Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2397 Visit of the Elder

Chapter 2397 Visit of the Elder
Zhang Yu had already read about Nanyang Company's IPO from the "Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce Weekly".The weekly newsletter comes out once a week, with free reinforcements for members, but most people just use it as a wrapping paper.But for businessmen like Zhang Yu, who already knew the senate's routines to some extent, this was an important window to understand the direction of the senate's policies.

The nature and function of Nanyang Company, raising shares, and issuing bonds have been reported in detail in weekly newspapers. Although Zhang Yu was a small businessman in the 17th century, such commercial and financial things as raising shares and issuing bonds are not modern inventions .Guangzhou in the Ming Dynasty also had its original version.Even in such a small shop as his old shop, there are neighbors who deposit money on the cabinet to collect interest-isn't this a bond issue?

Zhang Yu agreed with this matter very much. In his opinion, whatever the Senate did was right.Nanyang Company's stock offering and bond issuance is actually another huge "outlet"—yes, Zhang Yu has already been able to use these new words proficiently.

Going to Nanyang to make a lot of money is a consensus among Guangzhou citizens.After all, they have seen too much.However, going to Nanyang also means great risks. Many people never return, and some people come back by luck but are destitute for various reasons.Most people have neither the financial resources nor the courage to try.

Zhang Yu knew that the Australians themselves had made their fortunes as maritime merchants, and they had all kinds of large ships and heavy artillery.The money earned every year is like running water.To be able to rely on them to do business in Nanyang is to lie down and make money.Today, the opportunity to subscribe to the members of the Federation of Industry and Commerce is not only for fundraising, but also for recognition as "one of our own".

He understands the meaning of holding high: no matter stocks or bonds, he wants to coordinate with himself in terms of the number of subscriptions.Gao Ju is now the No. [-] businessman in Guangzhou under the Senate, and he is No. [-].Although the scale of his wealth is not even comparable to that of a little finger held high, his status is very high.When it comes to the number of subscriptions, it is natural to listen to his plan first, and then consider a reasonable amount to take into account his face.

If this kind of thinking is replaced by other people, it will naturally be useful--the problem is that Zhang Yu doesn't have any spare money in his hands, but it adds a lot of troubles.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for Gao Ju to tell Gao Ju that he didn't intend to subscribe?His kindness was in vain.Mr. Gao is now Zhang Yu's rare "friend" in the Guangzhou business district. He gives advice or helps solve many business issues.From all angles, he couldn't lose face.

Besides, as a "key private enterprise" supported by the Senate, and one of the 25 council members of the Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, I don't want to do anything about such a big project as the Senate. What is my intention?What kind of attitude do you want to express?

Thinking of this, his back felt cold.

It's too cold to be high.The young brother Zhang has already deeply experienced this feeling.

Where can I find a sum of money to be good!He thought to himself, feeling that he had never thought about worrying about money like this before—even before he was rich, he wouldn't be unable to sleep because of it.

This morning, I went to the factory for a routine walk, and checked the situation by the way.After listening to the reports from the stewards, everything in the factory is normal.He also breathed a sigh of relief and came back to the shop.

Although the store's signboard is the name of Zhang Ji's old shop, it is not his company in theory.But the fact that he is the young owner of Zhang Ji Old Shop is real in the minds of ordinary Guangzhou citizens.So he often shows up in the store, greets customers, and asks customers for their opinions.One is to express that the company "does not dare to forget its roots", and the other is to solicit feedback from customers on the products - now that the production volume of products is high, and many new varieties have been launched, it is necessary to have first-hand feedback.

Zhang Yu has been helping in the store since he was a child, and he is most familiar with the routine of welcoming and delivering. He is handsome and sweet.It has brought a lot of good luck to my shop.In particular, after he became prosperous, he would go to the store to greet customers from time to time, which won the favor of many people.

There were few customers in the afternoon, and Zhang Yu was sorting out the running account behind the counter, when he suddenly heard a call from a waiter, and when he looked up, two customers came in.One tall and one short, both of them have short hair and short hair.The short guy walked in front, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a briefcase in his hand, and the tall guy followed behind. He had fair skin and was about 30 years old. He seemed in a good mood.

At first glance, it looks like "eating Australian food".Zhang Yu didn't dare to neglect, and quickly put down the ledger.

Looking at the expressions and demeanor of the two, he immediately decided that the tall man was a "veteran".This is not only reflected in his expression and posture, but also his clothing: it seems to be similar to the short man's style, but the materials and tailoring are obviously not of the same grade.

It is not uncommon for Zhang Yu to see and shop the elders in the shop. After all, Zhang's walnut cake is famous, and the elders also want to see it with their own eyes and taste it.

But the more people came, Zhang Yu became more careful.He kept in mind the teaching of Lao Dou: "One hundred people, one heart".Elder Hong and the others think highly of themselves, but they are not sure what the other elders are thinking.So he gave a death order in the store, all the guests who come here must be treated attentively, and no guests are allowed to belittle the guests.

