and belongs to the category of "fast food" and "snacks".

The furnishing of the catering department is completely in the style of a fast food restaurant, with small tables for two or four people, and the size of the chairs is also small, in order to maximize the use of space.Large menus adorn the walls, complete with illustrations and prices.Let customers come in at a glance.

Chuhe took Park Zhixian to the cashier counter and ordered a basic "cold food cold noodles".

"Do you want more meat?" the cashier asked.

"no need……"

Pu Zhixian couldn't help but said: "Chief, it's still winter..."

"What do you know, cold noodles are enjoyable only in winter." Chuhe said, "Do you want to eat? If you don't eat, just stand aside."

Park Zhixian had no choice but to say, "I want a bowl too."

The two chose a table to sit down, and Chuhe browsed the menu on the wall.In addition to cold noodles, there are also hot noodles, bibimbap, cold food pancakes, seaweed and fish rice cakes, cold food fried rice cakes... In another counter, there are more than a dozen large porcelain jars with glass lids , which contains a wide variety of "cold food and vegetables": mixed platycodon, dried tofu, sea hare, mixed assorted, konjac...

In fact, most of the dishes sold in the catering department of Zhongyi Trading Company are "Korean cuisine" from the old time and space.Although the Li Dynasty of this plane also has some high-end banquet dishes that are popular in the court and the two classes, they have not yet developed the familiar flavors of the old time and space-the representative Korean kimchi, because the pepper has not yet been introduced to the peninsula. The relationship is not the kind of taste that the elders are familiar with.

Chuhe knows that the dishes here are basically made by Dr. Zhong. Zhong Lishi is relatively good at making Korean-style food in the old time and space, and he also has some taste preferences-after all, his hometown is in Jilin.It was under his guidance that the veterans tasted the cold noodles, rice cakes, spicy fried rice cakes, spicy cabbage, and mixed vegetables that were often eaten in the old time and space...

However, the elders could not admit that these things came from the old time and space, so these foods that did not exist in this plane were called "Australian cold food"."Korean cuisine" in the original plane is called "cold food" in Lingao.Similar to fried chicken burgers called "Kaifeng dishes" in Lingao.

After a while, the waiter brought two bowls of "cold food cold noodles" to the table.The noodles are served in large bowls with a layer of kimchi on top.Chuhe took a sip of the soup, it was cold, but the taste was delicious - it was probably made of beef, and after eating it, it felt cool and refreshing.Then I ate another piece of kimchi, which was spicy, crisp, sour and sweet, and had a fruity aroma; the cold noodles slipped into my stomach without waiting for chewing.

"This side is really well done!" Chu He praised.Looking at Park Zhixian on the opposite side, he was also grunting happily.Can't help but smile.

Dr. Zhong's "invention" of "cold food and cold noodles" was experienced by Chuhe.After Jeju Island was occupied, he took advantage of the opportunity of building a new observatory to set up locations in Jeju.In his opinion, Jeju has excellent conditions for farming and animal husbandry.It is a good place for Zhongyi Trading Co., Ltd., which mainly produces and sells non-staple food.

So by building the observatory project, Dr. Zhong built a trading company in Jeju "by the way". Why is the doctor who can't hit the pole so keen on this.

Before the commercial company was completed, Dr. Zhong got into the kitchen of the former Jeju prison camp and began to develop "cold food dishes".

Chuhe, as a veteran stationed in Jeju, is also an "idleman", and he was the first to taste the "cold food and cold noodles" "invented" by Dr. Zhong.

It has to be said that Zhongji's cold noodles are better than all the cold noodles he had eaten in the old time and space, completely overturning his impression of Korean cold noodles.

Out of curiosity, he asked to see the making process of Korean cold noodles. Dr. Chung readily agreed, not only took him to the kitchen to watch, but also explained to him personally:
"A bowl of cold noodles may seem simple, but in fact there are many ingredients and it is very elegant to make. Authentic cold noodles are freshly pressed. After pressing, put them in the pot and cook them immediately. After they are cooked, they are served in bowls with ice balls. The cold noodles are cold on the outside and warm on the inside. They are soft and tough, and they will not form lumps after being left for an hour. Its main ingredient is buckwheat noodles, which are smooth and chewy. The disadvantage is that the taste is rough. It is mixed with some flour, and flour is a 'precious ingredient' at present, and the public cannot afford it if added. Fortunately, Jeju is the most suitable for growing potatoes, and it is the same when mixed with potato flour." Dr. Zhong pointed to Yun from Lingao The noodle press machine that came talked eloquently, "The soup base is also exquisite. Generally, beef soup is used—in fact, dog meat soup is more delicious—wash the large pieces of beef first, then put it into the pot, and add enough water at once. After boiling on high heat, skim off the froth, add soy sauce and refined salt, and simmer for three or four hours; then put the onion and carrot in a gauze bag, tie the mouth tightly, put it into the beef broth, and simmer for a while .Finally, remove the beef and the gauze bag and let it cool. The beef is sliced, and the carrots are cut into strips; It is essential, and you can choose one of apples, pears, watermelon slices or other seasonal vegetables. The top is decorated with yellow and white egg shreds, sprinkled with chili powder, poured with soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, and finally sprinkled with cooked sesame seeds. This becomes a bowl of authentic Korean cold noodles."

Chu He thinks it's no wonder he wants to come to Jeju Island to develop this "cold food dish". Besides Jeju Island, how can there be a stable supply of beef in other places!

(End of this chapter)

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