Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2395 Zhong Xiaoying's request

Chapter 2395 Zhong Xiaoying's request
"There is another trick here," said Dr. Chung, "the chilli noodles produced in Lingao usually contain a certain amount of salt. To make cold noodle soup saltier, add a lot of sugar instead of salt. The same is true for Korean food mix It’s the same principle: add more sugar instead of salt. You can also add crushed sesame seeds, crushed peanuts and other nut powders to the mix to increase the flavor.”

Chuhe took another sip of the soup, and sure enough, the soup had an obvious sweetness.Compared with the ones eaten in Jeju, it seems to have a stronger taste.I don't know if this taste can be accepted by Cantonese...

Looking at the business of the catering department, the attendance rate is about one-third, which is considered very good during this time period.But he noticed that most of the customers were naturalized people.In other words, this diet has not actually been accepted by the locals.

While thinking about the subject of "how to guide consumption", a waitress suddenly came to him and asked in a low voice, "are you the head of Chuhe Chu?"

Chuhe was taken aback, and Pu Zhixian immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at her vigilantly.

"I am."

"A guest wants to see you. I wonder if you can meet him?"

Chuhe thought to himself, this is my first time back to Guangzhou!And he is not familiar with most of the veterans in Guangzhou.Could it be that his reputation has already spread, and there are local aboriginal bosses rushing to flatter him, and also want to come to Nanyang Company?

It is not impossible to say that, after all, the veterans of places like Zhongyi Trading Company will definitely visit frequently, and they will always wait until they wait.

"Yes." Chuhe didn't hesitate.No matter what the other party's motivation is, as the leader of the Canton Stock Exchange in the future, it will be very useful for my future work to have extensive contact with local bigwigs.

"Please head to the box, the guests are waiting."

Pu Zhixian didn't care to wipe his mouth, and stopped him: "Chief, this is not safe, tell him to come and see you!"

Chuhe smiled: "You worry too much, this is the big world, the property of Dr. Zhong's family, what are you afraid of?" After that, he stood up and said, "Lead the way."

"Comrade, don't worry," the waitress smiled, "The box is upstairs."

Chuhe followed the waitress to a box on the third floor.As soon as he entered the box, he saw a long-haired girl wearing a woolen sundress and a thin woolen jacket sitting inside. Seeing him coming in, she immediately got up to greet him: she bowed deeply: "Uncle Chu."

Chu He was startled again, only looking at the girl's clothes and makeup, he thought it was the life secretary of some veteran, but the other party called him "uncle", which is not the name of life secretary or even naturalized people.The only people who can call him that are the little elders or the second generation of the Yuan Dynasty.

He has seen all the young elders in the Senate. As for the second generation of the Yuan Dynasty, the oldest one has not yet gone to elementary school, so it cannot be such a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

He couldn't help showing a vigilant look: "You are..."

"Don't uncle recognize me? I'm Zhong Xiaoying."

"Oh... so it's you." Chuhe suddenly realized, wondering how he forgot her!Speaking of which, Dr. Chung came to Jeju to inspect Seongsan, and she also came when the observatory was built.

"So it's Xiaoying." Chu He's face immediately relaxed, "I really..."

As the adopted daughter of Dr. Zhong, Zhong Xiaoying is quite well-known in the circle of young elders. Although she doesn't study in the Academy, she is familiar with most of the young elders and has frequent contacts.Among the adopted children of the elders, he is the one with the highest status and the most famous reputation.

"Uncle Chu is busy with work, and I haven't seen him for a long time. It's normal not to remember me." Zhong Xiaoying smiled, "Please sit down."

Compared with the innocent girl who was sixteen or seventeen years old in my impression, Zhong Xiaoying in front of me is much more mature, she looks like an adult.

Chuhe suddenly became suspicious: Dr. Zhong rarely cared about the mainland strategy, why did he suddenly send his adopted daughter to Guangzhou?At this time, Ms. Zhong must have a reason for coming to Guangzhou—could it be because of the Nanyang Company?Want Zhongyi Trading Company to step in?But there's no need to come to him specifically, buying shares is an aboveboard matter...

"My father sent me to Guangzhou this time to do a preliminary inspection of running a local school." Zhong Xiaoying seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and immediately explained, "By the way, I will also take care of the industry of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Please come Uncle Chu, it is me There is something I would like to ask you to do for me... To be honest, it was just a temporary idea I had when I saw Uncle Chu today."

"It's nothing, it's nothing. Dr. Zhong and I are old acquaintances in Jeju. If you need my help, just ask."

"I've only been in Guangzhou for a few days, and recently I heard that Uncle Chu is in charge of Nanyang Company's project..."

"Ahem, I have to explain this. Nanyang Company is a nearby project, and I'm not from Nanyang Company. I'm just in charge of raising funds and dealing in securities." Chu He quickly clarified.

"I think, since he is in charge of Nanyang Company's fundraising, he must be very familiar with Uncle Zhou."