Since he was a veteran who came here, he was even more careful, and hurriedly greeted him personally, bowing and saying, "Welcome to Zhangji Dim Sum Shop, what do you want to order?"

The elder didn't answer right away, he looked at the whole store before saying, "I'll just take a look."

This is more and more serious about the identity of the veteran.Zhang Yu has been in touch with the elders a lot, and knows that the elders have different temperaments, but they are very similar in one thing, everyone tries to show that their city is deep.Therefore, they tend to speak very briefly, and rarely express their views in public.

He immediately responded: "Yes, yes, please say hello again if you need anything."

Chu He scanned the inside of the store, and found that the decoration style here was very similar to that of Zhongyi Trading Co. - nine out of ten it was contracted by the same construction company.But the decoration is a little more elegant.The counter next to the wall and the display table in the middle of the store are all made of glass food jars with glass lids. There are all kinds of snacks, biscuits and candies inside. It smells like the 80s Yili Food Company in a trance.

Seeing so many varieties, Chu He was a little hesitant - he wanted to try it, but he didn't know which one was the most famous walnut cake. He was about to ask, but Zhang Yu had already answered the question.

"Chief, if you are not sure, you can try the taste first." After saying that, he brought a large lacquer tray over by himself.

The lacquer tray is rectangular and large.The upper door is divided into many small grids, and each grid has a number of pieces of snacks and candies.As soon as you approach it, it is sweet and fragrant, and there is a rich aroma mixed with spices and dairy products.

Chu He smiled and said, "Your family has quite a few varieties!" He didn't pick up the toothpick immediately, but asked again, "I've heard that your family's walnut cakes are very famous, which one is it?"

Zhang Yu hurriedly put down the plate, pointed out, and said, "These boxes are our store's signature walnut crisps, which come in three flavors: original, salt and pepper, and sesame candy."

Chuhe picked up a toothpick and ate a few slices—to be honest, although the taste was good, this kind of food with heavy oil, sugar and seasoning was not delicious to people in the old time and space.

But he still showed a smile and praised: "It's delicious!" After that, he said to Park Zhixian who was already showing his greedy face: "You have a taste too."

Park Zhixian was waiting for this sentence, and immediately picked up the toothpick and started to eat, even saying: "It's delicious!"

Chu He said: "The walnut cakes of these three flavors each come in two catties. I want to travel a long way, and the packaging should be firmer."

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "Chief, please rest assured that the store has special travel packaging, wooden box packaging rattan coat, and paper inside, even if the car and boat are bumpy, it will still be intact when you get home..."

Chuhe smiled and said, "Do you know that I am the elder?"

"As soon as the chief enters the door, the younger ones will know. How can the chief's bearing and demeanor be that ordinary people can have..."

"Okay, okay, stop flattering." Although flattery is low-level, it sounds good.At this time, Chuhe looked him up and down, and said, "You are Zhang Yu, the young boss here, right?"

"I don't dare to use the words "Shaodong's family". The youngest is Zhang Yu."

"What small and big ones, you have shaved your head and wore our Australian costumes, why do you still talk like this?"

"Yes, yes, I am Zhang Yu." Zhang Yu said in his heart that the boss's routine is the same!But when every strange veteran came, he would call himself "little one", firstly to show humility, and secondly, there were chiefs who said that they didn't like it, but actually enjoyed this tone very much.

Seeing the old Chu Yuan looking around, Zhang Yu immediately greeted him again: "Sir, please sit on the second floor and wait for me to serve tea."

Chuhe originally wanted to have a chat with the benchmark private entrepreneur of the Senate, so he immediately said: "Okay, I also wanted to chat with you." After speaking, he said to Park Zhixian who was "tasting": "You Taste them all, and bring some to your sister if you find something delicious."

Pu Zhixian said: "Sister likes to eat sweets! I think it's appropriate to buy a pound of everything..."

Chuhe laughed and said, "Are you going to feed your sister into a pig? She has gained a lot of weight these days!"

Zhang Yu laughed along and said that Chuhe welcomed him into the reception room on the second floor.This is where he specially entertains guests and negotiates business. The decoration is also done in the "Australian style".Although we didn't get any authentic "Australian leather/fabric sofas", the full house of Australian rattan living room furniture is the first in Guangzhou.

Because it is winter, there are hand-embroidered cotton cushions on the rattan sofa, which is very comfortable to sit on.Chu He looked at the reception room, and saw a plaque with gold characters on a black background hanging on the wall, with eight words written on it: Be a real person and operate with sincerity.On the other side of the wall, there were four posters: "Start a New Life Movement!" "" Epidemic prevention and eradication of rodents is everyone's responsibility" "Strictly prevent spies! "Active the market to meet the needs of the people".

(End of this chapter)

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