Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2396 Zhang Yu's Predicament

Chapter 2396 Zhang Yu's Predicament

Chuhe had heard about the owner of Zhang Ji Walnut Crisp for a long time. After Ren Youzi mentioned it to him, he knew more about Zhang Yu and his company's background.

Although it was too late to read financial reports and other in-depth background checks, he had already sketched the general image of this person and his company in his mind.

"The talent that can be created according to the times".

This is Chuhe's first evaluation to Zhang Yu.There is nothing unusual about Zhang Yu. In the final analysis, he has caught up with the "wind". To put it bluntly, he is a "pig riding the wind".

However, it is too simple to just "come into being".Thousands of people have been supported by the Senate, and these people have changed their destiny through this, but the vast majority of people have stopped here.In contrast, this little brother stepped on the rhythm of the Senate every step of the way-not to mention whether there was elder Hong's guidance behind this, this courage and insight is not something ordinary people have.

It's better to meet him than to be famous, let's go to his store and have a look.Even if you can't see anyone, at least you can see a thing or two from the shop.

Zhang Yu is currently in the main store of Great World.

Since he followed Zeng Juan's advice, he separated from his father and formed their own companies.His father's company stayed where it was, and continued to use the old signboard. It was still called "Zhang Ji Old Brand Bakery". .And he registered and established "Zhangji Food Co., Ltd.", purchased land outside the city and opened a factory to produce various packaged foods in a factory manner.It goes without saying that the main customer is the Senate.He also made the best use of the situation and set up the company's headquarters in the Dashijie store.

It can be said that everything he has comes from the gift of the Senate, and almost all his business is given by the Senate. "Closely following the Senate" is his guiding ideology for running the company. For this reason, he has to stay in the place closest to the Senate—in Guangzhou, this place is the big world.

Since it was the headquarters, he bought the upper and lower floors of the entire shop in one go.The first floor is the storefront, the second floor is the office and warehouse, and the third floor is the dormitory—in fact, most of his guys usually live in the dormitory of the big world instead of going home.

The parents' home has also moved to a new place. They bought the old house of a noble family. Because this family was involved in a kidnapping and murder case, the whole family was exiled to Kaohsiung and their property was confiscated.This house was "auctioned" by the special search team stationed in Guangzhou of the Planning Institute.

The newly bought mansion is not big, but it is exquisitely built, which is very suitable for Mr. Zhang and his wife.According to his father's thoughts, now that his son has established a business and bought a mansion, he should "get married"--the matchmakers who came to the door to propose marriage have almost stepped on the threshold, and there are many "high branches" that they never dared to dream of in the past home daughter.

But Zhang Yu is not in a hurry to find a wife. Firstly, he doesn't have such thoughts at the moment. Secondly, he and the daughter of the tofu shop have long been in love. marry someone else.In addition, the business was busy day by day, so this matter was left behind.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Yu's current situation is smooth and everything goes well.Not to mention that his walnut pastry shop is so popular in Guangzhou, all the dignitaries are proud to taste his dim sum.Just the newly built factories outside the city can produce goods without worrying about sales. As much as they produce, Australian cargo ships can transport as much.There are only ships waiting for goods, no goods waiting for ships.People inside and outside the city say that the Zhang family is now "making money every day".

Zhang Yu was not happy at all.He encountered the troubles that all fast-growing companies encounter.

The first is lack of people.That's right, Zhangji Foods has fallen into a serious "labor shortage".

Of course, he has no shortage of handymen who only need to work hard, what he lacks is "workers" and "managers"

Many new machines have been used in Zhangji Food Company.According to the views of the veterans of the machine shop, these equipments are not as good as those of the small food factories in the 90s, at best they are at the level of "black workshops".

But even half-mechanical and half-manual labor at the "black workshop" level requires training workers from scratch.The Lingao Machinery Factory that sold him the equipment naturally sent people to train him, but as soon as the training master Guihuamin left, he began to have a headache: the newly released operators did not have much practical experience, and they were not familiar with the operation process. Seems to understand.A lot of various accidents happened, the equipment was good or bad, it started and stopped.It is rarely possible to work at full capacity.The worker's injury also cost him a lot of soup and medicine.There were also a few who lost their fingers and broke their arms. They originally wanted to send some money back home, but Elder Hong said that "the influence is not good" and asked him to keep them in the farm and do some chores within his ability.

This is the second thing. In the past, Zhang Yu's family only opened an additional shop, and there were no more than two or three assistants and apprentices. Later, when the scale became larger, there were only a dozen or so assistants.The whole family can take care of it when they go into battle.Now his factory has more than 200 workers alone.There are several workshops, two or three warehouses, and tens of thousands of raw materials and finished products are imported and exported every day.There is a dearth of people in charge.