"Yes, yes, very familiar." Chuhe understood as soon as he heard it that this little girl wanted to ask for help.

I am indeed "very familiar" with my surroundings, but this familiarity belongs to the not-so-pleasant kind of "familiarity".Chuhe naturally understands that even though the surroundings and the "seven elders" seem to be happy and intimate, it is hard to guarantee that there is some grudge in his heart.

But he didn't want to lose his "prestige" in front of the girl, so he immediately pretended to be graceful and said, "Is there anything you want me to tell the surroundings?"

"Yes," Zhong Xiaoying bowed her head and said, "Uncle Chu may not know that I have a sailing club with some girls from the academy..."

"Remember, remember." Chuhe immediately remembered the sensational Lingao incident that year, when Qian Duoduo and a few girls made a big splash, "You still have a boat called Xiaocang, right?"

Zhong Xiaoying raised her head in surprise: "Uncle Chu, do you know?"

"Of course I know." Chuhe enjoyed the girl's adoring eyes very much, "There are also Qian Duoduo, Zhang Yunmi..."

"Unexpectedly, Uncle Chu knows our club so well." Zhong Xiaoying's original sense of alienation disappeared immediately, "Since this is the case, I won't beat around the bush. There is a foreign girl in our club..."

This "foreign girl" is Sonia Lili Shapoor.Since the auction, she has become Lin Hanlong's life secretary.A year ago, Lingao became a museum, and Sonia officially worked in it. She also participated part-time in several expeditions to various islands in the coastal areas of the mainland, the whole island of Hainan and southern Taiwan.

"...Sonia heard that Southeast Asia will be officially developed. She is very interested and wants to participate in the action. But..." Zhong Xiaoying showed a embarrassed look on her face, "She doesn't know how to tell Uncle Lin."

"Lin Hanlong won't let her go?"

"That's not true. It's just that she feels that Uncle Lin is very magnanimous. He allows her to go out to work, and also allows her to participate in overseas inspections. She has been to many coastal islands and Taiwan Island. If she proposes to go to Southeast Asia now - it will take more than half a year to go. , I dare not speak anymore—she is still a slave after all..."

Chu He nodded: "I understand, you want people around to speak to Lin Hanlong, right?"

Zhong Xiaoying clapped her hands and laughed and said, "Uncle Chu, you are so smart! If Uncle Zhou said that the investigation is necessary, Uncle Lin would not object."

It's hard to say, kid!Chuhe thought, this Zhong Xiaoying is still too naive.Is the investigation of Hainan Island, southern Taiwan, and the large and small coastal islands the same thing as the investigation of Southeast Asia?Not to mention that the Southeast Asia expedition is very risky, Sonia's sailing skills are very good, what if she takes the opportunity to run away during the investigation, can the surroundings bear this responsibility?

If it's an ordinary life secretary, if he runs away, he will run away.The problem is that this girl is not only knowledgeable, but also smart and eager to learn. She has learned and accumulated a lot of new knowledge after working in the museum for several years. She is a very important assistant of Lin Hanlong.

If he really ran away or had any other accidents during the investigation, Lin Hanlong would be offended to death.

He thought for a moment and said: "It's not difficult, I'll go and talk to my surroundings."

"That's great. I'll thank you on Lili's behalf." Zhong Xiaoying didn't know the way inside, and clapped her hands happily, "Uncle Chu, you are so kind!"

"It's a little effort, don't be so polite." Chuhe felt guilty and laughed a few times, "I still have something to do, so I won't chat with you much..."

Zhong Xiaoying stopped him, and handed over a small porcelain jar with a rattan shell: "This is a nourishing ointment I made myself, and I added high-quality Korean ginseng and Liaodong deer antler in it, which is the most tonic. I heard from my father. You are overworked, thinking that this can nourish your body, don't be disgusted."

"Oh, this, you're too polite..." Chuhe felt his face burning hot, "You father and daughter are too polite, you deserve it, you deserve it." He quickly took the jar and got up and left.

Downstairs, Pu Zhixian was looking at him with his head probed, seeing him going downstairs, he immediately greeted him:
"Chief, are you okay..."

"Fart, what can I do?" Chuhe scolded, and handed the jar to him casually, "Take it!"

"I mean, it's nothing important." Park Zhixian took the jar and asked again.

"No no."

"Why is your face so red, sir?"

"Spirit... I just ate cold noodles and it was so hot!" Chu He was afraid that this guy would say something heart-warming again, "Let's go, let's go to Walnut Crisp's!"

The two left the Zhongyi Trading Company and walked along the road for a while, when the air suddenly filled with a strong aroma of baking.

"Chief, the one in front is the one." Park Zhixian reminded.

Taking a closer look, there is a wooden cover hanging on the door face of the front three or four rooms, engraved with two big characters of "Zhang Ji", and the slightly smaller characters below are "Cake Shop".There is another line of words next to it: "The main number is Nanhai County..." The next word Chuhe is unclear, and it seems to be the address of the main number, so as to indicate the "authentic" of his family.

(End of this chapter)

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