According to the practice of traditional enterprises, it is natural to appoint family members first, but Zhang Yu obviously cannot take care of his family members. First, his parents need to keep the old name, and second, Zhang's family is not prosperous and there are not many decent talents.His only uncle is a waiter in the teahouse, and the couple are also working for the old man. The next daughter, Zhang Ting, is very intelligent, but unfortunately there is only one. Now she is the accountant of Zhangji Foods, and at the same time, she also takes care of the old shop. The accounts are no longer in the same place.Besides, she is just a young girl who has not been out of the cabinet, and she can't show her face.

Zhang Yu's mother is not a local, so the uncle's family can't count on it. Although they wrote a letter asking them to "come to Guangzhou quickly", the journey is long and the war is chaotic, so they can't be counted on immediately.

This made Zhang Yu so busy that he wished he could spare some time.While producing in the factory, "running and leaking" at the same time.Zhang Yuming knew that the loss was serious, so he had to bite the bullet and support it to maintain production.Fortunately, Gao Ju wanted to win him over at this time, and helped him hire a few experienced stewards to overhaul the factory, so that the operation was roughly straightened out.

Second, there is a shortage of funds.

It is a good thing that Zhangji Food Company has received a large order from Lianqin.But financial pressure also comes with it.With the original financial resources of the Zhang family, it was impossible to accept an order of this scale.It was thanks to Hong Huangnan who helped him greet him at Delong Bank, and borrowed a large sum of money from the "Zhang's old shop" as collateral, that he had the start-up capital to buy land and equipment.

If the formal lending process is followed, the collateral for this loan is obviously unqualified.Even with Hong Huangnan's guarantee, both Yan Ming and Meng Xian were very hesitant.In the end, it was reported to Wen Desi, who made a decision on the special loan given in the name of "supporting private benchmark enterprises".

Such almost unsecured loans were issued several times before and after.The accumulated numbers have reached the point where Zhang Yu is afraid.

"What if the loan is not paid?" This idea has been circling in his mind recently.The orders from the joint logistics are getting bigger and bigger, and he has to constantly expand the scale, increase equipment, and hire more workers.There are also more and more accounts owed for the purchase of raw materials.

Every time Zhang Yu looked at the account book that Zhang Ting gave him, Zhang Yu felt that after working so hard for a long time, he didn't make any money except for a lot of receivables and payables and the ever-expanding factory.

Although the order given to him by Lianqin is very generous in cash and spot conditions, he can only get the payment after delivery.The production costs that food companies pay upfront are also staggering.Right now, the supply between him and his suppliers is still in accordance with the old rules of "three accounts".This somewhat relieved the financial pressure of Zhangji Food Company.But as the orders continued to increase, the suppliers also began to complain: they couldn't hold on—most suppliers had never encountered a customer of Zhang Ji's size.

In the past month, a lot of suppliers have come, either asking someone to talk about it, or visiting the door in person to ask in person, hoping that he can pay some bills properly.Some people begged so hard that they almost knelt down and kowtowed to him; some were regular customers in the store and asked their parents to ask for help; some went through Zeng Juan's door... In short The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.This made Zhang Yu very embarrassed.

For the sake of humanity and justice, Zhang Yu could not sternly reject it, so all parties could only deal with it a little bit, as a way to delay the attack.

After this set of delaying tactics, Zhang Ting gave him a very bad news. According to the existing delivery plan, receivables and payables, cash flow... Calculated, the Lunar New Year's Eve in 1636 will be very sad.

According to Zhang Ting's calculations, from now until New Year's Eve, there can be no more large expenditures, and the year-end dividends that were originally planned to be paid to employees on New Year's Eve have to be postponed until after the first month, so that Zhang Ji Food Company can just pay the full amount. Accounts payable and bank interest, so that there will be no big news about being unable to pay.

Although Zhang Yu came from a small business family, he fully understood the value of the word "credit".At the end of the year, because he had no cash on hand, Laodou would rather pawn his mother's jewelry and his long life lock to pay for the goods. He remembers these past events clearly.Old Dou said: As long as you have credit in doing business, you can survive even if you lose money.Once you lose your credit, you can't do anything.

But please don't pay any extra expenses.Zhang Yu prayed secretly in his heart.He really can't stand any more stimulation now.However, there are still one trouble after another. Yesterday, he just received a message from Gao Ju, saying that the newly established Nanyang Company of the Senate was preparing to raise shares and sell bonds, and asked him if he was interested in participating—if so, he probably planned to invest in it. How much money goes down, he holds it high and prepares so that he can count.

(End of this chapter)

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